The AIAA Space Environmental Systems Program Committee (AIAA SESPC) is to develop, collect,
and help disseminate information of value relative to the design, manufacture, maintenance, and testing
of environmental/ thermal control systems and components for aircraft, spacecraft, planetary and
interplanetary missions. Conference sessions focus on the exchange of information among industry,
government organizations, and the academic community. Topics range from analytical studies and
ground-based testing to performance of environmental/thermal control systems in operational aircraft,
spacecraft, and human habitats associated with Earth-orbiting and planetary missions. Also included are
analysis technique/software development and concepts for radiators, thermal protection systems, heat
pipes, two-phase thermal control, cryogenics, payload thermal control, nuclear reactor thermal control,
naval and earth-based environmental/thermal control, and emerging technologies. With representation
from many countries, the AIAA SESPC is an international open forum on the current status and
emerging program technology needs in this field.
The purpose of the AIAA SESPC is to promote the development and use of Space Environmental
Systems technology by fostering understanding of environmental/ thermal control components and
systems for aircraft, spacecraft, and planetary and interplanetary missions among policy makers, as well
as among space systems designers and technologists.
The AIAA SESPC promotes and encourages the improvement of environmental/ thermal control
technology by supporting technical interchange among universities, government agencies, and industry.
The AIAA SESPC committee works to improve education pertaining to Space Environmental Systems
and related technical fields, and it is an advocate for technical excellence in mission analyses, system
optimization, trade studies, and economic assessments.
The principal activities and responsibilities of the AIAA SESPC are:
Sponsoring or co-sponsoring the yearly International Conference on Environmental Systems
(ICES) conference sessions and student poster competitions. The SESPC supports the concept of
strategic alignment of ICES with other AIAA conferences and will work with our ICES partners
and other appropriate conferences to determine potential arrangements for future conferences
that are held in the United States.
Encourage technical interchange among companies, government agencies, and universities to
advance Space Environmental Systems technology, standards, and systems integration.
Establish liaisons with other technical societies with related interests.
Ensure an active membership that is representative of the Space Environmental Systems
AIAA SESPC Charter (21 November 2013)
Honor technical contributors through awards, nominations for AIAA Fellow, and
recommendations for member upgrades.
Bring together the appropriate technical disciplines represented within various technical
committees within AIAA.
Advocate policy to AIAA on Space Environmental Systems topics of national interest, and
participate in AIAA advocacy events such as Congressional Visits Day.
Facilitate the review and publishing of Space Environmental Systems articles.
Conduct educational and public policy outreach activities to further promote interest in Space
Environmental Systems science and engineering.
AIAA SESPC Responsibilities:
Assist the SESPC Technical Chairs in developing sessions for ICES.
Organize committee for selecting the best Space Environmental Systems paper presented at the
ICES conference, and notify AIAA Honors and Awards focal of selection.
Organize Space Environmental Systems Student Poster Sessions at the ICES conference.
The AIAA SESPC will have four officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Program Chair. Elected
positions are chosen by a simple majority. For elections conducted in person at a committee meeting, a
simple majority is defined as more than 50% of those committee members in attendance. For elections
conducted via email, a simple majority is defined as more than 50% of the committee members who
respond in a two week timeframe. Additional requirements and best practices for officers may be found
in the AIAA Technical Committee / Program Committee Chair’s Manual.
The Chair is an elected position with a term of three years. AIAA membership is required.
The Vice-Chair is an elected position with a term of three years. AIAA membership is recommended.
Election as the Vice-Chair does not guarantee subsequent election to the Chair position.
The Secretary shall be appointed by the Chair and is subject to confirmation by the AIAA SESPC
membership with a simple majority. The term of the Secretary shall be two years, with subsequent oneyear reappointments allowable contingent on membership approval with a simple majority.
The Program Chair is an elected position with a term of five years, coincident with the five year cycle of
the sponsorship of the ICES conference. The Program Chair serves as the representative of the SESPC
on the ICES steering committee with the expectation that the Program Chair will become the conference
Vice-Chair at the end of the term at which point a new Program Chair will be elected. A commitment in
excess of five years is expected to account for training prior to taking the position as well as training of a
new Program Chair at the end of the term. The SESPC member elected to be the Program Chair must
meet the following minimum criteria:
 Attended and participated in the SESPC committee meetings for at least three of the five most
recent ICES conferences
AIAA SESPC Charter (21 November 2013)
And at least one of the following:
 Current or former SESPC officer
 ICES session organizer/chair for five or more years
The committee membership will broadly represent organizations in industry, government, academia, and
foreign countries, with approximately equal numbers of members from each of these four categories.
Members will be from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds pertaining to environmental/ thermal
control technology. Generally, organizations with current activities involving Space Environmental
Systems are encouraged to support one or two members on the AIAA SESPC.
In accordance with general guidelines laid out by the AIAA and with any specific ones adopted by the
AIAA SESPC (including those given here in Section VI), the Membership Subcommittee in conjunction
with the Chair, Vice-Chair, and an at-large member shall select new members for the AIAA SESPC
from among nominations submitted for AIAA SESPC membership. Initial appointments are for threeyear terms. Ongoing annual reappointments are permitted provided that some positions are opened each
year for new members.
The AIAA SESPC recognizes its members do not have to be members of the AIAA, however the
AIAA SESPC will encourage its members to join.
A complimentary group entitled “Friends” will be created to help further communications and the
dissemination of information regarding the AIAA SESPC. This group will not actively participate as
members, but will be kept abreast of the workings of the AIAA SESPC. This will also provide a group
to draw new members from during membership changes. Friends will be called upon to establish
communications with other technical groups and organizations that can assist the AIAA SESPC in
achieving its goals.
In addition to the officers identified in Section V, subcommittees perform SESPC work as described
below. Additional requirements and best practices for subcommittees and their chairs may be found in
the AIAA Technical Committee / Program Committee Chair’s Manual.
1. Conferences and Workshops Subcommittee
a. The Conference and Workshops Subcommittee is responsible for organizing, leading,
selecting and chairing technical sessions for various AIAA conferences and workshops.
Key participation is with the ICES conference.
b. The Program Chair may be appointed to chair this subcommittee.
2. Education and Outreach Subcommittee
a. The Education and Outreach Subcommittee is responsible for developing educational and
outreach strategies, tools, and materials for the PC membership, AIAA, industry,
academia, federal government, and the general public
AIAA SESPC Charter (21 November 2013)
b. It also supports the ICES student poster competition by providing contest topics and
c. The subcommittee promotes and conducts education activities and develops specific
items (short courses, conference seminars, tools and materials, etc.) to increase AIAA
member and public awareness, education, policy maker interest, and professional
knowledge of Space Environmental System technology development
3. External Affairs/Public Policy Subcommittee
a. The External Affairs/Public Policy Subcommittee is responsible for organizing the PC’s
involvement in Congressional Visit Day (CVD) and any additional congressional liaison
b. This subcommittee provides assistance in updating and publishing educational materials
each year
c. The subcommittee will also coordinate with other AIAA PC’s and TC’s to foster PC
cooperation and coordination with plans for jointly held ICES sessions and workshops at
AIAA conferences.
4. Publications and Website Subcommittee
a. The Publications and Website Subcommittee prepares and publishes articles, assists with
AIAA and other periodicals, prepares the annual summary on Space Environmental
System technology for publication in Aerospace America, and conducts public relations
activities to promote the advancement of Space Environmental System technology
utilization, as needed.
b. This subcommittee is also responsible for soliciting papers for publication in AIAA and
other journals, as well as providing technical reviewers for such journals upon request.
c. This subcommittee will also coordinate the development of position papers for publishing
by the AIAA, as appropriate.
d. The AIAA SESPC website is developed and maintained by this subcommittee.
5. Membership Subcommittee
a. This subcommittee is responsible for canvassing academia, industry and government to
solicit membership in the AIAA SESPC for the purposes of promoting the ICES
Conference and other AIAA sponsored activity by the SESPC.
6. Awards Subcommittee
a. The Awards Subcommittee is responsible for candidate nomination and selection of the
best paper award at conferences or workshops sponsored by the AIAA SESPC.
b. The Awards subcommittee is responsible for candidate nomination for ICES related
awards such as the ICES award as well as identification of appropriate AIAA awards that
support this conference and this committee.
c. The subcommittee will be responsible for recommending committee awards such as cash
prize for outstanding students at the Student Poster Competition held at the annual ICES
AIAA SESPC Charter (21 November 2013)
d. This subcommittee shall recommend to the PC elected officers methods to raise funds for
awards such as using funds provided to the PC by AIAA and through short courses and
Subcommittee officers shall be appointed by the Chair and are subject to confirmation by the AIAA
SESPC membership with a simple majority as defined in Section V. The term of the Subcommittee
officers shall be two years, with subsequent one-year reappointments allowable contingent on
membership approval. Other subcommittees will be formed or modified as necessary.
Each year during the ICES Conference the AIAA SESPC will hold at least one annual all-members
meeting. This meeting will be held at the annual ICES conference on a date specified by the officers.
At the discretion of the Chair, a second meeting will be held every year at a predetermined related
conference or an industrial, academic, or government facility, provided that a quorum of AIAA SESPC
officers and members can attend. This meeting will be held to provide the membership with first-hand
exposure to technical developments, products, and/or mission systems.
Subcommittees shall meet in person or by teleconference as required to fulfill their responsibilities.
An ad hoc meeting of the ICES Steering Subcommittee held in December. The SESPC will take
direction from this Steering Subcommittee for plans for the PC.
An ad hoc meeting of the AIAA ASM Conference in January.
Official correspondence of the AIAA SESPC will be forwarded through the Chair or Secretary, as
appropriate. Copies of official correspondence will be provided to all members of the AIAA SESPC.
The charter is subject to review every three years. Revisions to the SESPC Charter must be approved by
a simple majority vote as defined in Section V.
11 November 2010: original
21 November 2013: general cleanup/clarification/updates, officer terms, charter revision
AIAA SESPC Charter (21 November 2013)