TRAFFIC PACKET AGREEMENT& AUTHORIZATION Includes - 1 Traffic Packet • FAQ • Arraignment / Trial Script Donation - $99.99 (Per Citation) (Additional fees may apply) I willingly enter into agreement with CTM of sound mind. I understand that California Ticket Masters representatives are not BAR licensed lawyers. I hereby authorize California Ticket Masters to conduct business on my behalf and further authorize negotiations and contact with GC Court Services, DMV, and the California Superior Courts concerning any and all traffic related matters on my behalf. I understand that CTM can only secure a court date for me based on my past track records with courts. I understand that a prior scheduled court date(s) may hinder the supporter’s chance of immediate license reinstatement. CONSULTATIONS I understand by purchasing a Traffic Packet I am not entitled to any free future consultation. Consultations shall be considered any phone or office visit conversations. Additional consultations shall be scheduled in advance and shall require the suggested donation(s). THE ACADEMY I understand that the Traffic Packet is only included with the purchase of the Master Plan Traffic Academy. Clients are eligible to receive their Traffic Packets upon successful completion of the Traffic Academy. If client chooses to receive their Traffic Packet(s) prior to completing the Traffic Academy, they will be considered as dropping out of the Traffic Academy and subject to a $50 early termination fee. If the client drops out of the Traffic Academy CTM is not required to provide any future tutorial sessions of any sort. COURT DATES Once the supporter is enrolled, CTM shall set up all court dates required to assist our supporter(s) per agreement. CTM shall send the supporter an email alert of all court secured dates. The platinum Package comes with CTM’s newest service called COURT APPEARANCE NOTIFICATION witch the supporter shall be permitted up to 3 Court Appearances Notification via text message or email. TRAFFIC PACKET(S) All Traffic Packets will be delivered upon successful completion of the Traffic Academy. All packets will be emailed to the address provided once your order has been processed. After arraignment, the supporter must notify a CTM representative of any future trial date(s). Traffic Packets shall only provide coverage for one Traffic Citation. Supporters with additional citations shall be required to invest in applicable additional Traffic Packets. Supporter s must gives notice of their trial date 10days or more before their trial date. If the supporter fails to do so supporter shall incur a $75.00 Express Document Processing fee. MEBERSHIP BENEFITS By opting out of a CTM membership, I understand that I am not entitled to the benefits of CTM members. Including but not limited to consultations, attending Ticket Master Academy or Member Rewards program. APPEAL Appeal briefs shall require an additional donation for processing. Please speak to your Ticket Counselor for more details. I understand that my success in any citation(s) solely depends upon my understanding of the court process and the information within my Traffic Packet. All future training shall require a donation and may only be included in Master Plan Traffic Academy acquisition. I understand that all donations shall not be refundable.