Supporting Material Appendix S1: Details of models used. LPJ-GUESS LPJ-GUESS is a generalized, process-based model of vegetation dynamics and biogeochemistry that includes a representation of tree population dynamics based on simulating age cohorts of tree species (Gerten et al., 2004, Sitch et al., 2003, Smith et al., 2001). The model aims to capture physiological processes (e.g. photosynthesis, plant respiration, and microbial decomposition) and associated fluxes of carbon and water between soil layers, vegetation, and the atmosphere, which are simulated on a daily time step. Growth and vegetation dynamics are updated annually by allocating net primary production (NPP) to leaves, sapwood, and fine roots, and by simulating sapwood-to-heartwood conversion, litterfall, fine root turnover, establishment, and mortality (Sitch et al., 2003). The model is driven by daily temperature, precipitation, and percentage sunshine hours, and atmospheric CO2 concentration. We used the species-specific tree parameterization developed by Hickler et al. (2012) that includes the main European tree, shrub and grass species. The different species are characterized by specific establishment, growth, mortality and metabolic rates, and bioclimatic limits determining their distribution range (Sitch et al., 2003, Smith et al., 2001). The LPJ model framework has been successfully used to simulate vegetation cover and carbon and water fluxes at a number of European locations (Hickler et al., 2012, Rammig et al., 2010), and has previously been applied to central European alpine sites (Manusch et al., 2012, Portner et al., 2010, Wolf et al., 2012). To account for the stochastic nature of tree establishment and mortality we simulated 200 replicates of each vegetation patch, with projected vegetation at each patch taken as the mean of these replicates. Forest management was approximated according to site- specific management regimes (see main text). During forest management tree boles were removed while all leaves and roots, and 5% of trees’ sapwood and heartwood, was added to the litter pool. ForClim ForClim (v3.0) is a climate-sensitive forest “gap” model, developed to simulate forest stand dynamics over a wide range of environmental conditions (Bugmann & Cramer, 1998, Bugmann, 1996). ForClim simulates the establishment, growth and mortality of trees on multiple forest patches to derive stand properties at a spatial extent of ca. 15-20 ha by averaging the properties simulated at the patch scale. Tree establishment and growth are regulated by growing degree-days, light availability, and soil moisture and nitrogen status. The model is driven by mean monthly temperatures and the monthly precipitation sums (Bugmann & Solomon, 2000). Tree growth (i.e. DBH increment) is modelled using an empirical growth equation (cf. Moore, 1989) that incorporates species-specific constraints on maximum growth rate and maximum tree height (Rasche et al., 2012). From diameter at breast height, allometric equations are used to estimate other tree characteristics as well as total aboveground biomass (Bugmann, 1994). The model is currently parameterized for 31 European tree species, and has been widely tested for the representation of forest dynamics in the northern temperate zone of three continents (Bugmann, 2001, Bugmann & Cramer, 1998, Bugmann & Solomon, 2000, Didion et al., 2011, Rasche et al., 2012, Shao et al., 2001). Within ForClim a wide range of silvicultural treatments can be simulated (Rasche et al., 2011). LandClim LandClim is a spatially explicit forest landscape model that incorporates competitiondriven forest dynamics, climate effects, and forest disturbances to simulate forest dynamics on a landscape scale (Elkin et al., 2012, Schumacher & Bugmann, 2006, Schumacher et al., 2004, Schumacher et al., 2006). LandClim simulates forest growth in 625 m2 cells using simplified versions of tree recruitment, growth and competition derived from ForClim. Forest growth is determined by climatic parameters (monthly temperature and precipitation), soil properties and topography, and the spatially explicit processes of seed dispersal, landscape disturbances such as fire and windthrow, and forest management that link individual cells.. Forest succession processes within each cell are simulated on a yearly time step, while landscape-level processes are simulated on a decadal time step. The model has been used in the Central Alps, North American Rocky Mountains, and Mediterranean forests, to simulate current forest (Schumacher et al. 2006) as well as paleo-ecological (Colombaroli et al., 2010, Henne et al., 2011) and future forest dynamics (Schumacher & Bugmann, 2006, Temperli et al., 2012). The simulation of forest management is spatially explicit such that dynamic interactions between management and landscape heterogeneity are captured (Temperli et al., 2012). Appendix S1 References Bugmann H (1994) Functional types of trees in temperate and boreal forests: Classification and testing. In: GCTE Workshop on Plant Functional Types and Climatic Change. pp Page, Potsdam, Germany. Bugmann H (2001) A comparative analysis of forest dynamics in the Swiss Alps and the Colorado Front Range. Forest Ecology and Management, 145, 43-55. Bugmann H, Cramer W (1998) Improving the behaviour of forest gap models along drought gradients. Forest Ecology and Management, 103, 247-263. 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