Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is the purpose of Our Catchments, Our Communities? Our Catchments, Our Communities responds to most of the findings and recommendations from the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) audit of the effectiveness of Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) (September 2014). It will improve key elements of catchment management over the next four years. 2. Does the strategy address the Victorian Auditor-General’s recommendations for the effectiveness of Catchment Management Authorities? Our Catchments, Our Communities is a first step in delivering on the VAGO findings. It sets strategic directions for better coordinated planning, investment, delivery, and monitoring and reporting for catchment management. The audit recommendations will continue to be delivered through the action plan prepared by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and CMAs. 3. How was Our Catchments, Our Communities developed? Our Catchments, Our Communities is one of five projects that make up the action plan, with oversight from a Project Control Board (PCB) to implement the VAGO recommendations. PCB members are: Chair, West Gippsland CMA (PCB Chair) Chair, North Central CMA CEO, Goulburn Broken CMA CEO, East Gippsland CMA Chair, Victorian Catchment Management Council (VCMC) Victorian Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Executive Director, Agriculture Policy, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) Executive Director, Environment and Landscape Performance, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) Executive Director, Environment Policy (DELWP). The CEO of Port Phillip and Westernport CMA and the DELWP Manager Catchment Planning and Investment led the project team that contributed to the strategy’s development. The project team represented CMAs, the VCMC, Parks Victoria and DELWP. 4. What difference will the strategy make? The strategy will drive the following improvements for catchment management: Better implementation of Regional Catchment Strategy objectives. Community engagement in catchment management will be strengthened with gender equity and cultural diversity on boards of Catchment Management Authorities. Stronger connections between state, regional and local planning for land, water and biodiversity. Regional agreements between catchment management agencies and key partners will provide clear and agreed catchment management roles allowing us to make the best of our collective resources. Investment will be more coordinated using regional roundtables and new regional investment plans to identify agreed priorities for funding and to help direct effort for catchment partners. Coordinated on ground action leading to efficient and effective catchment outcomes. New catchment indicators will improve monitoring and reporting that is more consistent between regions and at the state level, enabling us to tell a better story about the results of our efforts and guide future decisions. 5. Who is being consulted on the draft strategy? A networked approach to consultation will be coordinated by each of the 10 CMAs. Existing networks and processes are expected to be used where possible to consult key regional partners. Each CMA will provide DELWP with consolidated summaries and key issues to consider in finalising the strategy. Regional partners to be consulted will include but not be limited by the following: Regional agencies including DELWP, DEDJTR and Parks Victoria Local government Frequently Asked Questions Traditional Owner groups and Traditional Owner Land Management Boards Community groups and networks Agriculture industries and groups Water corporations. 6. What is the scope of Our Catchments, Our Communities? Our Catchments, Our Communities supports the catchment management framework and recognises that a landscape or integrated approach to the management of land, water and biodiversity occurs through the development and implementation of Regional Catchment Strategies. These Regional Catchment Strategies account for investment priorities set in state-level strategies and plans, in addition to regional level values and priorities identified through their development. Our Catchments, Our Communities does not identify integrated investment priorities across Victoria. It reiterates the Victorian Government’s commitment to a community based, regionally focused approach to managing our catchments. It will improve key components of catchment management with a particular emphasis on catchment partners working together. The strategy focuses on: Engaging communities in catchment management Improving the connection between state-level planning for land, water and biodiversity, and regional catchment strategies Strengthening the implementation of regional catchment strategies which describe land, water and biodiversity strategic direction Strengthening accountability and regional coordination Improving monitoring and reporting. 7. Who will use the strategy? Key catchment partners who deliver catchment outcomes are: CMAs DELWP DEDJTR (agriculture portfolio) Parks Victoria Victorian Catchment Management Council Landcare and community groups Traditional Owners Local government Trust for Nature Water corporations. 8. How will Our Catchments, Our Communities be funded? Funding opportunities will be considered after completion of the consultation phase and finalisation of the strategy. Complementary processes for water and biodiversity management will also be considered in looking at funding to implement the strategy. 9. How will the strategy interact with other key policy documents being developed? The government is developing a new plan for water management and a new biodiversity strategy which will set the strategic direction for the management of these areas. Our Catchments, Our Communities will complement the development of new government policy by focusing on how delivery partners work together better. 10. What is the life of Our Catchments, Our Communities? Our Catchments, Our Communities will be implemented over the next four years from 2016 to 2019. 11. How will my comments on the draft strategy be considered? Comments will be collated by the 10 CMAs and used to inform the strategic directions and key actions in the final Our Catchments, Our Communities strategy. 12. Where can I get a copy of the strategy? Our Catchments, Our Communities is available to download online at or from CMA websites. 13. Who is my key CMA contact? Corangamite CMA 64 Dennis Street PO Box 159 Colac, VIC 3250 T: 03 5232 9100 E: W: Key contact: Gareth Smith CEO Frequently Asked Questions East Gippsland CMA 574 Main Street PO Box 1012 Bairnsdale, VIC 3875 T: 03 5152 0600 W: Key contact: Brett Millington Acting CEO Glenelg Hopkins CMA 79 French Street PO Box 502 Hamilton, VIC 3300 T: 03 5571 2526 E: W: Key contact: Dr Michael Rees, Partnerships and Investment Program Management Goulburn Broken CMA 168 Welsford Street PO Box 1752 Shepparton VIC 3630 T: 035822 7700 E: W: Key contact: Chris Norman CEO Mallee CMA Cnr Eleventh Street & Koorlong Avenue Irymple VIC PO Box 5017 Mildura VIC 3502 T: 03 5051 4377 W: Key contact: Jo Latta, Strategy and Policy Manager North Central CMA 628-634 Midland Highway PO BOX 18 Huntly VIC 2551 T: 03 5448 7124 E: W: Key contact: Brad Drust CEO North East CMA Level 1, 104 Hovell Street PO Box 616 Wodonga VIC 3690 T: 02 6043 7600 E: W: Key contact: Jane Young, Manager Leadership and Strategy Port Phillip & Westernport CMA Level 1 Landmark Corporate Centre 454-472 Nepean Highway Frankston VIC 3199 T: 03 8781 7900 E: W: Key contact: David Buntine CEO West Gippsland CMA 16 Hotham Street PO Box 1374 Traralgon VIC 3844 T: 1300 094 262 W: Key contact: Martin Fuller CEO Wimmera CMA 24 Darlot Street PO Box 479 Horsham VIC 3402 T: 03 5382 1544 E: W: Key contact: Tony Baker, Manager Statutory and Strategy