

Unit & Date

Phase One: Clouds


Week 1:

May 27 to Jun 2

Class: Thu, May 31


PSRT 4271: The Family Role In Rehabilitation

Course Class Schedule and Reading List (v.3.5)

Last updated: July 29, 2012. Subject to further updating.

(Adapted from Muhlbauer’s Six Phases of a Family’s Journey)

Questions: T.H. Pyle, t. 609-658-2008, e.

Topics Web/Project Activity

The New Reality: Aspects of Illness

Course Framework: The

Phases of a Family


What is SMI?

What are its effects?

What is illness like? Who is involved?

History of Mental Illness

History of Schizophrenia

Etiology of SZ:





Mind vs. Brain: “symbols” vs. “synapses”

How to Read a Research

Article for This Class


(Required readings in

bold. Others are recommended.)

(Finkle, 2004), 2 pp.

1 st web assignment:

Welcome to Moodle

[Practice Session], due

Thu, Jun 7.

Class Activity

Introductions and


Video: True Life: I Have

Schizophrenia (MTV,


Introduction to the Six

Phases of the Journey

(Muhlbauer, 2002)

How to Read a Research

Article for This Class

Unit & Date

Week 2:

Jun 3 to 9

Thu, Jun 7

Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity

History of The System and

Its Perception of the


How did and does psychiatry view the family?


“Schizophrenogenic mother”

“Double bind”

”Expressed emotion”

How are these views evolving? Why?

What challenges remain?


(Power & Dell Orto,

2004), chapter 1, 27 pp.

(Swarbrick, 2009)

Family “Journey” Phases:

(Muhlbauer, 2002), 14 pp.

Psychiatry History:

(Atkinson & Coia, 1995), p.

1-22 only.

(Royal College of

Psychiatry, 2010) [10

minute video]


(Moss-Coane, 2009b) [15

min. video: What is schizophrenia?]

(Kyziridis, 2005), 6 pp.

(DeDisto, Harding,

McCormick, Ashikaga, &

Brooks, 1995), 5 pp.

(Harding & Zahniser,

1994), 6 pp.

History of Etiology


Prepare for 3 rd Web assignment: attend, evaluate, post on

Psychoeducation Group visit. Others to comment online. Due, Jul 19.


Week 3:

Jun 10 – 16

Thu, Jun 14

Unit & Date Subject

What Is Family?

Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Complexity Theory

Closed and Open Systems

General Systems Theory

Family Systems Theory

What Is A Family System?

What Is A Medical


Tension between the

Sciences: Psychiatry vs.

Family Therapy


1948), 10 pp.

(Bateson, Haley, &

Weakland, 1956), 16 pp.

(Hartwell, 1996), 16 pp.

(Neill, 1990)

Institutional and

Community Based

Treatment History:

(Geller, 2000), 17 pp.

(Cutler, Bevilacqua, &

McFarland, 2003), 16 pp.

(Drake, Green, Mueser, &

Goldman, 2003), 10 pp.

General Systems:

(Boulding, 1956), 12 pp.

Family Systems:

(Bavelas & Segal, 1982),

5 pp.

(J. Brown, 1999) [Bowen

System], 9 pp.

(Auerswald, 1987)

(Rabstejnek, n.d.)

(Fingerman & Berman,

Web/Project Activity Class

Class interview and discussion with Professor

Amy Spagnolo,

Department of Psychiatric

Rehabilitation, UMDNJ

(Kean ’00)

Unit & Date

Phase Two: Storm

Week 4:

Jun 17 to 23

Thu, Jun 21


The Family’s Crisis



What does a psychiatric crisis look and feel like?

How does it confront and affect a family?

How does the system respond?


(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

2000) [Gerontology;

good review of family

systems theory], 24 pp.

(As an informal, informational, nonacademically sanctioned source, also skim: “Family

Therapy” on Wikipedia)

(Clarke & Winsor, 2010),

6 pp.

Video: Bellevue Inside

Out (DeLeo, 2001), 75


Web/Project Activity

Impact on Families and


What are the effects on families and their individual members?

Through what phases does a family in the maelstrom of mental illness pass?

What difficulties do providers have working with families?


(Power & Dell Orto,

2004), Chapter 3, 19 pp.

(Moss-Coane, 2009a):

Schizophrenia, The

Family, and Society (15 minute video)

(Atkinson & Coia, 1995), p.

23-44 only.

(Jones, 2004) [Loss and

Ambivalence], 15 pp.

(Karp & Tanarugsachock,


Video clip from Bellevue

Inside Out [5 minutes]

Guest Speaker: Crisis

Response Team Manager

[Invited: Mr. Ravi

Majarajh, Supervisor,

Middlesex County

Screening Center, UMDNJ

Behavioral Health

Services, Piscataway, NJ]

Unit & Date Subject

Phase Three: Unmoored

Week 5:

Jun 24 to 30

Thu, Jun 28

Special Topics: Grief,

Burden, Stigma, Violence

Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity


What are the elements of family grief?

How does grief differ between the loss of loved one to death and to mental

2000), 19 pp.


(Copeland & Heilemann,

2011), 11 pp.

(Johansson, Anderzen-

Carlsson, Åhlin, &

Andershed, 2010)



(Wiens & Daniluk, 2009),

8 pp.


(Lukens, Thorning, &

Lohrer, 2002), 8 pp.


(Seeman, 2009)


( Kim & Salyers, 2008)

(Mohr & Regan-Kubinski,

2001), 8 pp.

(Eakes, Burke, &

Hainsworth, 1998)

2 nd Web assignment: source, summarize, discuss article on Family

Burden. Due Thu, Jul 5.




Video: AACT-NOW 2009

Conference [6 minutes]

(NAMI New Jersey, 2009)

Unit & Date Subject illness?

Theory of chronic sorrow.

How can and should providers respond?


Subjective burden?

Objective burden?

How to address it?


Kinds of stigma


Effects of stigma



Family members as victims of domestic violence by a loved one

Loved ones as victims of excessive police force


(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity

(Cook, Cohler, Pickett, &

Beeler, 1997) [Social

Time], 6 pp.

(Doornbos, 2001) [24-7-

52], 14 pp.

(H. Lefley, 1989)

(Gray, 2002) [In


(Heflinger & Hinshaw,

2010), 7 pp.

(Larson & Corrigan,

2008), 4 pp.

(Vaddadi, Gilleard, &

Fryer, 2002), 7 pp.

(Pyle, 2012) [33 min. and 5

min. videos about Kelly

Thomas death]

(Baxter, 2012) [4 min. and

5 min. videos about NJ

Experience Interview


Assignment posted.

Families assigned.

Interview completion:

Thu., Jul. 12

First Draft:

Thu,, Jul. 19

Final Submission:

Thu, Jul. 26

Student Presentations:

Thu., Aug. 2


Speaker: Mr. Louis

Ferrarro, President, and others from Concerned

Families of Greystone (in a class at Greystone

Psychiatric Hospital).

Week 6:

Jul 1 to 7

Thu, Jul 5

Unit & Date Subject

Special Topic: Expressed


Special Topic: Ethnic and cultural considerations

Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity

Families’ reactions

What is Expressed


What is the cause of EE?

How is it addressed?

What is the family’s role and responsibility?

Is EE in case managers a problem?

A five-stage process model for Asian American families

Latino responses to family psychoeducation for


Comparing rich and poor police]

(Ponto, 2012) [10 min.

video about Laura Wilcox murder]


(H. P. Lefley, 2009),

Chapter 8, 15 pp.

Expressed emotion:

(G. W. Brown, Birley, &

Wing, 1972), 17 pp.

(Hatfield, Spaniol, &

Zipple, 1987), 5 pp.

(Hooley, 2004), 3 pp.

(Pharoah, Mari, Rathbone,

& W., 2006) [Cochrane

Review], 17 pp.

(Solomon, Alexander, &

Uhl, 2010) [case

managers], 8 pp.

(McDonagh, 2005)

(Sauceda, 2011), 13 pp.

(Tyson & Flaskerud,

2009), 2 pp.

MID TERM EXAM on the web. DUE, Mon, Jul 10.



Experience Interview


Interview completion:

Thu., Jul. 12

First Draft:

Thu,, Jul. 19

Final Submission:

Thu, Jul. 26.

Student Presentations:

Thu., Aug. 2


Video: Out of the Shadow

(Smiley, 2005), 75 mins.

Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Phase Four: Stabilization

Week 7:

Jul 8 to 14

Thu, Jul 12

Response: Dealing with

The System

Regaining equilibrium country responses

System 101.

What are the barriers to family care in mental health?

Returning to a new normality

Coping, Burden,

Resiliency, Social Support,

(Power & Dell Orto,

2004), Chapter 8, 15 pp.

(Pyle, 2009), 2 pp.

(Jensen, 2004), 8 pp.

(Rose, Mallinson, &

Walton-Moss, 2004), 8


(Askey, Holmshaw,

Gamble, & Gray, 2009),

17 pp.


(Power & Dell Orto,

2004), Chapters 6 and 7

(H. P. Lefley, 2009),

Chapters 2, 4, and 5

(Rose, Mallinson, &

Walton-Moss, 2002)

(Saunders, 2003)

(Chen, 2008)

Modality: Assertive

Community Treatment and


Modality: Family


What is family psychoeducation?

What forms can it take?

(Lucksted, McFarlane,

Downing, Dixon, &

Adams, 2012), 15 pp.

Web/Project Activity



Experience Interview


Interview completion:

DUE, Thu., Jul 12

First Draft:

Thu,, Jul. 19

Final Submission:

Thu, Jul. 26.

Student Presentations:

Thu., Aug. 2


Video: Family


Introductory Video [15

minutes] (New Hampshire-

Unit & Date


Phase Five: Mastery

Week 8:

Jul 15 to 21

Thu, Jul 19


Modality: Family


Modality: Family

Intervention for Dual

Disorders (FIDD)

Modality: Self-care

Special Topic: Finance and Planning

Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity Class

What are its recommended elements?

What are its objectives and standards?

What is family consultation?

What are effective models for it?

(Bae & Kung, 2000), 7 pp.

(SAMHSA, 2009)

(Dixon et al., 2010)

[PORT], 15 pp.

(Schmidt & Monaghan,

2012) [about IFSS in NJ],

16 pp.

(Mueser & Fox, 2002), 15


(Mueser et al., 2009)

(Gottlieb, Mueser, &

Glynn, 2012)

Recognizing codependence

Support groups

What is a Planned

Network Assistance


(Hewitt et al., 2010), 12 pp.

(Obloy & Hutcheson,

2002), 4 pp.

Available from Fri., Jul.

13, 12 noon to Mon., Jul.

16, 1 am)

3 rd Web assignment: attend, evaluate, post on

Psychoeducation Group visit. Others to comment online. Due, Jul 19.



Experience Interview


First Draft: DUE, Thu,,

Dartmouth Psychiatric

Research Center, 2009)

Review of SAMHSA

Family Psychoeducation


Presentation: Joyce Benz,

Director, Intensive Family

Support Services of Union


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity

Modality: Family Education

Special Topic:


Recommendations for


What is family education?

(H. P. Lefley, 2009),

Chapter 9, 9 pp.

(NAMI, 2011) [Watch 10

HIPAA minute video and review webpage]

(Dixon et al., 2011), 5 pp.

(Marshall & Solomon,

Advanced Directives

2003), 5 pp.

(Solomon, Molinaro,

Mannion, & Cantwell,

2012), 16 pp.

Is there a workable framework for family involvement in mental health services?

What are providers expected or mandated to do?

What can they or should they do?

How far apart are expectations and reality?

How can things be improved?

(Marshall & Solomon,

2004), 2 pp.

(McGinty, Worthington, &

Dennison, 2008) [About

DD], 9 pp.

(Mottaghipour &

Bickerton, 2005)

[Pyramid of Family

Care], 7 pp.

(Spaniol, Zipple, &

Lockwood, 1992), 6 pp.

Jul. 19

Final Submission DUE,

Thu, Jul. 26.

Student Presentations:

Thu., Aug. 2


Guest Speaker: Family

Education Specialist

[Invited: Marilyn

Goldstein, NAMI NJ

Family to Family Education


Unit & Date

Week 9:

Jul 22 to 28

Thu, Jul 26

Phase Six:


Week 10:

Jul 29 to Aug 4

Thu, Aug 2

Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity

System Topics: Family


The founding of NAMI

Question: Is the public

uninformed or


Current issues:






Housing availability

Housing supports


(Finkle, 2004), 2 pp.

(Alliance for the Mentally

Ill of San Mateo County

[CA], 1985)

(Lamb & Oliphant, 1978)

(Lamb & Oliphant, 1979)

(Willis, 1982)

(Lamb, Hoffman,

Hoffman, & Oliphant,


Response: Family Issues

Training for Providers

What do providers need to know about families?

What should medical schools teach their students about families?

Review of UMDNJ Medical

School Course Catalogue

Special Topic: Spirituality The effects of mental illness on families of faith.

The use of faith as a family intervention.

The role of spirituality in mental health treatment

(Power & Dell Orto,

2004), Chapter 12

(Riebschleger et al.,

2008), 7 pp.

(Schmetzer & Lafuze,

2008), 4 pp.

(Reeves & Reynolds,

2009), 2 pp.

(Rogers, Stanford, &

Garland, 2012), 10 pp.

(Spaniol, 2002), 2 pp.



Experience Interview


Final Submission DUE,

Thu, Jul. 26.

Student Presentations:

Thu., Aug. 2



Experience Interview


Student Presentations

DUE Thu., Aug. 2


Video: When Medicine Got

It Wrong (K. Cadigan &

Murray, 2009), 75mins

Video: People Say I’m

Crazy (J. Cadigan, 2004),

60 mins

Unit & Date

Week 11:

Aug 5 to 11

Thu, Aug 9

Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity Class

FINAL EXAM on the web,

Due Mon Aug 13.

Course Catch Up and


Student Presentations


Alliance for the Mentally Ill of San Mateo County [CA]. (1985). History, 1974-1984.

Askey, Ryan, Holmshaw, Janet, Gamble, Catherine, & Gray, Richard. (2009). What do carers of people with psychosis need from mental health services? Exploring the views of carers, service users and professionals. Journal of Family Therapy, 31 (3), 310-331. doi:


Atkinson, Jacqueline M., & Coia, Denise A. (1995). Families coping with schizophrenia: A practitioner's guide to family groups . New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Auerswald, E. H. (1987). Epistemological Confusion in Family Therapy and Research. Family

Process, 26 (3), 317-330. doi: 10.1111/j.1545-5300.1987.00317.x

Bae, Sung-Woo, & Kung, Winnie Wai-Ming. (2000). Family intervention for Asian Americans with a schizophrenic patient in the family. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70 (4),

532-541. doi: 10.1037/h0087789

Bateson, Gregory D. , Haley, Jackson J., & Weakland, John. (1956). Toward a Theory of

Schizophrenia. Behavioural Science, 1 (4), 251-254.

Bavelas, Janet Beavin, & Segal, Lynn. (1982). Family systems theory: Background and implications. Journal of Communication, 32 (3), 99-107.

Baxter, E. A., & Diehl, S. (1998). Emotional stages: Consumers and family members recovering from the trauma of mental illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 21 (4).

Baxter, Christopher. (2012). Three years later, State police admit to using unreasonable force on

NJ man's disabled son. [Online newspaper article with video]. Video 1: State police video captures troopers punching man repeatedly, longer version. Video 2: Father describes incident that found his son being punched repeatedly by state troopers, Newark Star-

Ledger. Retrieved from


Boulding, K. E. . (1956). General systems theory - the skeleton of science. Management Science,

2 , 197-208.

Brown, G. W., Birley, J. L. T., & Wing, J. K. (1972). Influence of family life on the course of schizophrenic disorders: A replication. British Journal of Psychiatry, 121 , 241-258. doi:


Brown, Jenny. (1999). Bowen family systems theory and practice: Illustration and critique.

Australian & New Zealand Family Therapy, 20 (2), 94-103.

Cadigan, John. (2004). People say I'm crazy [Video documentary]. San Francisco: Palo Alto

Pictures. [More information at] .

Cadigan, Katie, & Murray, Laura. (2009). When medicine got it wrong [Documentary Film]: imageReal Pictures, KQED & the Independent Television Service (TVS), with funding by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Chen, Fang-pei. (2008). Working with families in Assertive Community Treatment (ACT): The case manager's perspective. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 78 (4), 456-465. doi:


Clarke, Diana, & Winsor, Joanne. (2010). Perceptions and needs of parents during a young adult's first psychiatric hospitalization: “We're all on this little island and we're going to drown real soon”.

Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 31 (4), 242-247. doi:


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity

Cook, Judith A., Cohler, Bertram J., Pickett, Susan A., & Beeler, Jeff A. (1997). Life-course and severe mental illness: Implications for caregiving within the family of later life. Family

Relations, 46 (4), 427-436.

Copeland, Darcy A., & Heilemann, MarySue V. (2011). Choosing “the best of the hells”:

Mothers face housing dilemmas for their adult children with mental illness and a history of violence. Qualitative Health Research, 21 (4), 520-533. doi:


Cutler, David L., Bevilacqua, Joseph, & McFarland, Bentson H. (2003). Four decades of community mental health: A symphony in four movements. Community Mental Health

Journal, 39 (5), 381.

DeDisto, M., Harding, C. M., McCormick, R. V., Ashikaga, T., & Brooks, G. W. (1995). The

Maine and Vermont three-decade studies of serious mental illness: 2. Longitudinal course comparisons. British Journal of Psychiatry, 167 , 338-342.

DeLeo, Maryanne [Director]. (2001). American undercover: Bellevue inside out [TV documentary film on YouTube]. New York: Teale-Edwards Productions. Distributed by

Home Box Office. Retrieved from .

Dixon, Lisa B., Dickerson, Faith, Bellack, Alan S., Bennett, Melanie, Dickinson, Dwight,

Goldberg, Richard W., . . . Kreyenbuhl, Julie. (2010). The 2009 schizophrenia PORT psychosocial treatment recommendations and summary statements. Schizophrenia

Bulletin, 36 (1), 48-70. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbp115

Dixon, Lisa B., Lucksted, Alicia, Medoff, Deborah R., Burland, Joyce, Stewart, Bette, Lehman,

Anthony F., . . . Murray-Swank, Aaron. (2011). Outcomes of a randomized study of a peer-taught family-to-family education program for mental illness. Psychiatric Services,

62 (6), 591-597. doi: 10.1176/

Doornbos, Mary Molewyk. (2001). The 24-7-52 job: Family caregiving for young adults with serious and persistent mental illness. Journal of Family Nursing, 7 (4), 328-344. doi:


Drake, Robert E., Green, Alan I., Mueser, Kim T., & Goldman, Howard H. (2003). The history of community mental health treatment and rehabilitation for persons with severe mental illness. Community Mental Health Journal, 39 (5), 427-440. doi:


Eakes, Georgene, Burke, Mary L., & Hainsworth, Margaret A. (1998). Middle-range theory of chronic sorrow. Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 30 (2).

Fingerman, Karen L., & Berman, Eric. (2000). Applications of family systems theory to the study of adulthood. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 51 (1), 5-


Finkle, Linda. (2004). Families: The forgotten resource for individuals with mental illness.

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 17 (1), 3-4. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-


Fromm-Reichmann, Freida. (1948). Notes on the development of treatment of schizophrenics by psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Psychiatry, 11 , 263-273. Retrieved on May 265,2012 from



Geller, J. L. (2000). The last half-century of psychiatric services as reflected in psychiatric services. [Historical Article Review]. Psychiatric Services, 51 (1), 41-67.


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Gottlieb, Jennifer D., Mueser, Kim T., & Glynn, Shirley M. (2012). Family Therapy for

Web/Project Activity

Schizophrenia: Co-Occurring Psychotic and Substance Use Disorders. Journal of Clinical

Psychology, 68 (5), 490-501. doi: 10.1002/jclp.21852

Gray, Alison J. (2002). Stigma in psychiatry. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 95 , 72-


Harding, Courtenay M., & Zahniser, James H. (1994). Empirical correction of seven myths about schizophrenia with implications for treatment. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 90

(supplement 384) , 140-146.

Hartwell, Carol Eadie. (1996). The schizophrenogenic mother concept in American psychiatry.

Psychiatry, 59 (3), 274-297.

Hatfield, Agnes B., Spaniol, Leroy, & Zipple, Anthony M. (1987). Expressed emotion: A family perspective. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 13 (2), 221-226.

Heflinger, Craig Anne, & Hinshaw, Stephen P. (2010). Stigma in child and adolescent mental health services research: Understanding professional and institutional stigmatization of youth with mental health problems and their families. Administration and Policy in

Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 37 (1-2), 61-70. doi:


Hewitt, Amy, Lightfoot, Elizabeth, Bogenshutz, Matthew, McCormick, Katey, Sedlezky, Lori, &

Doljanac, Robert. (2010). Parental caregivers' desires for lifetime assistance planning for future supports for their children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Family Social Work, 13 , 420-434.

Hooley, Jill M. (2004). Do psychiatric patients do better clinically if they live with certain kinds of families? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13 (5), 202-205. doi:


Jensen, Linda E. (2004). Mental health care experiences: Listening to families. Journal of the

American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 10 (1), 33-41. doi: 10.1177/1078390303262054

Johansson, Anita, Anderzen-Carlsson, Agneta, Åhlin, Arne, & Andershed, Birgitta. (2010).

Mothers' everyday experiences of having an adult child who suffers from long-term mental illness. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 31 (11), 692-699. doi: doi:10.3109/01612840.2010.515768

Jones, David W. (2004). Families and serious mental illness: Working with loss and ambivalence. British Journal of Social Work, 34 (7), 961-979. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bch123

Karp, David A., & Tanarugsachock, Valaya. (2000). Mental Illness, Caregiving, and Emotion

Management. Qualitative Health Research, 10 (1), 6-25. doi:


Kyziridis, Tehocharis Chr. (2005). Notes on the history of schizophrenia. German Journal of

Psychiatry , Retrieved from


Lamb, H. Richard, Hoffman, Anthony, Hoffman, Frances, & Oliphant, Eve. (1986). Families of schizophrenics: A movement in jeopardy. Psychiatric Services, 37 (4).

Lamb, H. Richard, & Oliphant, Eve. (1978). Schizophrenia through the eyes of families.

Pyschiatric Services, 29 (12).

Lamb, H. Richard, & Oliphant, Eve. (1979). Parents of schizophrenics: Advocates for the mentally ill. New Directions for Mental Health Services, 1979 (2), 85-92. doi:


Larson, Jon E., & Corrigan, Patrick. (2008). The stigma of families with mental illness.

Academic Psychiatry, 32 (2), 87-91.


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Lefley, Harriet. (1989). Family burden and family stigma in major mental illness. American

Web/Project Activity

Psychologist, 44 (3), 556-560.

Lefley, Harriet P. (2009). Family psychoeducation for serious mental illness . New York: Oxford

University Press.

Lucksted, Alicia, McFarlane, William, Downing, Donna, Dixon, Lisa, & Adams, Curtis. (2012).

Recent developments in family psychoeducation as an evidence ‐ based practice. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 38 (1), 101-121. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-0606.2011.00256.x

Lukens, Ellen P. , Thorning, Helle, & Lohrer, Steven P. (2002). How siblings of those with severe mental illness perceive services and support. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 8 (6),


Marshall, Tina, & Solomon, Phyllis. (2003). Professionals' responsibilities in releasing information to famillies of adults with mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 54 (12), 1622-


Marshall, Tina, & Solomon, Phyllis. (2004). Provider contact with families of adults with severe mental illness: Taking a closer look. Family Process, 43 (2), 209-216. doi:


McDonagh, Linda A. (2005). Expressed emotion as a precipitant of relapse in psychological disorders. Retrieved from

McGinty, Kaye, Worthington, Ralph, & Dennison, Whitney. (2008). Patient and family advocacy: Working with individuals with comorbid mental illness and developmental disabilities and their families. Psychiatric Quarterly, 79 (3), 193-203. doi:


Mohr, Wanda K., & Regan-Kubinski, Mary Jo. (2001). Living in the fallout: Parents' experiences when their child becomes mentally ill. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 15 (2), 69-77. doi:


Moss-Coane, Marty. (2009a). Schizophrenia, the family, and society [Webcast]. Philadelphia: Distributed by Medical News Today. [Retrieved from] .

Moss-Coane, Marty. (2009b). Schizophrenia: What is it? [Webcast] . Philadelphia:

Distributed by Medical News Today. [Retrieved from] .

Mottaghipour, Yasaman, & Bickerton, Annemaree. (2005). The Pyramid of Family Care: A framework for family involvement with adult mental health services. AeJAMH

(Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health), 4 (3), No Pagination


MTV. (2008). True life: I have schizophrenia [Video program]. New York: Viacom. Retrieved on May 25, 2012 from


Mueser, Kim T., & Fox, Lindy. (2002). A family intervention program for dual disorders.

Community Mental Health Journal, 38 (3), 253-270.

Mueser, Kim T., Glynn, Shirley M., Cather, Corinne, Zarate, Roberto, Fox, Lindy, Feldman,

James, . . . Clark, Robin E. . (2009). Family intervention for co-occurring substance use


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.) and severe psychiatric disorders: Participant characteristics and correlates of initial engagement and more extended exposure in a randomized controlled trial. Addictive

Behaviors, 34 (10), 867-877.

Muhlbauer, Susan A. (2002). Navigating the storm of mental illness: Phases in the family's journey. Qualitative Health Research, 12 (8), 1076-1092.

NAMI. (2011). Family to family education program [webpage]. Arlington, VA: National

Web/Project Activity

Alliance on Mental Illness. Retrieved from


3 .

NAMI New Jersey. (2009). AACT-NOW! Conference [African American Community Takes

New Outreach Worldwide]. North Brunswick: NAMI New Jersey [Retrieved from] .

Neill, John. (1990). Whatever became of the schizophrenogenic mother? [Article]. American

Journal of Psychotherapy, 44 (4), 499.

New Hampshire-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center. (2009). Family psychoeducation:

Introductory video. Washington, DC: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

Administration. Retrieved from .

Obloy, Carol, & Hutcheson, Sigrid. (2002). Planned Lifetime Assistance Network: A new service model with promising results. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 25 (4), 409-412.

Pharoah, F., Mari, J., Rathbone, J., & W., Wong. (2006). Family intervention for schizophrenia.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (4). doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000088.pub2.

Ponto, Michelle. (2012). Families speak out 10 years after mental health tragedy [News10

Sacremento television news report about anniversary of Laura Wilcox murder]. Retrieved from

Power, Paul W., & Dell Orto, Arthur E. (2004). Families living with chronic illness and disability . New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.

Pyle, Thomas H. (2009). PsychOdyssey 101: The System [webpage]. PsychOdyssey Academy .

Princeton, NJ: PsychOdyssey Services. Retrieved from .

Pyle, Thomas H. (2012). The worst nightmare of every parent in the maelstrom [website article].

Retrieved from .

Rabstejnek, Carl V. (n.d.). Family systems & Murray Bowen theory. Retrieved from

Reeves, Roy R., & Reynolds, Marti D. (2009). What is the role of spirituality in mental health treatment? Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 47 (3), 8-9. doi:


Riebschleger, Joanne, Scheid, Jeanette, Luz, Clare, Mickus, Maureen, Liszewski, Christine, &

Easton, Monaca. (2008). How are the experiences and needs of families of individuals with mental illness reflected in medical education guidelines? Academic Psychiatry,

32 (119-126).

Rogers, Edward B., Stanford, Matthew, & Garland, Diana R. (2012). The effects of mental illness on families within faith communities. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 15 (3),

301-313. doi: 10.1080/13674676.2011.573474


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Rose, Linda E., Mallinson, R. Kevin, & Walton-Moss, Benita. (2002). A grounded theory of

Web/Project Activity families responding to mental illness. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 24 (5), 516-

536. doi: 10.1177/019394502400446397

Rose, Linda E., Mallinson, R. Kevin, & Walton-Moss, Benita. (2004). Barriers to family care in psychiatric settings. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 36 (1), 39-47. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-


Royal College of Psychiatry, . (2010). History of psychiatry timeline [video]. London: The Royal

College of Psychiatry. Retrieved from


SAMHSA. (2009). Family psychoeducation evidence-based practices (EBP) kit. . Rockville,

MD: Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from

EBP-KIT/SMA09-4423 . .

Sauceda, Mary. (2011). Family Psychoeducation for Latino Populations with Mental Illness

Living in the United States [unpublished academic paper] . University of Medicine and

Dentistry of New Jersey. Scotch Plains, NJ.

Saunders, Jana C. (2003). Families living with severe mental illness: A literature review. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 24 (2), 175-198. doi: 10.1080/01612840305301

Schmetzer, Alan D., & Lafuze, Joan E. (2008). Overcoming stigma: Involving families in medical student and psychiatric residency education. Academic Psychiatry, 32 (2), 127-

131. doi: 10.1176/appi.ap.32.2.127

Schmidt, Lisa, & Monaghan, James. (2012). Intensive Family Support Services: A consultative model of education and support. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 15 (1),

26-43. doi: 10.1080/15487768.2012.655226

Seeman, Mary V. (2009). The changing role of mother of the mentally ill: From schizophrenogenic mother to multigenerational caregiver. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and

Biological Processes, 72 (3), 284-294. doi: 10.1521/psyc.2009.72.3.284

Smiley, Susan. (2005). Out of the shadow [video documentary]. Los Angeles: Vine Street

Pictures. [See:] .

Solomon, Phyllis, Alexander, Leslie, & Uhl, Stacey. (2010). The relationship of case managers’ expressed emotion to clients’ outcomes. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,

45 (2), 165-174. doi: 10.1007/s00127-009-0051-3

Solomon, Phyllis, Molinaro, Max, Mannion, Edie, & Cantwell, Kathleen. (2012). Confidentiality policies and practices in regard to family involvement: Does training make a difference?

American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 15 (1), 97-115. doi:


Spaniol, LeRoy. (2002). Spirituality and connectedness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal,

25 (4), 321-322.

Spaniol, L., & Zipple, A. M. (1994). The family recovery process. Journal of California Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 5 (2), 57-59.

Spaniol, LeRoy, Zipple, Anthony M., & Lockwood, Doris. (1992). The role of the family in psychiatric rehabilitation. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 18 (3), 341-348.

Swarbrick, Margaret. (2009). Historical perspective--From institution to community.

Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 25 , 201-223. doi: 10.1080/01642120903083945


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity

Tyson, Sheryl Y., & Flaskerud, Jacquelyn H. (2009). Family and community responses to mental illness. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 30 (11), 718-719. doi:


Vaddadi, Krishna S., Gilleard, Chris, & Fryer, Helen. (2002). Abuse of carers by relatives with severe mental illness. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 48 (2), 149-155. doi:


Wiens, Sandra E., & Daniluk, Judith C. (2009). Love, loss, and learning: The experiences of fathers who have children diagnosed with schizophrenia. Journal of Counseling and

Development, 87 , 339-348.

Willis, Mary Jean. (1982). The impact of schizophrenia on families: One mother's point of view.

Schizophrenia Bulletin, 8 (4).

Alliance for the Mentally Ill of San Mateo County [CA] (1985). History, 1974-1984.

Askey, Ryan, Holmshaw, Janet, Gamble, Catherine, & Gray, Richard. (2009). What do carers of people with psychosis need from mental health services? Exploring the views of carers, service users and professionals. Journal of Family Therapy, 31 (3), 310-331. doi:


Atkinson, Jacqueline M., & Coia, Denise A. (1995). Families coping with schizophrenia: A practitioner’s guide to family groups . New York: John Wiley & Sons. [Chapters 1 and 2]

Baxter, C. (2012). Three years later, State police admit to using unreasonable force on NJ man's disabled son. [Online newspaper article with video]. Video 1: State police video captures troopers punching man repeatedly, longer version. Video 2: Father describes incident that found his son being punched repeatedly by state troopers, Newark Star-Ledger. Retrieved from


Bae, S.-W., & Kung, W. W.-M. (2000). Family intervention for Asian Americans with a schizophrenic patient in the family. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70(4), 532-

541. doi: 10.1037/h0087789

(Bae & Kung, 2000)

Bateson, G. D. , Haley, J. J., & Weakland, J. (1956). Toward a theory of schizophrenia.

Behavioural Science , 1(4), 251-254.

Bavelas, J. B., & Segal, L. (1982). Family systems theory: Background and implications.

Journal of Communication, 32 (3), 99-107.


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity

Baxter, E. A., & Diehl, S. (1998). Emotional stages: Consumers and family members recovering from the trauma of mental illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 21(4).

Boulding, K. E. . (1956). General systems theory – the skeleton of science. Management

Science, 2 , 197-208.

Brown, G. W., Birley, J. L. T., & Wing, J. K. (1972). Influence of family life on the course of schizophrenic disorders: A replication. British Journal of Psychiatry, 121 , 241-258. doi:


Brown, J. (1999). Bowen family systems theory and practice: Illustration and critique.

Australian & New Zealand Family Therapy, 20 (2), 94-103.

Cadigan, John. (2004). People say I’m crazy [Video documentary]. San Francisco: Palo Alto

Pictures. [More information at] .

Cadigan, Katie, & Murray, Laura. (2009). When medicine got it wrong [Documentary Film]: imageReal Pictures, KQED & the Independent Television Service (TVS), with funding by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Chen, Fang-pei. (2008). Working with families in Assertive Community Treatment (ACT): The case manager’s perspective.

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 78 (4), 456-465. doi:


Clarke, D., & Winsor, J. (2010). Perceptions and needs of parents during a young adult’s first psychiatric hospitalization: “We’re all on this little island and we’re going to drown real soon”.

Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 31 (4), 242-247. doi:


Cook, J. A., Cohler, B. J., Pickett, S. A., & Beeler, J. A. (1997). Life-course and severe mental illness: Implications for caregiving within the family of later life. Family Relations,

46 (4), 427-436.


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Copeland, D. A., & Heilemann, M. V. (2011). Choosing “the best of the hells”: Mothers face

Web/Project Activity housing dilemmas for their adult children with mental illness and a history of violence.

Qualitative Health Research, 21 (4), 520-533. doi: 10.1177/1049732310387936

Cradock, J. A., Young, A. S., & Forquer, S. L. (2002). Evaluating Client and Family

Preferences Regarding Outcomes in Severe Mental Illness. Administration and

Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 29 (3), 257-261. doi: 10.1023/a:1015195626742

Cutler, D. L., Bevilacqua, J., & McFarland, B. H. (2003). Four decades of community mental health: A symphony in four movements. Community Mental Health Journal, 39 (5), 381.

DeDisto, M., Harding, C. M., McCormick, R. V., Ashikaga, T., & Brooks, G. W. (1995). The

Maine and Vermont three-decade studies of serious mental illness: 2. Longitudinal course comparisons. British Journal of Psychiatry, 167 , 338-342.

DeLeo, Maryanne [Director]. (2001). American undercover: Bellevue inside out [TV documentary film]. New York: Teale-Edwards Productions. Distributed by Home Box

Office. Retrieved from

Dixon, Lisa B., Dickerson, Faith, Bellack, Alan S., Bennett, Melanie, Dickinson, Dwight,

Goldberg, Richard W., . . . Kreyenbuhl, Julie. (2010). The 2009 schizophrenia PORT psychosocial treatment recommendations and summary statements. Schizophrenia

Bulletin, 36 (1), 48-70. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbp115

Dixon, Lisa B., Lucksted, Alicia, Medoff, Deborah R., Burland, Joyce, Stewart, Bette, Lehman,

Anthony F., . . . Murray-Swank, Aaron. (2011). Outcomes of a randomized study of a peer-taught Family-to-Family Education Program for mental illness. Psychiatric Services,

62 (6), 591-597. doi: 10.1176/

Doornbos, M. M. (2001). The 24-7-52 job: Family caregiving for young adults with serious and persistent mental illness. Journal of Family Nursing, 7 (4), 328-344. doi:



Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity

Drake, R. E., Green, A. I., Mueser, K. T., & Goldman, H. H. (2003). The history of community mental health treatment and rehabilitation for persons with severe mental illness.

Community Mental Health Journal, 39 (5), 427-440. doi: 10.1023/a:1025860919277

Fingerman, K. L., & Berman, E. (2000). Applications of family systems theory to the study of adulthood. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 51 (1), 5-29.

Finkle, Linda. (2004). Families: The forgotten resource for individuals with mental illness.

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 17 (1), 3-4. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-


Fromm-Reichmann, F. (1948). Notes on the development of treatment of schizophrenics by psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Psychiatry , 11, 263-273.

Geller, J. L. (2000). The last half-century of psychiatric services as reflected in psychiatric services. [Historical ArticleReview]. Psychiatric Services, 51 (1), 41-67.

Gray, A. J. (2002). Stigma in psychiatry. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 95 , 72-76.

Harding, Courtenay M., & Zahniser, James H. (1994). Empirical correction of seven myths about schizophrenia with implications for treatment. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 90

(supplement 384), 140-146.

Hartwell, C. E. (1996). The schizophrenogenic mother concept in American psychiatry.

Psychiatry, 59 (3), 274-297.

Hatfield, Agnes B., Spaniol, Leroy, & Zipple, Anthony M. (1987). Expressed emotion: A family perspective. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 13(2), 221-226.

Heflinger, C. A., & Hinshaw, S. P. (2010). Stigma in child and adolescent mental health services research: Understanding professional and institutional stigmatization of youth with mental health problems and their families. Administration and Policy in Mental

Health and Mental Health Services Research, 37 (1-2), 61-70. doi: 10.1007/s10488-010-



Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity

Hewitt, Amy, Lightfoot, Elizabeth, Bogenshutz, Matthew, McCormick, Katey, Sedlezky, Lori,

& Doljanac, Robert. (2010). Parental caregivers’ desires for lifetime assistance planning for future supports for their children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Journal of Family Social Work, 13 , 420-434.

Hooley, Jill M. (2004). Do psychiatric patients do better clinically if they live with certain kinds of families? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13 (5), 202-205. doi:


Jensen, Linda E. (2004). Mental Health Care Experiences: Listening to Families. Journal of the

American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 10 (1), 33-41. doi: 10.1177/1078390303262054

Johansson, A., Anderzen-Carlsson, A., Åhlin, A., & Andershed, B. (2010). Mothers’ everyday experiences of having an adult child who suffers from long-term mental illness. Issues in

Mental Health Nursing, 31 (11), 692-699. doi: doi:10.3109/01612840.2010.515768

Jones, D. W. (2004). Families and serious mental illness: Working with loss and ambivalence.

British Journal of Social Work, 34 (7), 961-979. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bch123

Karp, David A., & Tanarugsachock, Valaya. (2000). Mental Illness, Caregiving, and Emotion

Management. Qualitative Health Research, 10 (1), 6-25. doi:


Kim, H.-W., & Salyers, M. (2008). Attitudes and perceived barriers to working with families of persons with severe mental illness: Mental health professionals’ perspectives. Community

Mental Health Journal, 44 (5), 337-345. doi: 10.1007/s10597-008-9135-x

Kyziridis, T. C. (2005). Notes on the history of schizophrenia. German Journal of Psychiatry,

Retrieved from

Larson, Jon E., & Corrigan, Patrick. (2008). The stigma of families with mental illness.

Academic Psychiatry, 32 (2), 87-91.

Lamb, H. Richard, Hoffman, Anthony, Hoffman, Frances, & Oliphant, Eve. (1986). Families of schizophrenics: A movement in jeopardy. Psychiatric Services, 37 (4).


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Lamb, H. Richard, & Oliphant, Eve. (1978). Schizophrenia through the eyes of families.

Pyschiatric Services, 29 (12).

Web/Project Activity

Lamb, H. Richard, & Oliphant, Eve. (1979). Parents of schizophrenics: Advocates for the mentally ill. New Directions for Mental Health Services, 1979 (2), 85-92. doi:


Lefley, Harriet. (1989). Family burden and family stigma in major mental illness. American

Psychologist, 44 (3), 556-560.

Lucksted, Alicia, McFarlane, William, Downing, Donna, Dixon, Lisa, & Adams, Curtis. (2012).

Recent developments in family psychoeducation as an evidence ‐ based practice. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 38 (1), 101-121. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-0606.2011.00256.x

Lukens, E. P. , Thorning, H., & Lohrer, S. P. (2002). How siblings of those with severe mental illness perceive services and support. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 8 (6), 354-364.

Marshall, Tina, & Solomon, Phyllis. (2003). Professionals’ responsibilities in releasing information to famillies of adults with mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 54 (12), 1622-


Marshall, Tina, & Solomon, Phyllis. (2004). Provider contact with families of adults with severe mental illness: Taking a closer look. Family Process, 43 (2), 209-216. doi:


McGinty, Kaye, Worthington, Ralph, & Dennison, Whitney. (2008). Patient and family advocacy: Working with individuals with comorbid mental illness and developmental disabilities and their families. Psychiatric Quarterly, 79 (3), 193-203. doi:


Mohr, W. K., & Regan-Kubinski, M. J. (2001). Living in the fallout: Parents’ experiences when their child becomes mentally ill. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 15 (2), 69-77. doi:


Moss-Coane, Marty [Interviewer]. (2009a). Schizophrenia, the family, and society [Webcast].

Philadelphia: Distributed by Medical News Today. [Retrieved from


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity

Moss-Coane, Marty [Interviewer]. (2009b). Schizophrenia: What is it? [Webcast] . Philadelphia: Distributed by Medical News Today. [Retrieved from

Mottaghipour, Yasaman, & Bickerton, Annemaree. (2005). The Pyramid of Family Care: A framework for family involvement with adult mental health services. AeJAMH

(Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health), 4 (3), No Pagination


MTV. (2008). True life: I have schizophrenia [Video program]. New York: Viacom. Retrieved on May 25, 2012 from


Mueser, Kim T., & Fox, Lindy. (2002). A family intervention program for dual disorders.

Community Mental Health Journal, 38 (3), 253-270.

Muhlbauer, Susan A. (2002). Navigating the storm of mental illness: Phases in the family’s journey. Qualitative Health Research, 12(8), 1076-1092.

NAMI. (2011). Family to family education program [webpage]. Arlington, VA: National

Alliance on Mental Illness. Retrieved from


3 .

NAMI New Jersey. (2009). AACT-NOW! Conference [African American Community Takes

New Outreach Worldwide]. North Brunswick: NAMI New Jersey [Retrieved from] .


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

New Hampshire-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center. (2009). Family psychoeducation:

Introductory video. Washington, DC: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

Administration. Retrieved from .

Web/Project Activity

Obloy, Carol, & Hutcheson, Sigrid. (2002). Planned Lifetime Assistance Network: A new service model with promising results. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 25 (4), 409-412.

Pharoah, F., Mari, J., Rathbone, J., & W., Wong. (2006). Family intervention for schizophrenia.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews(4).

doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000088.pub2.

Ponto, Michelle. (2012). Families speak out 10 years after mental health tragedy [News10

Sacremento television news report about anniversary of Laura Wilcox murder]. Retrieved from

Pyle, Thomas H. (2009). PsychOdyssey 101: The System [webpage]. PsychOdyssey Academy .

Princeton, NJ: PsychOdyssey Services. Retrieved from .

Pyle, Thomas H. (2012). The worst nightmare of every parent in the maelstrom [website article].

Retrieved from .

Reeves, Roy R., & Reynolds, Marti D. (2009). What is the role of spirituality in mental health treatment? Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 47 (3), 8-9. doi:


Riebschleger, Joanne, Scheid, Jeanette, Luz, Clare, Mickus, Maureen, Liszewski, Christine, &

Easton, Monaca. (2008). How are the experiences and needs of families of individuals with mental illness reflected in medical education guidelines? Academic Psychiatry,

32 (119-126).

Rogers, Edward B., Stanford, Matthew, & Garland, Diana R. (2012). The effects of mental illness on families within faith communities. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 15 (3),

301-313. doi: 10.1080/13674676.2011.573474


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity

Rose, Linda E., Mallinson, R. Kevin, & Walton-Moss, Benita. (2004). Barriers to Family Care in Psychiatric Settings. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 36 (1), 39-47. doi:


Rose, Linda, Mallinson, R. Kevin, & Walton-Moss, Benita. (2002). A grounded theory of families responding to mental illness. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 24 (5), 516-

536. doi: 10.1177/019394502400446397 Rose, Linda, Mallinson, R. Kevin, & Walton-

Moss, Benita. (2002). A grounded theory of families responding to mental illness.

Western Journal of Nursing Research, 24 (5), 516-536. doi:


Royal College of Psychiatry, . (2010). History of psychiatry timeline [video]. London: The

Royal College of Psychiatry. Retrieved from


SAMHSA. (2009). Family psychoeducation evidence-based practices (EBP) kit. . Rockville,

MD: Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from

EBP-KIT/SMA09-4423 . .

Sauceda, Mary. (2011). Family Psychoeducation for Latino Populations with Mental Illness

Living in the United States [unpublished academic paper]. University of Medicine and

Dentistry of New Jersey. Scotch Plains, NJ.

Saunders, Jana C. (2003). Families living with severe mental illness: A literature review. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 24 (2), 175-198. doi: 10.1080/01612840305301

Schmetzer, Alan D., & Lafuze, Joan E. (2008). Overcoming stigma: Involving families in medical student and psychiatric residency education. Academic Psychiatry, 32 (2), 127-

131. doi: 10.1176/appi.ap.32.2.127

Schmidt, Lisa, & Monaghan, James. (2012). Intensive Family Support Services: A Consultative

Model of Education and Support. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 15 (1),

26-43. doi: 10.1080/15487768.2012.655226


Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Seeman, M. V. (2009). The Changing Role of Mother of the Mentally Ill: From

Schizophrenogenic Mother to Multigenerational Caregiver. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 72 (3), 284-294. doi: 10.1521/psyc.2009.72.3.284

Web/Project Activity

Smiley, Susan. (2005). Out of the shadow [video documentary]. Los Angeles: Vine Street

Pictures. [See:] .

Solomon, Phyllis, Alexander, Leslie, & Uhl, Stacey. (2010). The relationship of case managers’ expressed emotion to clients’ outcomes.

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,

45 (2), 165-174. doi: 10.1007/s00127-009-0051-3

Solomon, Phyllis, Molinaro, Max, Mannion, Edie, & Cantwell, Kathleen. (2012).

Confidentiality Policies and Practices in Regard to Family Involvement: Does Training

Make a Difference? American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 15 (1), 97-115. doi:


Spaniol, LeRoy. (2002). Spirituality and connectedness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal,

25 (4), 321-322.

Spaniol, L., & Zipple, A. M. (1994). The family recovery process. Journal of California

Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 5 (2), 57-59.

Spaniol, LeRoy, Zipple, Anthony M., & Lockwood, Doris. (1992). The role of the family in psychiatric rehabilitation. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 18 (3), 341-348.

Tyson, Sheryl Y., & Flaskerud, Jacquelyn H. (2009). Family and community responses to mental illness. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 30 (11), 718-719. doi:


Vaddadi, K. S., Gilleard, C., & Fryer, H. (2002). Abuse of carers by relatives with severe mental illness. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 48 (2), 149-155. doi:



Unit & Date Subject Topics Readings

(Required readings in bold.

Others are recommended.)

Web/Project Activity

Wiens, S. E., & Daniluk, J. C. (2009). Love, loss, and learning: The experiences of fathers who have children diagnosed with schizophrenia. Journal of Counseling and Development,

87 , 339-348.

