Session 4

4 session 4 THURSDAY July 28 2011
website for later Moon from USGS
Teaching strategies
If a student doesn’t participate in an inquiry activity, how do you cope?
Inquiry has challenges to keep all students on track.
Inquiry is cool but if the student is not motivated with the activity—make it
Some students don’t know how to start—help
Processes needed that model scientific method so they see what is needed
Sometimes it’s the A student who feels uncomfortable not being given the exact
instructions. The distracted student often manages well . . .
Define roles specifically
Have small groups so each are needed to participate
Remove from activity so they are not disrupting the group
Some take over the activity—
Bring in speakers—personal trainer . . . etc.
40, 40, 40
40 days for test
40 months for college
40 for life . . .
Kate Kinsella
Note-taking scaffold
Vocab strategies
Term: Definition
students give example and/or image
Example for ell
ACTIVITY (from tab 4)
How can radar “see”?
Polarized glasses OR 3-D glasses (from Rainbow Symphony)
Any vehicle windshield or window
Discover polarization
Mini RF uses circular polarization
Introduce students to properties of light waves and understand radar
Review ems (electromagnetic spectrum)and relate to mini RF
MEMORY curve
*****google memory curve or memory retention
repeat reminder reinforces memory
1 : 10 : 30 : 60 day reminders
What instruments use different frequency waves from the regions in the
electromagnetic spectrum?
Science Hack solid YouTube
Song about ems on YouTube
Use of the regions
****Radio – Naiontal weather service broadcasting activity
am in the pm
AM, FM/ shortwave, etc
(sun is radio source but at night you can pick up longer/distant sources
bounce off atmosphere—more reception over night)
Microwave - - microwave ovens, Radar
IR heaters, remote control, heat sensor , Super8 night vision, night-vision goggles
(some are light boosted) some apps for phone are just colored filters
Visible eye, camera, telescope
UV produced by the Sun, goggle sanitizer, bug lights, UV beads, nail polish dryer
X-rays custom
Gamma Incredible hulk!, black hole as transmitter, cancer treatment
Radio waves
difference from light
Longer wavelengths—longer distance between the crest of the waves (light waves
can be seen by the human eye)
Lower E
Pass through clouds
Pass through objects (walls)
Nylon rope to demonstrate waves
Energy of wave = energy to displace the rope
Frequency = time to travel a distance
Energy travels faster
Vibrates quicker
(alternating fields in electricity and magnetism not met till college
= electric and magnetic wave BOTH oscillating at the same time
Dominoes—spaced too far apart to knock each other apart
Then alternate (combining the 2 sets of dominoes) they will knock each other over –
simulates waves
==electro magnetic spectrum
how many waves pass a given point in an interval—wave has more energy and can
be dangerous X and gamma rays affect cells and are dangerous
What I know—add to the W section of KWL
Radio Detecting and Ranging
Used for remote sensing
Weather detection, passes through clouds
View earth from Space
Mount Pinatubo pics in radar in FALSE COLOR
Sees vegetation, lava flows and mud flows
False color: can’t see radar with eyes. We tell the computer to assign colors at
particular frequencies and how much is returned.
Hubble Space Telescope—Orion Nebula
Students expect to see the color in the same way HST does—but see fuzzy white
patch. Allows us to see features that our eyes cannot pick out.
Allows us to make sense of what we see.
Vertically and horizontally polarized.
What do you know ?
Polaroid camera . . . polarizing sunglasses
Light source in multiple directions
Polarization filters it in one direction. WRONG: filtering makes sense at a certain
2 filters block BUT a third between allows light to pass—so not filtering
Vibrations in one direction
{polarization is about directionality/orientation}
way in which the e/m wave oscillates a it travels along—horizontally OR vertically
can filter out waves in a particular direction
Benefits are: removes glare on objects (fishermen looking into water, 3-D movies,
Ansell Adams used polarizing filter to darken the sky b/w and brighter blue in color
Wave oscillates in a circle (corkscrew)
Mini RF sends light down and receives return
ACTIVITY using polarizing filters
Work with partner
How do they reduce the amount of light passing through them
Look at different features, reflections.
May notice subtle differences
With 2nd set
Put on top of each other (and reverse)
Rotate one by 90o
Light between 2 = zero
(Filtering both horizontal and vertical)
Light reflected by shiny, transparent material is partly or fully polarized
Sun through picket fence, some light blocked
Look at reflected light off parked car—window—tinted windows of building
Compare how things differ, how you see differently
Stress or strain on windows
NOTE orientation to the Sun . . .
Car window checker-board pattern
Stressing tempered glass allows it to behave as a grating changes horizontal to
Rotating made it lighter or darker
Filter through clouds
Wikipedia polarization and polarizing filters
Light travels out in all directions in all polarizations
Photon travels in wave
The energy is traveling in wave
Filter absorb some wavelengths
Energy absorbed and should become warmer but convection loss
More absorbed by glass and radiated out
Triple pane in glass in house reflects light (heat energy)
Windows stop IR being radiated out of car, so car heats up
Glass opaque (relatively) to IR
Light reflects off water
Clear light bulb and CD case as light reflected off at angle will get effects
Reflection of sunlight from cell phone
Mini RF connection
Transmits a microwave pulse to the Moon and measures the reflected energy
Transmits circular polarized radar—receives horizontally and vertically polarized
Circular pattern in one direction
Mini RF notes if there is a change in the reflected amounts—is the surface rough or
Image shows mini RF over visible image—lighter mini RF strip shows lots of
NASA’s Mission page http://www.
APL NASA Education
New Horizons to Pluto
MESSENGER to Mercury
CRISM on board Mars exploration
2 probes Sun in 3-D
In same Earth orbit bit one ahead of Earth, one behind Sun
TIMED Last frontier in upper atmosphere—cooling at t greater rate
CO2 captures greenhouse gases and releases them
Older mission no ed materials
Other gases opposite
Thunderclouds have cap at a certain level, some escapes from higher levels,
NEAR where ed started
Orbit and land on asteroid
Radiation belt storm probes belt model
Check the website
For workshops
+ internship programs for college students grant PLUS stipend
Moon, minerals and magnetism (presented at NSTA)
Backward faded scaffolded activity
+ student sheet
Investigating the Moon ACTIVITY Christine
Elevation, relief
Far side higher except for basin
Blue NOT water/oceans
Back too GIS, map has been made rectangular rather than circular—shows landing
Tool bar has different maps
Move with 
Zoom with +
Zoom out with - or use the magnifying glasses o the top menu bar
Gradicule map: gives GRID LINES 30o apart starts at
Equator in middle and 0 (prime meridian is the middle of the near side)
Bottom latitude = -90
Top goes to +30
Where did astronauts land?, close to 0, 0
Search attributes function
Name a feature
+ how many craters on the near side compared to far side
assign grid #s and let pairs check # craters
craters you can see when you zoom in TWICE
1: 54 mill . . .
How do you count the partially covered craters?
App Microsoft photosym
Look 360o sphere as a flat image and you can see the distortion—
Do you exclude the poles, which are distorted (mercatorial distortion)?
Sources of error
What were you counting as craters? Dots, large feint, etc?
Move on to another research question
Which side of the moon has more iron in its crust?
GO TO iage bases
GO TO Clementine derived
Research Q 3
How is amount of iron related to height?
Show site (you are already familiar with the moon), asked questions, brainstormed
ideas and then looked at the answers
2nd research Q let us work out how to investigate FeO
Now have t derive our own question—NOT a WHY question because hard to derive
How many in this region?
Brainstorm q and then seek answers . . .
Iron oxide vs titanium oxide on the Moon.
Which covers the larger surface area?
Hypothesize why.
Intern program for high schoolers
Provides authentic research
Distance learning via illuminate—after school hours . . . (Time zones)
Archive material
Communicate with peers
Online bulletin board
Lunar landforms
Geologic maps
Radar-remote sensing
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