Becker Farm Bulk Meat Order Form

Becker Farm • Bulk Meat Order Form
Anticipated date of when order will be ready: _____________________
Customer: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________________________ State:_________________ Zip code: ______________
Phone: ________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________
Pick-up: □ –OR—Delivery: □ • Meet at (day, time, & place): __________________________________________________
Beef: □ Quarter □ Half □ Whole Weight:___________
Chuck (roasts: 1 ½ to 2 lbs each OR
Arm (de-boned, cut like a pie
roasts: 1 ½ to 2 lbs each OR grind)
Brisket (whole OR grind)
Ribeye- 2 steaks/pkg, ¾" thick
Top Loin-New York Strip and Filet, 2
steaks/package; NYS: ¾" thick;
Filets: 1 ½” thick, -OR- T-Bones and
Porterhouse ( ¾" thick, 2 steaks per
Sirloin-Strip steaks, cut in half, ¾"
thick, 1 whole steak/pkg (2
Rump (roasts, 1 ½ to 2 pounds each
OR grind)
Tip (roasts, ~1 ½ pounds each OR
kabob meat: ~1 pound pkgs)
Flank, skirt, and hanging tendersteaks OR grind
Swiss steaks: steak or grind
Ground (packaged into 1, 1½, or 2
pound pkgs); patties: yes/no (if yes,
size: 1/3, ¼, or ½ pound patties)
Cube Steaks: yes or grind (if yes, 1
pound packages, 4 steaks/pkg)
Stew meat: yes/no (if yes, ~1 pound
Soup Bones: yes/no
Round Steak: keep or grind
Short Ribs: keep or grind
Heel of Round Roast: keep or grind
Pork: □ Half □ Whole Weight:____________
Shoulders (roasts or deboned and added to the
ground); Each shoulder yields
~six, 2.5 lb roasts
Spare Ribs (whole slabs or
added to the ground); 2 slabs
per half
Loin (chops or de-boned loin
roasts); For the chops:
smoked or fresh; thickness; #
per package; ~22-24
Bacon (cured or fresh; sliced
or whole); 9-10 lbs per half
Ham (cured or fresh; whole,
cut in half, cut into ham
steaks or de-boned and
added to the ground); ~20 lbs
per half
Ground (bulk, patties,
sausage, breakfast patties,
pinky links, fresh brats); half:
1 item; whole: 2 items;
amount varies
Jowl bacon; ~1 lb
Total: ____________________