Select this and past at search of engine then form will be available. Fill in the blanks and send it. It will reach to us and we will inforn you about progress. This is first draft without review and you have to review it and after correction send it to us on the same email) (Words which are in black colour and underlined should be used in your write up to observe the direction of study) Words which are in black color and not underlined are the instructions for write-up should be followed in your write up to observe the direction of study) Topic: Sale Forecasting of Merck Pharma Company Author 1: First name Middle name (if any) Last name, Institution/Organization Email Optional: Author 2: First name Middle name (if any) Last name Author 3: First name Middle name (if any) Last name Institution/Organization Email Optional: Author 4: First name Middle name (if any) Last name Institution/Organization Email Optional: and Author 5: First name Middle name (if any) Last name Institution/Organization Email Optional: ABSTRACT This study aims to examines/investigate/focuses…………….…… (2-3 sentences-No references should be there) ……………………………………………… (1-2 sentences about topic of study- No references should be there) Literature Review ……………………………………………..……..……… (2-3 sentences-No references should be there) Methods Data was collected through primary sources/secondary sources/study of previous studies……………………… ………………………………..………………………………………….… (2-3 sentences-No references should be there) Conclusion This study reveals /shows/finds out that……………………… (2-3 sentences-No references should be there) Suggestions Finally recommendations are made to improve……………… (2-3 sentences-No references should be there) Purpose Introduction Keywords: 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1. 1 BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM (Write minimum round about one page- 400 words- 4-10 references should be there - only last name of all authors, year of publication like: Herani, 2011; Herani, Rajar, 2011; from book, magazine etc like: Herani, 2012:10 [Here 10 is page number]) Remember that the Introduction discusses the problem. The review of literature should concentrate on solutions (those that exist, those that are still required). 1.1.1 Justification/ Reasons Of Doing This Study/ Rationale Behind The Research (Show the gape which is the lacking /reason of study………………….. It should be only one paragraph- Write only 510 sentence-No references should be there) …………………………That is why; researcher wants to conduct research on following problem. “Identifying factors influencing the role of nursing profession in Pakistani society” (Replace it with your title /topic) Therefore the research question and problem statement are given as under: 1.1.2 Research Question (Write only 1 sentence-No references should be there, like: Example-1: “What was the most important cause of America’s increased involvement in the Vietnam War during the 1960s?” Example-2: Are Telecom Foreign Direct Investment, real Per Capita GDP and Cellular Subscribers perceived major factors to Tele-density growth? 1.1.3 Problem/Thesis Statement Write only 1 sentence-No references should be there, like: Example-1: The escalation of the Vietnam War during the 1960s was caused primarily by America’s anti-Communist foreign policy Example-2: Tele-density growth is significantly influenced by FDI, real Per Capita GDP Income and Number of Cellular Subscribers.) 1.2 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Write only 5-10 sentence-No references should be there) There are some gapes as described in justification. In this some question are arising like……………………… The answers to such questions are still being debated. Therefore study needs to be carried out to examine the …………………………………. With the help of primary /secondary data, as it will more light on the problem of present study, that is attempted in this study. 1.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY (Write only 1-10 sentence-No references should be there, like write scope of you topic like sample given bellow) This study will be helpful for new researcher to know the role of …………………………………… This study will be helpful to the people to know about the real picture of…………………………. This study will be helpful to understand the current conditions and situations of …………………………………………. This study will be helpful for …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….. This study will be helpful to develop the strategies to promote the ……………………………………………………………… This study will accelerate to meet the increasing ……………………………………………………………………………………………. This study will be helpful to business man, policy makers, customers and government to promote it for 2 1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY This study heartily wishes to focus on ---------------------------------------------Therefore researcher emphasized the need…………………………………………………… Therefore main objective is: “To find out the influencing factors ………………………………………… (make it from main title of the research/topic)” This study will be carried out under the following specific objectives: To study the impact of…………………………. To explore …………………... To know impact of ……………………………. To study the effect of …………………………………. To know the role of ………………………….. To know the status…………………………… To study the role of …………………………….. 1.5 HYPOTHESIS Following hypothesis are suggested in this study regarding the…………… ………. 1.6 METHODS AND PROCEDURES Data was collected to achieve the result for the purpose, scope and hypothesis of this study. For the collection of data, there are two types of references and source, primary and secondary. 1.6.1. Primary source The methods for conducting inquiries, in order to collect primary data of agro-based industry, can be of three types: i. Case Study Method, ii. Statistical Method and iii. Sample Survey Method. This study is based upon the random samples survey method. This research is empirical and exploratory in nature and convenient sample survey is used in collection of data and collected data is tabulated in tables and analyzed for the defined purpose covering the period 1988-2000. Main data collection instrument was closed ended questionnaire which used liker scale to collect the primary data. 1.6.2 Secondary Source The Secondary data was collected through different sources such as: Libraries, journals, Newspapers, Magazines, Thesis, Census Reports, Addresses delivered by government officials, Press Releases, Seminar, conferences, NGOs reports, and electronic resources. 1.7 THE DELIMITATION As far as the extent of data accuracy of this study is concerned, it has some limitations, due to the Following reasons: 1.7.1This study has certain limitations 3 Some of these limitations can be seen as fruitful avenues for future research. For instant,……………….. But this study is regarding …………………………………………….. Therefore there is room to conduct research on …………………………………… This study has focused on …………………………….. This research brings many limitations as far as the generalization of the results of the study is concerned. This study is limited to …………………………. Therefore there is need to conduct study in ……………. also for generalization of the results. In most cases, the interviewed persons are uneducated; therefore, they could not appreciate the importance of this study. Some times they were reluctant to share information for fear of ……………………… or they hesitated ………….. Due to this reason the information provided by them may not be accurate. 1.7.2 This study has certain deficiencies Researcher interviewed 300 respondents; out of them 199 were staff nurses. Certainly, approach to them was really a hard task as they are available in different …………………………… Researcher went to ……………………………. Researchers had met ………………………………….. Due to hectic workload respondents have filled in data in hurry and not given enough time to thorough review of data collection instrument as time strain was major issue. Therefore results may not be accurate. Researcher has to spare lots of time for data collection which researcher managed very hardly. Many respondents absolutely did not take any interest but filled in it with lack of interest. So selection of respondents for data collection was very hard task. Researcher approached to them………………………… and found out the researcher’s purposively in the universe with the help of researcher’s friends. Therefore results may not be accurate. Due to time and budget constrains researcher could not include majority of population in samle therefore results may not be accurate. 1.8 STRUCTURE OF THE STUDY/DISSERTATION For a cohesive presentation of the study, the research is organized into several sections/chapters: section 1 detailed background with rationale behind the research of subject under study. section 2 contains a detailed review of the available variables on the topic of the section 3 highlights the research methodology utilized for this research. section 4 presents the analysis of data and techniques which is used to analyze it, and results arrived at out of data collection. section 5 presents detailed concluding remarks on the study and it also summarizes the salient points discussed within the text of the study. section 6 contains some recommendations which when implemented may result in the improvement of the role of ………………………….. Finally bibliography is given followed by appendices. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Remember that the Introduction discusses the problem. The review of literature should concentrate on solutions (those that exist, those that are still required). 4 2.1 INTRODUCTION For articles about 7-1000 words- for thesis no limit) maximum references should be there along with previous and latest) 2.1.1 International Scenario 2.1.2 National Scenario 2.1.3 Scenarios 2.2 CONCEPTUALIZATION AND HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT (One paragraph) 2.3 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK / RESEARCH MODEL (Not more then 200 words) 3. METHODS AND PROCEDURES 3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN According to Polit, (1980) “the methodology is the way in which information is found. The methodology includes the methods, procedures, and techniques used to collect data”. This chapter will indicate the steps, procedures and strategies for gathering and analyzing the data in research investigations. Through this procedure researcher will gather data about selected topic to evaluate and interpret. The objectives of methodology is not only to evaluate and interpret the data, it deals with the procedure by which knowledge is built, conceptual and logical. Moreover, methodology is concern with how to gather data. Simply methodology refers to the principles, tools or instruments employed by researcher to gather empirical evidence. 3.1..1 Method of Research Qualitative or quantitative 3.1.2 Type of Research Exploratory, descriptive or explanatory/ Basic/ Applied/ Speculative/ Descriptive:/ Predictive:/ Evaluative 3.1.3 Nature of Research Ethnographic, content analysis of written material, interview, or a program evaluation, etc 3.2 POPULATION AND SAMPLE 3.2.1 Sampling Unit What is the population you plan to study (e.g., all the social worker students in Idaho), 3.3 .2 Sampling Technique 5 What is your sampling plan (e.g., convenience, stratified, random ) 3.2.3 Sample Size What is your sampling plan (e.g., convenience, stratified, random), and why? (that’s right - tie it to the literature review). Give as much information about the population that has been gathered from your review of the literature: age range, gender mix, education, etc. This will be used to compare to your sample’s demographics in the Results section. 3.3.1 Sampling rationale Scientists work with sample rather than with population because it is more economical and efficient to do so. The typical researcher has neither the time nor the resources required to study all possible members of a population. The need for data in a specified time period usually makes it imperative for the researcher to sample. Furthermore, it is usually unnecessary to gather information about some phenomenon from an entire population. It is almost always possible to obtain a reasonably accurate Understanding of the phenomena under investigation from a sample. Samples thus, are practical and efficient means of collecting data. 3.4 INVESTIGATE TECHNIQUE Do you plan to use interviews, behavior observation, questionnaires, etc.? What subtype of each do you plan to employ (e.g., structured vs. unstructured interviews or closed vs. open-ended questions)? State your rationale for your approach (lit. review). List all of your variables, which ones are independent or dependent? What level of measurement do you plan to use for each variable? 3.5 INSTRUMENTATION 3.5.1 Variables (Conceptually define your major variables in a clear and concise manner) 3.5.2 Validity Test 3.5.3 Reliability Test Do you plan to use a standardized instrument or design your own? How does this instrument affect issues of reliability and validity (discuss)? Discuss instrument biases. Identify independent & dependent variables. Discuss how this instrument will be scored. 3.6 Data Collection Method How will you distribute your instrument or where will you do the observations? What is your timetable and what reminders will you give to respondents to get instruments back to you in time to complete your study? 3.7 HYPOTHESIS 3.8 DATA ANALYSIS PLAN Chapter 4 4. DATA ANALYSI, RESULTS Finding AND DISCUSSION This section makes a presentation of the research techniques of analyzing the data and discussions. In this chapter and table analysis of the entire question individually is also detailed. 4.1 DATA ANALYSIS 6 4.2 RESULTS 4.3 Finding 4.4 DISCUSSION 4.5 Conclusion 5. CONCLUSIONS 5.1 INTRODUCTION From detailed literature review and opinions of respondents it is found that there are factors which are creating negative image of nursing and due to that their role is being affected. 5.2 CONCLUDING REMARKS 6. FUTURE RECOMMENDATION AND IMPLICATIONS 6.1 FURTHER RECOMMENDATION 6.2 IMPLICATIONS REFERENCES 7