The theme of practical lessons for student VII course Syndroms Theme Practical skills Hours The bases of household medicine. 1. Function of DGP To be able to fill out patient card patient form 86, to apply the skills of MLO, and so on. 6,5 Apply skills MLO, an objective examination of different age groups. 6,5 Apply skills MLO, give advice on healthy lifestyles, exercise, health education work 6,5 Health education work, apply skills MLO 6,5 To be able to carry out primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 13 Specifics of the ocupation.Medical documentation. Visiting patients in the house.Involvment community. Rights of doctors and patints. Ethics and deontology in work of DGP. Work with family 2. Specific of the ocupation. Psihologic atmosphere in family. Religion problems. Family consultations. Art of communication. 3. Factors that promote better understanding. Difficulty with communucation. Interpersonal communication Practical advices. Consultation 4. Types of consultation. Principles of consullaion. Patient responsibility for his health. Prevention in work of DGP. 5. 6.Types of prevention. Information of healthy lifestyle. Nutrition hygiene.Preventive examination, screening . Prevention infectious and not infectios disease. Immunization. Programs and measures. Work with different group of the population. 7.8. Children, teenagers, womans(fertile age womens,pregnant), mans, elderly. Workers of manufacture and agriculture. Sosial not protected people. Sisk, difficult patient,terminal case. Questions of rehabilitation and dispensary system. To be able to determine the gestational age, to take account of. To be able to take on the account and carry out medical examinations with a view of pathology, be able to fill out a form 88. 13 Apply skills MLO, give advice on healthy lifestyles, exercise, health education work in kindergarten, schools and colleges. 6,5 Know the indications and contraindications for immunization, identify symptoms of illness after traveling patients. 6,5 To be able to apply the principles dif.diagnostics in various diseases. 13 Expertise for ability to work. Influence on factors of the risk. 9. Public health education. Influence on the main reasons morbidity and mortality. Consolidation psychic status Ecology and Professional factors. Teaching patients, «schools » Medicine for traveller 10. Consultation before traveling Consultation aftertraveling. Immunization Climate change and time zone. Travel sickness and mountain siskness. Travelling medical set. Differencial diagnostics in practice of DGP. 11. 12. Supposed diagnosis Most dangerous disease. Diagnostic mistakes Simulators of disease. Mental disturbance The chest pain 13. Differential diagnostics НЦД, CHDStenocardia, ПИКС, miocarditis and myocardiodystrophy. Tactics of DGP Total blood ECG Chest X-ray 14. Differential diagnostics osteochondrosis of pectoral area ,spinal column , intercostal neuralgia, injury of the thorax,shingles. Tactics of DGP. The heart beat. 15.16. Differential diagnostics. Of arrhythmia :sinus tachycardia, respiratory arrhythmia,exstrasystole. 6,5 6,5 Total blood ECG Echocardiography 13 Tactics of DGP. 17. Differential diagnostics of heartbeat by insufficiency of blood circulation, anaemia, thyrotoxicosis. 6,5 Tactics of DGP. Headache. 18. 19. Differential diagnostics of essential hypertension and sclerotic arterial hypertension. Tactics of DGP Cough with sputum discharge. 20. Differential diagnostics of ARD, ORVI, acute bronchitis and pneumonia. Tactics of DGP 21. Prevention and treatment respiratory disease in conditionSVP. Dyspnea,dificulty in breathing. 22. Differential diagnostics of bronchial asthma, emphysema,pneumosclerosis. Chronic respiratory insufficiency. Tactics of DGP 23. Princips of prevention and treatment Total blood Urinalysis ECG Echocardiography Eyeground 13 Total blood The general analysis of sputum Pikfluometria Chest X-ray 6,5 Total blood The general analysis of sputum Pikfluometria Chest X-ray ECG 6,5 6,5 ChOBL in condition SVP. Tactics in condition primary part. Articulate syndrome 24. Differential diagnostics of rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and infectiousarthritis. (arthralgia,arthriti s) Tactics of DGP. 25.Primary and secondary prevention and treatment rheumatism in condition of primary health care. 6,5 Total blood Urinalysis Total fecal ECG X-ray of the joints 6,5 6,5 26. Differential diagnostics of osteoarthritis 6,5 and gout. Tactics of DGP. Dyspepsia (heartburn, nausea,vomiting). 27. Differential diagnostics of gastritis, duodenitis and peptic ulcer disease. Tactics of the DGP. 28.Prevention and treatment GDD in primary care. 29. Differential diagnostics biliary dyskinesia and cholecystitis. Tactics of the DGP. Total blood Analysis of gastric juice EGDFS X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract Ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 30. Differential diagnostics of syndrome and disease postcholecystectomical operated stomach. Tactics of the DGP. Stomachache. 31. Differential diagnostics diseases that occur with pain in the epi, meso and gipogastralis areas. Tactics of the DGP. Total blood Total fecal EGDFS, colonoscopy Abdominal ultrasound X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract 6,5 Diarrhea. 32. Differential diagnostics infectious diarrhea, and etiology. Total blood Total fecal serological reactions 6,5 Tactics of the DGP. 33. Differential diagnostics infectious diarrhea etiology. X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract 6,5 Tactics of the DGP. 34.Prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis in various primary care 6,5 Constipation. 35. Differential diagnostics irritable bowel syndrome, senile constipation and colon tumors. Tactics of the DGP. Total blood Total fecal X-rays of the intestines 6,5 Hepatomegalia. 36. Differential diagnostics of acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease. Tactics of the DGP. 37.Differentsialnaya diagnostics CPU infectious and noninfectious etiologies. Tactics of the DGP Total blood Urinalysis ALT, AST Markers of hepatitis Liver ultrasound 6,5 38. Differential diagnostics of acute and chronic pyelonephritis. Tactics of the DGP. Total blood Urinalysis Ultrasound of the kidneys Dysuria. 6,5 39. Differential diagnostics cystitis, and uric acid diathesis. Tactics of te DGP. 40. Fever of unknown origin. Nature, types of fevers, the survey plan at a fever. Tactics of the DGP. Fever. 41. Differential diagnostics fever in infectious diseases (bacterial, viral). Tactics of the DGP. 6,5 Total blood Urinalysis Total fecal A blood test for sterility Serological reactions Ultrasonography of the thorax, abdomen X-ray of the chest, abdomen 42. Differential diagnostics fever in rheumatic diseases and malignant neoplasms. Tactics of the DGP. 6,5 6,5 6,5 Head of department Professor. 6,5 Rustamova M.T.