Natural Standard


“The best and most authoritative web site available on herbal medicines.” The World Health Organization (WHO)

LOVAZA is a prescription medication, made from a natural ingredient, omega 3...

This is one example of a pharmaceutical company developing category specific treatments with natural ingredients to meet growing consumer demand for natural medications.

Consumers spend over $58 billion dollars annually on natural products and alternative healthcare treatments.

50% of your patient population is receiving care from complementary practitioners while under treatment of their primary care physicians.

Most patients believe in the therapeutic benefit of prescribed supplements -rarely do patients volunteer their use of dietary supplements or consider them a safety concern.

About Us

Natural Standard is used by over 1500 hospitals worldwide to mitigate potential safety challenges with the use of dietary supplements, functional foods, diets, complementary modalities, prescription medications and post care treatments.

We address the growing need for credible, evidencebased, peer-reviewed information on natural products and alternative modalities. Our prestigious clients include the

National Institutes of Health, The Food and Drug

Administration, and the Federal Trade Commission.

Who benefits from Natural Standard ?

Wellness Centers Gain access to health, wellness, and medical condition data written and peer-reviewed by experts in the field.

Oncology/Primary Care Comprehensive library on natural products, diets, and alternative treatment modalities. Written for both professionals and patients.

All reviews include summaries and critiques of the clinical trials to help professionals counsel with confidence.

Pharmacy/Nursing/Nephrology/ER Includes tools and product summaries for interaction screening and patient medication reconciliation. Reviews include accurate adverse event & safety summaries. Strict grading criteria based on the US Services Preventative Taskforce promotes standardize recommendations across the continuum of patient care.

Health Sciences/Nutrition/Physical Therapy/

Sports Medicine Learn about the products your patients are taking. Make safe, educated decisions in this area.

Resource Comparison: Know the Facts

Natural Standard


Blinded Peer Review

Critiqued by Clinicians

Based on Systematic

Reviews of Literature

Strict, Reproducible

Grading Criteria

[US Preventative Services Taskforce]

Links to Source


Clinically Relevant

Natural Standard is not supported by any interest group, professional organization or product manufacturer.

Health Communication Network Limited Level 1, 40 Oxley Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 PH:02 9906 6633 | F: 02 9906 8910
