Terms of Reference

Type of Contract (tick the Consultant
appropriate box)
MDGi Programme Manager (International TA)
Provide overall management, quality assurance and coordination to the
Millennium Development Goal Initiative.
International Professional (P4)
Expected fee
Lusaka, Zambia
Duty Station
364 days (+ possible extension based on performance and need)
Start Date
Chief, Health & Nutrition, UNICEF
Reporting to
Budget Code/PBA No
Project and activity codes
The Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) through the Ministry of Community Development,
Mother and Child Health (MCDMCH), and the Ministry of Health (MOH), together with the European
Union and UNICEF, are implementing the Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Millennium Development
Goal Initiative which aims to improve health outcomes for mothers, newborns and young children. The
programme, “Accelerating Progress towards Maternal, Neonatal and Child Morbidity and Mortality
Reduction in Zambia" (MDGi Programme), is being implemented over a 48 month period (up to May 2017)
in 11 selected districts in Copperbelt and Lusaka Provinces, with a total population comprising 30% of the
country’s population.
The programme’s overall objective is to improve maternal, neonatal and child health and the nutritional
status of women and children in Zambia, while its specific objective is to increase utilization of quality health
and nutrition services by vulnerable women, adolescents and children in selected urban and rural districts in
the two provinces. To achieve these objectives, the programme is working towards the achievement of five
Expected Results (ERs): Increased availability and use of nutrition services in the selected districts; increased
availability of a continuum of good quality maternal, neonatal and child health services; increased
knowledge and demand for health and nutrition services and ability to access them; improved coverage and
accessibility of adolescent and youth-friendly services; and increased capacities for planning,
implementation and coordination of national, provincial and district-level governments and other
stakeholders. The programme focuses on strengthening service delivery and management at district level,
and at building management capacity at the provincial and national level. Supply side interventions for
improving the availability of services will be complemented by demand side measures at the level of
communities and households.
The programme is large and complex, with a variety of activities being implemented at all levels of
government and by private sector partners including non-governmental organizations and private firms to
realize its goals. The MCDMCH is the lead implementing ministry of the programme, and UNICEF provides
technical support and management support to the programme. A number of personnel have been hired at
UNICEF whose sole focus is to work on different technical areas of the programme. The Programme is now
looking to contract an international programme manager, who will support UNICEF in managing the overall
programme and coordinate implementation of the various technical areas.
The need for an International Programme Manager is demonstrated by: 1)The high level of programme and
financial management requirements; 2) The fact that the programme calls for high levels of quality
assurance; 3) The complexity and the scope of the programme, requiring a strong and proven track record
of management experience; 4) The fact that the programme involves a number of partners which implies a
high level of coordination and programme coherence to avoid duplication; and 5) The need for supervision
of personnel hired by UNICEF to work on the MDGi programme.
This position has been approved by the European Union and budgeted for the entire duration of the
implementation phase of the MDGi programme (January 2015-May 2017).
The objective of this position is to ensure that the MDGi Programme is delivered according to the approved
description of action and budget, and that the agreed to activities are implemented on time, within budget
and to the required quality.
The MDGi programme manager will lead a team of international and national professionals and, in
consultation with Chief, Health & Nutrition, coordinate with the Ministry of Community Development,
Mother and Child Health the smooth the implementation of the MDGi programme. The incumbent will
ensure that MDGi programme delivery is achieved as part of UNICEF supported Country Programme in
Zambia and, towards sustainability of MDGi activities, ensure activities are aligned with and leverage
resources under the national health sector plans
Major Duties and Responsibilities:
The main purpose of the MDGi Project Manager (International TA) post is to lead and manage, on a
daily basis, the implementation of the MDGi Description of Activities and the Annual Workplans,
ensuring they are delivered on time and to the agreed quality standards and budgets.
Working under the guidance and supervision of the Chief of the Health and Nutrition Section (UNICEF),
the MDGi Project Manager (International TA) will;
Programme Management
 Provide practical, hands-on managerial and technical support to the MDGi Programme ensuring the
quality and timeliness of all programme components.
 Coordinate day-to-day activities of UNICEF MDGi team members for implementation of the various
programme components;
 Track programme implementation progress and ensure timely completion of the planned activities as
per approved MDGi annual work plan;
 Liaise with the MDGi National Programme Manager (technical assistance located within MCDMCH)
to coordinate and monitor programme implementation;
 Oversee review of programme annual work plans and planning process for the subsequent years;
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Ensure that programme implementation conform to the policies and procedures of UNICEF and the
Contribution Agreement signed with the EU;
Oversee procurement processes related to MDGi including delivery and distribution of equipment and
Ensure that quality progress reports are produced and submitted in a timely manner to UNICEF Health
and Nutrition Section Chief for submission to EUD according to the contract schedule;
Prepare UNICEF inputs for monthly MDGi Technical Working Group meetings and Quarterly MDGi
Steering Committee meetings for Section Chief and participate in the meetings;
Liaise and coordinate with other sections at UNICEF involved in the MDGi programme specifically
Child Protection, WASH and Communication (including C4D);
While ensuring the Section Chief, Health & Nutrition is fully appraised on progress, develop and
maintain positive relationships with all programme partners, especially the Delegation of the European
Union in Zambia and the Government of Zambia;
Report regularly to Chief of Health and Nutrition Section on programmatic progress and provide
(through the Chief, Health & Nutrition) regular updates on the MDGi to the Representative and Deputy
Personnel Management
 While ensuring integration of MDGi programme implementation within the regular UNICEF
programme, supervise and manage the UNICEF MDGi team promoting a “One team approach” and
ensuring accountability of team members for their expected deliverables;
 Provide leadership and direction to UNICEF MDGi personnel for timely and quality programme
 Promote and support effective team working through one-to-one communication and regular team
 Ensure that all direct reports are managed in accordance with UNICEF policies and procedures;
 Agree clear performance objectives for all direct reports, and ensure all team members have
appropriately set objectives, and that performance assessment are undertaken in a timely manner;
 Contribute to the recruitment and induction of UNICEF-based MDGi staff as required.
Financial Management
 Provide overall supervision and management of the programme budget, including regular monitoring
of expenditure against approved budget, in accordance with UNICEF financial procedures and
 Review financial reports and ensure consistency and accuracy of data.
Communication and Reporting
 Review financial reports and ensure consistency and accuracy of data.
 Prepare high quality presentations and briefing packs in appropriate formats for briefing of partners
and stakeholders as appropriate
 Review draft reports from assigned staff ensuring quality standards are met
 Write comprehensive regular reports as required in the M&E Framework and the Visibility Stratgey
outlining programme progress, key achievements, challenges and steps being taken to address them,
and next steps for submission to the Section Chief
 Oversee the collection, safe storage, distribution, dissemination and monitoring of suitable information
and communication materials in support of the programme goals.
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Qualification/Specialized Knowledge and Experience:
 Advanced university degree (minimum Master’s degree level) in one of following areas: Management,
Public Health, International Development or related field.
 At least eight years of progressively responsible professional work experience in an international
organization with proven records of managing large programmes including staff and budgets.
 Prior experience of working in Africa
 Experience in managing and supervising teams with a mix of skills
 Experience of managing large and complex budgets
 General knowledge of health issues, RMNCH and Nutrition, is desirable
 Strong interpersonal skills and ability to negotiate with programme counterparts from the Government
and European Union Delegation.
 Strong communication skills, including writing and public speaking
 Strong planning, organization and strategic thinking skills
 Fluency in spoken and written English
Competencies Required:
Communication - Level 3
Working With People - Level 3
Drive for Results - Level 3
Leading and supervising - Level 3
Formulating strategies and concepts - Level 3
Analyzing - Level 3
Persuading and Influence - Level 2
Creating and Innovation - Level 2
Planning and Organizing - Level 3
Relating and Networking - Level 3
How to apply:
Interested candidates should send their application by 1 April 2015 (a cover letter, CV, and signed P11 Form which can be
downloaded from the UNICEF Lusaka website under “Opportunities”) with at least 3 traceable references to
Lusaka@unicef.org OR The Human Resources Specialist, UNICEF Lusaka Office, UN House 3rd Floor, Alick Nkhata Road, P.O. Box
33610, Lusaka. Please clearly indicate under subject “International Program Manager, Lusaka, Zambia”. The advertisement
will also be posted on our website. A direct link is provided for your convenience and easy access:
Please note that acknowledgement of application will be extended only to short-listed candidates.
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male
candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to
become a part of the organization.
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