Range: 0/5; classified credit
Course ovner: Ing. Jana Kohoutková, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof. Ing. Věra Schulzová, Ph.D.
Guarantor: Prof.Ing. Jan Poustka, Ph.D.
Tutors of laboratory exercises: the staff and PhD students of the Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition
Instructions and more information: http://web.vscht.cz/kohoutkj/
Required prerequisites: Analytical Chemistry I
Food Chemistry
1. Introductory briefing
Ing. Jana Kohoutková, Ph.D. (Assoc.Prof. Ing. Věra Schulzová, Ph.D.)
 operating rules
 health and safety, fire protection
 Entrance test: laboratory equipment and dishes; analytical calculations, preparation of solutions, expression
of results
Note: The knowledge of basic rules mentioned at the briefing, together with the required knowledge
specified for particular exercises will be tested at the beginning of each exercise.
2. Determination of total nitrogen in food and crude protein calculation (Kjeldahl method)
Responsible person: Assoc.Prof.Ing. Kateřina Riddellová, Ph.D.
Laboratory exercise content:
 determination of total nitrogen using the Kjeldahl method (Kjeltec 1002 apparatus); based on ČSN ISO
1871, 1993; accredited procedure SZPI (CAFIA)
 determination of ammonia in protein hydrolysates using the Kjeldahl method (Parnas – Wagner apparatus)
Required knowledge: basic principle and applicability of the methods including the limitations; occurrence of
nitrogen containing compounds in food; principle of acidobasic analysis; principle of steam distillation; related
calculations; safety and fire protection rules.
3. Determination of fat and its quality evaluation (Soxhlet method for fat extraction and titrimetric
determination of acid value)
Responsible person: Assoc.Prof. Ing. Zuzana Réblová, Ph.D.
Laboratory exercise content:
 fat determination using Soxhlet extraction; based on EN ISO 659
(adapted for students laboratory course and Soxtec apparatus)
 acid value titrimetric determination; based on Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 2568/91
Required knowledge: Lipid chemistry: lipid definition, structure and classification, chemical composition of fat,
fat content in different foods, lipid reactions occurring during food storage and processing.
Titrimetric methods: principle, basic definitions and rules, related calculations, safety and fire protection rules.
4. Determination of fatty acids (method: gas chromatography with flame ionization detection)
Responsible person: Ing. Jana Kohoutková, Ph.D.
Laboratory exercise content:
 determining the composition of fatty acids in fats and oils by gas chromatography; based on ČSN ISO
5508:1994; ČSN EN ISO 5509: 2000, accredited procedure CAFIA
Required knowledge: principle of the method and its applicability; principle of gas chromatography; commonly
used detectors, columns and stationary phases; evaluation of chromatographic results using the internal
normalization method; knowledge of the approximate composition and properties of the studied materials, safety
and fire protection rules.
5. Determination of monosaccharides and oligosaccharides (method: titration after inversion)
Responsible person: Ing. Lucie Drábová
Laboratory exercise content: determination of carbohydrates in bakery products by Schoorl method; based on
ČSN 56 0116-7, 1994; ČSN 56 0146, 1986,
Required knowledge: Chemistry of carbohydrates: structure and properties of carbohydrates (in particular
monosaccharides and disaccharides); occurrence and carbohydrate levels in various food commodities; important
reactions of carbohydrates.Methods for determination of carbohydrates. Titrimetric methods: principle of
volumetric analysis, basic notions, related calculations. Principles of iodometric and redox titration methods,
realted calculations, safety and fire protection rules..
6. Determination of starch content (polarimetry method)
Responsible person: Assoc.Prof. Ing. Marek Doležal, Ph.D.
Laboratory exercise content:
 determination of starch in cereal and potato products according to the Ewers polarimetric method; based on
ČSN 56 0512-16
 determination of dry matter in cereal and dried potato products; based on ČSN ISO 712, 1993
Required knowledge: principles of methods and their applicability, knowledge of the composition and
properties of tested materials, related calculations, safety and fire protection rules.
7. Determination of mineral elements
(methods: atomic absorption spectrometry, spectrophotometry, titration)
Responsible person: prof. Ing. Richard Koplík, Ph.D.
Laboratory exercise content:
 determination of chlorides and sodium chloride in bakery products (argentometric titration of chloride ions
and sodium determination using AAS)
 spectrophotometric determination of phosphoric acid in a beverage sample
Required knowledge: the stoichiometry of chemical reactions; calculations: a conversion of the mass of
substance to the amount of substance, a conversion of mass fraction to mass concentration, a conversion of mass
concentration to molar concentration and vice versa; ways of solutions preparation; the principle of titrimetric
(volumetric) analysis, the related basic terms (standard solution, titration, titration curve, equivalence point),
calculations in titrimetric analysis, using volumetric glassware; precipitation reactions in aqueous solutions;
solubility product; the main principle of spectrophotometric measurement; Lambert-Beer’s law, safety and fire
protection rules..
8. Determination of vitamins, caffeine and preservatives (method: liquid chromatography with UV
Responsible person: Assoc.Prof. Ing. Věra Schulzová, Ph.D.
Laboratory exercise content:
 determination of vitamin C in beverages, fruits and vegetables
 monitoring of stability of vitamin C during sample preparation, storage and thermal processing
 determination of caffeine, vitamin C and preservatives in beverages
Required knowledge: principle of sample preparation for unstable compounds determination (isolation and
extraction methods); principle of liquid chromatography (stationary phases, types of columns, mobile phases,
detectors); principle of spectrophotometry (Lambert-Beer´s law); structure and properties of vitamin C (stability,
occurrence in foodstuffs); safety and fire protection rules.
9. Determination of volatile substances – proof of food adulteration (method: gas chromatography with
mass spectrometric detection)
Responsible person: Assoc.Prof. Ing. Jan Poustka, Ph.D.
Laboratory exercise content:
 determination of hydrocarbons, alcohols, esters, aldehydes, terpenes and other volatile substances by gas
chromatography coupled to mass spectrometric detector
 mass spectrometric analysis, determination of retention indexes
Required knowledge: principle of sample preparation for volatile substances determination (isolation and
extraction methods); principle of gas chromatography (stationary phases, mobile phases); principle of mass
spectrometry – electron ionization, mass spectrum; safety and fire protection rules.
10. Determination of monosaccharides and oligosaccharides (method: liquid chromatography with
refractometric detection)
Responsible person: Assoc. Prof. Karel Cejpek, Ph.D.
Laboratory exercise content:
Determination of (mono - and di -) saccharides by HPLC with refractometric detection, based on ČSN 56 8543
(Apple juice, 2001) and ČSN 56 0414 (Estimated soluble solids content - refractometric method, 1998)
Required knowledge: the principle and application of the method; the principles of liquid chromatography
(stationary phase - types of columns, mobile phase, detectors); refractometric determination of dry matter; the
basic structure and properties of natural saccharides (mainly mono-and disaccharides), the occurrence of
particular saccharides in various food materials; the issue of food adulteration; methods of the detection of
adulteration, other methods for the determination of saccharides, related calculations, safety and fire protection
11. Image analysis in food quality evaluation (method: mathematical-statistical analysis of image dates)
Responsible person: Ing. František Pudil, CSc.
Laboratory exercise content:
In this exercise, students are introduced to simple tasks with an image analyzer NIS 3.0 (Laboratory Imaging,
Ltd. , Http://www.lim.cz/), which is available on FPBT in 15-user and volume licensing, and to color
measurements using a fiber spectrophotometer AvaSpec 2048 (http://www.avantes.com/).
Required knowledge: Working with MS Windows 7.0 and MS Excel actual version (graphs), simple basic
statistics (average, median, standard deviation), safety and fire protection rules.
12. Control test
Ing. Jana Kohoutková, Ph.D.
At the end of laboratory exercises a test will be taken to ascertain the knowledge gained. Participation in the test
is mandatory. In justified cases and based on a preceding apology it is possible to agree about an alternative date.
The test result will be a part of the final marking.
13. Alternative terms - by agreement