Museums, Galleries and Cultural Centers

Museums, Galleries and Cultural Centers
Museum studies, sometimes called museology, is the field that encompasses the ideas and issues involved
in the museum profession—from the practical, day-to-day skills needed to operate a museum to theories
on the societal role of museums. – from the Smithsonian Museum Studies home page
Museums, galleries, and cultural centers offer careers to a broad spectrum of students from a variety of
majors. There are museums for science and technology (space, aeronautics, computers), art, history,
education, architecture, aquariums, zoos, planetariums, transportation, nature, military, maritime,
culturally specific collections, arboretums and botanical gardens and more. Within a museum, gallery and
cultural center, there are jobs that cover a wide range of skills including: collections and stewardship,
interpretation and education, marketing and public relations, digital technologies, human resources,
financial stability/development, facilities and risk management, government and support organizations,
mission and institutional planning, research and reference. They are places where one can combine their
passion with their work, and the serve the public in preserving history and providing exciting educational
opportunities to generations. Museums, galleries and cultural centers exist all over the world, so global
opportunities are possible. The American Association of Museums web site estimates 17,500 museums in
the United States alone.
Explore the American Association of Museums Day in the Life – a series of first-hand accounts on how
active museum professionals do their jobs.
Galleries and auction houses differ from museums in that their commercial focus is on the buying and
selling of objects, although they share many related aspects including an understanding and appreciation
of the objects and professional staff who must determine the value, authenticity, and provenance of
items. In addition, gallery and auction house staff must determine marketability of their merchandise and
collaborate to present it for maximum value at sale. Galleries differ in what they buy and sell, and whether
they specialize in particular types of objects or represent individual artists. Galleries owners earn profits
through sales. Auction houses are often engaged by individuals/groups wishing to authenticate, appraise,
and/or sell their items. Auction houses will handle all aspects of selling the object(s) in question and
charge a fee or commission (often based on selling price) for their services.
A cultural center or cultural centre is an organization, building or complex that promotes culture and
arts. Cultural centers can be neighborhood community arts organizations, private facilities, governmentsponsored, or activist-run. – From Wikipedia
Resume tips
Internships are an excellent way to explore careers in museums, galleries, and cultural centers. Gaining
experience via an internship is recommended for those considering museum careers. Volunteering is also
another avenue to gain exposure. Museums rely heavily on volunteers who give of their time due to their
love of the museum focus, and it is an excellent way to gain experience.
Keep in mind that for entry-level staff, the salaries in museums are not as high as in other career fields.
Also, museums can be reliant on donations and admission receipts. Check the latest Occupational
Handbook salary information.
See sample Wellesley College undergraduate resume and cover letter
From the Rhode Island School of Design
From the College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota:
From the Graduate School of Education and Human Development, George Washington University
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Center for Work and Service ❘
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Online Occupational Handbook
Archivists, Curators, and Museum Technicians
Museums, Historical Sites and Other Similar Institutions
Wellesley Alumnae have attended these graduate programs
Boston University
Columbia University
Harvard University
New York University
Parsons School of Design
Princeton University
Tufts University
Yale University
Graduate School Information
Careers as an archivist and schools offering courses in archival studies:
Society of American Archivists
Careers as a curator and schools offering courses in museum studies:
American Association of Museums
Careers and education programs in conservation and preservation:
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
Archivists and archivist certification:
Academy of Certified Archivists
Government archivists:
National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators
There are many fellowships available at small and large museums and fellowships serve as an important
means of entry into the field. The following are a sampling of what is available:
Elizabeth Perkins Fellowship in Museum Practice & Research: This program, now in its twenty-third year,
was founded to provide students interested in establishing museum and cultural academic careers with the
opportunity to conduct meaningful research and present it in a public forum. The fellowship is open to
graduate and upper level undergraduate students pursuing museum, preservation, or academic careers.
The Frick Collection fellowship opportunities include Fellowship Program for the Center for the History of
Collecting in America and the Anne L. Poulet Curatorial Fellowship 2012–2014, a two-year predoctoral
fellowship for an outstanding doctoral candidate who wishes to pursue a curatorial career in an art
The Getty Foundation: Through strategic grants and programs, the Foundation supports projects in Los
Angeles and throughout the world that advance the understanding and preservation of the visual arts.
Competitive fellowships supported by the Kress Foundation are awarded to art historians and art
conservators in the final stages of their preparation for professional careers, as well as to art museum
curators and educators.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Fellowships: The Metropolitan Museum of Art annually welcomes a vibrant
group of graduate students, museum professionals, and senior scholars to undertake independent study
and research related to the museum's collections.
The Smithsonian's Fellowships in Museum Practice (FMP) program is a professional development
opportunity for experienced museum practitioners, academics, and training providers.
See the information from the Smithsonian, below.
Be the Difference ❘
Center for Work and Service ❘
Green Hall 441 ❘
Museum Resources – find a museum search tool | gallery guide search tool | jobs/internships
American Association of Museums (AMA): includes information on museums and
a find museum search tool
The Association of Art Museum Curators
Historic New England
International Council of Museums: Currently comprised of 18 affiliated organizations spanning a range of
areas including: The International Association of Transport and Communications Museums, The
International Association of Libraries and the Museums of the Performing Arts, and the International
Congress of Maritime Museums and programs including: Cultural Tourism, Art and Cultural Heritage
Mediation, and Intangible Heritage.
Their list of online directories of international museums:
○ European Museum Guide
○ Virtual Library Museums Pages
○ 123World
New England Museum Association
Smithsonian Center for Museum Studies:
○ Smithsonian List of Museum Studies: Information for Museum Professionals and Scholars
○ Employment Opportunities
○ Training Programs in the United States
○ International Training
○ Training by Discipline
○ Index of Training Programs
○ Museum Related Organzations
Galleries and Auction House Resources
Art Auction Houses
Art Dealers Association of America (ADAA): Collector’s Guide | member’s directory – find a museum search tool | gallery guide search tool | jobs/internships
Christie’s | job opportunities | Christie’s Education
Sotheby’s | Sotheby’s Institute of Art
Cultural Center Resources
Massachusetts Cultural Council (Arts jobs, internships, volunteer)
CWS Library
ArtJobOnline: (subscription service, password available in MyCWS resource library in
*** CWS Passwords to Subscription Services *** folder)
Going Global jobs and internships: Access through the info resources tab in MyCWS and use keywords
including: museum, gallery or galleries, cultural center or cultural centre
Paths to employment
Current students should explore the offerings at The Davis Museum and opportunities to volunteer or
participate in internships at the numerous museums, galleries, and cultural centers both in the metro
Boston area and in their home communities as well.
Be the Difference ❘
Center for Work and Service ❘
Green Hall 441 ❘