Educational Infrastructure 1 The general education classroom is the first consideration when the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team determines the student’s instructional setting. Special education placement data is monitored to ensure that students are appropriately identified. IEPs are monitored to ensure that student services and supports are aligned to the student’s needs. There is adequate, regularly scheduled, on-going planning time for general and special education teachers and other staff to collaborate. A multi-tiered intervention support system is in place to address the academic needs of all students. A multi-tiered intervention support system is in place to address the behavioral/emotional needs of all students. Teachers and paraprofessionals receive training on helping all students, including students with disabilities, be successful in the general education classroom. All school facilities are physically accessible. School improvement plans include inclusive practices with action steps to support implementation. Classrooms reflect the natural proportions of students with disabilities (not to exceed 15%). TOTALS: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sustaining 3 INDICATORS Developing 2 ITEM # Initiating 1 Least Restrictive Environment Self-Assessment Tool EVIDENCE Initiating – People in the school are familiar with this practice and see it as a goal to move towards. It occurs to a limited extent or by only a few people. Developing – The school is moving towards implementing this practice. It is partially or inconsistently in place. Sustaining – This practice is well developed and part of the school culture. It is implemented fully and consistently and seen as important for stakeholders. 11 Teachers present information in multiple ways to accommodate the needs of diverse learners. Higher order thinking skills are incorporated into instruction for all students, including those with disabilities (Bloom’s Taxonomy, Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrices). Age appropriate instructional materials, including technology supports are available to all students. Peers are effectively used as tutors, models and natural supports for students with special needs are trained for these roles and used appropriately. Teachers scaffold instruction to the needs of their students according to formative assessments. Students are provided multiple options to demonstrate understanding and access to curriculum, including assistive devices and technology tools All supplementary aides and services and necessary accommodations are considered and implemented collaboratively. Paraprofessionals are skilled and responsible contributors to the instructional settings (e.g., campus, classroom, community, etc.) Teachers consistently use instructional strategies to actively engage students in the learning process. Teachers consistently use flexible grouping practices to support the diverse needs of all students. TOTALS: Instructional Capacity 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Sustaining INDICATORS Developing ITEM # Initiating Least Restrictive Environment Self-Assessment Tool EVIDENCE Initiating – People in the school are familiar with this practice and see it as a goal to move towards. It occurs to a limited extent or by only a few people. Developing – The school is moving towards implementing this practice. It is partially or inconsistently in place. Sustaining – This practice is well developed and part of the school culture. It is implemented fully and consistently and seen as important for stakeholders. School Culture and Leadership 21 The school communicates a vision that values the contributions of all learners as members of the school community. School teams openly discuss and model the importance of shared ownership for all students. Diversity is celebrated including high standards, high expectations, and access to general education curriculum for all students. There is a sense of community where everyone belongs and is accepted and supported by peers and other members of the school community. All curricular and extracurricular activities are available to all students. There is effective leadership for inclusive practices. The school proactively establishes and maintains community partnerships. The school maintains positive rapport with the public and community. The school keeps well-informed about local, state, and national initiatives to support their students The school establishes and maintains consistent communication practices between feeder schools to ensure seamless transitioning for all students. TOTALS: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sustaining INDICATORS Developing ITEM # Initiating Least Restrictive Environment Self-Assessment Tool EVIDENCE Initiating – People in the school are familiar with this practice and see it as a goal to move towards. It occurs to a limited extent or by only a few people. Developing – The school is moving towards implementing this practice. It is partially or inconsistently in place. Sustaining – This practice is well developed and part of the school culture. It is implemented fully and consistently and seen as important for stakeholders. Family and Community Participation 31 The school provides a welcoming environment for all families. Families are full members of the IEP team and are welcomed into the planning process for their child. Information about family supports at the school and in the community is readily available at the school. Families are embraced as equal partners in the education process for their child. Parents are informed of their child’s progress and provided information in order to work collaboratively with the school to prevent poor performance. The school communicates in a timely manner with families and the community about upcoming events affecting the school community. Students are actively involved in monitoring their progress. The school is knowledgeable about and provides community resources to support the needs of families and students. The school consistently attends local community meetings to keep informed and to share information about the school. The school consistently updates websites to inform the community, families, and students. TOTALS: 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Sustaining INDICATORS Developing ITEM # Initiating Least Restrictive Environment Self-Assessment Tool EVIDENCE Initiating – People in the school are familiar with this practice and see it as a goal to move towards. It occurs to a limited extent or by only a few people. Developing – The school is moving towards implementing this practice. It is partially or inconsistently in place. Sustaining – This practice is well developed and part of the school culture. It is implemented fully and consistently and seen as important for stakeholders.