2016 Small Stock Department

Small Stock Department
Superintendent: Jocelyn Fults 928-445-0538
All EXPO General Rules and Regulations apply. Read Carefully!
Small Stock: Ownership/Entry May 7, 2016 9am-12pm at Prescott Frontier Rodeo Grounds
(Animals not Tagged or Banded are to be brought to Entry for Tagging and Banding)
Signed and completed Entry Form, one form for each animal
Legible SIDE Color Photo of animal with exhibitor
Bill of Sale, or Lease Agreement for all Breeding
Current Quality Assurance certificate #
Entry Fee of $5.00, payable to “Yavapai County 4H/FFA EXPO” for each animal entered
After 3 entries of $5.00 each price will be $3.00 per entry
Signed and completed Entry Form, one form for each animal.
ALL EXPO EXHIBITORS will pay a $25.00 clean-up fee(*one fee per participant) In efforts to get more
help with set-up and tear-down this fee will NOT be reimbursed unless a minimum of 4 hours of tear-down
hours are met.
All EXPO General Rules and Regulations apply. Read Carefully!
Department Rules
1. NATIONAL Show Ring Code of Ethics will apply to this and all departments – Please Read
2. All exhibitors participating in conformation classes must also compete in the corresponding
showmanship classes. (Conformation will be held in show ring on table.)
3. Exhibitors must show their own animals.
4. Care and preparation of the animals is the responsibility of the exhibitor. (See National Show Ring
Code of Ethics)
4H members’ project and they are to care for their animals. ALL ANIMALS ARE TO BE FEED
7. ALL MARKET animals that go to auction MUST be weighed by 4:00pm Wednesday Check-in.
*The Superintendent may dismiss any exhibitor for non-compliance.
Division A – Rabbits
Division Rules
1. Rabbits must be tattooed in the left ear corresponding to number listed on the entry form.
2. Rabbits will be examined at check-in for signs of external parasites, abscesses, snuffles, sore
hocks, and diarrhea. Affected animals must be removed at once from the show area.
3. Rabbit Meat Pens, Pet Rabbits, and Doe and Litter are not eligible for Best in Show award.
4. Structural deformities including, but not limited to, malocclusion and/or extremely poor physical
condition as determined by the judge, will result in a White Ribbon award.
Class - 1 - Breeds Maturing Under 8 Pounds (Incl. Rex)
Note: If four (4) or more rabbits are entered within a breed, that breed will be classed
American Fuzzy Lop, American Sable, Angora (English), Angora (French), Angora (Satin),
Belgian Hare, Britannia Petite, Chinchilla (Std), Dutch, Dwarf Hotot, English Spot, Florida White,
Harlequin, Havana, Himalayan, Jersey Wooly, Lilac, Lop (Holland) Lop (Mini), Mini Rex, Mini
Satin, Netherland Dwarf, Polish, Rex, Rhinelander, Silver, Silver Martin, Tan, Thrianta
510. Senior Buck (Over 6 mos.)
511. Senior Doe (Over 6 mos.)
512. Junior Buck (Under 6 mos.)
513. Junior Doe (Under 6 mos.) –
*Must meet min. weight requirement per the ARBA Standard of Perfection
Class - 2 - Breeds Maturing Over 8 Pounds (Except Rex)
Note: If four (4) or more rabbits are entered within a breed, that breed will be classed
American, Angora (Giant) Beveran, California, Champagne D’Argent, Checkered Giant, Chinchilla
(American), Chinchilla (Giant), Cinnamon, Crème d’Argent, Flemish Giant, Hotot, Lop (English),
Lop(French), New Zealand, Palomino, Satin, Silver Fox
514 Senior Buck (Over 8 mos. old)
515. Senior Doe (Over 8 mos. old)
516. 6 - 8 mos. Buck
517. 6 – 8 mos. Doe
518. Junior Buck (Under 6 mos.)
519. Junior Doe (Under 6 mos.)
Class - 3 - Meat Rabbits
Limit One Lot/Pen Per Exhibitor.
520. Rabbit Meat Pen (Fryers 3 rabbits, 3 to 5 lbs. each, 8 to 10 wks. old)
521. Fryer (3 to 5 lbs. 1 rabbit) Fryers may be cross-breed or pure-breed. Age limit not over
10 weeks old. Fryers may not be a part of a meat pen.
522. Roaster (see Roaster weight requirements) only Commercial Type (Class D) rabbits as
defined by the American Rabbit Breeders Association will be accepted. All rabbits are to
be not less than 6 months nor more than 8 months of age.
*All roasters must be ear tattooed.
Roaster Weight Requirements
Crème D’Argent, Palomino, Californian
7.25 - 9.5
7.5 - 9.5
Cinnamon, Silver Fox
7.5 – 10
7.25 – 10
Champagne D’Argent
8 – 10.5
New Zealand, American Chinchilla
8 – 11
French Lop
8 – 12
Min. Weight = 80% of ideal weight of Sr. Buck
Max. Weight = Intermediate Weight of Doe
There will not be deviation from these “dry weight” standards at weigh-in time. Roaster ages are
based on the stewed class classification as defined in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
Class 4 - Pet Rabbit
Open to members in the Rabbit Project who do not have a rabbit entered under any other lot
number and whose rabbit does not fit any breed classification.
Class 5 - Doe and Litter
Doe and litter (4 weeks to 8 weeks of age). This division is judged based on the relative condition of
the doe and the uniformity and condition of the litter. Bunnies entered in Doe and Litter classes
ARE NOT eligible for meat pen competition or Best in Show Award.
523 Doe and Litter - Large Breeds (weight of doe 13 lbs. and up)
524 Doe and Litter - Medium Breeds (weight of doe 9 -12 lbs.)
525. Doe and Litter - Light Breeds (weight of doe 6 - 8 lbs.)
526. Doe and Litter - Minis & Dwarfs (weight of doe 5 lbs. and under)
Division B - Cavies
Division Rules
1. Must be ear-tagged in the left ear and correspond to entry form.
2. Cavies will be examined at check-in for signs of external parasites, abscesses, snuffles, sore
hocks, and diarrhea. Affected animals must be removed at once from the show area.
3. Structural deformities including, but not limited to, malocclusion and/or extremely poor
physical condition as determined by the judge, will result in a White Ribbon award.
Class 1- Abyssinian
Class 2 – Abyssinian Satin
Class 3 – American
Class 4 – American Satin
Class 5 – Coronet
Class 6 – Peruvian
Class 7 – Peruvian Satin
Class 8 – Silkie
Class 9 – Silkie Satin
Class 10 – Teddy
Class 11 – Teddy Satin
Class 12 – Texel
Class 13 – White Crested
527. Senior Boar (Over 6 mos. or over 32 oz.)
528. Senior Sow (Over 6 mos. or over 32 oz.)
529. Intermediate Boar (Up to 6 mos. or 22 - 31 oz.)
530. Intermediate Sow (Up to 6 mos. or 22 - 31 oz.)
531. Junior Boar (Up to 4 mos. or 12 - 21 oz.)
532. Junior Sow (Up to 4 mos. or 12 - 21 oz.)
Class 14 – Sow and Litter
Sow and Litter (4 weeks – 8 weeks of age) this class is to be judged on the relative condition of the sow
and the uniformity and condition of the litter. Cavies entered in the Sow and Litter Class is not eligible
for Best in Show
Division C – Poultry
Poultry Division Rules
1. All poultry must be leg-banded with numbers corresponding to those on the entry form.
2. Classes will be set according to sub-divisions; i.e., A-1, A-2, B-1, C-3, etc.
3. Birds may be examined at check-in for external parasites. Infested birds must be removed
at once from the show area.
4. Meat Pens, or other market birds, Laying Hen, and Pet Poultry are not eligible for Best in
Show award.
5. All birds, Classes 3-17 Must be at least 6 months of age. Broiler Pens, Market Geese,
Market Turkeys, and Market Ducks excluded.
Class -1: Market Meat Chickens
Lot - 1: Pen of 3 (Not over 8 weeks old)
Lot - 2: Fryer (1 Chicken) (Not a Part of a Meat Pen)
Lot (For All Class 3-17)
501. Cock (Birds over 1 year)
502. Hen (Birds over 1 year)
503. Cockerel (Birds under 1 year)
504. Pullet (Birds under 1 year)
Class - 3: Poultry – American Class
Plymouth Rocks, Dominiques, Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island White, Buckeyes,
Chanteclers, Jersey Giants, Lamonas, New Hampshires, Hollands, Delawares, Javas
Class - 4: Poultry – Asiatic Class
Brahmas, Cochins, Langshans
Class - 5: Poultry – English Class
Dorkings, Redcaps, Cornish, Orpingtons, Sussex, Austrlorps
Class - 6: Poultry – Mediterranean Class
Leghorns, Minorcas, Andalsuans, Anconas, Sicilian Buttercups, Catalanas, Spanish
Class - 7: Poultry – Continental Class
Hamburgs, Campines, Lakenvelders, Barnevelders, Welsummers, Bearded Polish, Non-Bearded Polish,
Houdans, Faverolees, Crevecoeurs, La Fleche
Class - 8: Poultry – All Other Standard Breeds Class
Modern Games, Old English Game, Malays, Sumatras, Aseels, Shamos, Yokohamas, Phoenix,
Cubalayas, Sultans, Frizzles, Naked Necks, Araucanas, Ameraucanas
Class - 9 Poultry – Game Bantam Class
Modern, Old English
Class - 10 Poultry – Poultry Single Comb Clean Legged Other Than Game and Bantam Class
Anconcs, Andalusians, Australorps, Catalanas, Campines, Delawares, Dorkings, Dutch, Frizzles,
Hollands, Japanese, Javas, Jersery Giants, Lakenvelders, Lamonas, Leghorns, Minorcas, Naked Necks,
New Hampshires, Orphingtons, Phoenix, Plymounth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Spanish, Sussex
Class - 11 Poultry – Rose Comb Clean Legged Bantam Class
Anconas, Belgian Bearded, d’Anders, Dorkings, Dominques, Hamburgs, Leghorns, Minorcas, Red Caps,
Rhode Islands, Rosecombs, Sevrights, Wyandottes
Class - 12 Poultry – All Other Combs Clean Legged Bantam Class
Ameraucanas, Araucanas, Buckeyes, Chanteclers, Cornish, Crevecoeurs, Cubalayas, Houdans,
LaFleche, Malays, Polish, Shamos, Sicilian Buttercups, Sumatras, Yokohamas
Class - 13 Poultry – Feather Legged Bantam Class
Booted, Brahams, Cochins, Faverolees, Frizzles, Langshans, Silkies, Sultans
Class - 14 Poultry – Exotic – Pheasants, Quail, Other (Judged in Cages)
Class - 15 Poultry – Trio – 1 Rooster, 2 Hens of the same breed
Class - 16 Poultry – Laying Hen – any breed
Class - 17 Poultry – Pet -Open to Members in the Poultry Project who do not have a poultry animal entered
under any other Class number and whose poultry does not fit any breed classification.
**Note: If Entering a Poultry, you must compete in Poultry Showmanship: Novice, Junior, & Senior Division
Division D – Waterfowl
Class for all Waterfowl Lots
501. Old Gander, Old Drake (Birds over 1 year)
502. Old Duck, Old Goose (Birds over 1 year)
503. Young Drake, Young Gander (Birds under 1 year)
504. Young Duck, Young Goose (Birds under 1 year)
Lot - 1:Market Ducks (Must be 4-7 Months Old)
Lot - 2 - 5 are for Conformation and Showmanship Only not for sale
Lot - 2: Heavy Duck : Pekin, Aylesbury, Rousen, Moscovy
Lot - 3: Medium Duck : Cayuga, Crested, Buff, Swedish
Lot - 4: Light Duck : Runner, Campbell
Lot - 5: Bantam Duck : Call, East Indian, Mallard, Treeduck, Pochard, Mandarin, Ring Tail, Ruddy,
Rajah, Chiloe, Australian Spot Bluehead, Wood, European Shell, Eyton Tree, Pintail
Lot – 6: Market Geese (Must be 4-7 months old)
Lot - 7 - 9 are for Conformation and Showmanship Only not for sale
Lot - 7: Heavy Geese: Toulouse, Embden, African, Pilgrim
Lot - 8: Medium Geese: Sevastopol, American, Pomeranian
Lot - 9: Light Geese: Chinese, Tufted, Canada, Egyptian
Division E – Turkey
Class for lots
501. Old Tom (Birds over 1 year)
502. Old Hen (Birds over 1 year)
503. Young Tom (Birds under 1 year)
504. Young Hen (Birds under 1 year)
Lot - 1: Market Turkey – Broad Breasted White
Lot - 2: Market Turkey – Broad Breasted Bronze
*Minimum weight for market turkey is 15lbs, and Maximum Weight for market turkey is 50lbs
*Only Lot #1 and #2 will be sold as Market Turkeys, All other breeds can be sold as General
Lot - 3: Heritage Turkey – Bronze, Narragansett, White Holland, Black, Slate, Bourbon Red, Beltsville
Small White, Royal Palm
**Note: If Entering a Waterfowl & Turkey, you must compete in Waterfowl & Turkey Showmanship
Waterfowl & Turkey Showmanship: Novice, Junior, & Senior Divisions
Division F - Pigeons
Division Rules
Pigeons owned must have sealed leg bands.
Class 1 - Fancy Pigeons (Cropper, Dragoon, Fantail, Frill, Frillback, German Beauty Homer, Jacobin,
Modena, Nun, Owl, Pheasant, Pouter, Trumpeter, and Tumbler)
Class 2 - Performance Pigeons (Racing Homer, Roller, Highflier, and Parlor Tumbler)
Class 3 - Utility Pigeons (King, Carneau, French Mondain, Runt, and Rumbler)
526. Old Cock (Over 1 year)
527. Old Hen (Over 1 year)
528. Young Cock (Under 1 year)
529. Young Hen (Under 1 year)
Class 4 - Pet Pigeons
Open to Members in the Pigeon Project who do not have a pigeon entered under any other lot number and whose
pigeon does not fit any breed classification.
**Note: If Entering a Pigeon, you must compete in Pigeon Showmanship
Pigeon Showmanship: Novice, Junior, & Senior Divisions
Division G - Eggs – One-Half Dozen (6) EGGS ALL OF ONE COLOR
Division Rules
One-half dozen (6) eggs will constitute entry.
One (1) entry per exhibitor per lot allowed – Small, Medium, Large, Jumbo, Waterfowl, Other Fowl
On entry form place egg entries under class and lot number
Eggs must be clean, and of Grade AA quality.
Eggs will be judged for internal and external quality and weight.
Class 1 – Commercial Eggs
Class 2 – Country Eggs
Class 3 – Exotic Eggs
Lot #
505. Small – 1.5 oz. to 1.75 oz. per egg
506. Medium – 1.76 oz. to 2.0 oz. per egg
507. Large – 2.1 oz. to 2.25 oz. per egg
508. Jumbo – 2.26 oz. to 2.5 oz. per egg
509. Waterfowl
510. Other Fowl
Division H – Educational Displays for Smallstock
Enter your educational display about Smallstock. Each exhibit will be submitted to the Indoor
Superintendent on check in day. They will be displayed in the department all together and judged
against other Smallstock educational displays. Attach a 3x5 Card to the display with your name, club,
& age on the card.
Cost $2.00
Small Stock Showmanship*
Showmanship will be conducted by Division, following confirmation.
 Senior (age 14 – 18)
 Junior (age 9 to 13)
 Novice (are those members of any age that have not previously shown any small or large livestock)
• -Rabbit
• -Cavy
• -Poultry
*Champion Showman in Junior and Senior Showmanship will qualify to show in the Small
Livestock Round Robin. If an individual qualifies in more than one species, they must choose one
and allow the next placing individual in the show in the other species to compete
Wayne Johnson Memorial Award
Selection Process:
Per the family’s direction this is to be a high point award based upon the point value of the
awards won in Showmanship and conformation.
Grand Champion = 12 points
Reserve Champion = 10 points
Blue Ribbons = 6 points
Red Ribbons = 4 points
White Ribbons = 2 points
Grand Champion = 12 points
Reserve Champion = 10 points
Best of Breed = 8 points
Blue Ribbons = 6 points
Red Ribbons = 4 points
White Ribbons = 2 points
EXPO 2015 / 2016
Small Stock - Rabbit Entry Form
One Form per Animal Entered
Exhibitor Information:
Name: _____________________________________________________
Home / Cell Phone: ____________________________________
Club/Chapter: _______________________ 4-H:___ FFA:_____
Email: ___________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________
Birth Date: ________________________
City & Zip: ________________________________________________
Age as of Jan. 1, 2016: ___________
Entry Information:
Showmanship Class: ___Novice ____Junior _____Senior
Date of
/ Tag #
Description of Animal
Yes / No
Items Attached Required for Entry:
__ Bill of Sale
___Arizona Department of Agriculture Inspection Papers (Copy)
___ Side Photo of Animal and Exhibitor Quality Assurance #:____________
___By Initialing here, I give permission for Yavapai County 4H/FFA EXPO to use photos of myself for promotional purposes.
__ By Initialing here, I give Permission for Yavapai County 4H/FFA EXPO to use photos of my son/daughter for promotional purposes.
I (exhibitor) ____________________________________________ certify that this is MY Project this year and that the
information I have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge and I have read and agree with all the rules
and regulations contained in the 2015-2016 Yavapai County 4H/FFA Premium Book such as the National
Show Ring Code or Ethics, Code of Conduct, and I am a member in good standing.
Exhibitor Signature: _______________________________________
I (parent) ____________________________________________ certify that this is my child’s
project this year and that the information I have supplied is correct to the
best of my knowledge and I have read and agree with all the rules and
regulations contained in the 2015-2016 Yavapai County 4H/FFA Premium
Parent Signature: _____________________________________________
Office Use Only
Check # or
I (leader) _____________________________________ certify that this member is a member in good standing .
Leader/Advisor Signature: _________________________________
EXPO 2015 / 2016
Small Stock - Poultry Entry Form
One Form per Animal Entered
Exhibitor Information:
Name: _____________________________________________________
Home / Cell Phone: ____________________________________
Club/Chapter: _______________________ 4-H:___ FFA:_____
Email: ___________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________
Birth Date: ________________________
City & Zip: ________________________________________________
Age as of Jan. 1, 2016: ___________
Entry Information:
Showmanship Class: ___Novice ____Junior _____Senior
Date of
Tattoo /
Tag #
Description of Animal
Yes / No
Items Attached Required for Entry:
__ Bill of Sale
___Arizona Department of Agriculture Inspection Papers (Copy)
___ Side Photo of Animal and Exhibitor Quality Assurance #:____________
___By Initialing here, I give permission for Yavapai County 4H/FFA EXPO to use photos of myself for promotional purposes.
__ By Initialing here, I give Permission for Yavapai County 4H/FFA EXPO to use photos of my son/daughter for promotional purposes.
I (exhibitor) ____________________________________________ certify that this is MY Project this year and that the
information I have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge and I have read and agree with all the rules
and regulations contained in the 2015-2016 Yavapai County 4H/FFA Premium Book such as the National
Show Ring Code or Ethics, Code of Conduct, and I am a member in good standing.
Exhibitor Signature: _______________________________________
I (parent) ____________________________________________ certify that this is my child’s
Project this year and that the information I have supplied is correct to the
best of my knowledge and I have read and agree with all the rules and
regulations contained in the 2015-2016 Yavapai County 4H/FFA Premium
Parent Signature: _____________________________________________
Office Use Only
Check # or
I (leader) _____________________________________ certify that this member is a member in good standing .
Leader/Advisor Signature: _________________________________
EXPO 2015 / 2016
Small Stock - Cavy Entry Form
One Form per Animal Entered
Exhibitor Information:
Name: _____________________________________________________
Home / Cell Phone: ____________________________________
Club/Chapter: _______________________ 4-H:___ FFA:_____
Email: ___________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________
Birth Date: ________________________
City & Zip: ________________________________________________
Age as of Jan. 1, 2016: ___________
Entry Information:
Showmanship Class: ___Novice ____Junior _____Senior
Date of
/ Tag #
Description of Animal
Yes / No
Items Attached Required for Entry:
__ Bill of Sale
___Arizona Department of Agriculture Inspection Papers (Copy)
___ Side Photo of Animal and Exhibitor
___By Initialing here, I give permission for Yavapai County 4H/FFA EXPO to use photos of myself for promotional purposes.
__ By Initialing here, I give Permission for Yavapai County 4H/FFA EXPO to use photos of my son/daughter for promotional purposes.
I (exhibitor) ____________________________________________ certify that this is MY Project this year and that the
information I have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge and I have read and agree with all the rules
and regulations contained in the 2015-2016 Yavapai County 4H/FFA Premium Book such as the National
Show Ring Code or Ethics, Code of Conduct, and I am a member in good standing.
Exhibitor Signature: _______________________________________
I (parent) ____________________________________________ certify that this is my child’s
project this year and that the information I have supplied is correct to the
best of my knowledge and I have read and agree with all the rules and
regulations contained in the 2015-2016 Yavapai County 4H/FFA Premium
Parent Signature: _____________________________________________
Office Use Only
Check # or
I (leader) _____________________________________ certify that this member is a member in good standing.
Leader/Advisor Signature: _________________________________
EXPO 2015 / 2016
Educational Display – Small Stock Entry Form
One Form per Animal Entered
Exhibitor Information:
Name: _____________________________________________________
Home / Cell Phone: ____________________________________
Club/Chapter: _______________________ 4-H:___ FFA:_____
Email: ___________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________
Birth Date: ________________________
City & Zip: ________________________________________________
Age as of Jan. 1, 2016: ___________
Entry Information:
Showmanship Class: ___Novice ____Junior _____Senior
Items Attached Required for Entry:
Description of Display
___By Initialing here, I give permission for Yavapai County 4H/FFA EXPO to use photos of myself for promotional purposes.
__ By Initialing here, I give Permission for Yavapai County 4H/FFA EXPO to use photos of my son/daughter for promotional
I (exhibitor) ____________________________________________ certify that this is MY Project this year and that the
information I have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge and I have read and agree with all
the rules and regulations contained in the 2015-2016 Yavapai County 4H/FFA Premium Book such as
the National Show Ring Code or Ethics, Code of Conduct, and I am a member in good standing.
Exhibitor Signature: _______________________________________
Office Use Only
I (parent) ____________________________________________ certify that this is my
child’s project this year and that the information I have supplied is
correct to the best of my knowledge and I have read and agree with
all the rules and regulations contained in the 2015-2016 Yavapai
County 4H/FFA Premium Book.
Parent Signature: _____________________________________________
Check # or
I (leader) _____________________________________ certify that this member is a member in good standing.
Leader/Advisor Signature: _________________________________