VANCE COUNTY SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN AAC/AT TEAM PROCEDURAL GUIDE TIER II: AAC/AT INTERMEDIATE CONSIDERATIONS This tier focuses on specific students and referral concerns, thus requiring more involvement of one or more of the team members. Strategies may be no-, low-, or mid-tech but should be implemented within a child’s present setting with guidance from one or more AAC/AT team members. Referral: You are asked to consult about a specific child due to assistive technology concerns in the classroom. Your initial impression is that you will need additional information before you can make suggestions and that the problem should be addressed using a “guided” team approach, perhaps utilizing two or more team members. A specific referral form and process is required. Actions: Secure parent permission to screen child for AAC/AT needs. Have referring staff member complete the REFERRAL FOR AAC/AT SCREENING form. Review referral form at team meeting and determine next steps: Consider utilizing suggestions at Tier 1 or proceed to Tier II. Schedule time (45 min.) to visit classroom and meet with teacher/therapists. -Observe child for approximately 15 minutes during activity of concern. -Determine need to remain at Tier II or whether the child is more appropriate for Tier III. -Complete 30-Minute Plan with guidance from a member of the AAC/AT team. -Identify strategy, implementation plan and data collection method. Arrange time for additional TA and observation in the classroom, if needed. Complete necessary paperwork for documentation. -If child is receiving EC or 504 services, follow VCS guidelines. Utilize information from the 30-Minute Plan when writing report. May repeat Tier II as frequently as needed. Case may be discussed with full AAC/AT team during the Tier II process for additional strategies Developed by the Center for Development and Learning, Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities, 2008, in Collaboration with the Department for Public Instruction (modified by VCS 2010)