Aboriginal Torres Straight Islander history and culture- FOUNDATION LEVEL ENGLISH YEAR LEVEL ENGLISH STRANDS ENGLISH SUBSTRANDS ELEMENT CODE SUB-STRAND ELEMENT ELABORATION GENERAL CAPABILITIES ELEMENT LINK 0F LANGUAGE Language variation and change (ACELA1426) Understand that English is one of many languages spoken in Australia and that different languages may be spoken by family, classmates and community (ACELA1426) learning that different languages exist; discussing the various languages encountered in the community and at school; acknowledging the home languages of students who speak another language, and valuing the ability to speak more than one language Intercultural understanding http://www.a ustraliancurri culum.edu.a u/Elements/ ACELA1426 0F LITERATURE Literature and context (ACELT1575) Recognise that texts are created by authors who tell stories and share experiences that may be similar or different to students’ own experiences (ACELT1575) Intercultural understanding, Literacy , Personal and social competence http://www.a ustraliancurri culum.edu.a u/Elements/ ACELT1575 0F LITERATURE Examining literature (ACELT1785) Recognise some different types of literary texts and identify some characteristic features of literary texts, for example beginnings and endings of traditional texts and rhyme in poetry (ACELT1785) recognising that there are storytellers in all cultures viewing stories by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander storytellers from online sources comparing experiences depicted in stories with students’ own engaging with texts that reflect the social and recognising cultural patterns of storytelling, for example ‘Once upon a time’, ‘A long, long time ago’, ‘Before the Dreamtime…’ Intercultural understanding, Literacy http://www.a ustraliancurri culum.edu.a u/Elements/ ACELT1785 0F LITERACY Interacting with others (ACELY1650) Use comprehension strategies to understand and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently (ACELY1650) talking about the meanings in texts listened to, viewed and read visualising elements in a text (for example drawing an event or character from a text read aloud) providing a simple, correctlysequenced retelling of narrative texts relating one or two key Critical and creative thinking , Literacy http://www.a ustraliancurri culum.edu.a u/Elements/ ACELY1650 MATHEMATICS YEAR LEVEL MATHEMAT ICS STRANDS MATH SUBSTRANDS ELEMENT CODE ELEMENT ELABORATION GENERAL CAPABILITIES ELEMENT LINK 0F Number and Algebra Number and place value (F-8) (ACMNA004) Represent practical situations to model addition and sharing (ACMNA004) Critical and creative thinking http://www.a ustraliancurri culum.edu.a u/Elements/ ACMNA004 0F Statistics and Probability Data representati on / interpretatio n (F-10) (ACMSP011) Answer yes/no questions to collect information (ACMSP011) using a range of practical strategies for adding and subtracting small groups of numbers, such as visual displays or concrete materials using Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander methods of adding and subtracting, including spatial patterns and reasoning posing questions about themselves and familiar objects and events representing responses to questions using simple displays, including grouping students according to their answers using data displays to answer simple questions such as ‘how many students a Literacy http://www.a ustraliancurri culum.edu.a u/Elements/ ACMSP011 SCIENCE YEAR LEVEL SCIENCE STRANDS SCIENCE SUBSTRANDS ELEMENT CODE ELEMENT ELABORATION GENERAL CAPABILITIE S ELEMENT LINK 0F Science Understandi ng Earth and space sciences (ACSSU00 4) Daily and seasonal changes in our environment, including the weather, affect everyday life (ACSSU004) linking the changes in the daily weather to the way we modify our behaviour and dress for different conditions, including examples from different cultures investigating how changes in the weather might affect animals such as pets, animals that hibernate, Intercultural understanding, Personal and social competence http://www.aus traliancurriculu m.edu.au/Ele ments/ACSSU 004 HISTORY YEAR LEVEL HISTORY TOPIC HISTORY SUBSTRAND ELEMENT CODE ELEMENT ELABORATION GENERAL CAPABILITIE S ELEMENT LINK HISTORY KEY QUESTIO NS 0-F Personal and Family Histories Knowledge and Understandi ng (ACHHK0 02) The different structures of families and family groups today, and what they have in common (ACHHK002) •considering a range of family structures, (for example nuclear families, only child families, large families, single parent families, extended families, blended families, adoptive parent families and grandparent families) as well as kinship groups, tribe Critical and creative thinking , Intercultural understanding. , Personal and social competence http://www.aus traliancurriculu m.edu.au/Ele ments/ACHHK 002 0-F Personal and Family Histories Knowledge and Understandi ng (ACHHK0 03) How they, their family and friends commemorate past events that are important to them (ACHHK003) •making a calendar of commemorative events that students, their family and friends celebrate, (for example birthdays, religious festivals (such as Easter, Ramadan, Buddha day, feast of Passover), family reunions and community commemorations (NAIDOC week, Intercultural understanding. , Numeracy , Personal and social competence http://www.aus traliancurriculu m.edu.au/Ele ments/ACHHK 003 0-F Personal and Family Histories Knowledge and Understandi ng (ACHHK0 04) How the stories of families and the past can be communicated, for example through photographs, artefacts, books, oral histories, digital media, and museums (ACHHK004) •engaging with the oral traditions, painting and music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and recognising that the past is communicated through stories passed down from generation to generation •sharing the story of an object from home, desc Critical and creative thinking , Intercultural understanding. , Literacy , Personal and social competence http://www.aus traliancurriculu m.edu.au/Ele ments/ACHHK 004 Key inquiry questions What is my history and how do I know? What stories do other people tell about the past? How can stories of the past be told and shared? Key inquiry questions What is my history and how do I know? What stories do other people tell about the past? How can stories of the past be told and shared? Key inquiry questions What is my history and how do I know? What stories do other people tell about the past? How can stories of the past be told and shared?