Applied Cognitive Psychology PROF. ALESSANDRO ANTONIETTI COURSE AIMS The course intends to provide a general theoretical picture and some key concepts regarding the principal cognitive processes and demonstrate how the evaluation and strengthening of such processes constitute a promising area of psychological intervention. COURSE CONTENT The course will consider the processes of understanding, of memorization, of reasoning, of problem solving, of making decisions, of creative invention and of multi-modal expression. These processes will be examined in relation to their presence in daily mental activity, in contexts of learning, rehabilitation and psychosocial intervention, considering the entire lifespan of the individual. READING LIST For those who attend the course meetings The student will prepare through the study of: – lecture notes – supplementary material placed on the Blackboard platform – the following books (in the parts specified) A. ANTONIETTI, Psicologia del pensiero, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013 (The entire text to be studied). A. ANTONIETTI-M. CANTOIA, Come si impara, Mondadori, Milano, 2010 (to be studied chapters 3 until page 99, 4 until page 139 ant the antology from page 153 to 242). E. GATTI-V.R. ANDOLFI-A. ANTONIETTI, Capire il mondo. Processi cognitivi nell'interpretazione della realtà, LED, Milano, 2013 (The entire text to be studied). For those not attending the course meetings The student will prepare through the study of the following books (in the parts specified): A. ANTONIETTI, Psicologia del pensiero, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013 (The entire text to be studied). A. ANTONIETTI-M. CANTOIA, Come si impara, Mondadori, Milano, 2010 (The entire text to be studied, including the antoloy of texts, omitting chapter 2). E. GATTI-V.R. ANDOLFI-A. ANTONIETTI, Capire il mondo. Processi cognitivi nell'interpretazione della realtà, LED, Milano, 2013 (The entire text to be studied). A. ANTONIETTI-S. ROTA, Raccontare l'apprendimento, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, 2004 (The prologue, the first two chapters and the epilogue are to be studied. Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 have been summarised with the aim of extrapolating the principal conclusions reached by the data presented). TEACHING METHOD The course will consist of lectures in the lecture room, combined with multi-medial presentations and material made available on-line. The course will include meetings with professional psychologists. ASSESSMENT METHOD Attainment will be assessed through an oral exam. NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.