Paula Dodick Shelley Laskin Ian Allison Mark McCain

78 Dunloe Road, Toronto Ontario, M5P 2T6 (416) 393-9335
Paula Dodick
Shelley Laskin
Ian Allison
Mark McCain
Dear Forest Hill Families,
Hopefully you all enjoyed a relaxing March Break. Spring may have officially sprung but we are
still dealing with very icy fields which have been limiting our ability to be outdoors. We all look
forward to green grass, warm temperatures and sunny days!
Before March Break, we hosted our first Science Fair. Students in grades 7 & 8 completed
fascinating projects on a wide range of topics. Students presented their projects to judges who all
said that the level of understanding and knowledge our students demonstrated was truly impressive.
We have five projects moving on to the Toronto Science Fair in early April. We thank Ms. Rojas,
Ms. Tsang, Mr. Stergiadis and Mr. Dawson for putting together such a successful event. We are
also grateful for the support of Northern Secondary School’s grade 12 science students for helping
with the judging of this fair. This is sure to become a Forest Hill annual event! Good luck to our
students competing in the Toronto Science Fair.
This week we had three teams compete in the TDSB quadrant qualifier for chess. All of the
students played well and we are proud of their efforts. We are excited to announce that our junior
team will be advancing to the next round in the championship in early May. Go Falcons!
Most of our students met our new safety officer, Officer Janet from 53 Division. She spent much of
the week in our school presenting a variety of safety related presentations to our students. For our
younger students in JK/SK the presentation focused on community helpers; our students in grades 1
and 2 the topics were traffic and personal safety; grades 4 and 8 internet safety; grade 5 bullying
and grade 6 youth and the law. These presentations are always very informative.
At this time of year, we get busy organizing the next school year. This week we received our staff
allocations for September 2014-15. We have met with our school staffing committee and the parent
council staffing committee to start the process of creating our school organization for the coming
year. Once the organization is determined we will share it with the wider community. With the
implementation of Full Day Kindergarten in September and with the additional lunchroom
supervision allocation we received, we will be looking for 3 lunchroom supervisors for September.
If you or anyone you know may be interested in one of these positions, please contact the school.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.
Paula Dodick
Mark McCain
Vice Principal
Performing Arts News Presented by Ms. Getrajhendler
Performing Arts Class
Ms. Getrajhendler’s Performing Arts Class activities, assignments and news can now be viewed on
line at
Fiddler on the Roof
Information about costume requirements, rehearsal schedules, how you can help plus other news
about the Fiddler on the Roof production is now available on
Please make sure to check the site as you will probably want to start hunting around for a suitable
costume for your child/ward.
Lost and Found Items
There is still a large collection of unclaimed lost and found items in the basement of the North
Building. If items are not claimed by Friday, March 28th, please note that they will be bagged and
delivered to a charity.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, March 26th – Pizza Lunch
Wednesday, April 2nd – Sub Lunch
Tuesday, April 8th – Parent Council Meeting – 6:15 pm
Wednesday, April 9th – Pizza Lunch
Tuesday, April 15th – Gr. 6(201) to Toronto Air & Space Day at Lakeshore C.I. Sports Centre (9:15-3:00 pm)
Friday, April 18th – Good Friday (no school)
Monday, April 21st – Easter Monday (no school)
Wednesday, April 23rd – Sub Lunch
Monday, April 28th – Gr. 6(101N) to TUSC (am only)
Tuesday, April 29th – Gr. 1(109), ½(107) 2(105) to Young People’s Theatre – (12:00-2:30 pm)
Tuesday, April 29th – Gr. 6(B4) to TUSC (am only)
Wednesday, April 30th – 9:30 am – Gifted Open House
Wednesday, April 30th- Pizza Lunch
Wednesday, May 7th – Sub Lunch
Friday, May 9th – Math Fair with Grade 7’s (all day)
Tuesday, May 13th – Parent Council Meeting – 6:15 pm
Wednesday, May 14th – Pizza Lunch
May 14th & 15th – Fiddler on the Roof school play
Monday, May 19th – Victoria Day (no school)
Wednesday, May 21st – Sub Lunch
Thursday, May 22nd – JK/SK (103S & 106S) to Toronto Botanical Gardens (9:30-11:30 am)
May 26th – June 5th - EQAO
Tuesday, May 27th – JK/SK (103S pm) to Toronto Botanical Gardens (12:30-3:00 pm)
Tuesday, May 27th – Gr. 1(109), Gr. ½(107) & Gr. 2(105) to the Toronto Zoo (9;00-3:00 pm)
May 26th – June 3rd – EQAO
Wednesday, May 28th – Pizza Lunch
Wednesday, June 4th – Spring Fair
Wednesday, June 4th – Sub Lunch
Friday, June 6th – PA Day (no school for students)
Wednesday, June 11th – Pizza Lunch
Tuesday, June 17th – Parent Council Meeting – 6:15 pm
Tuesday, June 17th – Junior/Senior Kindergarten Graduation (103 & 106)
June 17th -19th – Gr. 8’s to Montreal
Friday, June 27th – PA Day (no school; for students)