Household Waste Production and Categorization in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape Final Report Group 1 Authors: Bridget Nkoana (G12N1746) Francina Teffo (G11T2942) Luke Maingard (G12M0104) Slie Sithole (G11S1371) Stuart Biesheuvel (G11B2242) Tadiwanashe Dune (G12D2893) Tanya Kuhlmann (G12K0431) Environmental Science Department 3rd October 2014 Word Count: 6,779 ABSTRACT 4 1) INTRODUCTION 5 1.1) Waste Generation of Households 5 1.2) Waste Composition of Households 6 2) KEY QUESTIONS, HYPOTHESES AND OBJECTIVES 6 2.1) Key Questions and Hypotheses 6 2.2) Objectives 7 3) STUDY AREA 8 4) METHODOLOGY 10 4.1) Data Collection and Analyses 10 4.2) Data Collection and Analyses 11 4.3) Assumptions and Pitfalls 12 5) RESULTS 13 5.1) Persons Per Household in Each of the Three Study Sites 14 5.2) Average Total Waste for a Household in Each Study Site 14 5.3) Waste Composition 16 5.4) Levels of Recycling and Sorting 17 5.5) Average Total Waste Per Household Size 18 5.6) Environmental Awareness 19 5.7) Education Level 20 6) DISCUSSION 21 6.1) The Influence of Social-Economic Factors on the Amount of Household Waste Being Produced 21 6.2) The Influence of Peoples Perceptions, Attitudes, and Practices on Waste Production 23 6.3 Conclusion and Recommendations 6.3.1 Concluding statement 6.3.2 Improvements and Suggestions For Future Research 25 25 26 6.4) Recommendations 26 2 REFERENCE LIST: 28 PLAGIARISM STATEMENT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TURN-IT-IN REPORT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 3 Abstract Municipal household solid waste production and categorisation has become a predominant issue of public concern in both South Africa and at a global scale (Browne, 2001). Socioeconomic and demographic factors such as globalisation, population growth, unemployment and rapid urbanisation have influenced the production of municipal solid waste (Browne, 2001; Bolaane and Ali, 2004). The study was conducted in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape. Income, education, household size and environmental awareness were the variables used to determine their influence on waste production and categorisation. A questionnaire survey and a ‘sort’ and ‘weigh’ technique was used to acquire the data. Three socio-economic areas were sampled resulting in a total of 96 houses. The five categories focused on were for sorting and weighing were paper, glass, plastic, metal, and organic waste. Two statistical tests were used to analyse the data; an ANOVA one-way analysis of variance test and multiple linear regressions. The results show that high-income areas produce the least waste (2.64 kg) compared to medium-income (6.81 kg) and low-income (6.6 kg). The results between household size and levels of waste produced showed there was no statistical difference. Also, there was no statistical difference between the amount of waste a person produces, and their level of environmental awareness. The results showed that a statistical difference was only found between a person with primary education (2.24 kg) and a person with secondary education (1.47 kg). Our hypothesis was that socio-economic factors, perceptions and practices do influence waste production. However, many of the results deviated from the anticipated expectations. It was found that an increased number of factors are needed in future research to establish a sound, definitive conclusion of what exactly affects waste production. 4 1) Introduction Municipal solid waste production has become a predominant issue of public concern in South Africa and at a global scale (Browne, 2001). Socio-economic and demographic factors such as globalisation, population growth, unemployment, and rapid urbanisation contribute to the excessive production of municipal solid waste (Browne, 2001; Bolaane and Ali, 2004). In general, the higher the state of economic development and the rate of urbanisation the greater the quantity of solid waste produced (World Bank, 2012). Moreover, with increasing revenues the consumption of goods and services, living standards, and the amount of waste produced increases (Van Beukering et al., 1999). Waste production at a household scale is an important aspect to waste management and categorisation. This project has focused on some of the key aspects that may influence waste production and categorisation such as: location (socio-economic class), income, household size, education levels, practices, attitudes, and perceptions. 1.1) Waste generation of households The current waste production levels at a global scale amount to 1.3 billion tonnes per year with 3 billion residents producing approximately 1.2 kg per person per day (World Bank, 2012). However with rapid urbanization urban populations are anticipated to increase further by 1.3 billion to 4.3 billion residents by 2025. Consequently waste generation trends will also increase from 1.2 to 1.42 kg per person per day by 2025 whilst annual waste generation levels increase to 2.2 billion tonnes respectively (World Bank, 2012). With these increases, more waste dumps will need to be created, resulting in more land being used and more pollution will be produced and released. In Africa, household waste generation is estimated to range between 0.4 to 1.1 kg per day, spanning into 2.4 kg per day in urban areas and much lower in poorer residential areas (World Bank, 2012). This can be attributed to various socio-economic statuses, such as income status of different households as seen in a study that was done by the World Bank (2012) and the Palmer Development Group (1996). In the Palmer Development Group study (1996) it was found that there is a direct relationship between socio-economic groupings such as household income and waste production, hence waste generation was considered a function of affluence. 5 1.2) Waste composition of households Household waste composition in developing countries is mainly composed of 57% organic material, paper 9%, plastic 13%, glass and metals 8%, and other elements of waste 13% (World Bank, 2012). According to the Palmer Development Group (1996), waste production from high-income and medium-income households reflect that of developed countries whilst that from low-income households reflects that of developing countries. In this regard, high-income earning households tend to produce more packaging waste such as paper and plastics. This is due to the fact that high-income and medium-income households tend to buy more pre-cooked foods which consequently have a relatively high disposable packaging content than the lowincome earning households and informal areas who often prepare every basic meal at home (Bolaane and Ali, 2004). The challenge regarding waste in South Africa is waste classification. One of South Africa’s challenges is identifying and categorizing household waste (Karani and Jewasikiewitz, 2007). There are laws and regulations implemented to address this challenge, however many of the laws are not implemented because of the lack of knowledge of them. The South African National Waste Management Strategy has been developed to address the gaps in general waste classification and household waste generation (Karani, and Jewasikiewitz, 2007). 2) Key Questions, Hypotheses and Objectives 2.1) Key questions and hypotheses The first key question was how social-economic factors influenced the composition and amount of household waste being produced. We hypothesized that the type and amount of waste produced is a function of socio-economic status. We hypothesized this according to Slack et al. (2005). There is a strong correlation between income level and waste production: as people earn more, their consumption of electricity and foodstuffs increase resulting in increased waste (Slack et al., 2005). Another relation to socio-economic status of households was that households that have a medium to high-income rate tend to manage their waste products more efficiently compared to 6 that of lower-income households. Lower-income households cannot afford large amounts of these goods and therefore wasted produce will be less (Cossu, 2013). The second key question asked was whether people’s perceptions, attitudes and practices influenced the waste produced. We hypothesized that people’s perceptions, attitudes, and practices will influence waste production and the type of waste produced. The reason for this hypothesis was based on the level of education and environmental awareness that an individual had (Etengeneng, 2012). According to Etengeneng (2012), people that tend to have had higher levels of education tend to have a more positive attitude and practice towards waste management because of their increased knowledge on waste issues. Thus people with higher levels of education and environmental awareness have proven to have a more positive influence in waste production, sorting, and recycling (Parfitt et al., 1994). Conversely people with a lower standard of education tend to have an ignorant or oblivious view towards waste production and its impact on the ecosystem around them (Parfitt et al., 1994). 2.2) Objectives There are three objectives to be determined in the course of the year project. The first objective was to determine which socio-economic factors influence waste production and categorisation? This is a necessary objective, as it will assist in accepting or rejecting the first hypothesis. The second objective was to determine whether people’s attitudes, perceptions, and practices affect waste production and categorisation? This provided an insight concerning the second hypothesis (Parfitt et al., 1994). According to Parfitt et al. (1994) peoples’ attitude towards waste issues have a large influence on the amount of waste they produce as well as how the household manages waste produce. The last objective was to determine whether waste categorisation is a function of knowledge. This will determine environmental awareness of an individual and the ecosystem around them (Etengeneng, 2012). 7 3) Study Area The study was conducted in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, which is under the Makana Municipality. Established in 1812, Grahamstown now has a population of approximately 50 000 people of which 73% are black, 12% are white, 14% are colored and 1% are Indian/Asian (Makana Municipality, 2013). These demographics are shown in Figure 1 (Fox, 2012; Google Earth V6.2.2.6613, 2013). According to Statistic South Africa (2013) the population is made up of 6.2% elderly people, 69.4% working age (15-64) people and 24.4% of population is young (0-14). Eastern Cape is one of the poorest provinces in South Africa, with a very low employment rate of 32. 5% (Statistics South Africa, 2013). Grahamstown has 29% employed people, 42% unemployed and 29% people which are not economically active (Statistics South Africa, 2013). According to Irvine (2012), 93.7% of citizens of the town who are 20 years and older have completed primary school, 35.6% have completed secondary education, 22.9% have completed Matric and 12% have some form of higher education. Irvine (2012) states that only 6.3% people who are 20 years and older have no form of schooling. Makana Municipality has 85.4% formal dwellings with an average household size of 3.4 people and 44.5% of households are female headed (Statistics South Africa, 2013). Socio-economic status is a factor that contributes to where people are spatially located in area. (Irvine, 2012). The geography and historical events of Grahamstown have been highly influential in the race distribution (Irvine, 2012). Policies applied during the apartheid era such as the Group Areas Act 41 of 1950 enforced segregation of different racial ethnicity (Figure 1) and as a result this has shaped the past and present landscape of South Africa (Irvine, 2012). Irvine (2012) stated that although a lot has changed spatially and politically, radical distinct economic and social differences within geographical boundaries still reflect the colonial and apartheid legacy as seen in Figure 1 (Irvine, 2012). Residential areas and schools remain tied to the apartheid’s divisions of race (Irvine, 2012). For the purpose of the study three spatial sites related to former segregation boundaries were selected (Figure 2). The sampling sites included Fingo Village for low-income households, Hillsview for medium-income households, and lastly Somerset heights to represent the high-income households (Figure 2). 8 Figure 1: Map representing the different socio-economic classes of Grahamstown, Eastern Cape during the apartheid (Fox, 2012; Google Earth V6.2.2.6613, 2013). Figure 2: Map of Grahamstown, Eastern Cape (Google Earth V6.2.2.6613, 2013) 9 4) Methodology 4.1) Data collection and analyses Our first key question asks how social economic factors influence the amount of household waste being produced. The main variables that were measured were; income, gender composition, age, education, household size, social class, and lastly the type of waste that was produced. There were two primary methods for measuring the variables; a questionnaire survey and a ‘sort’ and ‘weigh’ technique. The questionnaire survey was used in order to cover all five of the variables measured. The variables that were covered by the questionnaire were; income, gender composition, age, education, household size and environmental knowledge. The ‘sort’ and ‘weigh’ technique was used to cover the quantity of waste variables. In a previous study done by the International Solid Waste Association (I.S.W.A), for sampling household waste in Gaborone, Botswana, 47 households were sampled utilizing seven categories over a period of 21 days (Bolaane and Ali, 2004). In our study, we reduced the number of categories of waste to five, limiting the ‘sort’ and ‘weigh’ technique method to one week, and increased the total number of households sampled to 96. This change to our study has enabled our ‘sort’ and ‘weigh’ technique to provide improved and more accurate results, as through having more raw data to sort, thus having more information to test, therefore allowing for more accurate results. The five categories our study used for sorting and weighing was paper, glass, plastic, metal, and organic waste. These categories of waste were sorted and weighed individually. The participants were asked whether they were willing to take part in the questionnaire survey and also separating their waste into ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ waste for a period of one week in order to aid our research project for the ‘sort’ and ‘weigh’ technique. If the participants were unwilling to take part in the questionnaire survey, upon permission we took their current rubbish bags at their household; in order for the group members to sort out the waste, followed by weighing the different categories of waste, to determine the level of household waste produced. 10 Based on the limitations of the research project such as, unfavorable weather conditions as well as the absence of household members at the property at the time of arrival of the group members. Thus the questionnaire survey had to be conducted over a period of one week, at different times throughout the week depending on the amount/availability of time the independent group member had to conduct the survey to the households, and collect the rubbish bags upon the second return to the specific household, during the data collection phase. The questionnaire was provided to the participants during the first visit to their premises. After the sort and weigh technique on the categories of waste within the rubbish bags was completed and the data recorded, the next phase was data analysis. We used two techniques; an ANOVA one-way analysis of variance test and multiple linear regression. We used these tests to compare the data collected from the ‘sort and weight technique’ as well as the information from the surveys of the households from different classes, to compare and analyze variances of two or more samples in order determine if the samples came from different populations. The study took into account proportional sampling of households in each of the socio-economic classes of households to increase accuracy of results. The sample size was calculated by examining the Makana Municipality (2013) ‘Annual Report on Household Income, and Report on Types of Dwellings’. We found that there are an estimated 13,433 homes in Grahamstown. There are 3,040 homes in the low-income class, 8,305 homes in the low to medium-income class, and 2,080 homes in the medium to high-income class. Our aim was to test at least 1% of the population, resulting in a sample of 30 low-income households, 37 medium-income households, and 29 high-income households. In total, 96 households were sampled using the questionnaire survey and the ‘sort’ and ‘weigh’ technique. 4.2) Data collection and analyses The second key question asked whether people’s perceptions, attitudes, and practices influenced waste production. The variables that were measured for the second key question were education, environmental awareness, attitudes towards waste, and quantity of waste. These variables enabled us to eventually determine whether an individual’s perceptions, attitudes and practices ultimately 11 influenced their waste production. The method used for collecting the data in this key question was distributing the questionnaire survey to the participants, in order to gain information and insight on the level of environmental awareness of the household. The questionnaire survey covered all the variables mentioned apart from quantity of waste, which was established by the ‘sort’ and ‘weigh’ technique method that was discussed in the previous key question above. In order to determine whether the resident of the household was environmentally aware, we used environmentally based questions, asked in a section of the questionnaire survey. Examples of these questions were whether the participant was aware of global warming, recycling, or whether they perceived waste as a current issue. Based on their answers for this section of the questionnaire survey, we gave them a score out of four, this score determined the households’ environmental awareness. This technique is very similar to that which Attari (2014) used in his ‘Perceptions of Water Use’ publication. Attari (2014) asked participants to estimate the number of gallons of water used by 17 different activities, which was then used to determine how aware a participant was of water use. The data analysis phase consisted of content analysis. We chose to do this because the variables in the second key question were qualitative and not quantitative, as in the first key question (Bolaane and Ali, 2004). The content analysis was used in order to tease out the key themes, patterns, understandings and insights (Patton, 2005). The sample size was randomly selected using the method Browne (2001), used. Erf numbers were taken from the houses in the three individual social classes. Unlike house numbers, Erf numbers do not repeat. We placed the Erf numbers into an Excel program. As a group, using the Microsoft Excel program, we randomly selected the relevant number of houses for each social class we had to sample. If we arrived at a household and the potential participant was not home, we had a pre-determined resolution to move on and attempt to survey the house to the left of the unsuccessfully surveyed house hold (Browne, 2001). 4.3) Assumptions and pitfalls 12 We had three assumptions. Firstly we assumed that respondents would be willing to participate in our study. Our second assumption was that the participants will answer truthfully and not be influenced to simply give an answer that is socially acceptable. Lastly we assumed that a respondent would be home upon our arrival. If the respondent was not in their home, the group would move onto another house in the same area to interview another potential respondent. These assumptions are vital in ensuring the success of our research. We have determined three possible pitfalls. The first pitfall was the language barrier. This was a pitfall in our group as no members speak isiXhosa as a home language fluently. This pitfall was overcome by hiring a translator. The second pitfall was participants could feel pressure to give expected or ‘correct’ answers. This was overcome by ensuring them that the questionnaire is fully anonymous. The last pitfall was if there is a repelling attitude and unwillingness to participate in our study, as this inhibited us from gaining crucial data imperative to our study as well as costing precious survey time. Our study relied on participation from the general public. We were able to prevent this pitfall by ensuring a strict code of ethics during the study as well as being appreciative of any input or time a participant is able to give. If any of our assumptions were not true or if our pitfalls did occur and our respondent was uncomfortable, we simply proceeded to the next household. 5) Results 13 5.1) Persons per household in each of the three study sites The result in Figure 3 illustrates that the average number of persons per household was 2.1 (SD±0.939) in the high-income study site, 3.7 (SD±1.270) in the medium-income study site, and 4.5 (SD±2.255) in the low-income study site 8 Person Per Household 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 High-Income Medium-Income Low-Income Study Site Figure 3: Graph illustrating the average number of persons per household in the three study sites. The average persons per household was statistically significant (P<0.01) between the highincome and medium-income sites. Results between the high-income and low-income sites were also statistically significant (P<0.01), whereby the high-income site was lower. The mediumincome and low-income sites yielded statistically insignificant results at the 5% level. This shows that the high-income study site had significantly fewer persons per household than the medium and low-income study sites. 5.2) Average total waste for a household in each study site 14 The results in Figure 4 indicate that houses located in the high-income site had an average total waste of 2.64 kg (SD±1.262). Houses located in the medium-income site produced 6.81 kg (SD±2.763) of waste on average, and houses in the low-income site produced an average of 6.60 kg (SD±3.794) waste. 12 Waste (kg) 10 8 6 4 2 0 High-Income Medium-Income Low-Income Study Site Figure 4: Graph illustrating the average total waste for a household in the high-income site, medium-income site, and low-income site. The ANOVA test found that houses in the high-income site produced significantly less waste than the medium-income or low-income site (P<0.01). There was no statistically significant difference between the amount of waste produced in the medium-income and low-income sites (P>0.05). 15 5.3) Waste composition The results in Figure 5 show that the composition going from largest to smallest for the highincome site is wet waste, glass, paper, plastic, and then metal. The medium-income site is wet, glass, metal, paper, and then plastic. Lastly the low-income site is wet, paper, glass, plastic, and then metal. Waste Composition (%) 60 50 40 High-Income 30 Medium-Income 20 Low-Income 10 0 Wet Paper Glass Plastic Metal Catogories of waste Figure 5: Graph illustrating the average composition of waste for the three study sites. The largest proportion was wet waste. The proportion of wet waste was 41.65% in the highincome, 39.47% in medium-income, and 59.05% in low-income. The proportion of Glass was also large in the high-income (23.36%) and medium-income (26.67%). The smallest proportion of waste was metal, which was 6,85% in high-income, and only 2.72% in low-income. This indicates that there were differences in not only the proportions of each waste, but also different proportions between the three study sites. This result is vital in the study as It focuses on both the production, and composition of waste. 16 5.4) Levels of recycling and sorting The level or recycling and sorting results in Table 1 show that out of the households who recycle in the high-income site, 70.83% always recycled and the remaining 29.16% recycle often. In terms of the medium-income site, 61.54% always recycle, 23.08% recycle often, and 25.38% recycle sometimes. In the low-income site, out of the households who recycle, 50% always recycle, and 50% only recycle sometimes. Table 1: Table illustrating the percentage households who sort/separate their garbage and percentage households who support a recycling program Support Income Class A Sort/Separate Garbage (%) Recycling Program (%) High-Income 82,76 58,62 Medium-Income 35,15 21,62 Low-Income 13,33 6,57 It is observed that as you move from the high-income site down to the low-income site, the level of garbage being separated and sorted decreases. This decreasing trend is also shown in supporting a recycling program. Nearly all of the support for a recycling program was for CSD (a recycling initiative at Rhodes University). 17 5.5) Average total waste per household size The effect of household size on waste indicated is indicated in Figure 6. On average households with 1-2 persons produced 1.78 kg (SD±0.959) of waste, households with 3-4 persons produced 1.7 kg (SD±0.744), households with 5-6 persons produced 1.36 kg (SD±0.402), households with 7-8 persons produced 1.54 kg (SD±0.365), and households with 9-10 persons produced 1.3 kg (SD±0.116) of waste. 3 Waste (kg) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1-2 3-4 5- 6 7-8 9-10 Household Size (Persons Per Household) Figure 6: Graph illustrating the average total waste per household size. The ANOVA test produced no statistically significant results between the data (P>0.05). This means that although there is a slight variation in waste levels shown in Figure 6, there is in-fact no statistical difference between household sizes and levels of waste produced. 18 5.6) Environmental awareness The average level of waste produced from persons with varying environmental awareness level is illustrated below in Figure 7. The results found that on average persons with a very low environmental awareness produced 1.15 kg (SD±0.486) of waste, low environmental awareness produced 1.64 kg (SD±0.936) of waste, average environmental awareness produced 1.73 kg (SD±0.768) of waste, and high environmental awareness produced 1.49 kg (SD±0.580) of waste. 3 Waste (kg) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Very Low Low Average High Environmental Awareness Level Figure 7: Graph illustrating the average level of waste produced from persons with various levels of environmental awareness. The ANOVA test produced statistically insignificant results (P>0.05). This indicated that there is no statistical difference between the amount of waste a person produces, and their level of environmental awareness. 19 5.7) Education level The varying levels of waste produced from persons with different education levels ranging from tertiary, secondary and primary are illustrated in Figure 8. The average waste produced for a person with a tertiary education was 1.67 kg (SD±0.679), secondary education is 1.47 kg (SD±0.725), and primary education was 2.24 kg (SD±1.612). 4.5 4 Waste (kg) 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Tertiary Secondary Primary Education level Figure 8: Graph illustrating the average level of waste produced from persons with different education levels. An ANOVA test found that the only statistically significant difference was between persons with a secondary and primary education (P<0.05). The result between persons with tertiary compared to other education levels was statistically insignificant (P>0.05). This result indicates that a person with a primary education was likely producing more waste than a person with a secondary education, but no more than a person with a tertiary education. 20 6) Discussion 6.1) The influence of social-economic factors on the amount of household waste being produced One of the factors that the project looked at was household waste production in different income areas classified as low, medium and high-income areas. According to Sivakumar and Sugirtharan (2010), income levels affect waste production. As illustrated medium income area produced more waste of about 6.81kg. One of the reasons for this is that residents in middle income areas can do without leftovers whether in the form of food, packaging, worn out clothes or energy (Dyson and Chang, 2005). Another reason is that middle-income households are more wasteful and as a result they end up producing unnecessary waste. This means that since middle-income households produce more waste unnecessarily because they know that they can afford to (Dyson and Chang, 2005). There was a statistical significance difference between the high income and low-income area. Household waste production in high-income area was low as resulted by Figure 3, by a proportion of 2.64 kg. One of the factors that account for less waste being produced by highincome households is that waste management in high-income areas is more efficient and adequately facilitated. This includes sewage systems, sanitation disposals that are rarely provided in low income areas. Sanitation systems found in high-income areas reduce waste production, where else low income areas lack sanitation disposals that add more to waste (Dyson and Chang, 2005). As illustrated by Figure 1, there are statistically less people living in the high-income area than the medium-income and low-income area. This explains why there is less waste produced in the high-income area and more waste in the low-income area per household. This is very important when designing policies that have to do with the redistribution of income. Generally speaking, household income is directly proportional to waste generation per capita (Diaz et al., 1993); however the correlation between wet waste, glass, paper and plastic waste generation is different from that between household waste generation and income (Qu et al., 2009). This means that family income has been found to be negatively related to household wet waste generation and positively related to household waste generation of paper, plastics 21 and glass (Qu et al., 2009; Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012). Furthermore, when a households’ level of affluence increases so does the level of inorganic waste (newspapers, plastics, boxes, glass etc.) volumes produced (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012). This can be seen in Figure 5 of our results which accord with the studies done by Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata (2012) and Qu et al. (2009). The above mentioned trends, can be attributed to the fact that; high-income households tend to purchase more prepared foods and ready-made food stuffs which result in less food-related discards such as peels, pits etc. (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012). Moreover, households with more income tend to have more opportunities to dine in restaurants (Qu et al., 2009). Households with low-income waste on the other hand constitute the largest proportion of wet waste, which was expected for low- household waste composition in developing countries (Boolane and Ali, 2012). The high wet waste proportions in low-income households can be attributed to different living and dietary habits, these include their preference on preparing every basic meal at home, mostly characterised by their staple diet; porridge. According to Etengeneng (2012) people with a higher education status tend to have a more positive attitude and practice towards waste management because of their higher knowledge on waste issues, thus people with a higher education status and environmental awareness have proven to have a more positive influence in waste production, sorting, and recycling (Parfitt et al., 1994). While on the other end of the scale people with a lower level of education tend to have an ignorant or oblivious nature towards waste production and its impact on the ecosystem around them and may not be aware of the positive environmental attributes of proper waste disposal and recycling (Parfitt et al., 1994; Etengeneng, 2012). Education levels and socio-economic factors are highly connected to and influence each other. According to Dennison et al. (1996) education level and its interaction with socio-economic factors are likely to have a negative relationship with the amount of waste produced. In the study conducted a person with primary education produced more waste than a person with tertiary education, while a person with secondary education produced the least as seen in Figure 8. Figure 8 also shows that the statistical significance in waste produced, was only between waste produced by a person with secondary education and a person with primary education. The waste produced by a person with tertiary education compared to other education levels was statistically insignificant. Therefore, waste production does not follow the expected pattern 22 mentioned by Dennison et al. (1996). Instead the results obtained from the study mostly highlighted what Parfitt et al. (1994) and Etengeneng (2012) stated about education and waste management, because from the study people with tertiary education knew more about solid management bylaws and how they work, they had more environmental knowledge, and they also sorted and recycled their waste more than other education levels and this decreased with level of education. This was attributed to the fact that, higher education levels result in an increase in positive perceptions, recycling behavior, and environmental awareness (Etengeneng, 2012). The problem was that most of these factors mentioned did not significantly affect the amount of waste produced by people with different levels of education; this maybe be contributed to location. Location might influences people’s behavior and perception, for an example, in the study people with tertiary education in high-income area were more likely to follow the norms of their location than a person with tertiary education in medium and low-income areas that were likely to follow habits of their area. Evidently from the study 75% of people with tertiary education in low income area did not sort their waste and the rest who did, they did not do it often and all of the above participants did not know how environmental soli management bylaws work. To reach a conclusive statement about location more studies need to be conducted. The difference in habits towards household waste management might be highly influenced by the difference in management plan and time and financial investment the Makana municipality has for each location. The other possible influence was economical because people with tertiary education are likely to have good jobs, therefore earning more allowing them to buy more products contributing to their total waste production. They are many factors that add and remove from the waste produced by a person or household, that looking at one factor at a time is not enough, so it would been good if considered all of the influencing factors at once. 6.2) The influence of peoples perceptions, attitudes, and practices on waste production Referring back to Figure 6, which showed the average waste per person in various household sizes, it was shown that there was more waste being produced by households with fewer people than those living in larger households. This was not the expected result, as the relationship between the amount of people in the household and waste produced predictably would be a positive relationship. Thus, implying that waste per person would be less in a larger household 23 as waste was spread across more people. According to Emery et al. (2003) however, waste is never consistent and changes throughout the year due to a variety of factors such as food availability, change of season and even temperature. This will effect what people buy and thus the type and amount of waste generated in the house hold. This result also contradicts the paper by Lober (1996), which explained that waste per person may demonstrate a significant difference between households with varying amounts of people. This is because larger households usually buy in more bulk, thus meaning less actual packaging waste per person (Lober, 1996). It is for this reason that the statistically insignificant results in Figure 6 are unexpected. Other factors that this study focused on were the influences that people’s practices and perceptions may have on waste production. A study carried out by Dyson and Chang (2005) found that practices such as recycling had an influence on waste production. The trends found were a positive relationship between income and the practice of recycling of newspaper (Dyson and Chang, 2005). It was also stated that households in higher income areas practice recycling more than in medium or low income areas (Dyson and Chang, 2005). Table 2 which illustrate figures on the percentages of people that practice recycling and waste sorting showed that the highest amount of recycling and waste sorting occurred in the high income area of our study area. This directly reflects on the results found in the study carried out by Dyson and Chang (2005). We could assume that people in the high income areas recycle more and sort and separate their garbage because we also found that in the high income areas, up to 90% of the people had tertiary education levels, meaning in the learning time they must have learnt of the importance and need to recycling and waste sorting or separation. Barr (2007) explains that the environmental values and understandings that people have influences the way in which they manage and produce waste. This study found that the behaviors and attitudes of people influence how they dispose their waste. This involves more than the way they perceive environmental problems but other factors like policy knowledge, environmental knowledge and waste knowledge, all of which were examined in our study. Given the results in Figure 6, we find that the level of environmental awareness that people have does not influence the amount of waste that they generate. No statistical difference was shown between the different levels of environmental awareness that people had because 24 regardless of their environmental awareness score, they produced relatively the same amount of waste. Conversely, Barr (2007) explains that those whose environmental awareness is higher, will be more proactive in terms of how their waste is both produced and managed because in most cases they are more open to change and are more “one with nature”. In addition, environmental awareness was said to give light on how an individual will treat the environment. In our study however, this was not the case because regardless of the level of environmental awareness, the amount of waste produced had no statistical significance. We found that the basis upon which we measured environmental awareness could have been too broad to stand as a factor that may influence waste production. This is because we made use of our own made analysis for environmental awareness, which only asked yes/no questions on whether people knew about basic environmental issues. This test of environmental awareness did not take past experiences, religion, motives for being environmentally aware or any psychological variables into account. Environmental awareness and the attitudes and perceptions of people all have much more intricate detail such as psychological variables (Barr, 2007). This involves factor likes previous experiences, personal feelings towards the issue, personal behavior, and intrinsic motivation and personality characteristics such as positive feelings for recycling or expectance of praise/reward or recognition (Barr, 2007). 6.3 Conclusion and recommendations 6.3.1 Concluding statement The results found in this study deviated from those that were assumed or anticipated. We found that the way in which people manage their waste goes beyond where they live, how much they earn or how many people live in the home. It also goes further than their connection with the environment and their environmental knowledge. Although these would be the most obvious indicators, they fall short of including past experiences and the psychological factors of the people who produce the waste in the home. This shows the need for a much more transdisciplinary approach to the study. We reject both our hypotheses. In key question one; although income and household size influenced waste production, education levels did not. In key question two, practices influenced 25 waste production but perceptions and environmental awareness did not. Carrying out this intensive study has led to the conclusion that several factors influence household waste. Having only focused on three socio-economic factors in conjunction with a general focus on practices and perceptions, the study may have fallen short of having had a well-rounded and detailed enough investigation to conclude on what truly influences of waste production and categorisation in different homes. 6.3.2 Improvements and suggestions for future research There were a variety of factors with which when taken into consideration, could have improved the overall results of this project. Survey design is an important aspect of determining the amount of waste that is generated at source. For this project, the socio-demographic characteristics such as monthly income, age, gender and education status, should not have been only limited to the heads of households, who were the only people interviewed in this project. Other members of the household such as the spouse of head, children, and grandchildren should have been interviewed or rather, their socio-demographic characteristics recorded in the recording sheet. Other factors that this study could have improved on include the sampling size. The sampling size could have been increased from 120 to 140 households so as cover for those households who were: absent during the survey collection day, households whose gates were locked during the collection day and households whose wastes were collected by the local municipality before we had access to them. These factors reduced our sample size of 120 to 96 households. Suggested variables for further research are; the age of the people in the household and how it affects the amount of waste produced. The gender of the people in the household and how it affects the amount of waste produced and the last variable of how seasonality affects the amount of waste generated in a household will further benefit the study and generate more accurate results. 6.4) Recommendations According to (Dawnarain, 2004) solid waste generation and composition are two major important factors in designing the cost effective and environmental compatible solid waste management system. The best way to reduce the cost of waste management for the government 26 and to reduce environmental impact of waste is to reduce waste produced at the source and improve waste composition. There are many general ways of reducing waste such as recycling, creating a compost pile, re-using items you usually throw away, bringing less waste at home, buying in bulk and using reusable containers. But off course as general as these suggestions are people usually do not know about them and Makana Municipality and Rhodes University as the main education institution in Grahamstown should be responsible for informing people. They should be involved in the promotion of environmental education, information and capacity building in communities. Most people did not know about the bylaws, there is a need for Solid waste management policy programme to educate the public on their right to environmental issues. They should host Meetings and environmental workshops to teach people about appropriate environmental skills. They should support community-based initiatives that seek solutions to waste management, sanitation and access to resources; some areas feel neglected by municipality. They should involve stakeholders in early stages of the planning process in order to encourage public input and acceptance of the solid waste management plans and to increase good attitudes and participation. To not only getting information out but to also retrieve information about issues concerning each area. For an example most people wanted dumping points in low income area but others said they create more pollution and they become a dumping point for dead animals. High income areas have an environmental committee (SCD) but there is a Lack of awareness of environmental committee in the areas so it’s less effective. The middle income and low income area do not have environmental committees so one should be established for them. Most people said they do not sort because of lack of refuse bags, so the municipality should Increase extra refuse bags of household and garden waste They should establish programmes that focus on reduction and separation of waste material at source for example : - Composting programmes: Composting divert organic waste from households, refuse of high organic matter content reduce waste that goes to the landfill sites thus reducing waste disposal cost. 27 - Recycling programmes: to also reduce waste that goes to the landfill site, give Incentives for people who recycle and they should use the incentive to buy bags and keep the rest. 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