Report Card, IEP and special needs - sjsd

Report Card Sections: IEPs, “M” and “I” Designations
A. Important Terms: (adapted from Manitoba Education, Student Specific Planning, 2010)
Adaptation: A change made in the teaching process, materials, assignments, or pupil
products to help a pupil achieve the expected learning outcomes.
Modification: Changes in the number or the content of the learning outcomes a student
with a significant cognitive disability diagnosed by a qualified professional is expected to
meet in the provincial curriculum, as determined by the student support team.
Individualized Programming: Programming intended for students whose cognitive
disabilities are so significant that they do not benefit from participating in curricula
developed or approved by Manitoba Education; it identifies highly individualized learning
experiences that are functionally appropriate.
Individualized Education Plan (IEP): A global term referring to a written document
developed and implemented by a team, outlining a plan to address the unique learning
needs of a student; the written IEP may range in length from one page documenting
student-specific adaptations developed by a student’s teacher(s) in consultation with the
parent(s), to a lengthier documentation of a student’s programming outlining studentspecific outcomes developed by a larger team that may also include resource, clinical, and
other student services supports; the term IEP is inclusive of other acronyms such as
behaviour intervention plan (BIP), and adapted learning plan (ALP).
B. How to Report (academic/curricular reporting):
otherwise indicated, the report card provides information about a student’s
achievement relative to grade-level curricula.”
1) Students with adaptations: The provincial report card does not include an
indicator box if adaptations are in place for students. Adaptations are viewed as
effective teaching practices that assist students in reaching learning outcomes.
However, when appropriate, teachers are encouraged to identify or explain how the
adaptations are assisting the student in reaching the outcomes. When this is the
case, teachers should comment, “see ALP attached” and then send home the ALP
with the report card.
2) Students with IEPs, not meeting outcomes: “For the purpose of the
provincial report card, the IEP box is ticked when an IEP is in place for the
academic/cognitive domain and it is not reasonable to expect the student to meet or
approximate the learning expectations of the provincial curriculum for the grade in
the subject.”
Report Card Sections: IEPs, “M” and “I” Designations
Check the IEP box for the subject(s) where the student’s learning is different
from the grade-level curricular expectations (due to, for example, a cognitive
or developmental disability, gaps in learning, transiency).
The following comment must appear when an ‘IEP’ is indicated for a subject:
“The grade is based on achievement of learning goals in the student’s learning
plan that are significantly different than grade-level learning expectations.”
The student’s achievement grades/indicators relate to the IEP goals.
For students who have IEP goals for domains NOT reported on the provincial
report card, progress towards these goals is reported separately on the IEPR
(IEP Reporting Form), and then attached to the report card. (Some examples
of IEP domains not included in the provincial report are transition,
adaptations, behavior, life skills, and physical needs)
3) Students with IEPs, exceeding outcomes:
 Check the IEP box when a student’s learning goals, forming the basis of
instruction and evaluation, are well beyond grade level expectations.
 The student’s achievement grades/indicators relate to the IEP goals.
 The following comment must appear when an ‘IEP’ for exceeding outcomes is
indicated for a subject:
“The grade is based on achievement of learning goals in the student’s learning
plan that are significantly beyond grade-level learning expectations.”
 The teacher comments on the student’s strengths, challenges and next steps
in relation to these learning goals.
4) Students whose programming is Individualized: Students with
individualized programming are not following the provincial curricula because of
significant intellectual (cognitive) disabilities and adaptive skills. Their learning
goals/outcomes are developed by their support team through the individualized
educational planning process.
 Use the first page of the provincial report card to provide information
regarding the student’s name, grade and attendance.
 Use the IEP-R (IEP Reporting Form) to report on the student’s progress
towards their learning goals/outcomes.
 Report at regular reporting times.
 IEP learning plan updates may be sent home with report cards as well.
Report Card Sections: IEPs, “M” and “I” Designations
C. How to Report (learning behaviours):
“At grades 1 to 6, learning
behaviours are reported once on the report card, along with a teacher comment. At Grades
7 to 12, the learning behaviours are reported for each subject. The reporting of learning
behaviours appearing on a report card applies to the current reporting term only.”
The IEP box is indicated for learning behaviours on the report card if the
student has an IEP/BIP “with learning behaviour goals in it that affect how
behaviour is reported on the report card. In this case, details about the
student’s progress on these goals are communicated through the IEP process,
and the ratings on the report card that are not applicable to the student may be
left blank, with an appropriate comment to explain.”
Use the IEP-R (IEP Reporting Form) to comment on student specific behaviour
goals from the student’s IEP/BIP.
D. How to Report on IEPs and Course Designations at Senior
IEPs: Although there is not an IEP box on the report card at senior years, teachers
can include a comment indicating that an IEP is in place for their subject and then
use the IEP-R Reporting Form to comment on student progress towards student
specific goals/outcomes. Updated IEPs may be sent home.
M (Modified): Course for students with intellectual disabilities and where the
learning goals/outcomes have been modified to accommodate these individual
learning needs. An individual learning plan (IEP) is required.
 The process of deciding whether to provide a student with an M designation
involves collaboration with the student’s teacher, parent(s) and student
support team. Their criteria must include the following: significant cognitive
disability, adaptive skills, and student’s ability to approximate or reach the
learning outcomes.
 The M designation is applied on an individual course basis. It is not to be
applied globally to a student’s program.
 The M designation is attached to the course. For example, a student may
have En20 M or SS 10 M.
 For students with IEP goals for domains NOT reported on the provincial
report card, progress towards these goals is reported separately on the IEP-R
Report Card Sections: IEPs, “M” and “I” Designations
(IEP Reporting Form), and then attached to the report card. (Some IEP
domains not included in the provincial report are transition, life skills,
adaptations, behavior and physical needs)
“I” (Individualized): For students whose programming is Individualized (I), and
not based on provincial curricula because of significant/profound intellectual
(cognitive) disabilities, an alternative format for reporting on achievement is used.
Use the first page of the provincial report card to provide information
regarding the student’s name, grade and attendance.
Complete and attach the IEP-R (IEP Reporting Form) to the first page.
Updated education plans (IEPs) may also be included.
E (EAL-English Additional Language): Designation for students for whom
English is not a first language on a course by course basis, with learning experiences
designed to assist in making the transition into regular programming. An EAL
student education plan is required. The E designation is attached to the course. For
example, a student may have En20 E or SS 10 E. In grades 1-8 the EAL drop down
menu is selected for these students. (See EAL report card support document).
Report Card Sections: IEPs, “M” and “I” Designations
IEP Reporting Form
Report Card Sections: IEPs, “M” and “I” Designations
IEP Reporting Form, continued