Ohio State Nonprofit Partnerships 09/16/2011 Project Name Type Description Glenn School of Public Affairs Graduate Degree Programs Academic Degree Prepares students to assume management and policy roles in public and non-profit fields. Bachelor of Arts in Public Affairs Academic Degree Undergraduate program built on a liberal arts foundation with a professional orientation in public affairs. Offers three interdisciplinary policy tracks: urban policy and management, community organization and civic engagement, and nonprofit management. M.A. in Arts Policy and Administration Academic Degree Our students undertake internships in Columbus with a wide range of arts organizations, including the Columbus Museum of Art, Opera Columbus, the Ohio Arts Council, Ballet Met, variety of musical and public art programs, etc. To develop entrepreneurial and managerial skills necessary to succeed as creative individuals in the increasingly complex economic environment of contemporary artmaking. Interdisciplinary set of courses to introduce students to nonprofit sector. Includes an experiential component The Public Policy: Social and Behavioral Sciences minor requires 24 credit hours: two core courses, two specialization courses, and a capstone requirement. Arts Entrepreneurship Minor Interdisciplinary Minor in Nonprofit Studies Academic Minor Undergraduate Public Policy minor Academic Minor Nonprofit Partners Multiple Ohio State Partners Contacts Level Glenn School of Public Affairs http://glennschool.osu.edu/pr ospective/prospective.html Graduate Glenn School of Public Affairs http://glennschool.osu.edu/un dergraduate/index.html Undergraduate Multiple Department of Art Education and Glenn School of Public Affairs http://glennschool.osu.edu/pr ospective/dual/dual.html Graduate Multiple Department of Art Education https://arted.osu.edu/artsentrepreneurshipundergraduate-minor Undergraduate Multiple John Glenn School of Public Affairs Chris Adams adams.615@osu.edu Undergraduate Multiple Glenn School of Public Affairs and College of Social and Behavioral Sciences http://polisci.osu.edu/ugrads/p policy/ Professor Alan Wiseman wiseman.69@osu.edu Undergraduate Project Name Type Description Ohio State Nonprofit Advisory Committee Advisory Committee Committee of nonprofit leaders and key Ohio State nonprofit stakeholders who set as its mission: Training the next group of leaders of nonprofit organizations Sharing Expertise and Resources Fisher Professional Service Consultant English 567: Rhetoric and Community Service Course A rigorous consultancy of the Fisher College of Business MBA program. It combines the benefits of an internship with the advantages of a multi-discipline team. Using our factdriven approach and top MBA talent, we are able to deliver client value in excess of 10 times fees. ~20 students write for and with local nonprofits on tasks nonprofit determine English 367: SecondLevel Writing Course ~24 students/term tutor CLC adult immigrant students Civic Engagement Course Course ~10- students attend and participate in Columbus Metropolitan Club forums and study the role of civic engagement in central Ohio Nonprofit Partners See list at http://oaa.osu.ed u/communitypart nerships/ctemem bers.html Ohio State Partners Contacts Level Office of Academic Affairs Glenn School of Public Affairs Fisher College of Business College of Social Work College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Fisher College of Business Mindy Wright wright.7@osu.edu Undergraduate Graduate Faculty From 2002 to 2011, 35+ organizations, 180 students at organizations including Children's Hunger Alliance, Columbus Literacy Council, American Heart Association, Ballet Met Columbus Literacy Council Department of English Mindy Wright wright.7@osu.edu Department of English Mindy Wright wright.7@osu.edu Undergraduate Columbus Metropolitan Club Glenn School of Public Affairs Julie Graber jgraber@instituteonwomen.or g Undergraduate Open to any nonprofit http://fisher.osu.edu/centers/f ps/ Undergraduate mwright7/wordpress.com 2 Project Name Type Description Pay It Forward: Strengthening Communities Through Student-Led Philanthropy Course Students identify community needs and assets, develop and an RFP, and evaluate proposals to make awards that total $4500 per course. Nonprofit Partners Columbus Foundation Ohio Campus Compact Multiple Nonprofits Social Innovation Initiative Business Planning for Social Enterprise Course Course With local nonprofits, students define, design, and commercialize socially-benefitting products. The program is designed to return commercial proceeds to the program to sustain its ongoing development. Students work in 4-5 person groups on a business-related (preferably social entrepreneurial) project that should take 400-450 hours to complete. Judy Tansky works with the nonprofit to determine the project. Tony R. Wells Foundation Groundwork Group The Adaptive Adventure Sports Coalition Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio Easter Seals of Central Ohio Freshbox Catering Goodwill Columbus A Kid Again UCP Central Ohio Mulitple Ohio State Partners Contacts Level Fisher College of Business College of Nursing Department of English/Marion Service-Learning Initiative Office of Undergraduate Education Office of Development College of Engineering Bethany Christoff Chirstoff.17@osu.edu Undergraduate Graduate Peter Rogers, rogers.693@osu.edu Undergraduate Fisher College of Business https://eeic.osu.edu/supportservices/siii Ohio State College of Medicine http://socialinnovationinitiativ e.org/what-we-do/partnerwith-nonprofit-community.php Fisher College of Business Judy Tansky tansky_1@fisher.osu.edu Undergraduate 3 Project Name Type Description Glenn School of Public Affairs/Nonprofit Management Lab Course Internships Internship Following the capacity assessment framework developed through the Columbus Capacity Building Initiative (The Columbus Foundation, The United Way, the Women’s Fund, and others), students conduct capacity assessments for local nonprofits. Students identify areas of strength and areas for growth, and provide recommendations and tools to build capacity. An internship integrates career related experience into an undergraduate education through participation in planned, supervised work. Nonprofit Partners Multiple Ohio State Partners Contacts Level Glenn School of Public Affairs Stephanie Moulton moulton.23@osu.edu Graduate Multiple Arts and Sciences Career Services Scott Kustis, kustis.1@osu.edu Randy Dineen, ASC dineen.2@osu.edu Undergraduate Fisher College of Business Office of Career Management Margaret Bogenschutz, bogenschutz_1@fisher.osu.edu Glenn School of Public Affairs Glenn School of Public Affairs Chris Adams adams.615@osu.edu Cindy Holodnak, JGSPA Outreach and Engagement holodnak.1@osu.edu College of Social Work http://www.csw.ohiostate.edu/fieldeducation/fielda gency/index.cfm If taken for course credit, internships require a faculty sponsor. Internships Internship Students are given a paid summer internship. For the following year, they develop a report on a specific issue related to the work of their internship site. Multiple College of Social Work Field Education Field Education Structured learning experiences and quality social work supervision that are partnerships among agency field instructors, university education coordinators, and students in the College of Social Work over 3 consecutive quarters. Students spend 15 hours/week onsite ~ 600 agency partners across Ohio Graduate Undergraduate Graduate 4 Project Name Type Description Nonprofit Partners Open to members of any organization Ohio State Partners Contacts MAPS (Management Advancement for the Public Service) Professional Development One-day seminars (0.6 CEU each) in the following areas: Communication, Employee Development, Leadership/ Organizational Effectiveness, Supervision, Work Relationships Nonprofit Leadership Certification Program Professional Development Ohio Certified Public Manager Program Professional Development Glenn School of Public Affairs http://glennschool.osu.edu/tra ining/maps.html The Ohio State Office of Continuing Education and HandsOn Central Ohio have identified courses and competencies that workers in the nonprofit field need to be successful and have integrated them into the classes needed for completion of this certificate program. In partnership with the Ohio Department of Administration Services and other universities across the state to provide this certificate program to Ohio's public managers. Leadership workshops by contract HandsOn Central Ohio Office of Continuing Education http://ced.osu.edu/NonprofitL eadership.html Certificate Ohio Department of Administration Services Glenn School of Public Affairs Cindy Holodnak holodnak.1@osu.edu Certificate Selection through admissions process Limited to young women Ohio State Nonprofit Advisory Committee OSU Leadership Center Professional Development New Leadership Ohio Professional Development NEW Leadership works to educate and empower college women to take on public leadership roles Undergraduate Community-Based Research (pilot Summer 2011) Research Three-way collaboration among community organizations, Ohio State, faculty, and Ohio State undergraduate students to address community proposed research topics Multiple OSU Leadership Center College of Food Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences Glenn School of Public Affairs Office of Undergraduate Education Office of Undergraduate Research Faculty from across campus Level http://glennschool.osu.edu/tra ining/ocpmp.html http://leadershipcenter.osu.ed u/ http://glennschool.osu.edu/pr ograms/new_leadership/new_l eadership.html Mindy Wright wright.7@osu.edu Undergraduate 5 Project Name Type Description Nonprofit Partners Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Ohio State Partners Contacts Level Cancer Research Research Nationally funded grant project James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute Dr. John Byrd Faculty Initiative in Population Research Research Interdisciplinary center on population, family, and health research. Already completed research is available online as well as ongoing working groups on particular topics. Our mission is to develop holistic solutions for individuals, families, and communities that help them emerge from poverty. The Center fosters intellectual exchange among faculty, graduate students, policymakers, and practitioners, and provides researchbased outreach to those involved in developing policy on crime and justice matters. Multiple Initiative in Population Research Dr. Randall J. Olsen, Director olsen.6@osu.edu http://ipr.osu.edu/ Faculty International Poverty Solutions Collaborative Research Multiple ~ 80 faculty, staff, and students from 13 colleges Melissa Briggs-Phillips briggs-phillips.1@osu.edu http://poverty.osu.edu/ Multiple See list of fundedprojects at http://cjrc.osu.edu/ research.html Dr. Ruth Peterson, Director peterson.5@osu.edu http://cjrc.osu.edu/ Undergraduate Graduate Faculty Staff Faculty Criminal Justice Research Center Research Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA) Research Offers a wide range of research support services relating to issues/problems that apply to urban and metropolitan areas, rural areas, and broader regional issues. Research initiated by faculty at Ohio State publications and periodical roundtable discussions open to the public. Multiple Center for Urban and Regional Analysis Daniel Z. Sui sui.10@osu.edu http://cura.osu.edu/ Faculty Sports Medicine Partnership Research Addresses the special needs of the performing artist – the dancer, the musician, the theatrical artist and the performance athlete. Ballet Met Ohio State Sports Medicine Center http://sportsmedicine.osu.edu /outreach/performing_arts/bal let_met/ Faculty 6 Project Name Type Description Seeds 4 Social Change Student Organization Student-led social entrepreneurship program funded by Tony R. Wells Foundation. Students form issuedriven groups that work with a local nonprofit to develop a project. Nonprofit Partners Multiple central Ohio nonprofits Ohio State Partners Contacts Level Fisher College of Business Business Builders Club Megan Colgan colgan.megan@gmail.com Undergraduate Students across campus Fisher College of Business seeds4socialchange@gmail.co m Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations, Ohio State Chapter Student Organization Offers strategic consulting for local non-profit clients free of charge. Student associates add value to nonprofit clients by translating the knowledge they have gained in the classroom and through their own employment experience to real world problems that non-profit companies face every day. Multiple http://www.scnoosu.org/ Undergraduate TWiCE Women in Engineering Student Organization Student-led organizations that work on specific projects proposed by community groups. Multiple College of Engineering http://www.cse.ohiostate.edu/~bbair/TWICE/servic es.htm#Community Fisher Board Fellows Student Organization Multiple Fisher College of Business https://groups.cob.ohiostate.edu/fbf/ Graduate PayItForward.osu.edu Volunteer/ Community Service Any central Ohio nonprofit Office of Student Life/Ohio Union http://payitforward.osu.edu Undergraduate Graduate Faculty Fisher/OSU Tax Clinic Volunteer/ Community Service Graduate business students partner with nonprofit boards. The students serve as non-voting fellows and work on fixed-length, strategic projects. Each participating student receives the full support and partnership of a board member who also serves as a mentor. Recruiting tool for nonprofit and other community organizations. Organizations register and monitor opportunities. May be one-time or long-term Provides free tax preparation services to low-income taxpayers living and working in the Columbus metro area Fisher College of Business Coordinator William A. Raabe http://fisher.osu.edu/departm ents/accounting-and-mis/taxclinic/ Faculty Graduate 7 Project Name Type Description Linden/Columbus City Schools/Ohio State Partnerships Collaboration Collaborative that shares Weinland Park Collaborative Collaboration information, identifies new partnership opportunities, troubleshoots problems, plans for sustainability, insures that all partners benefits communicates partnership news To improve quality of life in Weinland Park Nonprofit Partners College of Education and Human Ecology College of Engineering College of Arts and Sciences Office of Academic Affairs College of Education and Human Ecology International Poverty Solutions Collaborative Ohio State University Extension Schoenbaum Family Center Ohio State Partners Contacts Greater Linden Development Corporation St. Stephen’s Community House Columbus City Schools OEA Mindy Wright Wright.7@osu.edu Campus Partners City of Columbus The Columbus Foundation JPMorgan Chase Foundation United Way CO Central Ohio Workforce Investment Corporation Columbus City Schools Columbus State Community College Community Properties of Ohio Management Services CPO Impact Corporation Godman Guild Habitat for Humanity of Greater Columbus Wagenbrenner Development Corporation Weinland Park Community Civic Association http://www.weinlandparkcivic. org/WPCCA/Collaborative/Coll aborative.html Level 8 9