2014 PTO COMMITTEES AND EVENTS The following are descriptions of many of the PTO committees and events, however there is always room for more. If you have thoughts on a program or event you would like to see at Stanley please let us know so we can make it happen! After School Programs – Chair: Amy O’Connor Manage and organize the registration and execution of after school programs at Stanley. Art, music, language arts, sports, yoga, science and nature, and cooking have been a great success and are taught by both parents and teachers. Beautification/Grounds – Chair: Lynne McCarren Roll up your sleeves and help indoors and out. Fall spruce up, plantings, playground upkeep, spring spruce up, indoor decorative painting, etc. Projects determined by need and requests of administration and teachers. Big Blue Bargain-Chair: Julie Phaneuf Big Blue Bargain is a local thrift shop located at the Swampscott Middle School. The store is staffed by volunteers from the five public schools. The chair organizes the schedule for Stanley School designated time slots and acts as the liaison between BBB and the PTO. Book Fair – Chair: Rachel Dicker, Nicole Nichols In November a book “store” will be set up in the library for parents and children to purchase books for personal use and for their classrooms. The book fair is in conjunction Back to School Day when students have a chance to show their parents their classrooms and proudly share their work with them. Box Top Committee – Chair: OPEN Creates incentive challenges for the kids to collect as many “box tops” as they can to raise money for the school. Cultural Arts – Chair: Rachel Dicker, Patti Ringler, Emily Walger, Sheila Yang This committee is an integral part of the Stanley School community. Responsible for researching, choosing and implementing enrichment program which benefit Stanley students in every grade. Programs bring music, art, authors & poets, science, health and fitness programs into the classrooms. You can volunteer for one specific event or for the committee as a whole. Fitness Walk – Chair: Wendy Fasciano Work with Ms. Pacitto, our Physical Education teacher, on organizing the event and gathering volunteers to help the day of the walk. Takes place on the ball field during school hours. Fun Field Day – Co-Chairs: KC Butt, Amy Palmer A day the kids love!! Games, fitness challenges and fun take place on the field during school hours. Grant Writing – Chair: Johanna Morgen Work with school principal to seek out and apply for grants for specific projects, programs and/or equipment. Holiday Fair – Chair: Cheryl Frary, Joann DiCamillo, Vivian Sparacio Our biggest fundraiser happens in December. Select, organize and manage craft tables, oversee the purchase of small gift items from the holiday “store”. Hospitality Committee - Co-Chairs: Kiki O’Donnell, Monica Lagerquist Hospitality organizes two teacher luncheons, one in September to welcome the teachers back to school and in May for Teacher Appreciation Week. Library –Chair: Terri Morgen and Vivian Sparacio In the absence of a school librarian, this committee manages the, cataloguing, organizing and preserving books, maintaining the cleanliness and organization of the library as well as managing the staff of parent volunteers. We are looking to solicit involvement from parents to assist the chairs in various areas of running the library, as it is a LARGE task for just a few. Classroom volunteer time is additional and will be organized at the start of the year. Safety Committee – Chair: Susan Twomey Work with Mr. Daniels on Stanley School Safety issues and the “Safe Routes” program. Science Fair – Chair: Jaren Landen & Sam Maxted Organize and demonstrate science experiments in an age appropriate and fun way to introduce elementary science concepts. Previously done for K and 1st grades. Stanley Family Non-Fiction Shared Reading: Chairs: Rebecca Mexataxos & Vivian Sparacio Coordinate with Becky Groothius, founder of Family Non-Fiction Reading program, with books recommendation and activity supplements. Package, distribute, collect, and maintain book bags monthly. Act as main contact to all teachers for any matters concerning book bags. Stanley School Directory – Chair: Camay Pascucci Responsible for compiling contact information and advertisement sales, printing and distributing the Stanley School Directory Staple Kitz – Chair: Sarah Brogna Act as the liaison between Staples, Stanley School Secretary, and PTO. Coordinate grade supply list with school secretary, distribute and collect order forms, calculate and submit order, arrange shipping and classroom distribution. Continued……. T-Shirt Committee – Chair: Sabrina Clopton Organize sales of school apparel during the year. All proceeds support PTO programs and events. Talent Show Committee – Co-Chairs: Hilary Foutes & Cheryl Frary Organize and manage the school wide talent show, which would include after school rehearsals prior to performance night. Welcoming Committee – Co-Chairs: Jenne Ford, Sheila Yang Responsible for providing coffee and refreshments in the beginning of the school year for the welcome back coffee, kindergarten coffee and kindergarten popsicle party. As well, this committee provides a welcome gift for students new to Stanley.