Linguistics - University of the West of England

Faculty of Creative Arts,
Humanities and
Referral Booklet 2010-2011
Area Studies
University of the West of England
Page No.
Instructions ....................................................................................................... 3
Level 1
from .................................................................................................. 4
Level 2
from ....................................................................................... ……. 10
Level 3
from ................................................................................................. 15
Language Projects and IRS modules on ........................................................ 21
The work you need to do is set out in this booklet in Level and Module Code
order. If you have any difficulty understanding what you have to do you must
contact a Student Adviser immediately,,
Telephone. 0117 32 81342
Should you need further information, or assistance with your referral you may
be able to contact the module leader by e-mail. Please however, remember
that academic staff will not necessarily be available over the summer
vacation; you should not expect to receive additional help.
Please submit the work, using the online coversheet, which you can download
from myUWE, by Monday 8 August at 2.00pm either by hand delivery to
the Frenchay or St Matthias reception,
or by post addressed to the Faculty Office:
CAHE Reception, Room 3E35
UWE Frenchay Campus
Coldharbour Lane
UWE St Matthias Campus
Oldbury Court Road
If you post the work to us you will need to obtain a ‘proof of posting’ which indicates
that it was posted before the 2pm deadline.
It is best to take your unsealed coursework and envelope to the post office desk
and ask for a till receipt and ask them to insert it in the coursework envelope and
also ask for another copy of receipt for your own records.
UPLQ3D-10-1 Academic Writing Skills
Module Leader: Maria Greany
The sources for Section A & B for this coursework can be found on
This coursework tests your ability to use and acknowledge your sources correctly.
 Section A deals with citation skills
 Section B deals with referencing skills.
You must complete both parts in full.
All writing must be presented in an appropriate academic style, and wordprocessed.
Part 1: (60 marks)
1. Find a short academic journal article of your choice about a topic of your
choice. If you are unsure if it is a suitable article, show it to Maria Greany first so
that it can be checked.
2. Summarise the main points of the article (200-250 words).
3. Write a title for an essay on the topic of the article.
4. Write the introduction for the essay (200-250 words).
Part 2: (40 marks)
Go to the library and write a reference list for your essay topic which includes:
- your journal article
- a website
- a book by a single author
- a book by two or more authors.
Please make sure you attach a copy of the journal article to your coursework.
UPNQ35-30-1 Introduction to Linguistics 1: the nature of language
and its sub-systems
Module Leader: Dr Maricarmen Gil
You are required to choose a different essay title from the one you did for the first
You are required to write an essay of between 1350-1650 words on ONE of the
following topics:
1. Compare and contrast human language and animal communication: similarities
and differences.
2. Discuss and explain the findings that have provided neurolinguists with
information about where speech and language are located in the brain.
3. Define the following major subfields of linguistics: phonetics, phonology,
morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics and describe how they are
related. Please provide your own examples.
4. 0Compare and contrast first language acquisition (FLA) and second language
acquisition (SLA): similarities and differences.
UPNQ36-30-1 Introduction to Linguistics 2: Sociolinguistic
Variation and Child Language
Module Leader: Jeanine Treffers-Daller
Use the same recordings and make a transcript as indicated below. Choose a
different topic for your essay. (not the same as you chose in May!)
Details of the task
1. Transcribe the two recordings that are available in MP3 format on Blackboard.
You need to transcribe at least 400 words from each recording, but you can
pick any part of the recording, but it has to be a stretch of continuous speech.
See guidelines below for details on how to transcribe
2. Choose ONE topic to analyse from the list below. Highlight the occurrence of
the phenomenon you have chosen in the transcript, using different colours (e.g.
blue for a “h” that is present, red for a “h” that is dropped).
3. Write an essay in which you analyse this phenomenon. Do not try to address a
range of topics! See below for the structure of your essay.
4. You need to hand in your essay with the transcripts marked with your colour
coding of the phenomenon you have analysed should be added in the
appendix (not inside your essay). Put the cover sheet you get from the Info
point at the top.
Transcribing the recordings
Transcription means writing down oral text in a written format. Spoken language is
produced so rapidly that it is impossible to study it while listening. A precise, written
transcript is therefore made which is used as a basis for further analysis. We
transcribe the recordings using the following guidelines, which are roughly based
on the CHAT system (MacWhinney 2000).
1. The first line in the file must be an @Begin header line.
2. The second line must be an @Participants header line listing three-letter codes
for each participant and the participant's role (student)
STU student
3. Lines beginning with * indicate what was actually said. These are called “main
*STU: this is my first sentence.
4. Each main line should code one and only one sentence. When a speaker
produces several sentences in a row, code each with a new main line.
5. Do not use capital letters at the beginning of each sentence (except for the word
6. Comments on the transcript can be put on a separate line, which begins with
the informant refers to an event in childhood.
7. The last line in the file must be an @End header line.
8. Be precise! Include repetitions, false starts, mistakes etc.
9. Use standard spelling throughout.
@Participants: STU student
*STU: a man and a child are walking along the sea with a dog.
*STU: the child tries to make the dog bring back a stick and throws a stick on the
*STU: the stick was the stick from the father from the man.
*STU: the dog jumps into the sea and catches the stick.
*STU: the man comes along with a stick too.
*STU: and he wants the dog to bring his stick back too.
*STU: he throws the stick on the sea and wait.
*STU: then the man and the child are walking away.
*STU: and the dog don't try doesn't try to catch the stick.
*STU: and so the man had to catch the stick on his own.
*STU: yes I think.
What do we do with the transcripts?
For your coursework, you need to write an essay about the differences between
the recording of the female (Mary) and the male informant (John). Please focus
your analysis on ONE of the aspects listed below. Do not attempt to address all of
these, as this is not possible in such a short essay.
For each feature, you need to count the occurrences in both recordings precisely,
and produce a table or graph with results. For example, you need to count the total
number of times the informant produces a /h/ as well as the total number of times
the informant drops the /h/. More information on how to do this will be given during
the seminars. Check the detailed bibliography on p. 19-20 of this module handbook
for the academic literature on this topic.
Topics to choose from:
1. Dropping your t’s
Do the speaker drop his/her t’s (ie. produce glottal stops) everywhere, or only in
some words? Can you figure out when s/he drop the t’s and when s/he doesn’t?
Underline the t’s s/he pronounces and the ones s/he doesn’t pronounce in different
colours. Check Holmes (2008) for more information about this topic.
2. “goin” or “going”?
Can you find out whether the speaker sometimes pronounces “going” as “goin”?
Does this happen everywhere in the story, or are there some exceptions?
Underline the verbs in –ing in your stories and use different colours for occurrences
of “-ing” and “–in” Holmes (2008) for more information about this topic.
3. Th-fronting
Speakers sometimes pronounce “th” as “f “or “v”, so I think is pronounced as I fink
and brother as bruvver. This phenomenon is called th-fronting, and it is assumed
to be a characteristic of Estuary English, which in turn may have influenced
regional varieties elsewhere. Can you find this among the speakers you are
analysing? See Trudgill (1994: 32-35) and Trudgill (1990: 75-76) for more
information about this topic.
4. /h/-dropping
Try to find out when and where the speaker drops the "h". Does s/he drop the "h"
in function words (such as him, he) or in content words (house, help, hungry)?
Underline the words with a "h" and those without "h" in different colours. Check
Holmes (2008) for more information about this topic.
Structure of the coursework (the subheadings need to be used in your essay)
1. Introduction (what is this essay about?)
2. Literature review (what does the literature say about my topic?)
3. Research question (what am I studying in my essay and why?)
4. Results (include your table here) + discussion (you give an analysis of the
language used in the stories).
5. Conclusion (what is your main finding? What would you do differently if you
were to do it again?)
6. Bibliography
Marks for the coursework
Content (60% - 30% for the transcript, 30% for the analysis), Referencing 10%,
Structure 15%, Language 10%, Presentation 5%)
UPNQ3Q-30-1 English in the Modern World
Module Leader: David Phelan
You are required to choose a different essay title from the one you did for the first
One essay (1900 – 2100 words)
1. Analyse the linguistic differences between two texts of between 500 and
1000 words each. One text should be in British English and the other in
another major variety of English.
2. Investigate the phonological differences between American English and
British English.
3. Discuss the use of rhoticity in Britain and America. Compare use in Britian
and the US and examine variation of use within each country.
4. Investigate the possible future scenarios for the English language. Where
will the English language be in 2050?
5. Discuss and evaluate various core approaches to English as an
International Language.
6. Describe and illustrate how English has become the most influential and
widespread language in the world.
Structure of the coursework
Your essay needs to have at least three sections: Introduction - main part conclusion.
You need to start with an introduction in which you specify your aims and
objectives, and give an outline of the coursework. The main part of the essay
follows (but it may be advisable to break this up into a number of sections as well).
In the conclusion you say what the main findings of your essay are, and which
issues you have not been able to address and which may be discussed in future
You need to refer to the books and articles in the library in your coursework. You
can also use internet sources, but you need to be very careful when selecting the
sources. Not all internet sources are reliable. It is not possible to refer to internet
sources only. Guidance on how to refer to the literature is given on UWEonline.
Marks for the coursework
Content 60%, Referencing 15%, Structure 10%, Language 10%, Presentation 5%
UPNQ43-30-1 Introduction to Texts
Module Leader: Jonathan Charteris-Black
You MUST write about TWO different advertisements from those used in
For the coursework on this module you are required to analyse TWO contrasting
advertisements in terms of any of the following that are most pertinent to your
texts. The selected adverts should be multimodal (comprising both written text and
Semantic/Pragmatic meaning
Cultural assumptions
Your essay should contain:
A general discussion of the characteristics of discourse of advertising not focusing
on your selected texts (approximately 500 words).
A comparative analysis of the selected texts (approximately 1000 words).
It is important that you choose two contrasting adverts (examples will be
discussed and analysed in lectures and seminars).
Your essay should include references to relevant academic work
You must supply the adverts yourself and attach them as part of the
coursework you submit.
UPLQ7H-10-2 Further Academic Writing Skills
Module Leader Hazel Burville
You are required to write a project of 1500 words following the brief below.
Project Content
The topic for this project will deal with an issue or issues affecting your field of study,
chosen from one of the following areas: green (as in environment), pink (as in gender),
grey (as in age) or black (as in race).
The issue or issues chosen will not be the same as for the coursework project
completed at the first attempt.
The project must be easily understood by a reader from any academic background
The theme chosen for your topic should be approved by your class tutor by
Wednesday 13th July 2011.
You can find further guidelines for the project format on Blackboard.
UPLQ78-30-2 Intercultural Communication and Introduction to
Module Leader Rebecca Fong
The title of your project in visual anthropology will be
1) Analyse what a stereotype is and how it comes about.
2) Using the method of visual anthropology, document photographically one
group that you believe to be stereotyped, then use your photographs to
explore with members of that group, to what extent the stereotype is “true”
or “false”.
3) Link your findings to the implications for Intercultural Communication.
“Between Cultures”
1) Explore the meaning of the term "acculturation" with reference to the
research in intercultural communication.
2) Work with a "non-native" to document material, behavioural and ideational
aspects of their acculturation process photographically. Provide a critique
of visual methods.
3) Use the photographs, with your "non-native“, to discuss and explore the
acculturation process, noting what the gaps between representation and
interpretation highlight.
4) Link your findings to the implications for improved intercultural
UPNQ67-30-2 Foundations in Linguistics 1:Syntax, semantics and
Module Leader Richard Coates
Write an essay of 1900-2100 words on a topic selected from the list below (but not
the one you chose for your first assessment). Whichever topic you choose, you
should begin by setting out the background to the problem as derived from your
reading (up to about 600 words max.) before embarking on the analysis of the
material you have collected. You should discuss especially any problems that
occur with the process of analysis. The essentials of this task are firstly to show
that you have grasped some concept and then to apply it to data that you have
found or collected yourself. The collected evidence may be in any language, and
should be presented as an appendix. You will be penalized for simply using
prepared lists of examples in textbooks or web sources.
1. Choose a stretch of recorded conversation (say 2000 words) and use it to
illustrate EITHER the role of indirectness and politeness in conversation OR
the use of deictic expressions. (Best to use a transcript. Relates esp. to
weeks 9-11 or to week 7.)
2. Choose a passage of connected prose or conversation (about 1000 words),
and show how reference to discourse referents is achieved, maintained or
compromised through the passage. (Best to use a transcript. Relates esp. to
weeks 2 and 7; key term anaphora.) [Analysis of conversation is more
difficult and will be more highly rewarded if successful.]
3. Choose a semantic field (e.g. cookery, music, sport, poetry, computing, or
any other by negotiation with the tutor) and do a full analysis of how the
lexemes in that semantic field relate to each other. Are there limits to the
level of completeness that can be achieved? How easy is it to draw a
boundary round a semantic field? (Relates esp. to weeks 3-5.)
4. Is it possible to identify central word-meanings? and/or Why does “dynamic
construal” lead to a completely non-traditional view of meaning? (Relates
esp. to weeks 3, 6, and 12.) NB If you do the and version, make sure that
you write a single connected essay, not two short ones.
5. Lexicography (dictionary-making) is the practical counterpart of lexicology
(the study of lexical items). How might a lexicographer decide what to
include as head-forms in a dictionary? Why can it be hard to decide? Show
how the issues covered in this module illustrate the major problems of this
aspect of dictionary-making. (Relates esp. to weeks 1, 3, 5, 6 and 12.)
6. What is illocutionary force? Give examples, from your normal linguistic
activity as a speaker, listener, writer or reader, of performative sentences
that you have found in use. (Relates esp. to week 8. You are advised to
start collecting evidence well before the end of teaching term.)
7. Collect 20 pairs of similar words (i.e. ones that are spelt and/or pronounced
alike) and explain how you would decide whether they illustrate homonymy
or polysemy. (Make sure you choose some in both categories, and
comment on cases where it is hard to decide. Relates esp. to week 5.) NB
this deceptively straightforward essay has been badly done in the past;
make sure you answer the question exactly as set.
UPNQ68-30-2 Foundations in Linguistics 2: History of Linguistic
Thought and Methods in Linguistics
Module Leader Michael Daller
You MUST choose a different topic from the one you answered in January.
Develop a research design (1900 – 2100 words) for one of the topics listed below.
Pay special attention to: formulating a hypothesis, sampling, data collection,
generalisation towards possible population(s) and data analysis. Discuss the
advantages and possible disadvantages of your design. Please note that the data
for this design are fictional. You don’t need to collect real data. The aim is to
practise setting up a design, and carrying out analyses on data sets with the help
of SPSS. This includes making a meaningful graph with SPSS.
The success of bilingual education programmes at school. You want to
compare the marks for English and Maths of children who are enrolled in a
programme of Welsh-English bilingual education and children who are enrolled
in a monolingual education programmes. Discuss your sampling technique and
which variables you need to control for. Enter marks for each group of children
into SPSS and carry out a t-test for independent samples. Decide whether you
need to reject your initial hypothesis on the basis of the SPSS output.
Key reference:
Baker, Colin (2001) Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism [electronic journal]
First language acquisition
You want to find out whether boys or girls are more advanced in language
when they start primary school. You measure mlu (mean length of utterance) in
a story telling task and vocabulary knowledge. Formulate a hypothesis.
Discuss your sampling technique and which variables you need to control for.
Enter marks for each group of children into SPSS and carry out a t-test for
independent samples. Decide whether you need to reject your initial
hypothesis on the basis of the SPSS output.
There is a wealth of reading in the library – the following are just two examples
of basic texts.
Berko-Gleason, J. (1997) The development of language. Allyn and Bacon.
Foster-Cohen, S. (1999) An introduction to Child language development.
London and New York: Longman.
Attitudes towards non-native accents. You want to know whether British native
speakers are prejudiced towards speakers who have a foreign accent in
English (e.g. a French accent). You use the Matched Guise Technique (see
Fasold, 1984) to find out what the attitudes of the students are towards
Standard British English and varieties of English spoken with a non-native
accent. You enter the results of your rating scales into SPSS and carry out a ttest (paired samples). Decide whether you need to reject your initial hypothesis
on the basis of the SPSS output.
Fasold, R. (1984) The sociolinguistics of society (chapter about Language
Giles, H. and Coupland, N. (1991) Language: Contexts and Consequences.
Buckingham: Open University Press.
Motivation and second language learning
You want to find out whether people who are highly motivated are better
language learners than those who are poorly motivated. You develop a
hypothesis regarding the variables which will correlate best with student
achievement (parental encouragement,integrative motivation, etc.). State the
null hypothesis. You measure students’ motivation with the help of the Attitude
Motivation Test Battery (Gardner 2004) or an adaptation of this questionnaire,
and calculate correlations between scores on this questionnaire and students’
marks in the foreign language.
Gardner, R.C. (1985) Attitude motivation test battery manual Technical Report.
The AMTB can be found here:
Dörnyei,Z. (2009) Motivation, language identity and the L2 self. Multilingual
5. Pick your own topic, but you need to agree this topic with tutor in TB1! The
use of SPSS to analyse data is also needed for this topic.
UPNQ75-30-2 Words in Context: Lexicology, Styles and Genres
Module Leader Catherine Rosenberg
Part A
Create a pastiche, parody or satire of a specific written genre of between 500 and
600 words based on a collection of original texts of that genre. The genre you
choose to focus on must differ from that focused on in your first attempt at the
Part B
Provide a commentary of between 1400 and 1500 words detailing the ways in
which your pastiche, parody or satire emulates the original texts. Your
commentary should relate both to your text and the original texts, and should make
reference to the context in which the original texts were produced and in which
they would normally be intended to be used. Also included in your commentary
should be the discussion of the linguistic features you have reproduced (lexis,
grammar, patterns of organisation), with an explanation of why you selected them,
and in what ways your text is typical of the genre.
A word count must be included with the coursework. Failure to do so will result in
the deduction of 2%.
UPUQ74-30-2 La España de hoy temas políticos y sociales
Module Leader Susana Romans-Roca
Write an essay of about 1500 words on the title you have not attempted yet.
a) Debate cuáles fueron los efectos económicos y sociales de los años de
desarrollo y explica por qué coincidió con el descontento laboral?
b) ¿Cómo tuvo lugar la transición a la democracia en España y hasta qué punto se
puede decir que fue un éxito?
c) ¿Qué es el Estado de las Autonomías? Analiza su carácter, las razones de su
introducción y los problemas del sistema.
UPUQQ8-30-2 Comparative Cultures and their Stories
Module Leader Carmen Arnaiz
Choose two texts from the reading list and write an essay (totalling approximately
3000 words) comparing them in terms of how the political system of a given
country and/or religious practices affect the ordinary lives of citizens.
UPUQRK-30-2 Investigating Everyday Culture and Identity
Module Leader Susanna Romans-Roca
You are required to rework the weak pieces in the commentary and/or collection of
documents submitted in the summer.
You are not required to undertake a different topic/theme and carry out more
Credit will be given for the use of a wide-range of sources, critical analysis, use of
examples, correct referencing and well-written and presented work.
Module Leader Rebecca Fong
You are required to either adapt or modify the existing Profile in line with academic
feedback or produce a new one from scratch. In the case of the former, you MUST
meet with your tutor to discuss the changes that are necessary.
UPNQ9N-30-3 Cultural History of the English Language
Module Leader Richard Coates
Further attendance at taught classes is not required.
CWK 1. An essay of 2000 words as described in the module handbook, on a
different topic from the list below
1. Why was the stabilization of English such a big issue for intellectuals
between 1660 and 1800? To what extent did they succeed in their
2. What form did academic and popular interest in English dialects take
between 1750 and 1900? What form does it take now?
3. Assess the impact of printing on the direction of change in the English
language. To what extent can it be usefully compared with the impact of
computer literacy today?
4. What factors encouraged the eventual dominance of English in England
by 1500? What traces did the “losers” leave on English?
5. What were the main results of contact between English and other
European languages (including Latin and Greek) between 1500 and 1700?
Was the impact on English permanent?
6. Choose, at random, 25 English words from OED beginning with the same
letter, and ascertain their origin and history. Show carefully to what extent,
and how, they illustrate the history of the English language. [Make sure you
use words not extensively dealt with in your sources; if you do that you will
be marked down.]
CWK 2. An essay of 3000 words as described above, on a different topic from the
list below:
Give a reasoned analysis of the case(s) for and against tutors’
correcting the written English of native speakers in academic essays. Your
conclusion should offer definitive advice on the matter to a policymaker.
“… the New England common people … have been sequestered in
some measure from the world, and their language has not suffered material
changes from their first settlement to the present time. Hence most of the
phrases used by Shakespear, Congreve, and other writers who have
described English manners and recorded the language of all classes of
people, are still heard in the common discourse of the New England
yeomanry.” (Noah Webster, 1789). What is the significance of the claim
made by some that US English is “Elizabethan” or “Shakespearean”? What
might it mean in linguistic terms?
“America has never had a need for an official-language policy, and in
the current situation still does not.” Discuss. Briefly advise the next US
President on the attitude s/he should take on this issue.
James Milroy and Lesley Milroy call non-standard English “Real
English” (1993). What is behind this name, and in what sense, if any, are
other varieties “unreal”?
“Since 1066 at least, knowledge of languages other than English has
been necessary for, and expected of, an educated English person.” Discuss.
Is that expectation still valid? Depending on your viewpoint, what are the
To what extent is modern UK English receptive to lexical borrowings?
Using standard sources listing neologisms, evaluate the proportions of
borrowings and new creations using English lexical material.
What factors are driving linguistic change in modern British English?
Illustrate with specific examples [other than those discussed in the lectures].
To what extent is the outcome of current variability and change predictable?
What are the current status(es) and function(s) of pidgin and creole
varieties of English in EITHER the UK OR the USA? What are their
What syllabus content has been suggested for the teaching of
English language in schools since about 1900, and what changes can be
observed during this period? Evaluate the arguments that have been used
to support differing views of the most desirable syllabus content .
Notice that each title has an element requiring you to show knowledge
of the literature, and an element requiring you to show the capacity to
evaluate the information you derive from it.
UPNQ9P-30-3 Critical Text Analysis
Module Leader Jonathan Charteris-Black
The resit coursework for this module requires you to choose a
new text for analysis.
Write an essay of a maximum of 3,500 words on the following topic.
Select a text that is, in your view, successful in satisfying a persuasive purpose. I
advise you to select a reasonably short text of the type that we look at in the
Please note you cannot select the same text as any that we have analysed in the
module and it should not be one that you have previously analysed as any part of
your coursework at levels one or two.
Provide a brief analysis of the context of this text. Then analyse ONE of the
1) Lexical choices that contribute to the effectiveness with which persuasion is
achieved – these could include names, or other lexical choices that
influence its persuasiveness.
2) Grammatical choices that contribute to the effectiveness with which
persuasion is achieved – these could include voice, transitivity or modality or
other grammatical choices that influence its persuasiveness.
Consider how either the lexical or grammatical choices contribute to the
persuasiveness of the text.
Your assignment should have the following sections:
1. Introduction (describing briefly the text you have chosen and analysing the
2. Brief review of the relevant literature (i.e. explaining the theoretical approaches
you will use in your analysis)
3. Analysis of either grammatical or lexical choices
4. Discussion of how either grammatical or lexical choices contribute to its
5. Conclusion
6. The text itself should be attached as 'Appendix 1'. THE LINES SHOULD BE
(The text does not count towards the overall word count).
UPNQ9V-30-3 Creative Writing and the Self
Module Leader Catherine Rosenberg
The maximum word count for this assignment is 4000 words, and a nominal
allowance of 1000-1400 words is allowed for the transcription, although it might not
match this exactly. Please provide a word count for each section. The amount
written for Parts B and C should not exceed 3000 words. The recording should
be submitted as part of the assignment.
Part A
Interview someone you know well in order to elicit a narrative about an experience
which has had a significant impact on them, recording their story in some form
(please ask if you need to access recording equipment). Employ an appropriate
method of transcription to represent approximately 5-10 minutes of conversation (if
possible, to include the whole story).
Part B
Referring to this transcription, in approximately 1300 words, provide a critical
commentary giving the reasons why you chose to transcribe the oral narrative in
the way you did, referring in particular to linguistic features of the text. There
should be a theoretical basis to your discussion.
Part C
Provide some form of analysis of this transcription in approximately 1300 words,
reflecting on why you chose this form of analysis, and what it reveals about your
participant’s narrative. Again, there should be a theoretical basis to your
discussion. Use this analysis as a basis for further discussion with your participant,
the aim of which is to carry out a member check and add to your understanding of
their story. Present a further account and analysis of your findings.
In Parts B and C you should ensure that you incorporate close reference to
sources introduced to you in the module as well as any relevant further reading you
have carried out independently.
A word count must be included with the coursework. Failure to do so will result in
the deduction of 2%.
UPUQR8-30-3 European Environmental Policy
Module Leader Dr Dimitrios Konstadakopulos
One Essay of approx 3000 words in English on the following topic:
What role does the European Union play in assisting both Africa and Latin America
in protecting their natural environment?
UPUQSA-30-3 La politique culturelle de la France depuis 1981
Module Leader Sarah Blowen
One extended essay of approx. 3000 words you are required to re work your
summer submission taking into account the feedback comments from the
academics who marked the summer submission. Please contact the module leader
to confirm your topic.
UPUQS3-15-3 Europe, Globalisation and the Nation State
Module Leader Dr Nick Startin
The re-sit composition essay will be a book review from the core bibliography but
not the one attempted first time round. Please note that this review has to be
approximately 2000 in words in length as there is no re-sit class seminar
UPUQS5-30-3 La situación de la mujer en España
Module Leader Susanna Romans-Roca
You are required to submit a slightly longer piece of coursework with a different
essay title from the one you did for the first assessment.
There is no presentation for the second assessment opportunity.
One 2000+ word essay written in Spanish, on either a topic chosen by the student
and authorised by the lecturer, or a title selected from the three given below.
Correct presentation is an essential prerequisite; therefore pay attention to
accurate and clear lay-out, and the inclusion of a bibliography, references and the
correct title.
Content and Presentation carry 80% of the mark and Language 20%
Essay titles (Select ONE)
a) Discute el papel que la Sección Femenina de Falange desempeñó en la
transmisión del modelo de mujer que trató de imponer la dictadura franquista.
b) ¿Es necesario tener un Ministerio de Igualdad para poder conseguir la paridad
entre hombres y mujeres en un país? Debate el caso del Ministerio de Igualdad
en España y evalúa sus logros.
c) ¿Es el multiculturalismo malo para las mujeres? Discute hasta qué punto los
valores del multiculturalismo amenazan la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres.
UPUQSQ-30-3 Business in Contemporary China
Module Leader Jianxiang Bi
Write an essay of 4000 words on the following topic:
Essay 1
What is the Chinese private sector?
Essay 2
How do the state-owned enterprises maintain their leading role in economic
UPUQST-30-3 China’s Relations with the World
Module Leader Jianxiang Bi
Write an essay of 4000 words on the following topic:
Essay 1
Is China a status quo power?
Essay 2
What is Chinese health security? Does it threaten the international community?
UPUQSV-30-3 El castellano en la sociedad
Module Leader Carmen Arnaiz
Linguistic policies in Autonomous communities in Spain
Lee el artículo de abajo y escribe un ensayo en español (3000 palabras)
explicando las implicaciones sociales de las políticas ligüísticas de Cataluña y el
País Vasco en España. ¿Tiene razón el artículo? ¿por qué? El ensayo debe
contener un capítulo de teoría donde se demuestre la investigación realizada para
el ensayo.
Estados Unidos mantiene la alerta de discriminación lingüística en Cataluña
12:04 9/08/2010
El Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos considera que en España se
siguen produciendo casos de discriminación lingüística. Especialmente, en
Cataluña, País Vasco y Baleares, donde pervive una ‘obsesión política’ en estos
temas de las autoridades autonómicas.
Otro año más, el informe anual sobre los Derechos Humanos del Departamento de
Estado estadounidense refleja la realidad que se vive en algunas CCAA
españolas en relación a los derechos en materia lingüística de los ciudadanos de
Si en el informe de 2008 -sobre la actividad de 2007- se citaba la expulsión de la
periodista y escritora uruguaya Cristina Peri Rossi de Catalunya Ràdio por no
hacer en catalán sus intervenciones radiofónicas; en esta ocasión el informe
estadounidense recuerda que la ‘controversia respecto a las políticas lingüísticas
oficiales continúa’, sobre todo vulnerando ‘el derecho a la educación en lengua
materna’, si esta es el español.
Quejas y protestas en aumento
El informe de 2009, publicado en marzo de 2010 y que este lunes ha avanzado El
Mundo, recuerda que el Defensor del Pueblo recibió aproximadamente 100 quejas
por motivos lingüísticos en 2007, solo de Cataluña, y todas en la misma dirección:
la imposibilidad de escolarización en español en las escuelas de la
El Departamento de Estado también reconoce problemas similares en el País
Vasco y Baleares. Así, se apuntan los casos de una escuela del País Vasco, en
2008, que se negó a dar la posibilidad, a los padres de los alumnos que lo
quisieran, de poder estudiar en español; y el caso de una cuarentena de médicos,
en las Islas Baleares, que protestaron por la obligación impuesta por la
administración autonómica de exigirles la acreditación del catalán para poder
seguir ejerciendo de médicos.
Por otro lado, el informe recoge dos protestas que contra la imposición lingüística
se han llevado a cabo en Cataluña y Baleares en los últimos años manifestaciones impensables solo hace un par de lustros-. Unas 2.500 personas,
asegura el informe, ‘participaron en una manifestación de protesta’ contra la
obligación del requisito del catalán para ejercer de médicos en Baleares; y 4.000
más en otra manifestación en Barcelona ‘para protestar contra las políticas
lingüísticas del Gobierno [autonómico] y defender el derecho a recibir clases en
castellano en la escuela‘ de Cataluña.
UPNQ9T-30-3 The other languages of Bristol: sociolinguistics,
language contact and bilingualism
Module Leader Jeanette Sakel
Coursework submission: one essay (2750-3250 words). Please contact the module
leader to discuss your topic.
Level 3 Project Modules
Linguistics Project
English Language Project AND Research Design **
EFL Project
French Project
Spanish Project
European Studies Project
Latin American Project
** Please note that for the English Language Project module you must also rework
and hand in your Research Design along with your Project.
For ALL the above project modules you are required to re work your summer
submission taking into account the feedback comments from the academics who
marked the summer submission.
Language IRS modules (all levels)
For ALL Language IRS modules you are required to re work your summer
submission taking into account the feedback comments from the academics who
marked the summer submission.