Advertisement – Endline KAP Survey Consultancy Title: Duty Station: Period: Duration: Deadline for applications: Endline KAP Survey Consultancy Myanmar Late November 2013 - January 2014 30 days 8th November 2013 Background The Myanmar Consortium for Community Resilience (MCCR), which is part of the DIPECHO VIII Action Plan for South East Asia, is designed to make coastal and urban communities safer through disaster risk reduction efforts. The Consortium is made up of six partner agencies, including 5 INGOs (Malteser, Oxfam, Plan, HelpAge, and ActionAid) and one UN Agency (UN Habitat), as well as two local NGOs (ASA and KDN). The Consortium partners are currently implementing a community-based DRR programme in 120 villages spread over Rakhine State, the Ayeyardwaddy and Thanintharyi regions, as well as three cities of the Sagaing and Bago regions. The programme, titled “Safer Coastal and Urban Communities through Disaster Risk Reduction in Myanmar” started in June 2012 for a period of 17 months and is co-financed by the European Commission (ECHO). ActionAid is the lead agency and has hosted the Secretariat over the full 17-month project period. ActionAid, Malteser International and HelpAge International, who all have a long term-presence in Myanmar and well established relationships with the local governments, communities and civil society groups, are the implementing agencies. Oxfam, Plan and HelpAge International provide technical support based on their expertise in gender, child-centred DRR, working with older people and UNHabitat on earthquake risk assessment, strengthening institutional mechanisms for DRR and capacity building on building disaster resilient shelters. The Consortium has supported the following activities: Inclusive Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Strengthening institutional mechanisms for disaster management City level Earthquake Risk Assessment Small-scale infrastructures and services Information, education, communication Strengthen DRR- Working Group, Institutional linkages and advocacy work The specific Project Objective is stated as follows:“Targeted most vulnerable communities in hazardprone coastal and urban areas are able to prepare for, mitigate, and respond to recurrent natural hazards in a planned, coordinated and sustainable manner”.In order to achieve this objective, consortium members will implement activities to deliver the following 3 main results: Result 1: Targeted communities have increased knowledge, capacities and tools that enable them to develop and implement their inclusive DRR action plans in an organized, coordinated, and sustainable manner. Activities include: 1.1. Review and select community mobilisers and volunteers.1.2. Carry out a KAP survey in the 3 targeted States and Regions. 1.3. Train community members and leaders on inclusive DRR, PVA, and CCA. Result 2: Key DRR stakeholders have increased knowledge, capacities and tools to include the vulnerable people into their DRR and CCA work. Activities include: 2.1. Review IEC materials and publications from an inclusivity angle. 2.2. Train consortium members and community leaders on inclusive CBDRR. 2.3. Support implementing agencies for inclusive CBDRR. Result 3:Local and national authorities, and civil society organizations have increased knowledge, awareness, and understanding to implement improved DRR and CCA policies and plans within a better functioning DRR institutional framework. Activities include: 3.1. Produce user-friendly versions of the Standing Order and DM Law. 3.2. Support the development of TDMPs in 4 townships. 3.3. Carry out earthquake related risk assessments and make recommendations. This baseline and endline Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) surveys correspond to activity 1.2. foreseen under Result 1. Objectives of the consultancy Endline KAP Survey The consultant will coordinate and oversee the endline KAP survey in all five project areas; this will include reviewing the previous KAP survey materials Trainings The consultant will coordinate a refresher training for Consortium partner staff and enumerators to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of KAP surveys and to ensure data quality Raw Data Entry The consultant will support local enumerators working with each consortium implementing partner (Malteser International, HelpAge International and ActionAid) to collect data for the endline KAP Data Synthesis The consultant will support a local consultant to synthesise the raw data from the Endline KAP survey Data Analysis The consultant will analyse the results of the Endline KAP survey making comparison to the results from the Baseline KAP Survey KAP results The consultant will develop a draft Endline Report for consultation, integrating comments and producing the final report Report writing Endline Survey Methodology Endline KAP Training Report Draft Endline KAP Report Final Endline KAP Report Expected Results Short paper detailing methodology (2 pages maximum) Enumerators and community mobilisers with consolidated knowledge in data collection 1 short Endline KAP Survey training report (3 pages maximum) 1 Endline KAP survey conducted Draft Endline KAP Survey Report Final Endline KAP Survey Report Methodology The development of the survey methodology, the training provided and the data collection should be highly participative, involving the Consortium Manager as well as individual Consortium partner Project Managers and project field staff Timeframe Suggested: 30 days between late November 2013 and January 2014. Consultant to propose a timeframe. Desired skills, qualifications, and experience Demonstrated experience in conducting KAP surveys with participatory approaches Knowledge of community based DRR / resilience programmes or work Technical expertise in inclusive methodologies Excellent communication, writing, and editing skills Ability to work across agencies and with non-native English speakers Familiarity with history, dynamics and working environment in Myanmar Good understanding of / and sensitive to different cultures and traditions Familiar with transparency and accountability processes and their values Ability to work independently and within a team Relevant university degree or higher education, preferably in social sciences Proven track record in related consultancy work TO APPLY: All interested applicants must submit the following application materials: up-to-date CV, proposed methodology (2 pages maximum, including time allocation), and an indication of daily rate to the Consortium Manager: ActionAid Myanmar provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability status, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation. Deadline for applications: 8th November 2013