Research at BMMCA and the Bates College Coastal Center at Shortridge In the last five years, student and faculty research at the Bates-Morse Mountain Conservation Area has focused on geological studies, emphasizing salt marsh biogeochemical cycling, carbon sequestration and storage, and sediment transport. This work has produced 14 senior theses and several publications by Bates College faculty and colleagues, including the recent publication of Coastal Blue Carbon: methods for assessing carbon stocks and emissions in mangroves, tidal salt marshes and sea grass meadows (Conservation International, 2014), of which Geology Professor Bev Johnson is a lead author. Other recent publications include research on the efficacy of ditch plug restoration in salt marshes (Vincent, et al 2013; Vincent et al. 2013). The following Table lists senior theses, reports, and publications stemming from research at BMMCA and the Bates College Coastal Center at Shortridge since 1977. Although the list is not exhaustive it reflects a 37 year commitment to on-going undergraduate and faculty research. 1977 Beach Vegetation and Oceanic Processes Study of Popham State Park, Reid State Park, and Small Point Beach 1978 Trudeau, Phillip, Paul Godfrey, Barry Timson Bole, Ben 1979 Trudeau, Philip Ecology of Barrier Beaches in South Central Maine (PhD thesis, UMA) 1980 Barrett, Paul '80 Porcupines and their Food Preferences 1980 Blue Heron Salt-Marsh and Freshwater Wetlands Comparison 1980 Canfield, Timothy '82 & Walters, Linda '83 Covill, David '80 1980 Lemont, Ruth '82 Major Elements of an Extensive Beach System and Some Observations of Seawall Beach 1980 Reproductive Resource Allocation and Seed Germination in Cornus Canadensis 1980 Newell, Elizabeth Ann '80 Skinner, Tracey '82 1980 Williams, Mary '83 Bayberry, The 1980 Nelson, Bruce, and Fink, Kenneth Vickery, Barbara '83 Geological and Botanical Features of the Sand Beach Systems in Maine 1981 Preliminary Report on Morse Mountain Bedrock Geology of the Small Point Area Pitch Pines of Seawall Beach Working List of the Vascular Plant Species of the BMMCA 1982 Gerster, Carol '82 Beach Study on the Morse River Tidal Flat, Seawall Beach 1982 Sparrell, Laurie '82 Surficial Geology and Morphology of the Morse Mountain Area 1982 Moring, John Species Richness and Diversity of Intertidal Fishes of Great Wass, Damariscove, and Morse Mountain 1983 Hanson, Ross '83 Hydrodynamics and Tidal Deltas of Morse River Inlet 1983 Muskat, Roger '84 Transient Bird Survey of Morse Mountain May 2 - June 2, 1983 1983 Sloan, John '84 Examination of Protein polymorphism at the LDH-B locus in Fundulus heteroclitus 1983 Life History and Population Biology of Cypripedium acaule L. 1983 Vickery, Barbara '83 Vickery, Barbara '83 Maloney,Jean 1984 Lovett, Heidi '84 Ecology of Fucus distichus ssp. edentatus 1986 Comparison of Growth and Competitive Ability between the Two Seed Types of Xanthium Strumarium 1984 Simmonds, Margaret '86 Simmons, Laura '84 1985 Barton, Denise '86 Beachcomber's Guide to MM 1985 Lombard, C.S.(Craig) '83 Kinsman, Sharon (Fac.) & Brad Lattes '87 Thomas, Robert (Fac.) Thomas, Robert (Fac.) Ciaglo,James '89 Saltmarsh and the Causeway Drottar, Lisa Rose '89 Morris, Deborah '90 Dormancy Requirement of Four Temperate Dune Species, Cakile edentula, Salsola kali,Myrica pensylvania,Pastinaca sativa Effects of Aggregation, Habitat, and Neighborhood on Salsola Kali 1983 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 Lichens of the BMMCA Creation of a Cartographic Data Base for the Morse Mountain Coastal Research Area Seasonal and Tidal Changes of the Sprague River Tidal Inlet Demography and Reproduction of Myrica pensylvanica Lichens of Southern Maine, list from Sept. 1987 Andrews Foray Bryophytes Checklist from Sept. 1987 Andrews Foray Patterns of individual Size in Cakile edentula 1988 Mulder, Christa '88 Seed Weight and Tolerance of Burial in Oenothera parviflora L., an Herbaceous Dune Species 1988 Night Walk 1989 Abelard, Catherine '90 Ciaglo,James '89 1989 McBride, Susan '90 Stratigraphic Sequences and Evidences of Post-Glacial Sea Level Rise, Sprague River Marsh 1989 Curi, Anne Developing a Land-Use History, Parts 1 and 2 1991 Jones, Gwyneth '92 Introduction to the Cultural History, Geology, and Ecology of the BMMCA 1992 Tooker. John '92 Burr Size Variations in Populations of Xanthium Strumarium 1992 Weaver, Megan '92 Does Plant Size Affect Burr Size in Xanthium Strumarium? 1993 Charry, Barbara Human Activity and its Impact on Selected Natural Resources of Seawall Beach and MM 1993 Snyder, Noah '93 Effects of the October 30 1991 Storm on the Dune Area of Seawall Beach 1994 Erelli, Mark '96 Amphibians in the BMMCA: Biodiversity and Utilization of 5 Woodland Pools 1994 Jones, Erika '96 and Killoran, Patrick and Rajagopalan, Shilpa '96 Guardenier, Hope '94 Erelli, Mark '96 Hydrogeologic Study of Sprague River Salt Marsh Coequyt, Anne Marie Theodore, Theresa and Roths, Justine Watterson, Andrew '00 Breen, Brandon '03 Late-Holocene Marine Transgression and Sea Level Change at Meetinghouse Pond Devine, Amanda '03 Jones, Megan '00 Pilot Study in Relationships Between Hydrological, Biotic, & Abiotic Characteristics of Salt Marsh Pannes, Sprague River Marsh Mechanisms of change for a Coastal Maine Barrier Beach Profile 1994 1996 1997 1998 1998 2000 2000 2000 Size hierarchy Development in Experimental Populations of Sand Dune Annuals Atriplex Patula and Salsola Kali Role of Plant-Sediment Interaction in Barrier Beach Maintenance Mechanisms at Seawall Beach Survey of Permanent & Ephemeral Woodland Ponds 6/13-7/31, 1996 Variation in Nutrient Availability and Plant Species Diversity Across Forb and Graminoid Zones of a Northern New England High Salt Marsh (Little River) Morse Mountain and a Conservation Ethic Distribution of Invertebrates and Fish in Sprague River Marsh 2000 Terwilliger, Sarah '00 Peterson, Kaia '01 & Claypool, Rebecca '01 Kreischer, Ellie '03 Impact of Tidal Restriction on the Sulfur Dynamics of a Maine Salt Marsh: Sprague River Marsh Self-Guiding Nature Trail at BMMCA 2002 McDonald, Leah '02 Bohlen, Curtis 2002 Bohlen, Curtis Landscape Structure in a Disturbed and Undisturbed Salt Marsh in Northern New England 2002 Dupee. Matt '02 & Johnston, David '02 Cohen, Elizabeth '03 Devine, Amanda '03 Markus, Elisabeth '03 Moore, Karen '04 Sulfur Cycling Dynamics in a Model Wetland Ecosystem & Related Bacterial Growth Klausmeyer, Peter '04 Burton, Mark, & Alison Flint, Ben Martens, Jennifer Sepunara, Han Xu Stowe, Andrew '06 Fall and Winter Erosion and Accretion at Seawall Beach Diet and Movement of the Mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, using gut contents and stable isotope analyses 2005 McMahon, Kelton '05 and Johnson, Beverly and Ambrose, William Vincent, Robert 2005 Cary, Christopher 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 Invasive Plant Inventory of BMMCA Zonation patterns in Salt Marshes (paper and oil paintings) Sixty Years of Change in a Maine Salt Marsh Landscape: Implications for Restoration Weather-induced Erosion and Accretion at Seawall Beach Effects of Inorganic Nitrogen Addition and Elevation Change on Species Evenness and Productivity of Saltmarsh Forb Pannes Vegetation Patterns Along Ditched and Natural Channels on Two Maine Salt Marshes Investigation of Organic Carbon Cycling in Sprague Marsh Environmental History of the Sprague Salt Marsh Trends in the Abundance & Distribution of Bird Species of BMMCA Ecological responses to Local Effects of Ditching and Ditch-plugging in New England Salt Marshes (in progress; UNH) Modeling of Sedimentation Trends on Seawall Beach '05 2005 Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Three Species of Amphipods (Crustacea) on 2 exposed sand beaches in ME 2005 Northrup, Joseph '05 Stowe, Andrew '06 2006 Beirne, Erin '06 Geochemical Investigation of Organic Matter Composition, Deposition, & Preservation at Sprague Marsh 2009 Emily Chandler '09 2009 Dana Oster '09 Seasonal Processes Affecting the Seawall Barrier Beach System and the Evolution of the Southwestern Barrier Spit, Phippsburg, ME Mapping Short Term Barrier Beach Processes at Seawall Beach, Phippsburg, Maine to Model Transgressive Shorelines in 2100 from Sea Level Rise 2010 Kurt Schuler '10 Monitoring Sediment Transport and Inlet Migration at the Seawall Beach Complex, Phippsburg, Maine 2010 Elyse Judice '10 Staple Isotope Analysis of Fundulus heteroclitus and the effectiveness of Ditch Plug restoration at the Sprague River Salt marsh, Phippsburg, Maine 2011 Ingrid Knowles '11 A Biogeochemical Study of Ditch Plug and Natural Pools in the Sprague River Marsh, Phippsburg, ME 2012 Colin Barry '12 A Study of the Impact of Ditch-plug Alteration on the Hydrogeology of the Sprague River Marsh, Phippsburg, Maine 2012 Peter Goodwin '12 Kinematic Sheer Zones on Hermit Island, Phippsburg, Maine 2012 Haley Sive '12 Stratigraphy and Structure at Small Point, Maine; Two D3 Inverted Map-scale Folds 2012 Heather Dolittle '12 Determining P-T paths and Relative Timing of Metamorphism Based on Mineral Textures and Pseudosection Analyses in Small Point, Maine Jen Lindelof '12 Bedrock and Groundwater Interaction: tracing the Potential for Cation Contaminants in Groundwater, Small Point, Maine Sara El Assaad '13 Monitoring Sedimentation Patterns and Inlet Migration at Popham, Seawall and Small Point Beaches, Phippsburg, Maine Amanda Wescott Tracking seasonal and storm-induced recession of the Popham-Seawall barrier beach complex, Phippsburg, Maine ‘13 A. Douglas '14 Measuring the impacts of a hard stabilization rock wall at Popham Beach, Phippsburg, Maine 2012 2013 2013 2014 Sharp-tailed Sparrow Display and Vocalization