Renaissance Time Capsule Introduction The Renaissance is a very

Renaissance Time Capsule
The Renaissance is a very important time period in history. The word “Renaissance” is French for
rebirth. It was a period of revival of the interest in the values and arts of Greece and Rome during
the early 14th century to the late 16th century. The intellects who came out of the Renaissance had a
growing belief in individual human spirit and abilities. “Humanism” is that focus on the worth of
individuals. There were many artists, scientists, politicians, religious leaders, and authors who made
the Renaissance a period of rich culture. The Renaissance not only changed life in Western Europe,
but influenced what the world has become today.
The Task
If something were to happen to the world, how would the Renaissance and all the art and
philosophy from that period be remembered? Your task is to create a time capsule to help
remember the important things that took place during the Renaissance. You will fill it with objects
such as art, notes, and pictures to help people in the future remember what the Renaissance was all
about and why it was an important period of time.
The Process
1. You will be allowed to choose who you work with, in groups of 2-4 students. You will need to
research what life was like during the Renaissance. Specifically, you will research advances made in
the areas of political philosophies, religion, art, science, inventions, literature, and architecture.
2. You have the choice of three different projects to present your information. You must have a
section at the beginning giving an overview of the Renaissance (What was the Renaissance all
about?). You must include a minimum of 20 objects to put in your time capsule. These objects
should be what you feel best represent the Renaissance. I suggest you organize your project by topic
and have more than one object per page/slide/section. You must have a minimum of 2 objects for
each of the above categories. For each object, you must explain what it is, how it was an important
part of the Renaissance period, and why it is important to the world today. Additionally, each
project must have a bibliography for their research in MLA format. Go to for help
with the bibliography.
Your project choices:
A. Create a scrapbook
This is a project for creative people. Neatly mount your pictures and captions. Use themes that
represent the Renaissance. The bibliography will be on the last page of the scrapbook.
B. Create a PowerPoint presentation
Your presentation should include, but is not limited to, 10 slides. All written information should be
written by you; do not cut and paste information from the internet. There should be a balance of
written information and images. Do not use type size smaller than 28 points. Transitions and
sound effects are not necessary. The bibliography will be on the last page of the PowerPoint. All
PowerPoints must be turned in on a flash drive with the student’s last name written on it. Flash
drives will be returned.
C. Create a museum display on poster board
Create a “museum” exhibit on a tri-fold poster board. Your exhibit must be organized and neatly
done. Pay attention to detail. Neatly mount your pictures. Objects must be clearly labeled and
identified. All written information should be typed. The bibliography should be securely attached
to the back of the board.
3. Each student will then individually answer five of the eight essential questions (your choice). This
is not to be a collaboration among group members. Answers must be typed, double-spaced, and 12
or 14 point font (easy to read, not all capitals). Answers should be thoughtful, use specific details
and examples to support your answers, and demonstrate an understanding of the advances made
during the Renaissance.
How did Renaissance ideas spread throughout the world? Why was Gutenberg’s invention
so important?
Why are Isabella I and Elizabeth I considered Renaissance queens? What aspects of their
rule embodied the spirit of the Renaissance period?
How did Renaissance literature differ from medieval literature? What were some famous
works of literature written during the Renaissance and why were they so influential?
In what ways did Leonardo da Vinci exemplify the Renaissance ideal?
Humanism was an important philosophy that dominated the Renaissance. How does art,
literature, science, or political philosophies of the Renaissance reflect humanist ideals?
How has the Renaissance influenced our world today?
Many changes came about during the Renaissance. What do you think are the three most
important events, developments, or advances that happened in Europe during the
How were the lives of the people living during the Renaissance similar to our lives today?
How were their lives different?
3. You will present your information to the class. In a 5 minute presentation, each person in the
group will choose 2-3 different objects to share with the class. Each student will clearly explain what
the object is and why it was important to the Renaissance. Students will prepare their part of the
presentation before hand, speak in a loud voice, and not read directly from their project.
Use the internet and books on the Renaissance. Don’t forget about our two textbooks! Here is a
list of people for each category to get you started. You are not limited to researching only these
Architects: Fillipo Brunelleschi, Leon Battista Alberti, Donato Bramante, Andrea Palladio
Inventors: Fillipo Brunelleschi, Leonardo da Vinci, Johann Gutenberg
Authors: Francesco Petrarch, Niccolo Machiavelli, Giovanni Boccaccio, Dante Alighieri, Miguel de Cervantes,
Christopher Marlow, William Shakespeare
Artists: Sandro Botticelli, Jan van Eyck, Leonardo da Vinci, Albrecht Dürer, Michelangelo Buonarroti,
Raphael Sanzio, Titian, Peter Brueghel, Donatello
Scientists: Nicolaus Copernicus, Galilio Galilei, Johannes Kepler, Andreas Vesalius, William Harvey
Religious Reformers: John Wycliffe, Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, King Henry VIII
Political Leaders: Lorenzo d’Medici, Niccolo Machiavelli, Isabella I, Elizabeth I
Group members will receive a group grade for the project that will be added to an individual grade
for the answers to the questions. A rubric will be provided. Please make sure you choose who you
are working with wisely. Sometimes your best friend does not make the best project partner. Your
parents must sign that they know who you are working with.
I am working with ____________________, ____________________, ____________________
Parent Signature: