Schedule B – Fieldwork Travel Checklist - Domestic Fieldwork Leader to complete Schedule B in consultation with the staff member/student prior to the fieldwork being approved. Step 1: Minimum Precautions Checklist For Travel/Fieldwork where all planned activities outlined in this application are being undertaken in regulated and safe environments We/I (Curtin Staff / student) have read the Curtin University’s "Fieldwork Safety Guidelines" and can confirm that all of the planned activities outlined in this application are being undertaken in regulated and safe environments. (Please ensure list of participants is attached to Schedule A if group fieldwork) A detailed fieldwork Health & Safety Risk Assessment has been completed below (go to Schedule C). We/I have notified my supervisor of any pre-medical conditions, and obtained a “Fit to Travel/Fly” and will manage the rigours of the particular travel certificate from my treating physician along with medications. We/I will provide a written action plan before we/I leave. (Where more than 1 participant, Fit to Travel/Fly certificates attached) Step 2: Checklist for Insurance and Emergency Assistance We/I am a Curtin staff/student and we/ I have confirmed with the school’s travel coordinator that we/I are covered by Curtin’s Corporate Travel Insurance Policy". *Students: please note that in the case of medical emergencies etc., you must first approach Medicare or your private health fund for reimbursement. Should you incur any out of pocket expenses, please contact the Risk Management office on ph: 9266 3748. Step 3: Declaration by Person Travelling/Fieldwork Leader for Group Fieldwork We/I declare that we/I have read, understood and have signed off the “Conditions of Participation Form” (Students) and the “Conditions of Participation Agreement” (Staff Members) prior to commencing this fieldwork. Additionally, all information contained within this and the attached documents is true and correct at the time of signing this form. Signed: Date: Signed: Date: Signed: Date: Signed: Date: Version 2.0 Uncontrolled document when printed Health and Safety Page 1 of 5 Step 4: Fieldwork Leader to Complete Date Primary Checklist Participants have or will be briefed on the details of the fieldwork and all relevant safety policies, procedures and codes of conduct whilst on fieldwork All equipment, vehicles and tools will be checked for safe operation prior to the fieldwork I have made all necessary arrangements for the effective management of emergencies that may arise in the course of the fieldwork I have checked with participant/s that they have disclosed any medical conditions that may affect their ability to safely undertake the proposed fieldwork I have ensured adequate recovery time before return to work to ensure fitness for work has been allocated to participants Step 5: Approvals Position Signature Date Fieldwork Leader: …………………………………………………………….. ………………. Head of Area: …………………………………………………………….. ………………. Only required for HIGH/ EXTREME rating PVC OR DVC: …………………………………………………………….. ………………. Version 2.0 Uncontrolled document when printed Health and Safety Page 2 of 5 Schedule B – Fieldwork Travel Checklist - International For Travel/Fieldwork where the planned activities outlined in this application are being undertaken in unfamiliar and/or remote environments and/or where the type and scope of regulation of hazards is limited or unknown. Steps 1-5 in Schedule B and Schedule C – Fieldwork Health and Safety Risk Assessment and other listed attachments must be completed by the staff member/student in consultation with the Fieldwork Leader prior to approvals being sought. Step 1: Type of Destination/s Into which category does your destination/s fit (please consult ( to verify your selection)? 1. For travel/fieldwork to/in destinations for which the advice is “DFAT 4 - Do not Travel”, the University generally advises against all travel, consider alternative means to conduct the research/activity. Please contact Risk Management for advice and the completion of relevant documentation. 2. For travel/fieldwork to/in destinations for which the advice is “DFAT 3 - Reconsider Your Need to Travel”, the University generally advises that alternative means to conduct the research/activity be considered. Please contact Risk Management for advice and the completion of relevant documentation. Have alternative means for the conduct of the research/activity been considered? YES NO If no, please explain briefly why? If you are to travel to a DFAT 3 or 4 destination you, must complete Travel Risk Assessment in consultation with Risk Management. The DFAT 4 Risk Assessment can be found at: 3. For travel/fieldwork to/in destinations for which the advice is “DFAT 2 - High Degree of Caution”, or “DFAT 1 – Exercise Normal Safety Precautions”, step 2 : Minimum Precautions Checklist, and Schedule C – Health & Safety Risk Assessment must be completed. Step 2: Minimum Precautions Checklist a) Notification has been made and Travel advice sought from NO YES b) Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate contact details in destination/s have been recorded and retained by the relevant School/Department or Office. YES NO A detailed fieldwork Health & Safety Risk Assessment has been completed below (go to Version 2.0 Uncontrolled document when printed Health and Safety Page 3 of 5 Schedule C). We/I have notified my supervisor of any pre-medical conditions, and obtained a “Fit to Travel/Fly” and will manage the rigours of the particular travel certificate from my treating physician along with medications. We/I will provide a written action plan before We/I leave. (Where more than 1 participant, Fit to Travel/Fly certificates attached) Step 3: Checklist for Insurance and Emergency Assistance We/I am a Curtin staff /student and we/I have confirmed with the school’s travel coordinator that we/I am covered by Curtin’s Corporate Travel Insurance Policy" . Please note that the CUSTOMER CARE Emergency Number is +61 2 8907 5686 (reverse charge call from anywhere in the world) and quote the Curtin Membership number: CC110CUR. Step 4: Checklist Declaration by Person Travelling/Fieldwork Leader for Group Fieldwork We/I declare that I have read, understood and have signed off the “Conditions of Participation Form” (Students) and the “Conditions of Participation Agreement” (Staff Members) prior to commencing this fieldwork. Additionally, all information contained within this and the attached documents is true and correct at the time of signing this form. Signed: ……………… Date Signed: ……………… Date Signed: ……………… Date Signed: ……………… Date Step 5: Fieldwork Leader to Complete Date Primary Checklist Participants have or will be briefed on the details of the fieldwork and all relevant safety policies, procedures and codes of conduct whilst on fieldwork All equipment, vehicles and tools will be checked for safe operation prior to the fieldwork I have made all necessary arrangements for the effective management of emergencies that may arise in the course of the fieldwork I have checked with participant/s that they have disclosed any medical conditions that may affect their ability to safely undertake the proposed fieldwork I have ensured adequate recovery time before return to work to ensure fitness for work has been allocated to participants Version 2.0 Uncontrolled document when printed Health and Safety Page 4 of 5 Step 6: Approvals Position Signature Date Fieldwork Leader: …………………………………………………………….. ………………. Head of Area: …………………………………………………………….. ………………. …………………………………………………………….. ………………. …………………………………………………………….. ………………. For DFAT 3 or HIGH/ EXTREME Risk Rating PVC or DVC: For DFAT 4 only VC: Version 2.0 Uncontrolled document when printed Health and Safety Page 5 of 5