Harakat Concept Note Completion of this Concept Note is the first stage in the process of applying for Harakat funding. The Concept Note needs to clearly demonstrate how this proposal will contribute to a better environment for doing business in Afghanistan. The evaluation will be based on three criteria and a maximum total scoring of 100 points: SECTION 1: Does the Concept fit with the Harakat’s prioritised outcomes? (maximum 20 points) SECTION 2: Is the project’s realisation viable? What is the capability, capacity and credibility of the applicant to implement the project? Is it coherent with the priorities of government, donors and the private sector? What steps will be taken to address any difficulties which may arise? (maximum 30 points) SECTION 3: What measurable impacts will the Concept have in making Afghanistan a better place to do business, and do the expected impacts justify the approximate costs? (maximum 50 points) If the evaluation is favourable, the applicant organisation will be invited to submit a full proposal, which represents the second stage of the application process. Please complete the form clearly and provide information for all of the sections. The fully completed Concept Note form should not exceed 4 pages. While additional supporting documents can be supplied, they will not be used in consideration of the concept. Submission instructions, including a map showing the location of the Harakat offices, can be found at the back of this application form. Harakat welcomes a range of potential applicant institutions or organisations (i.e. Government Organisations, international NGOs, business member organisations, commercial companies). However, as a matter of principle all applications relating to the core business of Government of Afghanistan must have the Government as the primary applicant, but can be supported by third parties. This is to ensure clear local ownership of the application. In other cases the appropriate applicant will need to be judged based on, amongst other matters, the intended purpose of the proposal and relationships to Afghan institutions. For individuals submitting concepts, the credibility of the individual must be checked. Harakat Concept Note (Please fill this out to apply for funding) Proposed Project Name Applicant Details Name of applicant institution Name and title of representative Telephone Mobile Fax Email Postal address Brief description of representative’s business SECTION ONE: PROJECT FIT WITH HARAKAT PRIORITY OUTCOMES 1. Briefly describe the issue (problem or opportunity) the project will address. 2. List no more than three project objectives which will address the issue you have described. 3. Please use the Key Information Annex on page 6 to identify which of the 8 Harakat priority outcomes that will be addressed by the project and provide a brief explanation of how they are addressed. Harakat Priority Outcome Relationship with Project Outcomes Number 4. Briefly describe the main activities that will be undertaken during the course of your project and the expected timeframe (as an alternative, please attach a separate Activity Plan and Budget). Key Activities Timeframe ________: until _________ ________: until _________ ________: until _________ ________: until _________ ________: until _________ SECTION TWO: PROJECT REALISATION VIABILITY 5. Describe the role of the applicant organisation in project implementation and how this project fits with related projects currently being implemented or being planned. 6. Provide details of government and/or donor support for and anticipated involvement in the project (including financial/in-kind support where relevant) 7. Provide details of private sector support for and anticipated involvement in the project (including financial/in-kind support where relevant 8. Identify the potential project champion(s) that are expected to galvanise support for and drive the project, major difficulties that the project may face and expected steps to resolve them. SECTION THREE: CONCEPT’S MEASURABLE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT FOR DOING BUSINESS 9. Briefly describe the beneficiaries of this project and how they will benefit. 10. Provide a budget estimate and a broad outline of expenditures of the project in Afs, indicating where Harakat funds will be used and any contributions from other sources. Asset costs (please break out capital expenditures where appropriate) Afs Consultant Costs Afs Other Costs (list) Afs Less Contributions from (list) Afs Total Harakat Budget Afs 11. Please use the Key Information Annex on pg 6 to identify the measurable impacts that your Concept will have on making Afghanistan a better place to do business. Impact Explanation of Project Impact Confidentiality and consent Harakat will treat all information attached to the Concept Note as confidential, unless it is information in the public domain. In some cases we may need to contact outside parties regarding specific Concept Notes in the course of our assessment process. I declare that the information provided on this form is true and accurate. I understand if it is subsequently discovered any statement is false or misleading, then my application for a grant will be terminated or, if a grant has been made, it will become immediately repayable in full. Signed by duly authorised person: Date: