Legal Page Confidentiality Agreement The undersigned reader acknowledges that the information provided by Native Flats, LLC and Jesse Samuel Alton, in this business plan is confidential; therefore, reader agrees not to disclose it without the express written permission of Jesse Samuel Alton, CEO and Founder. It is acknowledged by reader that information to be furnished in this business plan is in all respects confidential in nature, other than information which is in the public domain through other means and that any disclosure or use of same by reader, may cause serious harm or damage to Native Flats, LLC. Upon request, this document is to be immediately returned to Jesse Alton, at Native Flats, LLC. Signature ___________________ Name (typed or printed) ___________________ Date This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of securities. 1.0 Executive Summary Native Flats, LLC is a manufacturer and provider of clubshoes, and clubware. Native Flats offers businesses an effective marketing strategy, and the end-user of Native Flats products with a comfortable, safe, cost-efficient alternative to walking barefoot after a night out. In exchange for these bars and clubs (Hosts) allowing Native Flats to sell within their establishment, Native Flats will have the host locations desired logo printed onto each pair sold within their establishment that day. Native Flats is not just selling "flip-flops" with a logo on them. Rather Native Flats is selling a cheap gift opportunity to men looking for a self-less gift, a comfortable solution to the dangers of walking in public barefoot, due to sore feet. Club-shoes are more than just flip flops, and Native Flats Clubshoes will be 100% Biodegradable and Disposable. Our initial product (Clubshoes) is designed for women; however men make up a large secondary market. "For the price of a drink she can walk home safely," and other tag-lines are used to associate the purchase of Native Flats products with the act of being a gentleman. Businesses inquiring about Native Flats services and Marketing opportunity are given three options for business relations between our companies. The "B.R.O." form offers these three selling methods: 1. Method 1: B2C - Direct Sales by Native Flats designated Floor salespersons. The business hosting our services simply must provide a space near the door for floor salesman to operate. At no cost to the establishment owner, Native Flats will print their logo on the Clubshoes for free. Offering Free Guerrilla Marketing. 2. Method 2: HOC - Host's on Consignment are able to have a pre-determined quantity of Native Flats stocked each day within their establishment. Host locations sell the Clubshoes on their own, and still receive free marketing benefits. All funds earned from the sale of Native Flats products leant on consignment are transferred to Native Flats at the end of each day. 3. Method 3: B2B - Host locations can pre-purchase Native Flats Clubshoes at a reduced wholesale price of $3.00 per pair. Locations operating under method 3 are responsible for the sale of the product, and are granted the opportunity to make a profit off of their new marketing method. Floor salespersons are used to introduce the product to the customer. After a trial period of 1-3 months, the host location may switch the Business Relationship Option to method 2, which enables them to take their new customer-connected product and sell them on their own, without the risk of losing money or the stress of tracking success, inventory, and value. Method 3, is recommended after 3-6 months, for Native Flats to properly gather statistical data that can show the best-selling times, profit opportunity, and value of adding the B2B method to their marketing plan. Our Clubshoes will ultimately be made of 100% biodegradable, green materials. This is what differentiates our product from traditional "flip-flops," and the value of having Native Flats present is apparent with the time saved collecting data, and managing inventory. Most importantly is the customer - product connection. It is highly recommended that host locations allow their customers to connect with the product in each phase, to build a lasting brand relationship, and properly introduce the product. The business is self-sustainable and rests in a profit margin of 200-800% dependent upon the means of sale. Any bar can print their logo on a sandal. Native Flats isn't a sandal company. Rather, it is a company driven to helping customers, businesses, and Profits succeed. Native Flats aims to improve every city it comes into contact with, by providing jobs to those in need, and careers to those who deserve. Furthermore, if customers refuse to throw away their Native Flats Clubshoes, then that "reduces sales in the future." This is not the case; rather Native Flats looks at these instances as continuous marketing. Native Flats aims to be thrown away, so that the customer can make a repeat purchase in the future. However, should they decide to keep them to "save money," then they are marketing with each step they take. Native Flats can be seen hanging on Dorm room walls, in keepsake chests, and as mementoes of a great event. 1.1 Objectives Goals: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To make the purchasing of Native Flats club-shoes a gentlemanly duty To establish a brand identity that can be easily recognized by our customers To reach as many cities, towns, and neighborhoods as possible To provide the customer with a comfortable, safe method of walking home To provide a green product, appealing to those in support, and even to those who do not care To market effectively our "host" locations and constituents businesses through successful, word-of-mouth marketing. 7. To effectively manufacture and distribute appx. 500 pairs a week at each designated "host" environment. To acquire and retain at least 10 host locations within a 3 month span of time. Retaining these 10 locations at estimated sales of 500 pairs a week would yield appx. $1.6M in profit. To effectively enter markets such as Proms, Weddings, and Events as early as possible. 8. 9. Future Goals: 1. Have seeds put into the sandals so that women may bury them in their yards or garden after a great night. Rapid expansion: a. Charging $5 per pair with 10 locations averaging sales of approximately. 500 pairs per week at each location, Native Flats accumulate a rough estimate of $1.6 Million dollars a year. Creation of a winter time comparable product 2. 3. 1.2 Mission Our Mission: To provide the world with a comfortable, safe alternative for walking after a night spent having a great time. For the Price of a drink our customers can come looking good, and leave feeling great! 1.3 Keys to Success 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Effectively Market our "host" locations Provide a safe alternative to walking barefoot Manufacture 100% Biodegradable sandals Establish a well-maintained supply chain Create Exponential spread of business Convert "host" locations to re-sellers (price point $3.00) Create effective revenue streams that sustain the company and employee needs. Offer a creative solution to making any party original. Build a trusted brand 2.0 Company Summary The company was founded to answer the following question: "You know how women go to bars and clubs wearing high-heels, only to leave barefoot because their feet hurt or they're too drunk to walk?" Native Flats plans to solve this by providing disposable and ultimately biodegradable sandals in every bar, club, concert venue, resort, spa, etc. Our location can be anywhere at any given time, our product has a variety of uses, most notably the marketing service it provides to our affiliates, hosts, and purchasers. Currently Native Flats desires the right to use and manufacture with, a biodegradable material known as Glycan. Glycan derives from corn starch, and would act as the preferred material used for production. Manufacturing and Distrubtion is currently under deliberation. Chinese manufacturers are currently set up for business, however, a domestic U.S. based manufacturer is desired for Native Flats. Sales will start on the floor at "Host" (the venue or location) locations, bringing the product direct to the customer at their place of leisure and comfort. Sales price will start at a fixed $6.00 price point. Corporate bulk sales, and custom order sales in bulk will be sold for $4.00 a pair. Custom Order Flats, will sell at a price range of $710.00 per pair, netting a profit of about 700%. "Host" Locations will include all consituents and associated locations used for sale of Native Flats products. Any location hosting our company in exchange for the marketing potential provided by our products are referred to as "host's." Host locations will provide a space within their establishment for Native Flats to sell our products. The Host locations will not be compensated financially, however they do hold the right to change their logo, or ad-space fillers at any time, given atleast 2 weeks notice for printing changes. Host's on Consignment are essentially the "in-betweeners" of methods 1 and 3. HOC's will have an established stock of clubshoes with their logo printed on as normal. However, instead of floorsalespersons selling the product, the host location will sell them directly themselves. This enables their guests to associate the product purchase pattern with the host locations own employees (bartenders, bouncers, etc.) at the host locations own discretion. Inventory is taken at the end of each night, and all funds are transferred directly to Native Flats each day, no funds are to be held in escrow, and inventory is replenished as soon as possible. Corporate Resellers (CR's): These are locations that may or may not have been "host's" prior to starting this type of business relationship. Whereas, as host location allows Native Flats to make direct sales to the customer (B2C), CR's will purchase desired quantities of Native Flats, for their use of sale. CR's may resell Native Flats with vending machines, their own salespersons, or even the use of their own merchandise counters. CR's will purchase Native Flats at a reduced price point, currently estimated to be approximately $3.00 per pair. Floor salesperson’s will interact with the customer at their respective places of leisure (bars, concerts, resorts, etc.) and will encourage host patrons to purchase Native Flats as a means of comfort and safety. Floor salesperson’s will earn a salary of $1.00 per pair they sell. Paychecks will be issued bi-weekly. Floor salespersons will report to their designated listener. Hucksters will operate similar to paper salesman on city streets and corners. Those wishing to make general sales, may purchase a set quantity for a set price. Hucksters may then sell and distribute Native Flats products at their own discretion. Hucksters are encouraged to report to Listeners, however it is not required. Affiliates: Affiliate sellers are individuals, or organizations, that currently operate in markets that could be mutually beneficial. Wedding Planners, can tell their clients about NF Customs and earn a commission. Native Flats aims to develop an affiliate army, both online, and offline, consisting of DJ’s, event planners, Lodges, and More. District Managers: will effectively oversee the sales, inventory, and revenue stream of a designated region of host locations. The DM will pick up the product from our printing partner. Inventory will be taken, and as instructed, the DM will distribute necessary quantities to the host locations within their region. The DM will provide aid at locations as necessary, as well as, provide support to all sellers within their region. DM’s will receive compensation different from the floor salespersons. Currently, pay scale is volatile and can change yet a compensation of approximately $.20 per pair sold within their region (Listeners can earn less than floor salespersons, should they fail to effectively promote growth in all host locations within their designated region.) Overseers' (Regional Manager) will examine the data provided by their designated DM’s. Overseers are responsible for a larger region, or a region of regions, respectively overseeing growth, and trends within their demographic region. Overseers' will report direct to the C.E.O. and will work for the company Native Flats, rather than operate as 1099 contractors. Overseers will provide support to their DM’s as needed, and will effectively implement the plans issued by the C.E.O. and Native Flats. Overseers' compensation will be based on a later disclosed corporate pay scale. Productivity, and goal accomplishment will effect pay grade. C.E.O. Position is currently held by Native Flats founder, Jesse Alton. The C.E.O. will examine data provided weekly by the overseers. The C.E.O. will implement new strategy, as well as provide relevant feedback on improving customer acquisition, and host location acquisition. The C.E.O. will also oversee the actions of Native Flats web department and web-presence. As well as effectively manage all B2B relationships. All positions are subject to reporting directly to the C.E.O. at any time. Printing and Design will be done by Native Flats as a complimentary service. Logos will be applied by use of heat-adhesive stickers that our businesses printer can create. The estimated costs range from $.05 - .50 cents per sticker, with costs dropping based on volume. Legal: All Legal work will be handled by designated attorneys. Native Flats, LLC currently receives legal counsel from Stephen Stern, of Hyatt and Webber. Accounting: All accounting work will be done by the C.E.O. (Jesse Alton) with a quarterly review to be assessed by Matt Wagner, C.P.A. (as of 02/23/12) Investment: Investors will be compensated financially under disclosed terms. At no point will the Founder and C.E.O. Jesse Alton, own under 51% share of Native Flats Membership. W/2 Employees Vs. 1099 Employees: Employment status and compensation is based on the role assigned to potential, and residing employees. Corporate positions, and fixed income employees will operate under a W/2 form of employment and taxation. Floor salespersons, and listeners, will operate under a 1099 employment status: allocating responsibility, and liability to the salespersons and listeners directly. Currently there are several potential employees, and members of Native Flats team. Aside from the founder, all names listed are not official members, nor do they hold any share of Native Flats. Target locations: Fur Nightclub, LUX lounge nightclub, The Regal, paparazzi, Cancun Cantina and affiliated locations, Rams head LIVE, LIVE casino, Sandals Resort, G&G Outfitters (Baltimore Ravens Stadium), pickles pub, pig town, fells point, York pa, TBD... 2.1 Company Ownership Native Flats, LLC is currently a registered LLC operating in the state of Maryland. Ownership / Membership: Currently Jesse Alton, C.E.O. and Founder of Native Flats, owns 95% share of the company. Phil Cox, owns 5% and may be bought out after 1 year. Membership percentage can be sold, exchanged, or gifted at the discretion of Jesse Alton. Membership certificates can be issued, as well as "at time of sale" percentage shares. "At time of sale," refers to percentage of profit earned at the time that Native Flats is sold, bought out, merged, or made available to the public (IPO). 2.2 Startup Summary Primary Method: Native Flats will start with a bank balance of $3,000.00. Order 2,000 Pair o Cost: $2,100 o Cost to Print: $400 Direct Sales to Proms at $5.00 per pair o Estimated sales: >1,000 pair , >$5,000.00 Revenue “Sponsor” a local band at $5.00 per pair o Estimated sales: 100 pair , $500.00 Revenue Identify “Host” Launch Site at $6.00 per pair o Estimated sales: 500 pair, $3,000 Revenue - $500 commissions Order 4,000 pair o Cost: $4,150.00 Contact Wedding Planners Contact potential Vendors o Use 50 pair as samples to acquire new host locations o Loss of $52.50 + print costs Total Revenues: $8,000 Total COGS: (2,100 + 400 + 500 + 4,150 + 600) $7,750.00 (inv. 1, print 1, comm. 1, inv. 2, print 2) Benefits: This will give us 4,350 pair in inventory, pay off moneys borrowed for order, and attract business. Once at one host location, that provides continuous sales of x amount. The business will have inventory valued at $15,000 – 40,000 dependent upon the method of sale. Beach week at $10.00 per pair or two for $15.00 o Est. Sales: 2,000 pair , $15,000 - $20,000 Revenue o Cost to print: $400 Acquire Host locations Seacrets at $3.00 B2B or $6.00 B2C o Est. Sales: 1,000 pair , $3,000 - $6,000 Revenue o Cost to print: $250 Host 1 Repeat Sales at $6.00 per pair -$1.00 commission o Est. Sales: 500 pair , $3,000 Revenue – 500 comm. o Cost to print: $200 Total Revenues: $21,000 – 29,000 Total COGS: $850.00 + travel expenses Benefits: Inventory was already accounted for in the first phase. Now that the company has at least $20,000 more opportunities are opened. A remaining 850 pair (variable) will be used while the next order is shipped. Order 5,000 pair for inventory o Cost: $5,000 Appropriate inventories to host locations being used Establish Core teams for each of Native Flats key markets o Bar & Club Floor sales method B2B method o Concert & Festival o Weddings & Events Switch manufacturing materials to biodegradable materials o Increasing costs about $.30 cents per pair Begin Rigorous E-Marketing Campaign o To attract custom orders , host locations, and build email database Acquire 5 host locations in the DC, Baltimore area. Revenue *when sold*: $17,550 - $52,650 (charging 3.00pp – 9.00pp) At this point in the primary method the business will have developed repeat host locations, a mild consistency in purchase patterns, and an outlook for festivals, events, and opportunities for the business to take part. Also, after this inventory has depleted, our products will be made of biodegradable materials. This will increase market size, purchase probability, and overall value of the company. In short your money can easily be returned in a variety of phases throughout the company. This is a rough overview, to see the full business plan please email me at