NASA University Research Center: CHAAT HUMAN FACTORS

Summer 2012 Research Internship in Human Factors Psychology
 Are you an undergraduate student interested in pursuing a career in Human
Factors psychology?
 Do you want to gain research experience in Human Factors that will prepare
you for graduate school?
General Description
As a NASA University Research Center, the Center for Human Factors in
Advanced Aeronautics Technologies (CHAAT) is sponsoring a paid, 4-week
research internship from June 13 to July 10, 2012 at California State University
Long Beach.
The program is designed to provide undergraduate students with hands-on training
in Human Factors research. Students will work closely with faculty members on
projects related to human factors and take part in discussions of pertinent scholarly
work. As a result of participating in this internship, students will have a deeper
understanding of Human Factors methodology and will contribute to primary
scholarship in the area.
What is CHAAT?
CHAAT investigators ( measure human performance in
complex systems such as the Next Generation Airspace Transportation System
(NextGen). NextGen is a program for transforming our current National Airspace
System in order to meet the unprecedented growth in demand for air travel. These
transformations will be achieved through a user-centered, system-comprehensive
strategy that promises to meet the demands of future air travelers, while continuing
to improve security, efficiency, and safety. Under NextGen, airspace operators
(pilots and air traffic controllers; ATCs) will assume new roles and responsibilities
in reaction to the changes in air traffic management and the introduction of new
automation technologies to support these changes.
CHAAT investigators assess and validate operator performance metrics in
NextGen environments. We are investigating how these proposed changes in
NextGen alter the job of both current-day expert pilots and ATCs, and student
pilots and ATCs, the first group of NextGen operators. CHAAT is also
determining the training requirements for expert and novice operators in NextGen,
and evaluating the interface requirements for NextGen automation tools.
As a NASA University Research Center, CHAAT collaborates with NASA, FAA,
private industry, and other universities. Most importantly, CHAAT aims to
increase the number of degrees in aeronautics human factors, science, and
technology, especially for students from minority and traditionally
underrepresented groups.
Students will be given a $2500 stipend for completing the internship. In addition,
non-local students may be reimbursed for travel and lodging up to $2500
depending on availability of funds. Students will have to make their own travel and
lodging arrangements.
What will research interns do?
As a participant in the internship program, students will attend workshops and
work in the CHAAT lab Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm. Some of this time
will be for a research project arranged with the primary supervisor. The goal of the
project will be to produce a high quality piece of research that can be submitted as
a presentation to a conference in Human Factors psychology. In the past, our
interns have presented their research at national and regional conferences, and
published proceedings papers. Participants will meet weekly to discuss primary
research articles in Human Factors with CHAAT faculty and NASA researchers,
and participate in workshops designed to improve their skills (e.g., SPSS) and
competitiveness (e.g., GRE Preparation) for graduate programs in Human Factors
and psychology.
To participate in the internship, you must be a U.S. citizen, in your junior or senior
year of your undergraduate psychology (or closely related) program and have a
GPA of at least 3.0. A successful applicant will demonstrate an interest in pursuing
graduate work and careers in Human Factors. Students with previous research
experience in psychology are particularly encouraged to apply.
The Campus and Department
California State University, Long Beach ( is a large, ethnically
diverse campus located in Southern California. It is a teaching-intensive and
research-driven university, where students are given many opportunities to work
closely with faculty members to develop strong research skills.
This is particularly evident in Human Factors, where the Psychology Department
( has two centers
specializing in research training: (1) CHAAT, devoted to research and simulation
of advanced air technologies and air traffic management issues. (2) The Center for
Usability in Design and Accessibility (CUDA), a lab providing students with
experience in usability testing and interface design.
In addition to providing research opportunities to undergraduate students, the
Department of Psychology offers a Masters of Science degree in Human Factors
This program is designed to prepare students to apply human factors skills to the
design of jobs, information systems, consumer products, workplaces and
equipment in order to improve user performance, safety and comfort. The program
is designed as a terminal MS degree, but also provides excellent preparation for
Ph.D. programs.
Participating Faculty
Dr. Kim Vu –
Dr. Tom Strybel –
Dr. Dan Chiappe –
Dr. Jim Miles –
To apply
Interested students are asked to complete the attached application form and to
include a statement of career and research interests. Applications must also include
two letters of recommendation, and transcripts of all undergraduate work.
Students who have historically been under-represented in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields are strongly encouraged to apply.
Completed applications must be received by April 2nd, 2012. Send applications to:
Dr. Dan Chiappe
Department of Psychology
1250 Bellflower Blvd.
California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach, CA 90840
NASA University Research Center: CHAAT
(June 13-July 10, 2012)
Application Deadline for the Summer 2012 program: April 2, 2012
Name ____________________________________________________
Sta te
Phone: Home (_____)________________ Work (_____)________________ Cell
Area Code
Area Code
Area Code
E-Mail __________________________________________________
(please write in uppercase)
Cumulative GPA for undergraduate coursework __________
(Please attach documentation for the GPA -- unofficial transcripts are acceptable.)
This internship is for undergraduate students considering a graduate degree in Human
Factors psychology. Applicants must be either in their junior or senior year of
undergraduate studies. Please indicate your class standing and course of study at the time
of the award:
Class standing _____________________________ Undergraduate Major
U.S. Citizen (you must be a US Citizen to participate):
_____ Yes
_____ No
Ethnicity (please check one):
Caucasian (non-Hispanic) _____, Black, African-American (non-Hispanic) _____,
Hispanic/Latino _____, Asian _____, Pacific Islander _____, Native American _____, American
Indian _____, Multicultural _____, Other _____, Decline to State _____.
Gender (please check one): Female _____
Male _____
Please attach a 1-2 page Statement of Career Goals addressing the following:
Research interests and plans for a human factors or applied cognition career.
Statement of relevant research experience and training.
What do you hope/expect to gain from participating in this internship program?
Two letters of recommendation in sealed envelopes must be included with your
applications. Letters should address your research potential in Human Factors psychology.
Submit this application form and the above attachments to:
Dr. Dan Chiappe
Department of Psychology
California State University, Long Beach
1250 Bellflower Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90840-0901