Name: Date: P: Research Paper Grading Rubric 8 Exceeds Write an insightful report that incorporates research in the form of quotations, paraphrases and summaries 6 Meets Write a report that incorporates research in the form of quotations, paraphrases and summaries 7.4.4 Punctuation, Capitalization, and Spelling Your report is written with accuracy and has no errors Your report has no significant punctuation, capitalization or spelling errors 7.5.1 Meaning Thoroughly connect selected examples and/or facts to the thesis in a creative and meaningful way 7.4.1 Range of Writing 7.4.5 Citing Sources 7.5.3 Clarity Has complete MLA Works Cited page with three or more sources Your writing uses words and phrases that are clear and understandable to the reader throughout the entire essay. 4 Approaching Write a report that incorporate some research in the form of quotations, paraphrases and summaries Your report has a few significant and many minor punctuation, capitalization or spelling errors 2 Well Below Write a report that incorporates little research in the form of quotations, paraphrases and summaries Connect selected examples and/or facts to the thesis in a meaningful way Connect some selected examples and/or facts to the thesis or connect them in a superficial way Connect few selected examples and/or facts to the thesis or connect them in an unclear way Has complete MLA Works Cited page with 2 or more sources Your writing uses words and phrases that are clear and understandable to the reader for the majority of the essay. Attempts MLA Works Cited page with one or more sources Your writing uses words and phrases that are clear and understandable to the reader only sometimes during the essay. Incomplete Works Cited page with part of source No essay was turned in Your writing uses words and phrases that are not clear or understandable to the reader. No essay was turned in Your report has many significant punctuation, capitalization or spelling errors 0 No paper No essay was turned in No essay was turned in No essay was turned in My comments about your story: □ Good organization – smooth transitions between paragraphs, starts with a good hook and ends with strong conclusion □ Good detail – specific and explanatory □ Well written – sounds like you put thought into this and made appropriate revisions □ Interesting research – learned something while reading your essay □ Looks like you procrastinated □ Looks sloppy □ Need to use your time better □ Is this finished? □ Other: Name: Date: P: Brochure Grading Rubric 8 Exceeds 6 Meets 4 Approaching 7.2.4 Constructing Meaning Writer paraphrases or summarizes the important points of information and describes their connection to thesis Write paraphrases or summarizes the important points found in research Writer paraphrases or creates summaries that mix important and unimportant information 7.4.1 Range of Writing Create a brochure that incorporates research and reflections and has 2 pictures Create a brochure that incorporates research and reflections and has 1 picture Create a brochure that incorporates research and reflections 7.4.4 Punctuation, Capitalization, and Spelling Your brochure is written with accuracy and has no errors Your brochure has no significant punctuation, capitalization or spelling errors Your brocure has a few significant and many minor punctuation, capitalization or spelling errors 7.5.2 Design Insightfully written brochure includes information from 3 or more ideas you researched, 3 drawing and a reflection. Brochure includes information from 2 or more ideas you researched, 2 drawings and a reflection. Brochure is missing at least two ideas and missing 1 or more drawing or reflection 7.5.5 Voice □ □ □ □ Use creative words, phrases, and sentence constructions to establish a clear individual rather than a generic voice Use words, phrases, and sentence construction to begin to establish an individual rather than a generic voice Comments: Good organization – smooth transitions between paragraphs, starts with a good hook and ends with strong conclusion Good detail – specific and explanatory Well written – sounds like you put thought into this and made appropriate revisions Interesting research – learned something while reading your essay Use typical words, phrases, and sentence constructions that sometimes begin to establish an individual rather than a generic voice □ □ □ □ □ 1 Well Below Writer paraphrases or summarizes information that does not relate to the thesis or repeats the original text instead of paraphrasing or summarizing Attempts to create a brochure that incorporates research and reflections Your brochure has many significant punctuation, capitalization or spelling errors 0 No brochure No brochure was turned in No brochure was turned in No brochure was turned in No brochure was turned in Brochure is incomplete. Use vague words, phrases, and sentence constructions that do not establish an individual voice Comments: Looks like you procrastinated Looks sloppy Need to use your time better Is this finished? Other: No brochure was turned in