-GEOMETRY END OF THE YEAR PROJECTS Directions: Below are the options for your final project. You must decide which ONE-TWO projects you are going to complete and get it approved by me by Wednesday May 6. These projects are to be worked on individually, with some exceptions. The majority of the projects should be completed during class, as ample time will be allotted to work on your project. Laptops will be provided for in class research. Each individual will create a 10-minute presentation on their project to be presented in class during the first week of June. A sign up will be passed around in class for presentation dates. I AM PRESENTING ON:_________________________________________________________ Option 1: The Golden Ratio Write a 2-4 page paper on the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio. Make sure to include the following information: 1. What is the Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio? 2. How were they discovered and who discovered them? 3. How are they represented in nature? You must then create a large poster illustrating your research. Option 2: Fractals Write a 2-4 page paper on Fractals. Make sure to include the following information: 1. What are Fractals? 2. Who discovered/created Fractals? 3. What are fractals used for? You must then create an original fractal on an 8.5”x11” piece of paper. Option 3: Mathematician Blues Write a 2-4 page paper on the life and works of a famous mathematician. Who was he/she? What did he/she contribute to the field of mathematics? Then create a poem or song about the mathematician you have researched. Create a poster of visuals that illustrate your research. Option 4: Classical Constructions* Research classical constructions- a strategy using a straightedge and compass to create figures. Option 5: Geometry Scrapbook* You will create a scrapbook by collecting images of geometry terms found in the real world that are part of a theme. Option 6: Platonic Solids* You will research the 5 platonic solids, and then create 3D models of the 5 platonic solids. Option 7: Dream House: Homemakeover * NOTE: All papers must be 12 point font, double-spaced with standard margins. Also it must contain a works cited page that includes all of your RELIABLE resources (i.e. not Wikipedia) in MLA format NOTE: * implies that there is attached materials and rubrics to go with this project. PARTICIPATION LOG You must log what you have accomplished each day in the following form and have me sign off on your progress. This completed form will account for the participation portion of your grade: DATE FRIDAY, MAY 29 DESCRIPTION OF WORK COMPLETED IN CLASS Project Due Today TEACHER SIGNATURE 1st PERIOD PRESENTERS DATE Monday May 14 Tuesday, 15 Wednesday May 16 May 2nd PERIOD PRESENTERS 4th PERIOD PRESENTERS UNSTARRED PROJECT GRADING RUBRIC CRITERIA WRITTEN PORTION: Written in proper English (grammar, punctuation) Includes required information All references properly cited and credited Typed, 12-pt, double spaced POSSIBLE POINTS 4 VISUAL/AUDIO PORTION: Neatly created Includes required information 4 PRESENTATION: ~ 10 minutes in length Professionally given Gives summary of research Synthesizes thoughts on topic 4 PARTICIPATION: Completed log daily Turned in with project 4 ON TIME: (-4 if turned in after the due date) TOTAL 16 POINTS EARNED TEACHER COMMENTS Home Makeover! Geometry Edition Congratulations!! You have won the contest to create your own dream home. Now you must design it. In this project you will be creating a poster sized drawing of your dream home (two dimensional) and a real house model (three dimensional). This dream home will include everything and anything you desire. It will also include some of the geometrical shapes and solids we have been studying (which is of course something you desire!!). You will be the architect and the construction manager of this project. PART I: FLOOR PLAN DRAWING The first phase of your project will be to create a plan drawing of one floor of your home. It must include distances and measurements and must also include at least one of each of these types of shapes: Square Rectangle Triangle Circle (at least a portion of a circle, for example a semi circle) Your drawing must have these elements: Each of your rooms must be clearly labeled (what type of room is it and what type of shape it is) and neatly drawn. Rooms Required (At least): 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 1 kitchen 1 garage 1 living room Your picture must be large and on poster size paper. You must use color and make this dream home appealing. You will use the scale for your drawing so that your drawing is realistic and life-like (1 inch = 5 foot). Your home should have realistic measurements, and should be something someone would actually live in. Refer to floor plans on the internet for assistance. Be CREATIVE! Have fun with the design and make it very imaginative. PART 2: CALCULATIONS – AREA, TOTAL AREA, AND COST The second half of your project is to outfit your dream home. Your dream home must have some type of flooring. You must choose at least 2 different types of flooring, to use in your home. In order to determine how much flooring you will need you must calculate the area of each room and decide which type of flooring you will use for each room. You will need to produce clear calculations for the area of each room. Then using these areas and the prices for flooring listed below, choose your type of flooring and calculate how much it will cost. Carpet Linoleum Ceramic Tile Hardwood flooring $2 per square foot $1 per square foot $3 per square foot $5 per square foot Finally, you need to figure out the total area of your dream home, and the total cost of flooring for your home. PART 3: MODEL CREATION The next portion of your project will take you into the third dimension. You will now create a 3-D model of your dream home. You may use Styrofoam, cardboard, Popsicle sticks, or anything of your choosing to create your model. Make it quality. (Note: Your model must match your floor plan drawing!) PRESENTATION AND EXTRA CREDIT: You will present your design to the class – including an explanation of the floor plan, the cost calculations, and the model. If you would like extra credit for this project, you may include some form of Technology and Media in your presentation. (Be creative!) Home Makeover! Geometry Edition . OBJECTIVE: You will design your dream house with a floor plan drawing, area calculations, model creation, and totals. You are to incorporate what we have learned about geometry with houses. PARTS MAX Received Comments points PART I: FLOOR PLAN DRAWING +25 PART 2: AREA CALCULATIONS +25 PART 3: MODEL CREATION +25 PRESENTATION +15 PARTICIPATION Log completed daily and turned in with project +10 Late (-30 if turned in after the due date) TOTAL 100 GEOMETRY SCRAPBOOK This project will be a scrapbook of pictures showing 25 of the geometric terms in the “real world”. 1. Select an overall theme for your scrapbook – be creative! Choose something you like! (Examples: music, fashion, cars) Decide whether you are going to make a traditional paper book, or an electronic book. If you make an electronic book, you may use Powerpoint, Prezi, or any other format with my approval. 2. Make a cover page for your project that includes Creative Name for your scrapbook Your Name The date Some type of theme related design or picture 3. Select 25 items from the list provided below and find pictures of them that relate to the theme you chose. You may use the internet, magazines, photos you take, etc. You may NOT use clip art, drawings, cut outs from textbooks or library books You may NOT use the same picture twice in your scrapbook You may NOT add to the picture to create your term. 4. Find the definitions for those 25 items (check notes, vocabulary notecards, book, internet, etc.) 5. Make a page for EACH term including the term, the definition, a picture of the term, some way for the reader to identify the term in your picture (highlight or draw an arrow), and the page number (see diagram below) You may NOT put more than one picture on one side of a page You may use the front and back of a sheet of paper The following page outline should be used for each term: Grading Rubric: Geometric terms and pictures. . . . . . . 4 points each (Each page must include term name, definition, picture, indication of where term is in picture, page number) Creativity (Theme and overall design). 4 points Cover Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 points Cover must include an original title, your name, class period and date) Neatness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 points (Pictures should be placed neatly on the page with tape and glue not showing. All writing should be neat and legible. Arrows should be NEATLY drawn to indicate the figure you’re talking about if it is not OBVIOUS) NOTE: Misspelled words and any instant messaging abbreviations (b/c, w/, b/t, etc.) will subtract 1⁄2 point every time they appear. Duplicate pictures will subtract two points from your project grade. Choose 25 of the terms listed below for your project: CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Tools: Compass and Straightedge only Research straightedge and compass constructions. Look up the basics on how to perform them. Follow the instructions for each section below. Unless otherwise indicated, keep all constructions together on one or two pieces of paper per category. Do NOT make your constructions too small – each construction should cover approximately a third or a half of each separate sheet of unlined paper, 8.5” x 11”. Label each construction by number and description, and leave all construction marks for checking. You may look for help in the textbook (check the index!), online, or in other people, but be sure to make a construction that uses only a compass and a straightedge. Include this cover sheet as page 1 of your Constructions Project. I. All 1-7 are required. (4 points each) 1. Construct a segment congruent to a given segment. 2. Construct an angle congruent to a given angle. 3. Construct the perpendicular bisector of a segment. 4. Construct the bisector of an angle. 5. Construct a line perpendicular to a line through a point on the line. 6. Construct a line perpendicular to a line through a point not on the line. 7. Construct a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the line. II. Choose any 2 from 8 – 10. (4 points each) 8. Construct 2 congruent triangles using SAS. 9. Construct 2 congruent triangles using ASA. 10. Construct 2 congruent triangles using SSS. III. Choose any 2 from 11 – 14. (4 points each) 11. Construct the incenter of a triangle. Draw the related circle. 12. Construct the circumcenter of a triangle. Draw the related circle. 13. Construct the orthocenter of a triangle. 14. Construct the centroid of a triangle. IV. Choose any 2 from 15 – 17. (4 points each) 15. Construct an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle. 16. Construct a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle. 17. Construct a square inscribed in a circle. V. Choose any 2 from 18 – 20. (4 points each) 18. Construct a 30º angle. 19. Construct a 45º angle. 20. Construct a 135º angle. VI. Choose any 2 from 21 – 23. (4 points each) 21. Construct an equilateral triangle. 22. Construct an isosceles triangle. 23. Construct a right triangle. VII. Optional (4 points) 24. Construct the nine-point circle (attached). Extra Credit: You may earn 2 points for each additional construction you choose from each category, for a total of up to 12 extra credit points. ____________ = Your Total for a Test Grade – Max. available points = 4 (Average of all scores) Geometry Construction Write-Up Use a separate plain (unlined) white sheet of 8.5 * 11 paper for your constructions. Each sheet should look like the following: Name of Construction: Description of Method: Construction: RUBRIC GRADE CRITERIA 4 All 16 constructions All are defined/described a compass is used a straightedge is used no freehand lines or freehand arcs the drawing is clean white paper is used compass “marks” and arcs are evident all constructions bound together (stapled, in presentation folder, etc.) 3 2 13-15 constructions All are defined/ described a compass is used a straightedge is used no freehand lines or freehand arcs the drawing is clean white paper is used compass “marks” and arcs are evident all constructions bound together (stapled, in presentation folder, etc.) 10-12 constructions All are defined/ described a compass is used a straightedge is used no freehand lines or freehand arcs the drawing is clean white paper is used compass “marks” and arcs are evident all constructions bound together (stapled, in presentation folder, etc.) Platonic Solids This project will include research about “Platonic Solids”. Part 1: You will write a 2-4 page paper (typed, 12-pt, double spaced) to describe: What are the 5 platonic solids? Who first classified these 5 shapes? What are the key features of these geometric shapes? What do the 5 shapes have in common, and what are their differences? Are there examples in nature, architecture, chemistry, or elsewhere of these shapes? Find examples of at least 5 real-world examples, with no more than 2 examples of one type of solid. Part 2: You will create models of the 5 platonic solids. Use your own materials (cardboard or posterboard, or any other material of your choosing). Models should be neatly and accurately constructed. Part 1: Written portion (4 points) Paper is typed, 2-4 pages, with good grammar and spelling Includes all required information All sources cited properly Part 2: Models of the Platonic Solids All 5 models created Every model is neat and accurate Presentation: About 10 minutes in length Professionally given Includes summary of research on topic (4 points) (4 points) Participation: (4 points) Daily work log completed and turned in with project On-time (-4 points if turned in after the due date) Total 16