Tips for using this site

Turfgrass Resource Guide
Golf Course Superintendents
By: David Ochs
Table of Contents:
Information about the guide
Turfgrass Science Databases
Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Audience/ Purpose ……………………………………………………………………………..3
Reader Assumptions……………………………………………………………………………3
Tips for using the Guide……………………………………………………………………..3
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications…………………………………………………….4
Statistical Abstract of the United States………………………………………………………..5
Turfgrass Information File…………………………………………………………………………….6
Applied Turfgrass Science …………………………………………………………………………….7
General Information Sites
Superintendent Magazine …………………………………………………………………………8
United State Golf Association ……………………………………………………………………9
Penn State Center for Turfgrass Science …………………………………………………...10
Information About the Guide
This guide features a wide variety of websites which Superintendents would find useful.
It has links to both Federal and private sector websites that in turn provide the reader
with a broad range of information. Superintendents’ will also find links to magazines to
read either for leisure or professional reasons. All sources used are credible and all
studies completed by members of academia.
Audience/ Purpose:
This publication is intended for Golf Course Superintendents but could also be used by
other members of the golf industry who have prior knowledge about turfgrass. The
information presented would require the reader to have broad knowledge about the
golf industry. The purpose of this document is to provide the reader with resources
when he/she is faced with a situation they have never encountered. There are also links
that will provide insight about a new concept a superintendent might be looking to
This guide assumes that the reader has either received formal classroom education
about Turgrass Science or has been in the industry for 10+ years and has a complete
understanding about turf. Many of the articles presented in this publication are geared
towards the industry professional looking to either research a topic in-depth or read
other superintendent testimonials.
The reader should have a basic understanding about how to surf the internet. They
should also be familiar with basic website navigation.
The reader should have a Penn State Access account to enter certain data bases
Tips for using the guide:
Use the table of contents when looking for a specific link. Read the respective abstract
and tips before clicking on the link. This will ensure that the reader click on the correct
link and has background information on how to navigate the website.
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
Reasons to use this site:
The most comprehensive catalog of publications covering topics from A-Z
Provides historical and current data from reputable sources
Free for anyone to use
Includes descriptive records for historical and current publications and provides direct
links to those that are available online for a variety of topics. Users can search by authoring
agency, title, subject, and general key word, or click on "Advanced Search" for more options.
The website also provides an option to check out the publication at a local Federal Depository
Library. When entering a broad topic in the search menu, the amount of results might be
overwhelming, so try using the “Advanced Search” to narrow down your search results.
Title: Improving soils for turfgrass production in Appalachia ... annual report
Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
Online Access:
This article explores the use of agricultural and municipal by-products in relation to
making soil modifications. The annual report is published in cooperation with West Virginia
State University. When viewing the article, the reader has the option to browse more current
years for updates about the project.
Tips for using this site
 Use the search bar to enter key words to search
 Try only entering one word if a specific phrase is not found
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Reasons to use this site:
Provides quantitative data from courses across the United States
Documents are laid out in a reader friendly format
The Statistical Abstract of the United States, published since 1878, is the authoritative and
comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the
United States. Sources of data include the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of
Economic Analysis, and many other Federal agencies and private organizations. This is a great
source to gain a more thorough understanding of statistics across the nation. A useful abstract
to Superintendents is labor statists relative to course size and payroll.
Tips for using this site:
Know what you want to search for; the many tabs and sub-menus can seem over whelming
and slow down the search
If you do not find what you originally searched for, try clicking on the tab with the broadest
scope related to your original search
Turfgrass Information Center
Reasons to use this site:
 The most comprehensive data base strictly about turfgrass science
 Contains thousands of research articles by leading universities
A specialized unit at the Michigan State University Libraries, the Turfgrass Information Center
contains the most comprehensive publicly available collection of turfgrass educational
materials in the world. The TIC is sponsored by the USGA and MSU and has the most prominent
professional contributing originations in the world. This is a great resource for Superintendents
throughout the world due to its comprehensive data base, with European and Central American
cooperating agencies. The database monitors over 1,100 journals and magazines, research
reports, and conference proceedings. It is hands down the best data base for Turfgrass Science.
It includes research on topics from soil improvements to weed management and greens
construction to mowing heights.
Tips for using this site:
Since the TIC contains so many articles, be very specific when searching for a topic to
narrow down results
Applied Turfgrass Science
Reasons to use this site:
Contains peer reviewed journals and scientific studies
Research is geared towards the practicing turfgrass professional i.e. golf course
Original research is peer-reviewed and published in this electronic journal dedicated to
providing timely information to the turfgrass industry through research, review, and
informational articles. The articles encompass a wide variety of topics relevant to the golf
course superintendent, but focuses on research related to practicing turfgrass professionals.
This information could be crucial to use in an upcoming meeting with members of your club by
providing quality research. Superintendents come across many problems while on the job, and
this site provides information need to help solve that tough problem
Tips fo using this site:
Click on the journal currently displayed on the home page to display a list level
Since the journal is a series, it can be difficult to find specific articles without the
chronological information
Try using a broad search to find a list of articles
Superintendent Magazine
Reasons to use this site:
 A great place to find leisure reading that has a professional undertone
 In depth, step by step articles about useful topics
This website is an excellent starting place for the golf course professional looking for a specific
article or just a general range of topics. This magazine has many columns and articles written by
industry professionals and members of academia. This is also a valuable resource due to the
surveys presented in each issue, giving other superintendents a nation-wide perspective on a
variety of topics. Common topics include budget allocations, irrigation techniques and
fertilization practices. Since the Turfgrass industry is very new and ever changing, this website
is a great place to find new research and cutting edge technology. It is also an outstanding
location for superintendents to do some leisure reading and learn something useful in the
Tips for using the site:
If looking for a specific article, use the search bar
General browsing on the site it recommended to stumble across articles one was not
looking for
United States Golf Association
Reasons to use this site
The USGA are the true industry authorities. They have done extensive research both in
the field and in the lab. Their long history validates their methods and reasoning.
It is a great over all website because it has the rules of golf and course maintenance
information all in the same place.
The USGA was the first agency to set forth standards for all aspects of Turfgrass Science.
They provide cutting edge research by industry experts and are the foremost authority on
everything from greens construction to weed management programs. Since the USGA
covers both management of a golf course and the rules of golf, they ensure
Superintendents maintain the course according to USGA rules. With their extensive staff
and cooperating courses, they have studies to back their methodology and reasoning. The
USGA also publishes many articles throughout the year and updates research and manuals
every 10 years.
Tips for using this site
When on the home page, locate the course maintenance tab and click on it
Look through the drop down menus for an overview of topics in that particular section
Penn State Center for Turfgrass Science
Reasons to use this site:
Penn State provides a wide range of services from presenting research to information
about degree programs
This site provides a number of resources such as directing the reader to local and nationwide
turfgrass organizations. For any Penn State alumni, this is a great way to meet other alumni in
the Golf Course world and reconnect. Since PSU is leading the pack in turfgrass science, you can
find new research from PSU professors as well as other universities. The site also has a news
section, which is used for turgrass science topics related to PSU. This is a great site for
Superintendents as well as the general public that might have specific questions. The site will
direct you to a local extension where it can be answered in person.
Tips for using the site:
Begin by taking some time on the home page to become knowledgeable about the resources
the site provides
Take some time just looking around all the different pages, you might find something interesting