AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF BOLZANO ALTO ADIGE 1. ------IND- 2012 0345 I-- EN- ------ 20120807 --- --- PROJET Provincial Council Resolution No 939 Session of 25 June 2012 Subject: Energy performance of buildings Transposition of Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings 27.4 Proposal drafted by Department/Office No The Provincial Council Having regard to Article 127 of the Provincial Law on urban planning, Provincial law No 13 of 11 August 1997, the attached provisions on the energy performance of buildings, the opinion of the Council of Municipalities, Prot. No 2484 of 29 May 2012, of which the most important provisions, including Points 5.4, 6.2, and part of Point 11 in particular, have been entered into the provisions; whereas the Autonomous Province of Bolzano is working to ensure environmentally-sustainable development; having observed that the Autonomous Province of Bolzano adopts measures which enable continuous reduction of energy consumption and that it is committed to minimising the use of non-renewable energy sources; having observed that the Autonomous Province of Bolzano encourages improved energy efficiency in both existing and new buildings, to ensure the development and best use of renewable energies and their integration, in favour of eco-compatible technologies; having observed that the Directives and criteria pursuant to Article 127 of the Provincial law on urban planning must be adapted to the new objectives and requirements, and that the corresponding provincial legislation must therefore be brought into line; hereby resolves by legally cast unanimous votes: the attached provisions; The Provincial Council Resolutions No 1609 of 15 June 2009 (Energy-related renovation of existing buildings with extensions), No 2299 of 30 June 2008 (Energy efficiency), No 1969 of 27 July 2009 (energy certificate for apartments), and No 2545 of 12 July 2004, shall hereby be repealed. This provision shall enter into effect after the conclusion of the notification proceedings pursuant to Articles 8 and 9 of Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998. Until entry into force, after the conclusion of the notification proceedings, the provisions of the Provincial President’s Decree No 34, of 29 September 2004, as well as the resolutions of the Provincial Council No 1609 of 15 June 2009 (Energy-related renovation of existing buildings with extensions), No 2299 of 30 June 2008 (Energy efficiency), No 1969 of 27 July 2009 (energy certificate for apartments) shall remain in force. 2 This provision shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Region. All interested parties shall be bound to observe and ensure observance of these regulations. THE PRESIDENT OF THE PROVINCE THE GENERAL SECRETARY OF THE PROVINCIAL COUNCIL 3 Provisions on the energy performance of buildings – Transposition of Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings Having regard to Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings the provisions of Legislative Decree No 192, of 19 August 2005, amended by Legislative Decree No 311, of 29 December 2006, on the energy performance of buildings, the provisions of Legislative Decree No 28, of 3 March 2011, on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, Provincial law No 13 of 11 August 1997 on urban planning, taking into account: the Ministerial Decree of 26 June 2009, national provisions for energy certification of buildings, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the related protocol of 11 December 1997, the Kyoto Protocol, the Alpine Convention, the resolution of the X Alpine Conference of March 2009, an action plan on climate change in the Alps, the Commission’s communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, COM (2011) 109 final, Energy Efficiency Plan 2011, the Resolution of the Provincial Council for the Autonomous Province of Bolzano — Alto Adige no 940, of 20 June 2011, A Strategy for the Climate and Energy — Alto Adige — 2050, Whereas: 1) The Autonomous Province of Bolzano intends to take responsibility for protecting the climate. The objectives and measures of the Strategy for the Climate and Energy — Alto Adige — 2050 set out the plan to be followed for the next four decades. 2) The Autonomous Province of Bolzano — Alto Adige adopts measures which will ensure a consistent reduction in energy consumption per capita and undertakes to phase out the use of energy from fossil fuel sources. 3) The Autonomous Province of Bolzano — Alto Adige encourages improved energy efficiency in both existing and new buildings, to ensure the development and best use of renewable energies and their integration, in favour of eco-compatible technologies. 4) The existing provisions and criteria pursuant to Article 127 of the Provincial Law on urban planning, Provincial law No 13 of 11 August 1997, must be adapted to meet the new objectives and requirements, which necessitates a new version of the corresponding Provincial Council resolutions. 4 1. Subject These provisions shall govern the following: a) the method for calculating the energy performance of the building envelope and the energy performance of buildings; b) minimum requirements for the energy performance of new buildings; c) minimum requirements for the energy performance of existing buildings; d) certification procedure and criteria for the energy certification of buildings; e) use of energy from renewable sources in new and existing buildings; f) the accreditation of the experts and services needed to guarantee an independent control system to check the application of this provision. 2. Definitions For the purposes of this provision, the following definitions shall apply: a. “building”: a construction consisting of a roof and walls, in which energy is used to control the internal climate; b. “new building”: a newly-built construction; c. “existing building”: a building which already existed legally on 12 January 2005 or which had been commissioned prior to that date; d. “residential building”: a building intended primarily for residential use; e. “unit of real estate”: a part, floor or apartment in a building, designed or adapted for separate use; f. “residential unit”: a unit of real estate intended for residential use; g. “ClimateHouse class”: a classification of buildings pursuant to Annex 1, defined on the basis of an assessment of the energy performance of buildings and the energy performance of the building envelope; h. “ClimateHouse nature”: classification of buildings pursuant to Annex 2, defined based on an assessment of the sustainability of the building materials and corresponding processes used as well as water use; i. “ClimateHouse protocol”: a standard energy certification procedure for buildings in order to attest to a ClimateHouse Class; j. “energy performance of a building”: the amount of energy, whether calculated or measured, which is necessary to meet the energy demands of the building when used for the intended purpose. This includes, in particular, energy used for heating, cooling, ventilation, production of hot water, and lighting. k. “primary energy”: energy from renewable and non-renewable sources, which has not been converted or undergone processing; l. “energy from renewable sources”: energy from renewable, non-fossil sources, i.e. wind, solar, aerothermal, geothermal, hydrothermal, marine, hydraulic, biomass, landfill gas, waste gas from refining processes, and biogas; m. “building envelope”: integral parts of a building that separate the interior from the outside environment or from parts of the interior where the climate is not controlled; n. “energy performance of the building envelope”: the value of the annual heat demands, resulting from the loss of heat through transfer and ventilation and the accumulation of solar and internal heat; o. “technical system for buildings”: all the parts of the technological system used for heating, cooling, ventilation, production of hot water and lighting of a building or real estate unit, or for a combination of these functions; 5 p. “major restructuring”: restructuring of a building which, not counting the surface of the windows, affects more than 25 % of the surface of the building envelope, through which the nature of the building is modified; q. “ClimateHouse certification”: a document which is recognised in Alto Adige and which shows the calculated value of the energy performance of a building calculated according to one of the methods set out in Article 3; r. “cost-optimal level”: level of energy performance at the lowest cost during the estimated economic life cycle, where the lowest cost is determined taking into account investment costs linked to energy, cost of maintenance and operation (including energy costs and savings, the type of building concerned and any profits derived from energy production), and, where relevant, any disposal costs. The economic life cycle is defined based on Directive EN 15459. The cost-optimal level falls within the scale of performance levels in which the cost-benefit analysis calculated on the economic life cycle is positive; s. “district heating” or “district cooling”: the distribution of thermal energy in the form of steam, hot water, or cooled liquids from a central production source to a group of buildings or sites via a network, for heating or cooling areas or work processes. 3. Setting a calculation method for the energy performance of buildings 3.1 The energy performance of buildings is calculated in accordance with Annex 3 and certified in accordance with the ClimateHouse Protocol. 3.2 The energy performance of buildings may only be calculated by experts who are listed on the relevant professional registers. For this reason, the current legislation applies regarding activities which are allocated or reserved, whether exclusively or not, to each profession. 4. Minimum requirements for the energy performance of buildings 4.1 The minimum requirements apply to the energy performance of new buildings and the energy performance of buildings which have undergone major restructuring, as well as the replacement or upgrading of the technical systems for the building or parts of the building. The minimum requirements refer to the characteristics and energy performance of the building envelope, with regard to primary energy and the use of renewable energies. These must be clearly specified on the energy certificate. Whether the requirements have been met, and whether there is a failure to meet such requirements in the cases set out in Points 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7 shall be determined in the form of technical and economic documentation by a qualified technician. 4.2 The following building categories shall be exempt from the obligation to meet the minimum energy performance requirements without further documentation: a) buildings which are protected historic buildings, pursuant to Legislative Decree No 42 of 22 January 2004, and Provincial Law No 26 of 12 June 1975, as well as buildings which are part of a protected area, where observance of the requirements would involve an unacceptable alteration of their nature in architectural or historical and artistic terms; b) buildings used as places of worship and for religious activities; c) agricultural buildings, industrial and small-scale craftsman’s buildings; d) stand-alone buildings with a total useful floor area of less than 50 m². 4.3 New buildings must satisfy the following minimum requirements: 6 a) energy performance of the building envelope no less than ClimateHouse class B. From 1 January 2015, the limit values must be no less than ClimateHouse class A; b) carbon dioxide emissions from buildings which are not classified as residential buildings must not exceed the limit value for 100 kg CO2/m²a. Carbon dioxide emissions in residential buildings must not exceed the limit value in kg CO2/m²a, based on degree days of heating in the place in question (HGTi) (Annex 4). Table 1: permitted CO emissions for residential buildings Degree days during the heating period CO2 limit value HGTi 3000 3000 HGTi 5000 30 kg CO2/m²a 30 HGTi 3000 kg CO 100 5000 HGTi 2 50 kg / m2a CO2 / m 2 a c) at least 40 % of the total primary energy demand must come from renewable energy sources. From 1 January 2017, the percentage shall be 50 %. The requirement mentioned in Letter c) shall not apply where the cost-optimal level cannot be met or where the building falls under the ClimateHouse Gold class. 4.4 Any work carried out on the envelope of buildings subject to major restructuring must guarantee the cost-optimal level. 4.5 In the event that the building’s technical systems are replaced or upgraded, products must be used which correspond to the most modern state of the art. At least 25 % of the total primary energy demand must come from renewable energy sources. From 1 January 2017, the percentage shall be 30 %. This requirement shall not apply where the cost-optimal level cannot be met, or where the entire thermal energy demand is met by district heating. 4.6 At least 60 % of the demand for domestic hot water in new buildings or buildings which have undergone major restructuring, or where the building’s technical systems have been replaced or upgraded must be met by renewable energy sources. This requirement shall not apply where the cost-optimal level cannot be met, or where the entire thermal energy demand is met by district heating. 4.7 Electrical energy demands in new buildings or buildings which have undergone major restructuring shall, where this is technically possible, be met using renewable energy sources, which have a maximum performance of at least 20 W per m² of the building’s surface area and which are located inside or on the building. This requirement shall not apply where at least 90 % of the electrical energy supplied by the grid administrator comes from renewable sources. 4.8 Components of new buildings and buildings which have been completely or partially restructured, or which are used in the event of extraordinary maintenance of the building envelope or the extension of existing buildings, must comply with the limit values for the heat transfer coefficients and for protection from summer heat based on the climate zone of the area, in accordance with Annexes 4 and 5. 7 4.9 Up until 1 January 2015, a plaque indicating the energy consumption must be displayed on all public buildings. 5. ClimateHouse certification — scope, procedure, and management 5.1 ClimateHouse certification in accordance with this provision (Annex 6) shall be necessary for all new buildings and for all buildings undergoing major restructuring, including in the event of sale or rental of buildings or single residential units. 5.2 The ClimateHouse certificate is issued by the ClimateHouse agency. It must be submitted to the competent authority prior to the issue of the licence for use. 5.3 The ClimateHouse agency shall manage a list of ClimateHouse certifications and shall be responsible for updating it on a regular basis. 5.4 Where planning permission or authorisation is required, or measures for which it is necessary to declare the start of activities, the purchaser must issue a self-declared request for planning permission or a declaration of the start of activities, which must be sent with the documents necessary to calculate the energy performance to the ClimateHouse agency. The ClimateHouse certification shall be issued within 60 days of receiving the declaration that works are finished, which shall be submitted by the purchaser. 6. ClimateHouse certification – Validity 6.1 The ClimateHouse certification shall be valid for 10 years from the issue date and must be updated in the event of any operations which cause substantial changes to the energy performance of the building. 6.2 If no building operations pursuant to 5.4 have taken place, the owner or property manager shall, prior to the expiry date of the ClimateHouse certification, enter their own declaration which shall extend the validity of the certification by a further 10 years. A copy of this declaration must be sent to the ClimateHouse agency. 7. Certificate of energy performance in the event of sale or letting 7.1 In the event of sale or letting of an existing building or individual residential units, a certificate of energy performance, for the duration of the contract only and where there is no ClimateHouse certification, may be obtained as follows: a) based on an assessment of the individual residential unit and signed by the owner pursuant to Annex A of the Ministerial Decree of 26 June 2009, “National Guidelines for the energy certification of buildings”; 8 b) through a certificate issued by the owner (Annex 7), in the case of buildings or single residential units of ClimateHouse class G. 7.2 A copy of the energy performance certificate or self-issued certificate must be sent to the ClimateHouse agency within 60 days of drawing up the contract. 9 8 Provisions concerning existing buildings 8.1 To increase the energy performance of existing buildings, the Provincial Council is authorised to draw up further provisions on the matter. These provisions may refer to the supply of technical systems for the building, as well as regulations for the supply of energy services. 9 Monitoring and sanctions 9.1 The ClimateHouse agency may carry out inspections and may request the documents and information necessary for management in accordance with 5.3. 9.2 If, after the completion of building works, it transpires that the minimum requirements pursuant to Point 4 have not been met, based on a statement sent to the competent authorities, administrative sanctions pursuant to the Provincial law on urban planning shall be imposed. 10 Transitional measures 10.1 Any ClimateHouse certification awarded to a whole building prior to the entry into force of this resolution shall be extended to include the individual residential units which make up that building. 10.2 The cubic volume already used on the basis of the indications contained in Provincial Council Resolution No 1609 of 15 June 2009 and subsequent amendments (Energy-related renovation of existing buildings with extensions) shall be deducted from the cubic volume pursuant to Point 11.2. 11. The “Cubic volume Bonus” system of incentives 11.1 In order to encourage energy performance, the permitted cubic volume for new buildings shall be increased for a limited period of time, in accordance with the table below. ClimateHouse by 31.12.2014 normal Nature by 31.12.2019 normal Nature B minimum 10 % --------------------- --------------- A 10 % 15 % minimum 10 % 11.2 In the event of major restructuring of an existing residential building, the cubic volume may be increased to a maximum of 200 m³, if the building has a cubic volume on storeys higher than the ground floor of at least 300 m³ and if the building works result in the building being upgraded to at least a ClimateHouse class C. To this end, the maximum height may be exceeded by up to 1 m. Attic space which exists in legal terms by which has not previously been considered as cubic 10 volume shall be recognised as existing cubic volume where it is converted for residential purposes with the addition of the cubic volume bonus. This extension is independent of and does not affect any other building rights in force. It can be combined with other building rights, which may also be claimed at the same time. They may not be combined with an extension of the building rights pursuant to Articles 108 and 128(b) of the Provincial Law on urban planning. This measure is limited in time until 31 December 2019 and shall not apply to areas containing production sites, in woods or in Alpine green areas. 11.3 The permitted cubic volume in residential areas may be raised by up to 20 % if the extension is to be used for the creation of new residential units. The maximum height may be exceeded by up to 3 m. The Municipality shall have access to the drafting or modification of the implementation plans. In the event of an extension without any prior drafting or modification of the implementation plan, the height of the external walls must not exceed the distance from the neighbouring building, which may not in any case be less than 10 m. In this situation, the height of the wall shall be equal to the distance between the level of the adjacent land and the section between the external walls and the roof. If the gradient of a slope is greater than 45°, that section must be noted as having a gradient of 45°, measure from the highest point of the slope having a gradient of over 45°. Where the maximum permitted height is exceeded by more than 3m, an implementation plan must be drawn up or the current implementation plan modified. In the event of demolition or rebuilding, the cubic volume may be increased only if the building works result in the building achieving ClimateHouse class A or higher. Within 18 months of the entry into force of this provision, the Municipal Council must decide on the circumstances in which drawing up or modifying an existing implementation plan will be mandatory. The Municipal Council may also decide under what circumstances the cubic volume may not be increased. In Municipalities with over 15 000 inhabitants, the abovementioned decisions may be made by the Municipal District Council. This measure shall expire on 31 December 2019. 11.4 The extension of buildings which are a protected part of cultural heritage or which are in close proximity to cultural heritage buildings must not affect the appearance of the building and may be approved only after the competent authorities have given their favourable opinion. For buildings within protected areas or areas undergoing restoration, the specific characteristics which require protection or restoration must be maintained. 11.5 The additional cubic volume used to build new residential units pursuant to 11.1, 11.2, and 11.3 shall carry the obligation to draw up a convention pursuant to Article 79 of the Provincial Law on urban planning. Where the building undergoing extension is already the subject of a convention or supported in accordance with the Law on supported residential buildings pursuant to 11.2, the same obligations shall apply to the extended building as apply to the existing building under the convention pursuant to Article 79 of the Provincial Law on urban planning and for the purposes of protecting social functions pursuant to Article 62 of the Law on supported residential buildings, including the duration of this obligations. 11.6 The size of the cubic volume bonus must be specifically mentioned in the building contract. The corresponding building contracts must be reported to the Municipal Council under the appropriate register. 12 Annexes 11 Annex 1 ClimateHouse classes Annex 2 ClimateHouse nature criteria Annex 3 Calculation method for the energy performance of buildings Annex 4 Table of heating degree days for the Alto-Adige Municipal Councils Annex 5 Limit values for heat transfer coefficients Annex 6 ClimateHouse certification (Copy) Annex 7 ClimateHouse class G certificate, for self-certification 12 Annex 1: ClimateHouse class Performance of the envelope GOLD ≤ 10 kWh/m²a A ≤ 30 kWh/m²a B ≤ 50 kWh/m²a C ≤ 70 kWh/m²a D ≤ 90 kWh/m²a E ≤ 120 kWh/m²a F ≤ 160 kWh/m²a G more than 160 kWh/m²a Table 1: ClimateHouse classes : Performance of the building envelope ClimateHouse class Overall performance GOLD ≤ 5 kg CO2/m²a A ≤ 10 kg CO2/m²a B ≤ 20 kg CO2/m²a C ≤ 30 kg CO2/m²a D ≤ 40 kg CO2/m²a E ≤ 75 kg CO2/m²a F ≤ 100 kg CO2/m²a G more than 100 kg CO2/m²a Table 2: ClimateHouse classes: Overall performance 13 Annex 2 ClimateHousenature 14 Calculation of overall efficiency Guide lines TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 CasaClimanature Classification .......................................................................................... 2 1.1 Energy and environmental ...................................................................................................................................................2 1.2 Calculation using software ...................................................................................................................................................2 1.3 Materials ..............................................................................................................................................................................2 2.0 Environmental impact assessment of building materials ............................................. 3 2.1 Bonuspoints .........................................................................................................................................................................4 2.2 Additional points and exclusions ..........................................................................................................................................4 3.0 Water impact assessment of the building ...................................................................... 5 3.1 Calculation procedure ..........................................................................................................................................................5 3.2 Tables for assessing waterproofing and water consumption....................................................................................................6 4.0 Quality of the internal environment ................................................................................. 7 4.1 Materials and products based on glued wood (panels, beams, coverings, floorings, etc.) ..................................................7 4.2 Liquid products applied to indoor surfaces ..........................................................................................................................8 4.2.1 VOC .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 4.2.2 Risk phrases* ................................................................................................................................................ 9 4.2.3 Heavy metals* ............................................................................................................................................... 9 4.2.4 Organic compounds** ................................................................................................................................. 10 4.2.5 Formaldehyde* ............................................................................................................................................ 10 4.3 Average daylight factor ...................................................................................................................................................11 4.4 Acoustic comfort ..............................................................................................................................................................11 4.5 Radon .................................................................................................................................................................................12 Page 2 of 12 2 Calculation of overall efficiency Guide lines 1.0 ClimateHousenature Classification 1.1 Energy and environmental The ClimateHousenature certificate is a quantitative assessment of the environmental impact of the materials used in the construction of a building as well as an evaluation of the buildings impact in terms of water. The ClimateHousenature certificate is based on an assessment of the energy performance of the building envelope ((≤ 50 Wh/m²a according to the climate data from the province in question) as well as the overall performance of the building (≤ 20 kg CO2 equ /m²a). An environmental assessment of the materials used is carried out using the ProCasaClima 2009 programme. 300 points is the maximum value allowed to be eligible for ClimateHousenature certification for residential buildings. ClimateHousenature certification includes a water impact assessment, using a comparative calculation carried out in the first stage by the ClimateHouse agency. The minimum value required to be eligible for ClimateHousenature certification is 35 % better than the standard (see Article 3.0). The comfortable environment is assessed by checking the application of the requirements pursuant to 4. For non-residential buildings, there are specific systems for environmental certification which are issued by independent institutions authorised by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. 1.2 Calculation using software - In the initial phase, the performance of the building envelope and the overall performance must be calculated by inserting all the necessary data. - The user may decide on the materials used for the energy calculation, even if the products have no environmental certification. - Duplicate the energy calculation and add the extension “nature”. In this project, the “nature” calculation will be carried out - All the elements considered in the environmental impact assessment, including those not used for the energy calculation, must be entered into the duplicate project, “nature”. - Enter the geometric calculation of the internal surfaces (with corresponding polylines) into the “project ClimateHouse” table. 1.3 Materials In the “nature” calculation, only materials contained in the “ClimateHouse catalogue” may be used. Where the material carries the right to Bonuspoints, a material with a green card and red seal, must be selected. In all other cases (where no Bonuspoints can be claimed) select materials with a green card only. Page 2 of 12 2 2.0 Environmental impact assessment of building materials The “nature” indicator is calculated as follows: structural elements Surface indications for the “nature” calculation, volume refers to gross heated volume VB. Walkable surfaces All the walkable surfaces of the gross heated volume must be included in the “nature” calculation (in accordance with ClimateHouse guidelines). Walls and ceiling structures All building elements already entered in the energy calculation must be included in the “nature” calculation. The gross height of the storey will be taken into account. Finishings and wall coverings All internal and external finishings and all coverings over the ventilation (walls and roofs) must be included in the “nature” calculation. Exemptions The following elements must not be included in the “nature” calculation: - internal or external structural stairs - foundation structures (plinths, posts) - internal doors - terraces, parapets, protrusions (e.g. from the roof) - decorative stairs within or without the heated envelope - internal walls and ceiling structures Table N1: surfaces to be used for the environmental impact assessment of the whole building Page 3 of 12 3 2.1 Bonuspoints The following materials will carry “Bonuspoints”: (green card with red seal in the ClimateHouse catalogue): - Stone materials produced within 200 km of the building site (extraction site, processing and supply) - Brick materials produced within 500 km of the building site (clay extraction site, production, processing and supply) - Wooden materials with an FSC/PEFC certificate or which are produced within 500km of the building site (timber felling site, processing and supply, certified forest management) - Materials having an environmental product certificate with calculation of the LCA including indication of PEI, AP and GWP 100 values. The certificate must be drawn up by third parties and must indicate the reference standard. 2.2 Additional points and exclusions The following materials carry “additional points”: - The use of PVC products is not excluded but it may increase the final score by up to 50 points. An exception is made for recycled and 100 % lead-free PVC products (Ca-Zn – PVC). - Products (i.e. foams and foam insulation) containing substances which damage the ozone layer (e.g. Chloro-fluorocarbons, FKW, HFBKW, HFCKW, or HFKW) may not be used. The substances are set out in groups I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and “New Substances”, a notice in the European Union Official Journal C224/3 of 05 August 2000, Annex 1. - Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) - Tropical wood may not be used. Page 4 of 12 4 3.0 Water impact assessment of the building Minimum requirements: Water impact index W KW > 35 % Calculating the water impact index results in a value which takes into account the efficiency of the plumbing fixtures installed in the residence, the extent of waterproofing of the surfaces and the presence of any facilities for the recovery and filtering or disposal of waste water. The assessment calculates the extent to which the current situation is an improvement on a standard building. The reference scenario for a standard building is defined as follows: • All built areas are waterproof, with a runoff coefficient value of 0.95 (see Table N2). • The plumbing fixtures are of a standard type (Table N2). 3.1 Calculation procedure Initially, the calculation is made by the ClimateHouse agency. To calculate the water impact of the building, a checklist will be provided, to be completed and sent with the following documents attached: a) Floor plan, with indication of the type of surfaces in the plot and their surface area (m²) b) Water check list, with the following data: - the degree of waterproofing of the total area and of the non-built area (ground floor plans) in accordance with Table N2; - days in which the building is used (for residential buildings 350dd), the number of persons present, rainfall data for the area (mm/m² a) as well as the occupation percentage (for residential buildings, 100 %); - The net heated surface and the glazed surface of the building; - volume of the tank for recovery of rainfall and swimming pool water (m³); - The number and types of plumbing fixtures in accordance with Table N3. c) Technical sheets for the plumbing fixtures (taps, WC, etc.) with an indication of the water runoff (l/min) Page 5 of 12 5 3.2 Tables for assessing waterproofing and water consumption The extent of waterproofing after the building works must be assessed using the following method: - on the plans of the plot, show the types and dimensions of surfaces (m²) - compile the file by entering the areas in m² (ground floor plans) and the type of paving or covering Runoff coefficient Surface type Asphalt, cement 0.95 Sett paving, stone 0.80 0.70 Gravel on waterproof base (e.g. sheeting) Paving Absorbant elements or pebbles on sand, Wooden planking on an absorbant base 0.50 0.30 Macadam, loose gravel on a water-permeable base Covering Tiles, metallic covering 0.95 Green layer 8–15 cm 0.45 Green layer 16–25 cm Green roof or hanging gardens (on the structure) Wild vegetation Cultivated vegetation 0.35 Green layer 26–35 cm 0.25 Green layer 36–50 cm 0.20 Green layer > 50 cm 0.10 green areas, natural surfaces, wooded and argricultural land, natural streams and bodies of water 0.10 Table N2: runoff coefficients of the various surfaces Total area: this means the entire surface area of the plot concerned (excluding any related green farming land, wooded surfaces, etc.) Unbuilt areas: this means all the surfaces of the plot in which there are no buildings higher than ground level. Plumbing fixtures Low consumption Bidet Shower Bathroom sink Kitchen sink WC Table N3: Indications for plumbing fixtures Page 6 of 12 6 Standard consumption 9 l/min 12 l/min 12 l/min 18 l/min 9 l/min 12 l/min 9 l/min 12 l/min 6 l/flush 12 l/flush 4.0 Quality of the internal environment At least one of the following requirements must be satisfied: a. Presence of mechanically-controlled ventilation or b. Use of materials and products indoors which comply with emissions limits (VOCs, formaldehyde) All the emissions values of the products and materials whose emitting surfaces are to be found on parts of the floor, roof, or walls inside the airtight layer (including parts of the airtight layer) must be checked. Materials and products based on glued timber Check all emissions values for all internal parts (beams, supporting, and non-supporting panels, flooring, coverings, etc.) which have emitting surfaces inside the airtight layer (including parts of the airtight layer). The following materials shall be checked for compliance with this criterion: Materials/products to be checked: Materials and products based on glued wood (rough or covered panels, plywood, beams, fittings, panel coverings, flooring) Liquid products applied to internal surfaces (varnishes, coatings, woodstains, lacquers, primers, etc.) 4.1 Materials and products based on glued wood (panels, beams, coverings, floorings, etc.) Maximum formaldehyde [50-00-0] HCHO emissions level Values in accordance with UNI EN 717-1 (test chamber) 0.05 ppm (0.062 mg/m³) Values in accordance with EN 717-2 (Gas analysis) 1.5 mg/h m² Values in accordance with EN 120 (Perforator) 4 mg/100 g Values in accordance with JIS A1460 (Dessicator Test) F**** 0.3 mg/l Products which are certified with the following quality seals meet the requirements. These product certificates are not necessary for the purposes of this certification: - NATURE PLUS (Directive RL0200ff for wood products) - Österreichisches Umweltzeichen (Directive UZ 07 “Holz und Holzwerkstoffe“) - Deutscher Blauer Engel (Directive RAL 38 for low-emissions wood products) - The ANAB ICEA standard - Ecolabel for the product group “wooden furniture” (2009/894/EC) - Ecolabel for the product group “wooden floor coverings” (2010/18/EC) Page 7 of 12 7 4.2 Liquid products applied to indoor surfaces The technical sheets and/or certifications for products used to treat surfaces such as colours, varnishes, woodstains must be included in the dossier. Liquid products for indoor use must be certified pursuant to Annex II of the REACH regulation. 4.2.1 VOC A product intended for internal use shall be compliant if the following maximum VOC content limits are met: Limit values for ready to use liquid products (pursuant to Directive 2004/42/EC: limit value in g/l of ready to use product) a) matt coatings for interior walls and ceilings b) glossy coatings for interior walls and ceilings c) coatings for exterior walls of mineral substrate d) interior/exterior trim and cladding paints for wood, metal or plastic e) interior/exterior trim varnishes and woodstains f) minimal build woodstains g) primers h) binding primers i) one-pack performance coatings j) two-pack performance coatings k) multicoloured coatings l) decorative effect coatings base limit (g/l) WB 15* SB 15 WB 60* SB 60 WB 20 SB 215 WB 90* SB 150 WB 75* SB 200 WB 75* SB 350 WB 15* SB 175 WB 15* SB 375 WB 100* SB 250 WB 100* SB 250 WB 50 SB 50 WB 90* SB 100 Table N4: VOC limit values (*source: 2009/544/EC) WB = WATER-BOURNE COATINGS means coatings the viscosity of which is adjusted by the use of water. BS = SOLVENT-BOURNE COATINGS means coatings the viscosity of which is adjusted by the use of organic solvent. Page 8 of 12 8 4.2.2 Risk phrases* Risk phrases indicate the danger level of a material. The products must not carry the following risk phrases: R23 (toxic by inhalation) R24 (toxic in contact with skin) R25 (toxic if swallowed) R26 (very toxic by inhalation) R27 (very toxic in contact with skin) R28 (very toxic if swallowed) R33 (danger of cumulative effects) R39 (danger of very serious irreversible effects) R40 (limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect) R42 (may cause sensitisation by inhalation) R45 (may cause cancer) R46 (may cause heritable genetic damage) R48 (danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure) R49 (may cause cancer by inhalation) R60 (may impair fertility) R61 (may cause harm to the unborn child) R62 (possible risk of impaired fertility) R63 (possible risk of harm to the unborn child) R68 (possible risk of irreversible effects); The ClimateHouse agency also advises against the use of products bearing the following risk phrases: R50, R51, R52, R53, R54, R55, R56, R57, R58, R59. 4.2.3 Heavy metals* The product must not contain the following heavy metals [CAS]: [7440-43-9] cadmium [7439-92-1] lead [7440-47-3] chromium VI [7439-97-6] mercury [7440-38-2] arsenic [7440-39-3] barium (except barium sulphate) [7782-49-2] selenium [7440-36-0] antimony Products may contain traces or impurities of these metals from the raw material (< 5 ppm). Page 9 of 12 9 4.2.4 Organic compounds** The product must not contain the following organic compounds [CAS]: [71-43-2] Benzene [71-55-6] 1,1,1-tricloroethane [75-01-4] Vinyl chloride [75-09-2] Methylene chloride (dichloromethane) [78-59-1] Isophoron [78-93-3] Methyl ethyl ketone [84-74-2] Di-n-Butyl phthalate [85-68-7] Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) [91-20-3] Naphthalene [95-50-1] 1,2- dichlorobenzene [100-41-4] Ethylbenzene [107-02-8] Acrolein [107-13-1] Acrylonitrile [108-10-1] Methyl isobutyl ketone [108-88-3] Toluene (methylbenzenesulfonate) [117-81-7] bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) [117-84-0] Di (n-octyl) phthalate (DNOP) [131-11-3] Dimethyl phthalate [68987-90-6] Alkylphenol ethoxylates APEO* 4.2.5 Formaldehyde* The total content of free formaldehyde [50-00-0] in the product must not be greater than 10 ppm. The technical sheets and/or certifications must be included in the dossier, indicating the formaldehyde emissions data. No more than three years may have passed from the issue date of the certificate. Products which are certified with the following quality seals meet the requirements. These product certificates are not necessary for the purposes of this certification: ‐ NATURE PLUS (Directive RL0200ff für Holzprodukte) - Österreichisches Umweltzeichen (Directive UZ 07 “Holz und Holzwerkstoffe“) ‐ Deutscher Blauer Engel (RAL 38 für Holzprodukte) - The ANAB ICEA standard - Ecolabel for the product group “wooden furniture” (2009/894/EC) - Ecolabel for the product group “wooden floor coverings” (2010/18/EC) - Ecolabel for the product group “indoor paints and varnishes” (2009/544/EC)*source: 2009/544/EC **source: EPA Environmental Protection Agency Page 10 of 12 10 4.3 Average daylight factor In the main environment of the residential unit, the following limit value for the average daylight factor must be guaranteed: Average daylight factor For residential and non-residential buildings (excluding schools) ADF > 2 % For schools (classrooms) ADF > 2 % 4.4 Acoustic comfort To obtain ClimateHouse nature certification, the acoustic performance of the building must be checked by measuring sound levels on site. At least 20 % of the residential unit of the building must be checked, including at least 1 apartment per storey. The sound technician must assess the residential unit through exposure to the worst-case sound levels. Limits to be met: Assessment index for standardised soundproofing of the façade of vertical and horizontal Apparent sound partitions between proof power different residential units between areas of different residential Level of footfall units which are one noise on top of the other and/or adjacent continuous Appliance noise operation sporadic operation D 2m,nT,w R' Cat. A residential buildings Cat. E schools Business and entertainme nt activities Cat. F-G Hospitals, care homes Cat. D > 40 dB > 48 dB > 42 dB > 45 dB > 50 dB > 50 dB > 50dB > 55 dB < 55 dB < 55 dB < 55 dB < 55 dB < 32 dB (A) < 25 dB (A) < 32 dB (A) < 25 dB (A) < 35 dB (A) < 35 dB (A) < 35 dB (A) < 35 dB (A) w L’ nw L ic,eq L id,max Table N7: Soundproofing limits for buildings Categories pursuant to the classification of residential environments of the DPCM of 5 December 1997 Page 11 of 12 11 4.5 Radon If the building is located in an area which is at risk from radon, appropriate protection measures must be taken from the construction stage. Limits beyond which design and building Assessment method measures must be taken: Existing building Measuring (Rn-222) > 400 Bq/m³ being upgraded New building or Preventative assessment (Rn-222) > 200 Bq/m³ extension The preventative assessment for new buildings must be based on: 1. Mapping indoor radon 2. A geomorphological analysis of the site Page 12 of 12 12 Annex 3 Calculating the overall performance of buildings Last updated: February 2012 Page 1 of 61 1 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3 Technical terms and symbols for formulas ................................................................... 4 2.1 2.2 3 4 Technical terms..................................................................................................................................................4 Symbols for formulas, descriptions and measurement units .............................................................................7 General calculation structure ........................................................................................ 14 Calculating the heating demand ................................................................................... 19 4.1 Building data ...................................................................................................................................................19 Climatic data ............................................................................................................................................ 19 Interior temperature ................................................................................................................................. 19 Surfaces – volume ratio of a building ........................................................................................... 20 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 5 Heating demand ..............................................................................................................................................21 Heat loss by transfer ........................................................................................................................................22 Ventilation heat loss ........................................................................................................................................25 Interior heat inflows ........................................................................................................................................27 Solar thermal inflows .......................................................................................................................................28 Heat inflow use factor .....................................................................................................................................29 Heat inflow/heat loss ratio ..............................................................................................................................30 Specific heat load.............................................................................................................................................30 Specific thermal demand for heating...............................................................................................................30 Determining the overall energy demand ...................................................................... 31 5.1 Overall energy demand ...................................................................................................................................31 5.2 Overall thermal energy demand ......................................................................................................................31 5.3 Production of hot water...................................................................................................................................32 5.4 Humidification .................................................................................................................................................37 5.5 Solar installation ..............................................................................................................................................40 5.6 Electrical resistance for hot water production .................................................................................................41 5.7 Ventilation system ...........................................................................................................................................41 5.8 Co-generation ..................................................................................................................................................42 5.9 Electric heat pump ...........................................................................................................................................44 5.10 Absorption heat pump .....................................................................................................................................44 5.11 Remaining heat demand .................................................................................................................................45 5.12 Electrical energy demand ................................................................................................................................47 5.12.1 Electrical demand covered by the public electricity grid ......................................................... 48 5.13 Cooling .............................................................................................................................................................48 5.14 Auxiliary energy ...............................................................................................................................................52 5.15 CO2 emissions ..................................................................................................................................................55 5.16 Performance coefficient of the installation/primary energy demand/renewable sources ..............................57 6 Tables with calculation data .......................................................................................... 58 Page 2 of 61 2 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 1.0 Introduction The energy balance described in this file can be used to calculate the energy demand of buildings in the long term. This method applies to the following building types: • Residential buildings • Non-residential buildings • New or restructured buildings As well as calculating the energy demand, this version provides a method for calculating the overall energy performance of buildings. In this way, it is possible to establish, through calculation, the annual energy demand to meet the needs of a particular building. In addition to the following activities: • Heating • Air conditioning • Cooling • Production of hot water • Lighting Auxiliary energy types are also taken into account, depending on the case, as well as the use made of these energy types and the operating conditions of the system. This type of calculation can therefore be used to give an objective assessment of the quantities of energy needed to meet the demands of a given building. For more complex systems of installations, where the following overall performance calculation is too simplistic, the technician may use more specific, detailed standards to calculate the overall performance only. Page 3 of 61 3 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 2.0 Technical terms and symbols for formulas 2.1 Technical terms Heated area: areas which are designed for one specific use and which are directly or indirectly heated through a link between areas. Unheated area: areas which are not part of the heated area. Non-heated areas include in particular: attics, unheated basements, adjacent garages, and conservatories. Conservatory: a veranda, covered with a glass structure, which is adjacent to the heated area but which is not continuously open and connected to the heated areas. Exterior temperature: outdoor air temperature. Interior temperature (“set temperature”): the temperature of the heated area, which is used as the basis for calculations. Heat loss: the amount of heat that is lost from the heated area to the adjacent outdoor areas through heat transmission or ventilation. Heat gain: the amount of heat that develops or is emitted in the heated area, independently of the heat sources in the heating system. Degree to which heat gain is used: amount of heat from solar radiation or from forms of heat recovery within the building, which can be used for heating purposes. Effective capacity for heat storage: part of the capacity for heat storage of a building, which may have an impact on energy demands for heating. Heat demand for heating: amount of heat which, based on calculations, is needed to maintain the set temperature inside the building. Energy demand for heating: amount of energy which, based on calculations, is needed to cover the heat demand for heating, taking into account losses due to conversion. Heating period: the time frame during which a given building will be heated. Heating temperature limit: exterior temperature limit beyond which — where there is a set interior temperature — it is no longer necessary to heat the building. Energy from renewable sources: energy from renewable, non-fossil sources, i.e. wind, solar, aerothermal, geothermal, hydrothermal, marine, hydraulic, biomass, landfill gas, waste gas from refining processes, and biogas; Efficient systems of energy distribution: district heating, heat pump, co-generation. Boiler: a device in which the chemical energy of the fuel is converted into useful thermal energy, transferred onto the heat-carrying fluid Low temperature boiler: a boiler which is permanently in operation at a water supply temperature of between 35 and 40 degree Celsius, in which, under certain circumstances, the steam in the exhaust fumes may condense. Condensation boiler: a boiler which is designed to ensure that a major part of the steam contained in the combustion gases is continuously condensed. Page 4 of 61 4 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Heat pump: A device or installation which takes heat from the exterior or from a lowtemperature source and transfers it to the temperature-controlled environment. Co-generation: the simultaneous production and use of mechanical or electrical energy and thermal energy from primary fuels, in compliance with certain qualitative criteria for energy efficiency. Geothermal energy: energy which is stored in the form of heat in the earth’s crust. Solar installation: a device which uses heat from solar radiation. Photovoltaic installation: a device in which solar energy is converted into electrical energy. District heating: the distribution of thermal energy in the form of steam, hot water, or cooled liquids from one or more production sources to a group of buildings or sites via a network, for heating or cooling areas or work processes or for the supply of hot water for domestic use. Efficiency level: generally, this is the consumption-input ratio; for example in the case of a machine, it would be the ratio of work produced and energy supplied, or the ratio of power obtained and power emitted. The efficiency level is written as follows: η (Eta) and it has a value of between 0 and < 1 or, in percentage points, between 0 % and < 100 %. Primary energy: the energy potential of non-renewable energy sources and carriers in their natural form (before any conversion or processing). Primary energy demand: in addition to the total energy needed for heating, hot water production, air conditioning, and lighting, this also takes into account any possible losses due to processing and transportation, from the moment the fuel is extracted at source up until delivery to the building. Final energy demand: the calculated quantity of energy needed to cover demand for heating and cooling, production of drinking water and the energy needed to operate the ventilation and lighting systems, including losses in technological installations. Useful energy: the energy available to the end-user for all the energy services that he or she might require. Page 6 of 61 6 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 2.2 Symbols for formulas, descriptions and measurement units Symbol a1 a2 AB Af Ag Ai AN APh Aw A V BGFB BGFB, DG CO2NGF COP ca cp,w d ep EER fA fH fi fN fP fS fSh,j fSP fWW g gw G GK he Description Loss coefficient for the solar collector, measured experimentally Loss coefficient for the solar collector, measured experimentally Heat loss surface of the building envelope Non-fixed surface area (frame and moving panel) Glazed surface area Surface area of structural parts i Net irradiated surface area of the solar collector Net surface area of the photovoltaic solar module Window surface area Surface-volume ratio Measureme nt unit W/(m²·K) W/(m²·K) m² m² m² m² m² m² m² m Gross heated surface area of floor Gross heated floor surface area for habitable attics Specific CO2 emissions relating to the net surface area m² m² kg/( m²⋅a) Heat pump performance coefficient Specific thermal capacity of the air Wh/(kg⋅K) Specific thermal capacity of the water No of days Performance coefficient of the installation Energy efficiency index of a cooling group Dirt factor for the solar collector Average use level of beds in tourist facilities Correction factor for structural parts temperature i Correction coefficient for gradients in relation to the horizontal Primary energy factor Correction coefficient for variance from the south Reduction factor due to window shading with direction j Summer load factor Specific daily hot water demand Total solar energy transmission of a glazed area Total useful overall effective solar energy transmission of a glazed area Overall average monthly irradiation of a horizontal surface Overall irradiation Enthalpy of exterior air kJ/(kg⋅K) d % l/(P⋅d) kWh/(m²⋅d) W/m² kJ/kg Page 7 of 61 7 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Symbol Description hi Enthalpy of ambient air Enthalpy of humidified ambient air u i h hDG HGT HT HT12 KT18,3 HWBNGF Ij L lg lB Le Lg LT Lu LV Lχ Lψ LENI mCO2 n nx nk nPh NGFB NGFK P1 PA Ptot Pers PB,th PB,el P,cw el PK Gross height of attic storey Monthly degree days Number of days in the month during the heating period in which heating is required Total number of days in heating period Total number of days in cooling period Heat demand for heating in relation to gross surface area Total radiation in direction j Coincidence factor for lighting Perimeter length of window frames Length of balcony overhang heat exchange coefficient for building elements in contact with exterior air Heat exchange coefficient for building elements in contact with the ground Overall heat exchange coefficient for the building envelope Heat exchange coefficient for building elements adjacent to non-heated areas Specific coefficient for ventilation of the building envelope Overall heat exchange coefficient for punctual thermal bridges Overall heat exchange coefficient for linear thermal bridges Specific energy demand for lighting CO2 emissions Air change rate Air change rate implemented for air currents and draughts Number of solar collectors Number of photovoltaic solar modules Net heated surface per storey Net cooled surface per storey Specific heat load Power of electricity supply Heat load of the building Number of persons present in the building Heat output of the co-generation system Electrical output of the co-generation system Electrical output of the heat pump Boiler output Measureme nt unit kJ/kg kJ/kg m Kd/M d/M d d kWh/(m²a) kWh/(m²M) m m W/K W/K W/K W/K W/K W/K W/K kWh/(m²a) kg 1/h 1/h m² m² W/m² W W P kW kW kW kW Page 8 of 61 8 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Symbol PS PL ps pges qi qi,B qi,B,ESL QAB Qab Qall QB,E QB,el QB,th Qcw Qcw,el QDL QE Qel QFW Qgrid Qh QH,el Qi Qi,el Qng QK,E QKÜ,el QP QPh,el QR QS Qsol QT Qu,A Description Summer sensible heat load Summer latent heat load Saturated steam pressure at a specific temperature Atmospheric pressure Specific heat power of interior heat sources Specific average power of traditional lighting Specific average power of low-consumption lighting Gas energy needed to power heat pump Useful heat available through the heat pump by absorption Overall energy demand of the building Final energy demand for the co-generation system Useful electrical energy from the co-generation system Useful thermal energy from the co-generation system Quantities of heat generated by the heat pump Electrical energy absorbed by the heat pump Quantity of heat below the continuity graph for the cogeneration system Final energy Electrical energy demand Quantity of energy supplied through district heating Electrical energy from the public grid Heat demand for heating Electrical energy from auxiliary systems Energy inputs for internal loads Electrical energy demand for lighting Electrical energy demand which is not covered Final energy from boiler Electrical energy needed for cooling Overall primary energy demand Electrical energy supplied by the photovoltaic system Residual heat demand Solar heat inflows through transparent building elements during heating period Quantity of heat supplied by the solar system Transmission heat loss during heating period Quantity of heat for humidification Measurement unit kW kW mbar mbar W/m² W/m² W/m² kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh Page 9 of 61 9 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Symbol Description Qu,D QV QVen QVen,el QVen,l QVen,s QVen,HB,el Electrical energy for steam humidification Ventilation heat loss during heating period Ventilation system energy demand Heat quantity for post-heating in the ventilation system Latent heat quantity of the ventilation system Sensible heat quantity of the ventilation system Electrical energy from the post-heating group in the ventilation system Electrical energy for humidification in the ventilation system Electrical energy for the ventilation system internal heat pump Forced ventilation system air flow Overall heat demand Monthly heat demand for the production of hot water for domestic use Annual overall heat demand for hot water Heat loss from domestic hot water production system Electrical energy for the production of domestic hot water using electrical resistance Heat loss in domestic hot water storage Heat loss from hot water distribution and recirculation Interior surface resistance Exterior surface resistance Total thermal resistance Total thermal resistance upper limit QVen,u,el QVen,P,el qV,f QWB QWW QTWE QWW,V QWW,el qTW,S qTW,V Rsi Rse RT ' RT " RT s SPF SEER tB tu Tc T0 TWq, E TWq,A Uf Total thermal resistance lower limit Thickness of one layer of the building element Heat Pump average season COP Cooling system average season EER Ventilation system operation in hours per day Lighting system operation in hours per year Condensation temperature of heat-carrying fluid from the heat pump Evaporation temperature of heat-carrying fluid from the heat pump Source temperature on leaving evaporator Source temperature on entering evaporator Heat transfer coefficient of frames, excluding the outer frame Measurem ent unit kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh m³/h kWh kWh kWh/a kWh/a m²⋅K/W kWh/m²a kWh/m²a m²⋅K/W m²⋅K/W m²⋅K/W m²⋅K/W m²⋅K/W m h h K K K K W/(m²⋅K) Page 10 of 61 10 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Symbol Description Ug Heat transfer coefficient of glazing, excluding the outer frame Heat transfer coefficient of the structural part i Average overall transfer coefficient for the building envelope Heat transfer coefficient of one window Gross volume of heated building Gross volume of heated habitable attic Net volume of ventilated building Temperature difference between cold water and hot water Specific CO2 emission Performance level of ideal Carnot cycle Heat pump performance Heat pump performance inside ventilation system Ui Um Uw VB VB,DG VN ΔTWW εCO2 εcw εw p εw φe γ η0 ηB,el ηB,th ηB,s ηcw ηe ηel ηd ηc ηKo ηS ηP ηPh ηPh_Anl ηZ ηu ηV ηWü ηWW λ μB Relative air humidity Heat inflow/heat loss ratio Solar collector conversion factor, measured experimentally Co-generation system electrical performance Co-generation system thermal performance Co-generation system overall performance Heat pump Carnot performance Emissions performance Electrical heating performance Distribution performance Adjustment performance Solar collector performance Incidence factor for losses from the solar circuit Boiler performance Photovoltaic solar module performance Photovolataic system energy performance Energy performance of solar system distribution Use level of heat inflows Heat recovery system performance District heating substation performance Hot water energy performance Thermal conductivity of a single layer of the structural parts Impact of lighting on the environment Measurem ent unit W/(m²⋅K) W/(m²⋅K) W/(m²⋅K) W/(m²⋅K) m³ m³ m³ K kg/kWh % W/(m⋅K) - Page 11 of 61 11 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Symbol Description Symbol θi θe θne θK θcw, Tcw ρa τ ψB Average interior temperature Average monthly exterior temperature Projected exterior temperature Solar collector temperature Heat pump discharge temperature Air density Time constant Linear heat transmission for thermal bridge of overhanging balconies Linear heat transmission of thermal bridge between frame and glazing Description θi θe θne θK θcw, Tcw ρa τ ψB ψg Symbol ψg Symbol Page 12 of 61 12 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 3.0 General calculation structure Diagram: Primary energy demand for heating, air Conditioning, and the production of hot water. Transmissionswärmeverluste solar passive Wärmegewinne Interior Wärmegewinne LüftungsWärmeverluste QT QT QT QT Hot water demand Heat demand Qh QT QV u Qi QS Heating, heat distribution and regulation systme Qh e d c QWW Distribution, recirculation, storage QWW,V Total heat demand Total hot water demand QWB QTWE Solar system Qsol Electrical resistance of AC system Humidification QU Qww,el Ventilation system Co-generation Heat pump Q i Ven,el QB,th Qcw Remaining demand QR Boiler District heating QK,P QFW Remaining non-covered energy demand Qng Page 14 of 61 14 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Diagram: Primary energy demand for cooling Summer sensible heat load Summer latent heat load PS PL Energy demand for cooling QKÜ ,el PS PL bVK f KB / SEER cooling system water - air cooling system with cooling tower cooling system with groundwater cooling system with geothermal exchanger Gas-powered Gas-powered absorption absorption systems systems Absorption systems using heat from co-generation Absorption systems using heat from the solar system Other combinations of systems Page 16 of 61 16 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Diagram: Primary energy demand for lighting and auxiliary systems QH,L,el LIGHTI AUXILIARY SYSTEMS LIGHTING Traditional lighting system Combined lighting: traditional and high efficiency High efficiency lighting Ventilation QH,L,el Heating distribution QH,HV,el Energy demand for lighting t P Qi,el 6 A u A 1000 Recirculation QH,Z,el Heat generators QH,WE,el Primary energy demand for lighting and auxiliary systems Solar system QH,S,el Heat pump QH,WP,el Cooling distribution QH,KV,el Energy demand for auxiliary systems QH,el Page 17 of 61 17 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Diagram: Energy demand from renewable sources Total energy demand (Heating and AC) QWB Solar system Qsol (100 % renewable) Co-generator QB,th (renewable if biomass energy carrier) Heat pump Qcw (renewable if biomass energy carrier) Boiler QK,P District heating QFW (renewable if biomass energy carrier) Energy not covered by the system Qng (100 % renewable) Page 18 of 61 18 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 4.0 Calculating the heating demand 4.1 Building data Climatic data To determine the heat demand, consult the climatic data for individual municipalities: • Monthly degree days HGT • Projected exterior temperature • Average monthly exterior temperature • Overall average monthly irradiation of a horizontal surface G ne e Wherever there is a difference in altitude of 100 m (whether higher or lower) between the land on which your building stands and the town hall of the municipality in question, the following corrections must be applied: HGT ± 3 % for ± 100 m of discrepancy compared to the municipal town hall ne ± 0.5 K for + 100 m of discrepancy compared to the municipal town hall If the climatic data for your municipality are not indicated, refer to the data of a neighbouring area with similar characteristics and in a similar position. To calculate hot water for hotels, the figure fH , relating to the average monthly use of beds in the hotel is the determining factor. Interior temperature The average interior temperature, OI, in residential buildings is considered as standard to be 20 °C. Heated volumes and surfaces Determining factors for the calculation are the data for each storey concerning the net heated surface, the gross heated surface, the net ventilated volume and the gross heated volume of the building. The net volume, VN , may be calculated using one of the following options: a) By measuring all the heated areas of the building b) By applying the following simplified process VN = nV VB ... in m³ (1) For nV , values are assumed according to the construction type: Construction type nV Light Medium solid wood Medium Heavy 0.80 0.77 0.75 0.70 In some buildings, for example offices, schools and nurseries or hotels, the areas used are built very high, for architectural reasons. In these specific cases, it makes no sense to take into account the overall volume when performing the calculation; however, the simplified version, which is calculated automatically, may be applied: NGFB 3,0 m VN NGFB 3,0 m ..... in m³ Page 19 of 61 19 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines The figure NGFB for the net heated surface per storey is the reference data for calculating the heating demand for each storey. The NGFB may be calculated using one of the following options: a) By measuring the net surface of all the heated areas of the building b) By applying the following simplified process NGFB nB BGFB ... in m² (3) For nB , values are assumed according to the construction type: Construction type nB Light Medium solid wood Medium Heavy 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.82 Surfaces – volume ratio of a building The ratio between the surfaces, AB , of the building envelope which covers the gross heated volume and the gross heated volume, VB , that is the AV ratio, is a figure used to assess the compactness of a building, and is calculated as follows: A AB V V B in 1/m (4) Page 20 of 61 20 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 4.2 Heating demand The heating demand, determined through calculation, is the quantity of heat that must be provided to the building in a given month, so that the required interior temperature may be kept constant. The heating demand Qh is obtained from the annual balance as follows: Qh (Qt Qv) - u Qi Qs ...... in kWh/a (5) Degree days From the climate data we have, we can obtain the degree days and the average exterior temperature for each month. However, using the following calculation, it is possible to determine the degree days relative to a single month: HGT HT i e ..... in Kd (6) Temperature zones The calculation procedure refers to buildings which are communally heated in a uniform manner, where the interior temperature of the various areas differs by no more than 4 °C. Where major differences exist it is advisable to divide the building into two or more temperature zones, each of which requires its own thermal balance. Eventually all the results for each individual zone must be added together. For the calculation needed for the ClimateHouse certificate, a simplified procedure can be used, referring to a single temperature zone. Partial heating and reduced heating during the night The ClimateHouse calculations do not take into account any possible reductions for partial heating of the areas or a reduction in temperature during the night. Page 21 of 61 21 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 4.3 Heat loss by transfer Monthly heat loss by transfer Qt due to thermal conduction in building elements and surface heat convection is calculated as follows: Qt 0,024 LT HGT ...... in kWh/M (7) overall heat exchange coefficient for the building envelope The value of the overall heat exchange coefficient Lt is calculated by adding together each building element of the building envelope, including alterations due to thermal bridges: LT Le Lu Lg L L (8) in W/K overall heat exchange coefficient for building elements The calculation of the overall heat exchange coefficient for building elements Le Lu and Lg can be simplified as follows: Le Lu Lg fi U i Ai i ..... 9 Table 1 contains the correction factors of the temperature fi overall heat exchange coefficient due to thermal bridges In general, thermal bridges are located between the exterior wall and the ceiling structure of the top floor, in the window intrados (lintel, sides, window ledge) and near to the connection between exterior wall and storey ceiling. To calculate the overall heat exchange coefficients Lw and use the simplified process: L Lu Lg L L 0,2 0,75 e AB L due to thermal bridges, Le Lu Lg B ,i l B ,i i ..... in W/K (10) Balconies with a large overhang create a particularly high heat loss and must therefore be analysed separately, using a specific heat transfer coefficient which is related to the overhang and its length lB Transfer coefficient of element i The transfer coefficient Ui indicates the quantity of heat exchanged in the time unit via 1 m² of the structural element i with a temperature difference between interior and exterior of 1 K. This coefficient is calculated as follows: Ui 1 Sm Rsi m m ..... Rse (11) For data on surface thermal resistance Rsi and Rse , as well as the sum of the two amounts, the values indicated in Table 1 apply. Regarding the value of thermal conductivity A, refer to the technical documentation relating to the element; otherwise this must be documented through a technical examination. in W/(m²·K) Page 22 of 61 22 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Total thermal resistance of a structural element consisting of layers which are not uniform is determined by calculating the mathematical average of the upper and lower resistance limits. RT' RT" ..... 2 in (m² ·K)/W (12) ' " Where RT ; is the upper limit between the thermal resistance values, while RT ; is the RT lower limit. The thermal resistance limit values are calculated by dividing the structural element into segment sections so that each of these parts has the same thermal characteristics (see diagram). Layers Sections Example: Each of the sections m (a, b, etc.) which are perpendicular to the surface of the structural element, have a partial surface known as f m . Each of the layers j (α, β, χ, etc.) which are parallel to the surface of the structural element are of a thickness known as Sj. Each part m, j will have a thermal conductivity of λ m j , a thickness S j a partial surface fm and heat transfer resistance Rmj. The partial surface of a section is part of the total surface area. It therefore follows that: fa + fb + ... + fn = 1 (13) The maximum heat transfer resistance limit can therefore be calculated with the following equation: 1 f f f a b ... n ..... ' RT RTa RTn RTn in W/(m²·K) (14) Where: RTa , RTb , … RTn are the respective total thermal resistance values for each section, calculated in accordance with the general formula for calculating thermal heat resistance Page 23 of 61 23 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines totals including surface resistance. fa, fb, ... fn are surface areas relating to any given section. The minimum thermal resistance limit is calculated by using the following formula to obtain thermal resistance for each non-uniform layer in terms of thermal behaviour: 1 f f f a b ... n ..... R j Raj Rbj Rnj in W/(m²·K) (15) The lower limit is therefore obtained by adding up all the thermal resistance values for all the layers plus the surface resistance: RT" Rsi R R ... Rn Rse ..... in (m²·K)/W (16) Transmission, U, is equal to the reverse of the value RT Ui 1 ..... RT in W/(m²·K) (17) These calculations do not include special cases and the cases specifically analysed under the European standard UNI EN ISO 6946. We can estimate the margin for error using the following formula: Eu ,i RT' RT" ..... 2 RT in % (18) Heat transfer coefficient of windows The heat transfer coefficient, Uw, may be obtained using one of the following options: a) Using the following calculation Uw Ag U g A f U f 1g g Ag A f ..... in W/(m²·K) (19) Where no specific data relating to the product is available, the following calculation data may be taken from the tables: for heat transfer coefficients Ug , see table 2, for the heat transfer coefficient Uf , tables 3, 4 or 5 depending on the type of frame and lastly for the correction coefficient y/g see table 6. b) Analysing a window which has the same structural characteristics and dimensions. Glazed surfaces and frame surfaces The glazed surfaces Ag and the frame surfaces Af may be obtained through architectural measurements, from the thickness of the window frame and the number of moving panels. Perimeter length of window frames The perimeter length of a window frame lg consists of all the visible elements of the window part added together. Refer to the larger perimeter, which may be either the exterior or interior perimeter. This data is calculated individually for each window. Page 24 of 61 24 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 4.4 Ventilation heat loss Monthly heat losses by ventilation QV, caused by the exchange between hot air in the interior and external cold air are calculated as follows: QV 0,024 LV HGT ..... in kWh/M (20) Specific coefficient for ventilation of the building envelope The specific ventilation coefficient LV is calculated as follows: LV a ca Vni ni ..... in W/K (21) The following thermal air capacity applies: a ca 0,33 ..... in Wh/(m³·K) (22) Air exchange index The air exchange largely depends on what the areas are used for; a standard use type is to be taken into account for the calculation. The following air exchange index n applies: n = 0.5 ..... in 1/h (23) For residential buildings (inhabited by one, two or more families), with gas cookers, the air exchange index must be raised nK = 0.55 ..... (24) In some cases, higher air exchange indices may be used for hygiene purposes. Mechanical ventilation systems for residential buildings with heat recovery It is possible to define ventilation systems which have constant operating characteristics only. In these cases, the following formula applies: 1 n qV1,f VN1 1 v nx ..... in 1/h (25) For the efficiency, V η , apply the nominal value, which must be obtained based on a thermo-technical expert report. Ventilation heat loss caused by points on the building which are not airtight and which cause air currents and draughts is taken into account using an implemented air exchange index, nx : nx 0,1..... in 1/h (26) Where there is a gas cooker, the x n value rises to 0.25 1/h. 1 q Where the index for air exchange obtained through mechanical systems V V , f 1 N 1 h , ventilation via the windows is assumed, which would guarantee the is less than 1 0,5 : h essential minimum air exchange required for the purposes of hygiene, i.e. 0,4 Page 25 of 61 25 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 1 n 0,4 qV1,f VN1 V1 nx ..... in 1/h (27) Mechanical ventilation systems for all types of buildings – other than residential buildings – with heat recovery 5 ventilation systems may be defined. The air exchange index n for any ventilation system with heat recovery from air intake and heating from air output must be calculated when the system is operating, according to the following formula: i t Bi qV , f n i 1 Vi nx ..... 24 VN in 1/h 1 (28) For the use level, V η , apply the nominal value, which must be obtained based on a thermo-technical expert report. Ventilation heat loss caused by points on the building which are not airtight and which cause air currents and draughts is taken into account using an implemented air exchange index, nx: nx= 0.1 ..... in 1/h (29) Where no data is available on the volume of air from mechanical ventilation (of the ventilation system), it may be calculated as follows: qV,f = 0.8 VN , ..... in m³/h (30) If the system is not in operation, air exchange is calculated as follows: n(i) = nx. In this case it is assumed that the area is not being used, and for that reason, the minimum air exchange level, of 0.5, need not be met. Remaining volume The remaining net heated volume, which is not mechanically ventilated using the ventilation system, is calculated as follows: 3 Vn4 Vn Vni ..... i 1 in m³ (31) The following minimum value is assumed as an air exchange index: n(4) = 0.5 ..... in 1/h (32) Page 26 of 61 26 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 4.5 Interior heat inflows Heat gains for internal loads, i Q , caused by domestic appliances in operation, by artificial lighting or by heat from persons is calculated as follows: in kWh/M (33) However, heat inflows for interior loads may not be greater than heat losses via transfer or ventilation. Qi Qt QV u ..... in kWh/M (34) As an average figure for interior heat inflows, qi, the following values apply: Building use type: qi, [W/m²] Office building Single or twin family building Condominium Building used for both office and residential purposes School or nursery Hotel Hospital Sports facilities Other public offices 4.5 3.5 3.5 4.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 3.5 3.5 Page 27 of 61 27 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 4.6 Solar thermal inflows Solar thermal inflows Qs, which are gained through solar radiation transfers through transparent elements, are calculated as follows: QS I j Ag f Sh g w j ..... j in kWh/M (35) However, solar thermal inflows cannot exceed the heat demand: Qi Qt QV u Qi ..... in kWh/M (36) Total solar radiation in a month, in direction j The total solar radiation for each month is calculated based on the total monthly average solar radiation on a horizontal surface: Ij G fN HT ..... fS in kWh/(m²·M) (37) The values of the correction factors fN and fS are shown in tables 7 and 8. The direction j (Azimuth and inclination) can be obtained using a simplified procedure: Direction j means a deviation from the vertical in relation to the window surface of no more than 45° from the relative cardinal point. Skylights with a gradient of more than 15° in relation to the horizontal must be treated as windows on perpendicular surfaces, whiles windows with a lower gradient must be considered as transparent horizontal surfaces. Reduction factor due to shading Reduction factors due to shading fSh,j , are independent of the geographical position or the surrounding environment and simply depend on the direction. For this reason, the follow values are to be assumed: Direction j: fSh,j South East West North Horizontal South-West South-East North-West North-East 0.49 0.42 0.41 0.45 0.72 0.45 0.455 0.43 0.435 Overall solar transmission level The total solar transmission g of the transparent surfaces is the proportion of solar energy which is transferred into the environment by radiation, through the glazing, with a normal gradient and clean glazed surface. Where the value g, corresponding to the product used, is not available, refer to table 2. Total useful effective solar transmission, which takes into account dirt on the surface of the glazing or the fact that the sun’s rays are not exactly perpendicular to the window, is calculated applying a correction factor of 0.9: Page 28 of 61 28 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines gw = 0.9 · g (38) Conservatories Thermal inflows due to conservatories can be obtained by calculating only inflows from solar radiation, i.e. those which enter via the external glazing of the conservatory, as well as through the interior glazing that separates the conservatory from the rest of the house, into the areas directly behind. Any shading from the conservatory roof must also be taken into account. Transparent thermal insulation Heat inflows from transparent thermal insulation are a special case and must be analysed separately before being added to the heat demand for heating. 4.7 Heat inflow use factor The use level is a factor which reduces the overall figure for heat inflows (by internal loads and solar radiation) to the portion of these gains which is actually useable, on a monthly basis. The use level is calculated as follows: 1 a 1 a 1 (39) The table below indicates maximum use limits for heat inflows Construction type u Light and light wood Medium solid wood Medium solid Heavy 0.9 0.97 0.98 1.0 u : Light-type constructions may include: • Wooden buildings without solid internal building elements • Buildings with false ceilings and dividing walls which are mostly light Medium-type constructions may include: • Buildings where most of the interior and exterior building elements are solid, have floating screeds and do not have false ceilings; Heavy-type constructions may include: • Buildings with extremely solid interior and exterior elements (old buildings) Page 29 of 61 29 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 4.8 Heat inflow/heat loss ratio The ratio between heat gains and losses γ is calculated as follows: Qs Qi QT QV (40) 4.9 Specific heat load The specific heat load P1 is calculated from the heat load of the building, in accordance with the following formula: P P1 tot ..... NGF B in W/m² (41) The building’s heat load is calculated based on heat losses through transfer or ventilation, taking into account the projected exterior temperature: Ptot LT LV i ne ..... in kW (42) The thermal load determined using this calculation formula is not a replacement for the results of demonstrations on the building’s thermal load. 4.10 Specific thermal demand for heating Annual heat demand for heating in relation to net surface area of the storey, is calculated as follows: HWBNGF Qh ..... NGFB in kWh/(m²⋅a) (43) Page 30 of 61 30 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 5.0 Determining the overall energy demand The technological calculation of the overall energy demand follows on from the calculation of the heat demand. 5.1 Overall energy demand The overall energy demand of a building comes from the overall thermal energy demand for heating and the overall electrical energy demand. The latter also includes energy needed for cooling, lighting and auxiliary energy. Qall = QWB +QEL ..... in kWh/a 5.2 Overall thermal energy demand The overall thermal energy demand of a building is not just the heat needed for heating but must also take into account energy losses from installations, energy demand for the production of domestic hot water and the energy demand for humidification. For this reason, the calculation is as follows: QWB QH QTWE Qu ,A ..... e d c in kWh/a Performance The heat demand for heating calculated thus far is the quantity of energy needed to maintain a constant interior temperature in the heated areas. So far we have not mentioned the various degrees of performance which, starting with the useful energy figure, enable the final energy to be calculated. We will analyse the performance level of production ηP separately, since this figure varies in accordance with the type of heat generator. Emissions performance The emissions performance ηe depends on the type of supply terminal installed in the building. The values are as follows: Heating system e Low temperature heating (floor or wall heating) Radiators, thermal panels Fan convectors Combined system (panel and high temperature heating) Forced air heating, hot air ovens 0.95 0.97 0.98 0.96 0.99 Page 31 of 61 31 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Distribution performance The performance of the heat distribution system ηd also includes heat loss from pipes, for which a unit value of 0.95 applies to all building types. Regulation performance For regulation, refer to the various types of systems: Regulation c Ambient temperature regulation Climatic regulation Climatic regulation using ambient temperature sensors or thermostatic valves Climatic regulation with regulation of individual areas 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 When we talk about performance levels of heat distribution or regulation systems, we are not talking about amounts which can be measured directly. It is not possible to make a clear separation between the building, the systems, regulation and users. 5.3 Production of hot water The calculation for covering the hot drinking water demand is performed for the entire building. This procedure includes both heating the drinking water and distributing it to individual users. The final energy demand for the production of hot water can be determined as follows: QTWE = QWW + QWW,V ….. in kWh/a (44) Heat demand for the production of hot water The heat demand for hot water is determined by taking into account the number of persons present and use type of the building, rather than by using a standard value. The hot water demand depends on the number of persons Pers , living in the building or regularly present, as well as the use type. The energy needed for hot water is calculated for each month by applying the following formula: QWW c p , w Pers f H fWW TWW d 1 ..... 3600 in kWh (45) The specific thermal capacity of the water is as follows: c p,w kJ 4,186 ...... in kg K (46) Page 32 of 61 32 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines The quantity of water needed varies dramatically depending on the users’ requirements. Depending on the building use, the specific hot water quantity fWW is calculated as shown in the table below: fWW Offices Single or twin family buildings Condominium Building used for both office and residential purposes School or nursery Hotels Hospitals Sports facilities Other public offices min.Pers [l/Pers d] [1/m²] 10 50 50 35 0.040 0.025 0.030 0.025 15 150 200 60 10 0.050 0.035 0.035 0.025 0.025 The number of persons may be entered manually, however the minimum limits must be respected. In the case of hotels and hospitals, the factor fH represents the average use level of beds; for other uses, it is assumed that fH =1. For sports facilities, it is based on the number of showers present in the building. The difference in temperature between cold water (10°C) and hot water (35 °C at sampling) is calculated as an average for the whole year, as follows: TWW 25 ..... in K (47) Heat loss in hot water QWW,V This procedure includes the production and distribution of hot water, up until the moment that it is taken by the user. The calculation takes into account any losses at any of these stages. In this process, the heat loss at the moment that the drinking water is dispensed is considered to be 0. However, the losses during distribution, recirculation and storage of hot water are taken into account. For the purposes of this calculation, it is crucial to know whether the hot water is supplied from a centralised system for the whole building or individually (in a decentralised manner). Centralised hot water production system for the whole building: Heat loss from the hot water distribution system is defined with reference to the surfaces. It varies according to the net surface area of the storey and the length of the recirculation pipes. Page 33 of 61 33 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Losses in the hot water distribution and recirculation systems: qTW,V Net floor surface of the storey NGFB [kWh/m²a] recirculation no recirculation 6.7 5.4 4.8 4.2 3.8 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.8 2.3 2.1 1.8 1.7 100 150 200 300 500 750 1 000 1 500 2 500 5 000 10 000 Page 34 of 61 34 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Heat loss in storage is determined based on the type of heat generator according to the following tables: 1. Electrical resistance: not present, or in summer mode Net floor surface of the storey qTW,s [kWh/m²] NGFB 100 150 200 300 500 750 1 000 1 500 2 500 5 000 10 000 6.5 4.8 3.8 2.8 1.9 1.4 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.5 Depending on the net floor surface of the storey, the value qTW, s, is applied. It is added to the losses from the distribution and recirculation system qTW, V and lastly the total is multiplied by the net effective floor surface of the storey. QWW ,V (qTW ,V qTW , s ) NGFB kwh/a (48) 2. Where drinking water is heated via a solar installation, the net surface area per collector and the number of collectors are needed (data which can be found on the technical sheet). The volume of the storage cell is calculated as follows: VSP AN nK 80 [I] (49) Once VSP has been calculated, the loss QSP can be determined using the following table: Stored volume VSP [l] 25 50 75 100 150 200 300 500 750 1 000 1 500 2 000 QSP tSP [W] [h/a] 20 29 37 43 54 64 80 108 137 162 207 247 8 760 8 760 8 760 8 760 8 760 8 760 8 760 8 760 8 760 8 760 8 760 8 760 Heat loss from hot water is determined using the formula below: Page 35 of 61 35 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines QWW ,V QSP tSP qTW ,V NGFB 1000 [kWh/a] (50) 3. Electrical resistance operating throughout the year If electrical resistance is programmed to operate throughout the year, perform the calculation below: QWW ,V QWW qTW ,V qTW ,S NGFB 0,98 (51) Decentralised hot water production system: Electrical storage boilers must be taken into account. In most cases, water is distributed directly via pipes and the relative losses are taken into account in the calculation. In general, it is assumed that there are no recirculation pipes in this scenario. Losses during water distribution: Net floor surface of the storey qTW,V [kWh/m²] NGFB 100 150 200 300 500 750 1 000 1 500 2 500 5 000 10 000 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 Page 36 of 61 36 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Thermal losses in storage are determined as follows: Net floor surface of the storey qTW,s [kWh/m²] NGFB 100 150 200 300 500 750 1 000 1 500 2 500 5 000 10 000 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Depending on the net floor surface of the storey, qTW s and qTW, v are added together and then the total is multiplied by the net effective surface area of the storey. QWW ,V QWW qTW ,V qTW ,S NGFB 0,98 (52) 5.4 Humidification Generally, buildings are humidified via a ventilation system. The calculation for heat needs for heating only takes account of sensible thermal energy; the latent thermal energy – i.e. the energy needed to generate steam – must be calculated using the enthalpy variation. Qui qVfi t Bi a hiu hi 1 d 3600 ….. in kWh/M (53) The enthalpy of the exterior air depends on the temperature ϑe and on the amount of water it contains xe and is calculated using the following empirical formula: he 1,0 xe 2501 1,86 e ….. in kJ/kg (54) The amount of water in the outside air (absolute humidity) is determined according to xe 0,622 e ps pges e ps the following calculation: ….. in kg water /kg air (55) For air pressure, the fixed value pges = 1000 mbar applies. For the municipalities of Alto Adige, the relative humidity of the outside air as follows: e in % is Page 37 of 61 37 Calculation of overall efficiency 54.7 58.5 56.2 56.7 63.9 63.6 59.7 62.3 64.2 70.3 December November October September August July June May April March February January Guidelines 74.1 55.6 Page 38 of 61 38 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines The saturated steam pressure is determined using table 10, depending on the temperature. The intermediate values are calculated by interpolation. Like the calculation described above (outside air enthalpy) the ambient air enthalpy h 1,0 x 2501 1,86 i i e can be calculated i absolute humidity equal to that of the outside air. at a temperature i 20 C and The same method is used to calculate the ambient air enthalpy, with humidification at hi = 38.67 in kJ/kg, corresponding to an interior temperature of 20 °C and relative humidity of 50 %; the relative air humidity must be a minimum of 35 %. 5.5 Solar installation The performance of a solar installation is calculated as follows: Qsol G fN fA AN nK K S d fS ….. in kWh/M (56) Total solar installation output means the useable solar heat produced, i.e. the heat that – minus thermal loss from the installation – may be effectively stored by the device. The average daily solar radiation for each month on a horizontal surface G can be taken from the climatic data. To obtain the correction coefficient fN for the angle in relation to the horizontal and the correction coefficient fS for variance from the south, see tables 7 and 8. AN is defined as the net absorbent surface in the collector (opening surface). The reduction factor due to shade from surface dirt fA and the efficiency level (impact) of losses S (for example heat loss from the solar circuit and the storage device) assume the following values: f A 0,9 S 0,9 The efficiency level of the collector depends on the outside temperature and must be calculated separately for each month: K 0 a1 K e GK a2 K e 2 GK (57) The parameters η0, a1 and a2 are experimental data, which can be found on the test certificate (report) for each individual collector. The following is assumed in calculating the performance as the temperature of the solar collector: K 50 ….. in °C (58) The following overall radiation is assumed: GK 800 ….. in W/m² (59) Page 40 of 61 40 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Where no specific test data is available for the collector, the following efficiency performance values may be applied to simplify things: Flat collector Evacuated tubular collector 0.55 0.70 The solar installation may be used either for the production of hot water only or for heating as well. In both cases, the actual useable solar energy depends on the demand, which in turn depends on its use, in accordance with the limits below: a. domestic hot water only: Qsol QWW b. ….. in kWh/M (60) hot water and heating: Qsol Qall ….. in kWh/M (61) The coverage level is defined depending on the use: a. domestic hot water only: Q Q sol WW (62) b. hot water and heating: Q Q sol all (63) The use level is defined as the ratio between the actual useable solar energy and the maximum possible amount of solar energy. 5.6 Electrical resistance for hot water production The electrical energy demand for hot water production using electrical resistance is calculated as follows: 1. no resistance QWW ,el 0 ….. in kWh/M (64) 2. operation all year round: hot water is produced exclusively by electricity throughout the year – production may be assisted by a solar installation QWW , el QTWE ….. in kWh/M (65) 3. summer operation: outside the heating period, hot water is produced electrically or with the assistance of a solar installation. HT QWW ,el QTWE 1 d ….. in kWh/M (66) The demand limits the maximum amount of input energy. Any heat inflows from the solar installation are entered into the calculation in the same way. 5.7 Ventilation system The total energy to be supplied to the ventilation system is the sum of the sensible and latent heat of each ventilation system. Page 41 of 61 41 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines i i Qven QVen , s QVen ,l ….. in kWh/M (67) The amount of energy input into each ventilation system depends on the operating conditions: 1. heat recovery only: i QVen ,s 0 ….. in kWh/M (68) 2. intake of isothermal air: i QVen , s QV 1 e d c ….. in kWh/M (69) 3. Heating with air only: i QVen , s Qh Qv 1 e d c ….. in kWh/M (70) 4. Air heating peaks: i QVen , s 0,25 Qh 1 e d c in kWh/M (71) The latent thermal energy needed by the ventilation system corresponds to the energy calculated for humidification. i i QVen ,l Qu ….. in kWh/M (72) This chapter only deals with electrical energy supplied to the ventilation system. Any other heat inflows relating to other types of heat generators will be assessed in subsequent chapters. Wherever humidification using water vapour is planned, the entire quantity of latent Q i heat is generated by the electrical current ( Ven,u ,el ). If there is also an electricallypowered heating group, the quantity of sensible heat will also be generated by electrical energy ( i QVen , HB,el ). Wherever there is a heat pump within the ventilation unit, the electrical energy supplied to the heat pump must be calculated. The following calculation must be performed: i QVen, P,el i QVen ,s 1 wP ….. in kWh/M (73) The internal heat pump performance coefficient is assumed to be equal to: wP 4,0 (74) For this reason, the total quantity of energy to be input into the ventilation system, generated by the electrical current, will be as follows: i i i QVen ,el QVen ,u ,el QVen , HB ,el QVen , P ,el i …… in kWh/M (75) 5.8 Co-generation The quantity of heat generated is calculated using a unit continuity graph, taken from various dynamic building simulations. Page 42 of 61 42 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Quantity of heat QDL This graph applies to each building through two parameters: Maximum performance, corresponding to Ptot The area underneath the graph corresponds to the following amount of energy QDL Q all Qsol QWW , el QVen ,el ….. in kWh (76) The dotted part of the graph above may not be used for co-generation systems. month Q B ,th The quantity of heat generated in a year corresponds to the quantity of heat below the unit graph, which is in turn defined by two factors: the maximum thermal performance and the partial load of the system, which is assumed to be at 50% of the thermal performance. The electrical energy generated is as follows: Q B , el Q B , th B , el B , th ….. in kWh/M (77) The two performance levels and the electrical output must be entered manually depending on the building type. The final energy supplied to the co-generation system is determined as follows: QB , P QB ,th B ,th ….. in kWh/M (78) Thermal performance is calculated as follows: PB ,th PB ,el B ,th el ….. in kW (79)c The total system output is obtained by adding up the following data: B , s B , el B ,th (80) Page 43 of 61 43 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 5.9 Electric heat pump The quantity of heat generated by the heat pump is determined as follows: Qcw Pcw,el SPF d 24 ….. in kWh/M (81) The electrical energy demand is calculated as follows: ….. in kWh/M (82) The seasonal efficiency, SPF, is calculated according to the output temperature and the energy source. Energy source Low temperature heating (floor/wall heating) Radiators, thermal panels Fan convectors Forced air heating, hot air ovens Other systems or combinations 5.10 Air Ground water Buried heat exchanger (sensors and coil exchanger) Other heat sources 3.0 4.0 3.8 enter SPF 2.2 3.0 2.8 enter SPF 2.0 2.8 2.6 enter SPF 2.0 2.8 2.6 enter SPF enter SPF enter SPF enter SPF enter SPF Absorption heat pump First, separate the fuels into methane gas and liquid gas. QAB Qab / SPF Q AB ….. in kWh/a (83) Pcw,el w d 24 ….. in kWh/M (84) The gas demand is determined based on the quantity of heat and the seasonal performance coefficient of the gas-fuelled system. The SPF coefficient of the gas-fuelled system is entered according to the output temperature and the energy source. Energy source Air Ground water Buried heat exchanger (sensors and coil exchanger) Other heat sources Low temperature heating (floor/wall heating) 1.40 1.65 1.65 enter SPF Radiators, thermal panels 1.20 1.50 1.50 enter SPF Fan convectors Forced air heating, hot air ovens 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 enter SPF enter SPF enter SPF enter SPF enter SPF enter SPF Other systems or combinations Page 44 of 61 44 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Remaining heat demand 5.11 The remainder of the total heat demand, which cannot be covered by the technical systems mentioned above (solar installation, co-generation system, heat pump) is calculated as follows: QR QWB Qsol QWW ,el QVen ,el QVen ,el QB ,th Qcw Qab ….. in kWh/a (85) There are two options to cover the remaining heat demand: either using a boiler or through district heating. Boiler The final energy to be supplied to the boiler is calculated as follows: QK , E QR P ….. in kWh/a (86) The type of heating also has to be taken into account (floor heating, radiators etc.); if the “low temperature heating” or “combined system” fields are marked under properties of the heating system installations in the “technological systems” sheet, insert the following values: P _ NT or P _ KOMBI . Boiler type nP nP_NT nP_KOMBI [%] [%] [%] Low temperature – gas oil 92 94 93 Condensation boiler – gas oil 96 105 101 Boiler – gas oil 86 86 86 Low temperature – Gas 93 95 94 Condensation boiler - Gas 98 108 103 Boiler - Gas 88 88 88 Compressed air wood boiler 86 86 86 Wood chip boiler 88 88 88 Pellet boiler 90 90 90 Where the heat generator is located outside the building but is still in the immediate vicinity, the various efficiency levels must be multiplied by a reduction factor of 0.95. District heating connection Connection to a district heating system will be considered a renewable energy source if run on renewable energies or recovered heat. Page 45 of 61 45 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines QFW QR ..... in kWh/a (87) In this case, the energy performance of the district heating substation is also taken into account. The district heating substation (domestic station) is the interface between the district heating network and the domestic system and is entered into the calculation with a performance level of 98%. QFW QR wü ..... in kWh/a (88) Remaining energy demand which is not covered Depending on the fixed values entered into the previous calculations, there may be a minimal amount of energy demand which is left uncovered. Where this is the case, the designer may declare that the installations present are sufficient to cover the overall energy demand. No further calculations need therefore be made: Qng QR in kWh/a (89) Page 46 of 61 46 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 5.12 Electrical energy demand The overall electrical energy demand consists of the following items: Qel = Qh,el + Qi ,el + QWW,el + QVen,el + QU,D + Qcw,el + QH,el + QKÜ,el ..... in kWh/a (90) Electrical heating The demand in terms of electrical current for electrical heating is determined as follows: Qh ,el Qh el ..... in kWh/a (91) el this is the overall performance for heat transfer to the environment, which is assumed to be at 0.94. Lighting The annual energy demand for lighting is calculated as follows: Qi , el 6 A tu PA 1000 ..... in kWh/a (92) The effective operation time is to be taken from the table: Building use: tU [h/a] 2 500 2 450 2 450 2 500 2 000 3 500 4 000 4 000 2 000 Offices Single or twin-family buildings Residential condominiums Offices and apartments Schools or nurseries Hotels Hospitals Sports facilities Other public buildings Choose either traditional or high efficiency lighting, or a combination of the two. The specific average power PA is calculated based on the table: Building use: qi,B [W/m²] 67 22 22 67 67 67 67 67 67 Offices Single or twin-family buildings Residential condominiums Offices and apartments Schools or nurseries Hotels Hospitals Sports facilities Other public buildings qi,B, Kombi qi,B,ESL [W/m²] 41 14 14 41 41 41 41 41 41 [W/m²] 15 6 6 15 15 15 15 15 15 Page 47 of 61 47 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Photovoltaic installation The calculation to determine the electrical current generated by the photovoltaic installation is the same as that used for the solar installation. QPh ,el G fN fA APh nPh Ph Ph _ Anl . d fS ..... in kWh/M (93) The calculation is based on the principle that all the current obtained will be used or input into the public grid. 1.1.1 Electrical demand covered by the public electricity grid The current taken from the public grid, and any which might be input into the public grid is calculated as follows: Qgrid Qel QPh ,el QB ,el ..... in kWh/M (94) 5.13 Cooling The data corresponding to the latent and sensible summer loads ( PS and PL ) must be entered manually. A percentage of the coverage of these two loads may also be considered. In addition, the net surface area of the cooled areas must be entered. Indicating the cooling system used for air-conditioned areas This can be selected from the following list of cooling systems. These will have an impact on the performance coefficient of the cooling machine and on the auxiliary electrical energy: • Fan convectors • Radiant cooling, using fan convectors for dehumidification • Radiant cooling, using primary air for dehumidification • Radiant cooling with no dehumidification • Air cooling only, with exterior cooling group • Other systems or combinations of systems Coolers To produce cold, use one of the following coolers: • Water – air cooler group • Water – water cooler group, with cooling tower • water – water cooler group, using ground water • Water- water cooler group using a geothermal heat exchanger (with sensors or coil exchanger) • Gas-fuelled absorption system: Fuel of choice: methane gas liquid gas air water, using cooling tower Heat dissipation of choice: Page 48 of 61 48 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines ground water buried heat exchanger (sensors or coil exchanger) Absorption system with heat from the co-generation system Heat dissipation of choice: air water, using cooling tower ground water buried heat exchanger (sensors or coil exchanger) Absorption system with heat from the solar installation Heat dissipation of choice: air water, using cooling tower ground water buried heat exchanger (sensors or coil exchanger) Other systems or combinations of systems Electrical energy demand for cooling Electrical energy demand The electrical energy demand for cooling is calculated as follows: QKÜ ,el PS PL bVK f KB / COP ….. in kWh/a (95) Summer loads (PS and PL) are entered manually and the hours of cooling at full power (bVK) are entered directly into the calculation according to the location of the building. The correction coefficient fKB varies according to the construction type: Construction type: fKB light medium (solid wood) heavy 0.22 0.30 0.38 The seasonal average performance coefficient COP or the SEER for the cooling group is determined according to the combination of the systems for production and emission of cold. Page 49 of 61 49 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Production Water – air cooler Water – water cooler Water – water group cooler group group with cooling tower using ground water Water- water cooler group using a geothermal heat exchanger (with sensors and coil exchanger) Fan convectors 2.6 2.8 3.7 3.7 Radiant cooling, using fan convectors for dehumidification 2.8 3.0 4.2 4.2 Radiant cooling, using primary air for dehumidification 2.8 3.0 4.2 4.2 Radiant cooling without dehumidification 3.0 3.2 4.6 4.6 2.6 2.8 3.8 3.8 enter COP enter COP Air cooling only, with exterior cooling group Description of the system enter COP enter COP Thermal energy demand The thermal energy demand to supply the cooling systems is calculated as follows: QKÜ ,ab PS PL bVK f KB / COP ….. in kWh/a In the case of gas-fuelled absorption systems, enter the values specified below: this calculation shows the demand for energy from methane or liquid gas. Heat dissipation Air Water with cooling tower Ground water Buried heat exchanger (sensors and coil exchanger) Fan convectors 0.70 0.72 0.80 0.80 Radiant cooling, using fan convectors for dehumidification 0.75 0.77 0.85 0.85 Radiant cooling, using primary air for dehumidification 0.75 0.77 0.85 0.85 0.80 0.82 0.90 0.90 0.70 0.72 0.80 0.80 enter COP enter COP Radiant cooling without dehumidification Air cooling only, with exterior cooling group Description of the system enter COP enter COP For absorption systems which are supplied with heat from a co-generation system, enter the following values: Page 50 of 61 50 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Air Heat dissipation Water with cooling tower Ground water Buried heat exchanger (sensors and coil exchanger) Fan convectors 0.63 0.65 0.72 0.72 Radiant cooling, using fan convectors for dehumidification 0.68 0.69 0.77 0.77 Radiant cooling, using primary air for dehumidification 0.68 0.69 0.77 0.77 Radiant cooling without dehumidification 0.72 0.74 0.81 0.81 Air cooling only, with exterior cooling group 0.63 0.65 0.72 0.72 enter COP enter COP Description of the system enter COP enter COP In calculating the thermal production of the co-generation system, the extent to which the system covers demand is also taken into account. QKÜ ,el , BHKW PS PL bVK f KB f adg / COP ….. in kWh/a (96) The electrical energy generated is as follows: Q B , el Q B , th B , el B , th ….. in kWh/M (97) The two values corresponding to the energy performance and the electrical power vary according to the model, and must therefore be entered manually. The final energy input into the compact co-generation system is as follows: QB , P QB ,th B,th ….. in kWh/M (98) The remaining cooling demand will be covered by the selected type of system. For absorption systems where the heat comes from the solar installation, the following values apply: Heat dissipation Air Water with cooling tower Ground water Buried heat exchanger (sensors and coil exchanger) Fan convectors 0.62 0.64 0.71 0.71 Radiant cooling, using fan convectors for dehumidification 0.67 0.68 0.75 0.75 Radiant cooling using primary air for cooling 0.67 0.68 0.75 0.75 Radiant cooling without dehumidification 0.71 0.73 0.79 0.79 Page 51 of 61 51 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Air cooling only, cooling group with 0.62 exterior Description of the system 0.64 enter COP enter COP 0.71 0.71 enter COP enter COP The extent to which the solar installation covers the total cooling demand is calculated as follows: DG Qsol 0,8 QKÜ ,el ….. in kWh/M (99) The remaining cooling demand will then be covered by the selected type of system. Where ground water or water from a geothermal collector are used directly (natural cooling) the energy demand for cooling = 0. In this case, only the auxiliary electrical energy (circulation pump for the primary circuit) need be assessed. 5.14 Auxiliary energy In calculating the current demand, add the value QH,el , corresponding to the auxiliary current, which is necessary to power the technological systems and which is determined as follows: QH,el = QH,L,el + QH,HV,el + QH,Z,el + QH,WE,el + QH,S,el + QH,WP,el + QK,KV,el + QK,NC,el (100) Ventilation QH,l,el : Building use type Pm [W/(m³/h)] Operation time tB [h/d] Days d [d] 0.60 0.45 0.45 0.48 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 to be entered 16 16 to be entered to be entered to be entered to be entered to be entered to be entered 260 350 350 350 260 260 365 260 260 Offices Single or twin family buildings Condominiums Offices and residences Schools, nurseries Hotels Hospitals Sports facilities Other public offices QH , L ,el Pm q 15 V,f 1000 tB 15 d [kWh/a] (101) Page 52 of 61 52 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Heating distribution QH, HV,el : Pm < 250m² 250 > Pm > 3000 m² Pm > 3000 m² tel Heating system [W/m²] Low temp. heating 0.85 linear interpolation 0.25 Radiators, thermal panels 0.45 linear interpolation 0.25 Combined system (low and high temp.) Fan convectors 0.65 Linear interpolation 0.25 0.90 linear interpolation 0.5 HT12·16 Forced air heating, hot air ovens 0.90 linear interpolation 0.5 HT12·16 [W/m²] [W/m²] [h/a] HT12·1 6 HT12·16 HT12·16 Pm NGFB tel 1000 [kWh/a] (102) The average operation time tel is obtained by multiplying the heating days HT12 QH , HV , el (different for each Municipality) by the number of hours (16h). Recirculation QHZel Pm < 250 m²NGF Pm > 250 m²NGF Hot water produced by thermal energy Hot water produced by electrical energy QH , Z ,el tz [W/m²] [W/m²] [h/a] 0.2 0.1 5 840 0 0 5 840 Pm NGFB t Z 1000 [kWh/a] (103) When calculating the hot water demand, if the electrical resistance is in “operation all year round”, it is assumed that QH,Z,el = 0 , otherwise the formula above is applied. Heat generators: boilers and district heating QH,WE,el [W/m2] 250 > Pm > 3000 m2 Pm > 3000m2 [W/m2] [W/m2] Low temperature oil boiler Oil condensation boiler Oil boiler 0.45 Linear interpolation 0.10 QNutz / Ptot 0.45 Linear interpolation 0.10 QNutz / Ptot 0.45 Linear interpolation 0.10 QNutz / Ptot Low temperature 0.45 Linear interpolation 0.10 QNutz / Ptot Heat generators Pm < 250 m2 tWZ [h/a] Page 53 of 61 53 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines gas boiler Gas condensation boiler Gas boiler 0.45 Linear interpolation 0.10 QNutz / Ptot 0.45 Linear interpolation 0.10 QNutz / Ptot Compressed air wood boiler 0.50 Linear interpolation 0.20 QNutz / Ptot Wood chip boiler 0.70 Linear interpolation 0.30 QNutz / Ptot Pellet boiler 0.60 Linear interpolation 0.25 QNutz / Ptot District heating 0.05 0.05 0.05 8 760 QH ,WE ,el Pm NGFB tWZ 1000 [kWh/a] (104) Depending on the system (boiler or district heating) the respective values (Pm ) are applied in relation to the net surface of the storey, and are entered into the formula shown above. The average operation time WZ t is determined as follows (except in the case of district heating, where a fixed value of 8 760h applies): tWZ Qh WW QU Ptot [h] (105) Solar installation QHsel Pm< 500 m2NGF Pm > 500 m2NGF [W/m2] [W/m2] Solar installation QH , S , el Pm NGFB t S 1000 [kWh/a] 0.3 0.2 ts [h/a] 1 800 (106) The specific average electrical power is multiplied by the net surface of the storey and by the operating time, and divided by 1 000. Heat pump QH,WP,el Heat pump Pm tWP = tWZ 2 [W/m ] [h/a] Ground water 1.3 tWZ Ground 0.8 tWZ Air 0 tWZ QH ,WP ,el Pm NGFB tWP 1000 [kWh/a] (107) Page 54 of 61 54 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Cooling system QK,KV,el Pm < 250 m2 250 > Pm > 3000 m2 Pm > 3000m2 Cooling system tel [W/m2] [W/m2] [W/m2] [h/a] Fan convectors 0.9 Linear interpolation 0.5 KT18.3 ·8 Radiant cooling, using fan convectors for dehumidification 1.1 Linear interpolation 0.6 KT18.3 ·8 Radiant cooling using primary air for dehumidification Radiant cooling without dehumidification Air cooling only 1.0 Linear interpolation 0.55 KT18.3 ·8 0.85 Linear interpolation 0.25 KT18.3 ·8 0.2 Linear interpolation 0.1 KT18.3 ·8 1 Linear interpolation 0.55 KT18.3 ·8 Other systems or combinations of systems QK , KV ,el Pm NGFK tel 1000 [kWh/a] (108) The average specific electrical power Pm is determined based on the selected cooling system and then entered into the calculation. The Pm values differ depending on the net surface area of the storey; from 250 to 3000m², calculate using linear interpolation. The average operation time tel is obtained by multiplying the cooling days KT18.3 (different for each Municipality) by the number of hours (8h). 5.15 CO2 emissions CO2 emission factors and/or equivalent are also considered CO2 emissions. These are not simply limited to carbon dioxide emissions, but also include other types of harmful emissions, such as CH4, CO, NOx and N2O. The CO2- emissions of a building depend on both the quantity of primary energy and the type of fuel and its corresponding quantity of CO2 emissions. mCO2 Q i CO2 i ….. in kg CO2 (110)a The level of CO2 emissions in kg/kWhEnd indicated with the to the fuel, in accordance with the table below: CO2 Fuel CO2 Super light fuel oil Light fuel oil Liquid gas (LPG) Rape seed oil Methane gas Wood chips Briquettes/logs Pellets Electrical current 0.290 0.303 0.263 0.033 0.249 0.035 0.055 0.042 0.647 sign, varies according Page 55 of 61 55 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines District heating: fuel oil District heating: methane gas District heating: fuel oil and co-generation District heating: methane gas and co-generation District heating: rape seed oil District heating: rape seed oil and co-generation District heating: wood with methane gas boiler for peak times District heating: wood with oil boiler for peak times District heating: wood with rape seed oil boiler for peak times District heating: waste-to-energy incinerator 0.410 0.300 0.280 0.270 0.150 0.180 0.125 0.150 0.100 0.200 Specific CO2 emissions The yearly CO2 emissions for the net heated surface of the storey are calculated as follows: ….. in kg CO2/(m²⋅a) (111) The overall energy efficiency of buildings is classified by specific CO2 emissions, in the same way that it is already classified according to the heating demand. Building Classification: Gold A B C D E F G EP_NGF [kWh/m2a] CO2_NGF [CO2/(m2·a)] Dlgs311 ss Dlgs311 ss Dlgs311 ss Dlgs311 ss Dlgs311 ss Dlgs311 ss Dlgs311 ss Dlgs311 ss <5 < 10 < 20 < 30 < 40 < 50 < 60 > 70 Performance coefficient of the installation/primary energy demand/renewable sources 5.16 Performance coefficient of the installation/primary energy demand The performance coefficient of the installation is the relationship between primary energy and the overall heat demand and is calculated as follows: eP QP Qh Qww Qu Qel ( The primary energy demand is the sum of all the individual energy quantities, multiplied by the corresponding primary energy factor. QP Qel f P ,el QB , P f P , BHKW QK , E f P , K Q grid f P ,el … in kWh/(m²⋅a) Percentage of renewable energies The share of renewable energies derived from the relationship between the sum of renewable energies and the sum of primary energies. Page 57 of 61 57 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines 6.0 Tables with calculation data Tab. 1: Heat convection resistances and temperature correction factors of building elements Heat convection resistance in m²·K/W Heat flows to the exterior via Rsi Elements in contact with the exterior air Exterior walls unventilated ventilated Exterior roof upwards: unventilated ventilated downwards: unventilated ventilated Pitched roofs unventilated ventilated Elements adjacent to non-heated areas Walls facing non-heated attic Roof facing non-heated attic Walls facing underground garage Roof facing underground garage Walls facing non-heated conservatory with conservatory exterior glazing: Single glazing U > 2.5 W/(m²·K) Insulated glazing U < 2.5 W (m²·K) Heat-insulated glazing U < 1.6 W/(m²·K) Walls facing non-heated basement Roof facing non-heated basement walls facing non-heated stairwell, exposed to outside air Walls facing interior glass-covered courtyard (Atrium) Walls facing non-heated recess Roof facing non-heated recess upwards downwards Elements touching the ground Walls touching the ground Floor touching the ground Rse Temperatur e correction factor fi Rsi + Rse 0.13 0.04 0.17 0.13 0.13 0.26 1.0 1.0 0.10 0.04 0.14 0.10 0.10 0.20 1.0 1.0 0.17 0.04 0.21 0.17 0.17 0.34 1.0 1.0 0.10 0.04 0.14 0.10 0.10 0.20 1.0 1.0 0.13 0.10 0.13 0.17 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.13 0.10 0.13 0.17 0.26 0.20 0.26 0.34 0.13 0.13 0.26 0.13 0.13 0.26 0.17 0.17 0.34 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.13 0.13 0.26 0.13 0.13 0.26 0.5 0.5 0.13 0.13 0.26 0.5 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.17 0.17 0.34 0.5 0.5 0.13 0.17 - 0.6 0.5 0.13 0.17 Page 58 of 61 58 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Tab. 2: Heat transfer and total energy use coefficients for glazing Description Ug W/(m²·K) 5.8 3.2 2.9 2.7 2.7 1.9 g 1.5 0.61 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.61 0.62 0.62 0.48 Heat-insulated coated three-layered glazing 4-8-4-8-4 0.5 (Xe) 0.48 Reflective double glazing 6-15-6 (Ar) Reflective double glazing 6-12-4 (Ar) Reflective double glazing 6-15-6 (Ar) Reflective double glazing 6-15-4 (Ar) Reflective double glazing 6-12-4 (Ar) Reflective double glazing 6-12-4 (Ar) Reflective double glazing 6-15-6 (Ar) 0.25 0.27 0.29 0.33 0.39 0.44 0.48 Single glazing 6 mm Transparent insulated double glazing 6-8-6 Transparent insulated double glazing 6-12-6 Transparent insulated double glazing 6-16-6 Transparent double glazing 6-30-6 Transparent insulated three-layered glazing 6-12-612-6 Heat-insulated coated double glazing 4-16-4 (Air) Heat-insulated coated double glazing 4-15-6 (Ar) Heat-insulated coated double glazing 4-12-4 (Kr) Heat-insulated coated double glazing 4-12-4 (Xe) Heat-insulated coated three-layered glazing 4-8-4-8-4 (Kr) 1.1 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 0.83 0.71 0.71 0.72 0.72 0.63 Tab. 3: Heat transfer coefficients for wood frames Thickness df mm 30 50 70 90 110 Uf W/(m²·K) Soft wood (500 kg/m³) λ = 0.13 W/(m·K) 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 Hard wood (700 kg/m³) λ = 0.18 W/( m·K) 2.70 2.35 2.05 1.85 1.65 Tab. 4: Heat transfer coefficients for plastic frames Material Window type Polyurethane PVC tubular profiles 2 chambers 3 chambers Uf W/(m²·K) 2.6 2.2 2.0 Page 59 of 61 59 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Tab. 5: Heat transfer coefficients for metal frames Uf W/(m²·K) 4.0 6.0 With thermal cutting Without thermal cutting Tab. 6: Correction coefficient for thermal bridge between frame and glazing Wood or plastic window unit Correction coefficient g Double/triple glazing, no film Double/triple glazing with film 0.04 0.06 Insulated metallic window unit Non-insulated metallic window unit 0.06 0.00 0.08 0.02 January February March April May June July August September October November December Tab. 7: Correction coefficient fN in degrees for gradients in relation to the horizontal 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5 1.21 1.15 1.10 1.06 1.04 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.08 1.13 1.19 1.23 10 1.40 1.28 1.18 1.12 1.08 1.06 1.07 1.10 1.16 1.25 1.37 1.45 15 1.59 1.41 1.26 1.16 1.10 1.08 1.09 1.14 1.22 1.36 1.54 1.66 20 1.76 1.53 1.33 1.20 1.12 1.09 1.10 1.16 1.28 1.45 1.69 1.86 25 1.92 1.63 1.39 1.22 1.13 1.09 1.11 1.18 1.32 1.54 1.84 2.04 30 2.07 1.73 1.44 1.24 1.13 1.08 1.10 1.19 1.36 1.62 1.97 2.21 35 2.20 1.80 1.48 1.25 1.12 1.07 1.09 1.19 1.38 1.68 2.08 2.36 40 2.31 1.87 1.50 1.25 1.10 1.04 1.07 1.19 1.40 1.73 2.18 2.49 45 2.41 1.92 1.52 1.24 1.08 1.01 1.04 1.17 1.40 1.77 2.27 2.61 50 2.48 1.96 1.52 1.22 1.04 0.97 1.01 1.14 1.40 1.80 2.33 2.70 55 2.54 1.98 1.51 1.19 1.00 0.93 0.96 1.11 1.38 1.81 2.38 2.78 60 2.58 1.99 1.49 1.15 0.95 0.87 0.91 1.07 1.35 1.80 2.41 2.83 65 2.65 1.98 1.46 1.11 0.90 0.81 0.85 1.02 1.31 1.79 2.42 2.86 70 2.60 1.96 1.42 1.05 0.84 0.75 0.79 0.96 1.27 1.76 2.41 2.87 75 2.58 1.92 1.37 0.99 0.77 0.68 0.72 0.89 1.21 1.71 2.39 2.86 80 2.54 1.87 1.30 0.92 0.69 0.60 0.64 0.82 1.14 1.66 2.34 2.82 85 2.48 1.80 1.23 0.84 0.61 0.52 0.56 0.74 1.07 1.59 2.28 2.77 90 2.40 1.72 1.15 0.75 0.53 0.43 0.47 0.65 0.98 1.51 2.20 2.69 Page 60 of 61 60 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Tab. 8: Correction coefficient fS in degrees, for variance from the south East South -90 -85 -80 -75 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 1.54 1.47 1.4 1.35 1.29 1.25 1.2 1.17 1.14 1.115 1.09 1.07 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.005 1.00 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 West North 90 180 1.005 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1 1.12 1.15 1.18 1.22 1.26 1.305 1.35 1.43 1.51 June July August September October 56.7 63.9 63.6 59.7 62.3 64.2 70.3 December May 56.2 November April 54.7 58.5 e in % March February January Tab. 9: Relative outside air humidity 2.45 74.1 55.6 Tab. 10: Partial steam pressure ps according to temperature Temp. [°C] Ps Temp. [°C] Ps Temp. [°C] -21 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 0.935 1.09 1.133 1.246 1.369 1.503 1.649 1.808 1.98 2.169 2.373 2.595 2.833 3.095 3.376 3.681 4.011 4.368 4.754 5.172 5.621 6.108 6.565 7.054 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 7.574 8.129 8.718 9.346 10.013 10.721 11.473 12.271 13.117 14.015 14.969 15.974 17.04 18.169 19.363 20.62 21.957 23.37 24.85 26.42 28.08 29.82 31.67 33.6 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Ps 35.64 37.78 40.04 42.41 44.91 47.53 50.29 53.18 56.22 59.4 62.74 66.24 69.91 73.75 77.77 81.98 86.39 91 95.82 100.85 106.12 111.62 117.36 123.35 Page 61 of 61 61 Calculation of overall efficiency Guidelines Annex 5: Limits relating to individual structural elements: Value U [W/m²K] Climate Zone Zone E Zone F Vertical opaque structures facing the exterior 0.27 0.26 Horizontal/sloping opaque structures Roof 0.24 0.23 Flat roofs 0.30 0.28 Windows, doors and other systems 1.8 1.6 For interior structural elements, the limit value is 0.8 W/m²K. Minimum requirements for summer protection (Zone E only): Dynamic U limit value: 0.1 W/m²K, time lag 8 hours Page 62 of 61 62 ClimateHouse ClimateHouse Energycertificate certificate Energy Owner Owner Location Location Municipality Municipality Building permit P.F P.F. permit Building .Designed by Plot C.C. C.C. Plot Designed by Efficienza energetica Energy efficiency of the dell'involucro building envelope Efficienza complessiva Environmental Sostenabilità Overall efficiency ambientale sustainability Low heat demand ClimateHouse ClimateHouse ClimateHouse Minimum standard High heat demand Existing house standard Existing house standard Existing house standard Existing house standard Envelope energy efficiency in relation to the location Envelope energy efficiency in relation to the location Energy performance indicator for winter climate maintenance Energy performance indicator for winter climate maintenance AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF BOLZANO ALTO ADIGE Date Number Page 1 of 11 63 ClimateHouse Agency ClimateHouse Energy Certificate Image of the building Owner Location Municipality Photo Climatic data Climatic zone Height above sea level Heating days HT Standardised temperature θne Average interior temperature θi Degree days DD Envelope energy efficiency in relation to the location Energy performance indicator for winter climate maintenance AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF BOLZANO ALTO ADIGE Date Number Page 1 of 11 64 ClimateHouse Agency ClimateHouse Energy Certificate Climate House – the winning choice Congratulations vincente ClimateHouse provides you with the best conditions to live in comfort and save energy. ClimateHouse buildings differ from conventional houses primarily due to their energy savings and quality of living. These features increase the inhabitants’ comfort, reduce additional costs thanks to their minimal energy demand and at the same time ensure the value of the building in the long term. The most important features: Well insulated: all the elements that close off the building from the outside, such as walls, floors and roofs, must be well insulated to reduce heat loss. This solution ensures that the interior wall surfaces stay warm. This in turn guarantees a comfortable indoor climate, without the interior temperature exceeding 20 °C. Produced with expertise: thanks to a tight building envelope, energy losses are reduced, while the air is still able to flow freely. ClimateHouse/KlimaHaus is a protected brand Only buildings which genuinely correspond to the ClimateHouse requirements are certified. Each ClimateHouse certificate comes with its own code: this ID number means that the certified building has its CasaClima Page 5 of 11 own unique identity. ClimateHouse Energy Certificate Energy Efficiency of the building envelope Owner Location Municipality Building data Single or twin family building Building type Gross Heated Volume VB Net surface area of storeys NGFB Building skin AB Gross dissipating surface of the envelope A/V Gross dissipating surface of the envelope/Gross heated volume ratio Average transfer coefficient Um Average transfer coefficient of the building envelope Energy gains and losses QT Qv Qi Qs Municipality xxx ClimateHouse Standard Heat loss through transfer during the heating period Heat loss through ventilation during the heating period Gains from internal loads during the heating period Solar heat inflows during the heating period Energy and heat power demand Oh Heat demand for heating during the heating period PTot Heating capacity of the building P1 Specific heating capacity in relation to the net surface area Efficiency of the building envelope (Specific heat demand for heating in relation to the net surface area) AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF BOLZANO ALTO ADIGE Date Number Page 5 of 11 ClimateHouse Agency ClimateHouse Energy Certificate Overall Energy Efficiency Owner Location Municipality Primary energy demand Heating Hot water Cooling Lighting Primary energy gains from own electricity production Overall primary energy demand Auxiliary energy (partially integrated into heating, air conditioning and cooling) Renewable energy and CO2 emissions Alternative energy quota CO2 emissions CO2 index Energy performance indices Energy performance index for maintaining winter climate Energy performance limit value for maintaining winter climate (Decree of 11 March 2008 and subsequent amendments and addenda) Criteria for overall renovation on existing buildings checked Overall efficiency AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF BOLZANO ALTO ADIGE ClimateHouse Agency Date Number Expiry date: The ClimateHouse energy certificate is valid for 10 years, if no changes are made which have a negative impact on the building’s energy balance and if the provisions of Article 6 of the MD 26106/2009 are respected. The energy improvement recommendations indicated have a maximum return time of 10 years. Page 5 of 11 Reference standard: UNI EN 832 | ÖNorm B8110-1 | UNI EN ISO 6946 | UNI EN ISO 10017-1 | EN ISO 10211·1 SELF DECLARATION OF BUILDING ENERGY PERFORMANCE (1) (paragraph 9, Annex A, Decree of 26 June 2009 – National Guidelines for the energy certification of buildings) The undersigned (Surname) (name) born in ______________________________________ (Prov. _______) on _______________, resident of ______________________________________ (Prov. _______), Street: ______________________________________________ no:_______, tel.:____________________________________________________ tax identification code: _________________________________ VAT no: ____________________________________ in his/her capacity as ________________________________________________________________________________ (owner/proxy/other) of the building located in ____________________________________________ (Prov. ______), Street: ______________________________________________ no:_______, on building lot ____________________ plot \ __________________________ Land Register of the Municipality of _________________________________________________ 68 IN FULL KNOWLEDGE OF • the penal sanctions in the event of a false declaration and/or forgery of documents; • the very poor energy quality of the building; FOR THE SOLE PURPOSES set out in Article 6(1)(a) of Legislative Decree 192/2005 and subsequent amendments and addenda.; DECLARES • that the building which is the subject of this declaration has a useful surface area (net walkable surface) of no more than 1 000 m²; • that the building is of energy class G; • that the energy management costs of the building are very high. In response to the provisions of Annex A, paragraph 9 of the Decree of 26 June 2009 – National Guidelines for the energy certification of buildings – the undersigned undertakes to send a copy of this declaration, by recommended post, within 15 days of its issue, to: Agenzia CasaClima Srl Via Macello 30c I-39100 BOLZANO _________________________________________________________________________________________ Place and date Declarant signature (in full and legible) (2) (1) This self-declaration may be used until the entry into force of the regional measures. (2) In accordance with Article 38, P.R.D. No 445 of 28 December 2000, the signature at the bottom of the page is not subject to authentication if a photocopy of an identity document pertaining to the signatory is attached to the application. 69