Title: Assessing nearshore pelagic trophic structure in the Puget Sound using community-level stable isotope analysis Presenter name: Sean Naman Authors: Sean M. Naman1,2, Correigh M. Greene1, Casimir A. Rice1, Letitia Conway-Cranos1, Jason E. Hall1, Joshua Chamberlin1 Affiliations: 1 NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC naman@zoology.ubc.ca, 604-619-4274 2 Recent analysis of nearshore pelagic community structure in the greater Puget Sound has revealed alarming trends including increasing blooms of gelatinous zooplankton (“jellyfish”) and the declines of forage fish and salmon in some areas. Unfortunately, the mechanisms underlying these trends are unclear due to a deficit of ecological understanding of this system. The analysis of food web structure, which reflects the flow of carbon and nutrients, is useful to complement compositional (i.e. relative species abundances) information to understand the energetic processes underlying pelagic communities and why they may be changing. As a small part of a large, multi-trophic level assessment of Puget Sound’s pelagic foodweb, we present a novel technique to examine food web structure using stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. By calculating standard ellipse areas around isotope signatures of pelagic fish and jellyfish, we are able to characterize how community-level trophic niches (which reflect both trophic length and basal resource diversity) change across distinct oceanographic subbasins and seasonally. Preliminary results indicate strong spatial and temporal structure in community niche widths with greater standard ellipse areas in northern subbasins (Whidbey and Rosario basins) in spring months. Session: Contributed Student Presentation: Yes Presentation type: Poster only