Programme Dates for 2012

Commercial Group Line Manager’s Development Programme
This programme has been developed to support the development of Commercial
Group Managers working at grades 4 and 5. The main aim of the programme is to
equip participants with the skills, underpinning knowledge and opportunities to
develop their performance in terms of personal effectiveness and managing
individuals and teams. The programme is endorsed by the Institute of Leadership
and Management. This type of qualification is tailored specifically to meet the needs
of the organisation, includes formal assessments and is approved by the awarding
body whom provide a certificate to each candidate upon satisfactory completion of all
The key objectives of the programme are to:
Clarify the key roles and responsibilities of Grade 4 and 5 managers within the
Commercial Group of the University
Improve participant’s personal effectiveness through identifying and
maximising personal development opportunities in consultation with their line
Explore key principles and good practice when managing teams and
The key elements of the programme are:
half-day induction:
completion of personal development planning workbook including one to one
with line manager to agree current competency levels and personal
development needs linked to programme content;
pre-course reading materials to provide background and context
five one-day workshops;
written assessment following each workshop;
part-assessment by line manager following workshops 1,3 and 5;
group action sets after workshops 2 and 4 to facilitate transfer of learning;
tutorial support by tutor and or Line Manager where appropriate to facilitate
assessment as required
The course content is set out on the following pages:
Learning Outcomes
Explain the context and style of the programme in relation to input,
support, assessment and self-learning
Review current performance in relation to the management competences
and define a route for personal development throughout the programme
Analyse own preferred learning style and explain the theory on experiential
learning to facilitate own development
Define ‘ground rules’ and ‘ways of working’ for the programme Set goals
and targets for personal development within the context of the programme
and your work role
Module 1 - Personal Effectiveness:
Learning Outcomes
Analyse own approach to managing time with a view to improving the
prioritisation of workloads and personal effectiveness
Describe the key elements and characteristics of Assertive behaviour and
explain a range of tactical tools and techniques to enhance effectiveness
Define the term ‘stakeholder’ and identify the key considerations to
enhance your personal effectiveness when managing these within the
context of your work role
Interpret and analyse situations to identify consequences of own actions
and enable decision-making to improve personal effectiveness.
Workshop Content
Time management self-assessment and cause and effect analysis
Efficiency versus Effectiveness
Categorising time wasters
Taking positive action to ‘manage time’ effectively
Defining what Assertive behaviour looks and feels like
Rights and Responsibilities – the ‘OK Corale’
Techniques and models:
o I statements
o 3 step model
Stakeholder Management
The Internal Stakeholder –Value Chain
Categorising Stakeholders – Power and Interest
Personal decision-making
Taking time out to gather information, reflect and review alternatives
Thinking through the consequences and making decisions
Content and assessment link to Commercial Group competencies: Making a
difference; Initiative; Managing activity and resources
Module 2 – Achieving Through Others
Learning Outcomes
Explain the differences and similarities between the roles of Leader and Manager
Explain the importance of leadership qualities within the management role and
how this contributes to the achievement of organisational, departmental and
individual goals
Identify the factors that contribute to the selection of appropriate management
Apply management styles according to the situation in order to produce positive
Examine the importance of motivation at work and consider the role of the
manager/leader in supporting individuals and teams
Identify opportunities to delegate work and know how to effectively delegate to
achieve workplace objectives
Plan and deliver constructive feedback within the delegation process
Workshop Content
Management and leadership
Management and leadership – similarities and differences
Review of contingency and situational leadership models
How to evaluate the appropriateness of different leadership styles
Motivating individuals and team
Motivation survey
Review of key motivational theories
Using motivational techniques to support individuals and teams
Using delegation and empowerment
Definitions of authority and power; responsibility and accountability
Concepts of delegation and empowerment
Process of delegation including barriers and support mechanisms
Techniques to monitor outcomes of delegation
Principles of giving constructive feedback
The purpose of feedback
How to make feedback constructive
Content and assessment link to Commercial Group competencies: Team working;
Managing activity and resources; Valuing others
Module 3 – Enabling Individual Performance
Learning Outcomes
Prepare, plan and write effective objectives for individuals and teams within
organisational guidelines
Explain the process of agreeing objectives and how to motivate individuals to
plan and work towards achieving their goals
Know how to identify the performance gap and take remedial action to improve
individual performance
Recognise when coaching is appropriate and plan and prepare a coaching
Use coaching techniques to develop an individual by applying the GROW model
Workshop Content
Agreeing and setting objectives
Performance standards and performance measurement
Aligning personal goals, team goals and organisational goals
The process of agreeing individual objectives
Managing performance
What is performance management?
Managing performance model (PEG and PIP)
Taking remedial action to improve individual performance
Positively Influencing performance
Coaching skills
Coaching versus training
Principles and benefits of coaching
Coaching techniques
Using the GROW model
Content and assessment link to Commercial Group competencies: Leading and
developing others; Managing activity and resources; Results focus;
Valuing others
Module 4 – Determining Direction
Learning Outcomes
Explain the importance of a balanced approach to managing tasks, individuals
and teams
Identify key stakeholders and the considerations around effective communication
to achieve results
Understand the manager’s role in maintaining and developing the team
Describe (and have practised) the skills and techniques involved in effectively
influencing others
Identify the factors that impact on change at work
Recognise the considerations involved in supporting change at work and develop
a plan to support change initiatives
Workshop Content
Management focus and approach
- Adair model (Task, Team and Individual)
- Personal analysis and Action planning
Maintaining and developing teams
- Characteristics of groups, teams, team membership and team leadership
- The team development process - Tuckman
- Analysis of own team situation
- The leaders role in moving teams through Tuckman’s model
Influencing and persuading others
- Influencing – what it is and how it works
- Influencing styles
- Characteristics of successful negotiators
Working to bring about productive change
- An exploration of our approach to change
- The change process
- The transition curve
- Identifying and dealing with resistance to change at work
- The role of communication in the successful implementation of change
- Planning, monitoring and controlling the progress of change
Content and assessment link to Commercial Group competencies: Communicating
and influencing; Customer focus; Flexibility
Module 5 – Getting Your Message Across
Learning Outcomes
Explain the preparation and planning required prior to leading a meeting
Deal with different behaviours during a meeting
Describe techniques to aid the selection of appropriate information to achieve
presentation objectives
Describe the skills and techniques involved in presenting in a professional and
confident manner
Commence development of a personal presentation
Workshop Content
Facilitating team meetings
Measures to prepare and plan effectively for meetings
Selection of relevant content – including Core Brief
Exploration of ‘chairing’ skills
Ways to encourage contributions, stay on track and deal with issues during
a meeting
Dealing with difficult behaviours
Use of relevant interpersonal skills
Conflict resolution techniques
Planning formal presentations
preparing your structure and outlines
developing the content
utilising skills and techniques to control the presentation in a confident way
utilising the strengths of presentations through visual, verbal and written
Content and assessment link to Commercial Group competencies: Communicating
and influencing; Customer focus; Sensitivity to others
Programme Dates for 2012
Submission Date
10th January 2012
19th January 2012
Workshop One
Personal Effectiveness
23rd February 2012
Workshop Two
Achieving Through Others
8th March 2012
Action Set 1
Provide Constructive Feedback
22nd March 2012
Workshop Three
Enabling Individual Performance
26th April 2012
Workshop Four
Determining Direction
17th May 2012
Action Set 2
Influencing and Persuading Others
7th June 2012
Workshop Five
Getting Your Message Across
28th June 2012
Final presentations
ILM is keen to ensure fair and equal assessment for all candidates: so if you have
any special difficulties which you think might put you at a disadvantage do not
hesitate to let your tutor know. A copy of the appeals procedure for this programme
is set out below.