Grades K-3 NCA SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT ACTION PLAN (Updated 6/9/14) JOHNSON-BROCK PUBLIC SCHOOL Goal: Students will improve reading comprehension in all grades and in all curriculum areas, with an emphasis on nonfiction. Essence: The district will use research-based interventions to maintain its established level of reading excellence for all students with special emphasis on nonfiction. Support Data(from the Profile) Standardized Assessments Local Assessments DIBELS Next MAP (2-3) Gates MacGinitie – 3rd Grade rd Gates MacGinitie – 3 Grade Gates MacGinitie – 3rd Grade DIBELS Next MAP (2-3) Reading – Core Benchmarks Intervention: Research/Best Practice for Intervention: Classroom Instruction that Works by Marzano Utilize tutorial programs to reach at risk readers. Imagine It! (Core reading program published by SRA) Implement activities for all students to develop reading and vocabulary skills with emphasis on nonfiction. Explicit Instruction; Effective and Efficient Teaching by Archer and Hughes Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning by Schmoker Advanced Ed research done by K-12 staff Activities to Implement the Intervention Person(s) Timeline Resources Staff Development Accountable Begin End 1. Prof. Development w/ Marzano’s strategies 1.All Staff Aug. ‘11 2. DIBELS Next training 2. Elem. Staff 3. Read Naturally May ‘ 12 1.Power Point Presentations 1. ESU 4 Prof. Dev. Trainers Aug. ‘11 2. Dibels Next Materials; April Kelly wiki: http://esu6-readingnews. 2. April Kelly/ ESU4 Trainers 3. Title / Sp. Ed. On-going 3. CDs and players 4. RtI /Language Arts meetings 4. Elem. Staff On-going 5. Readers Theater 5.Jan/ Mary F. On-going 4. Decision Rules & Pyramids of Intervention 5. Scripts 6. Reading Mastery 6. Mary F. On-going 6. Reading Mastery Series 7. Anita Archer – Explicit Instruction Workshop 7. ESU 4 Staff 8. Sound Partners 8. Title 1/Paras May 31 ‘12 Summer ‘12 Sum ‘14 On-going 9.iPods/Partner reading 9. Ele. Staff/volunteer listeners On-going 10. 2013 Summer Literacy Workshops 10. ESU 4 Staff/Trainers May ‘13 11.Researched Based Strategies 11.K-3 Staff Ongoing June 1 ’12 Sum. ‘12 Sum ‘14 4. Dawn Miller / RtI Team 7. Anita Archer – Exp. Inst. 9. iPods June ‘13 11. ESU #4 10. ESU 4 Prof. Dev Trainers Anita Archer, April Kelley 11. Prof. Dev. Days