Level 2 – Math Facilitator Guide


Mathematics Common Core Facilitator Guide Outline

Dear ISD and District Colleagues,

Welcome to the MAISA/REMC Common Core State Standards Professional Development

Resources Project.

Included in this guide are training tools that any ISD or district can use to facilitate conversations around the Common Core State Standards. These tools are intended to help groups or individuals to familiarize themselves with important points regarding the standards, and how to begin planning to use the standards.

You will find sets of training materials for English Language Arts, Mathematics and

Content Area Teachers. We are aware of the need to get some basic tools into the hands of all districts and ISDs around the state. This collaborative project between MAISA and REMC has made these resources possible. These materials can be located at the following link: http://miccss.org/

Rationale: Based on two surveys launched statewide in 2012 and 2013, ISD leaders, district leaders and classroom teachers indicated an overwhelming need for training materials of what

MAISA identified as “leveled trainings” for the Common Core roll out and implementation.

Purpose: These training materials are to be used by any district PLC, staff meetings, or ISD gatherings with the intent of getting all districts in the state to the same level of understanding regarding the Common Core State Standards.

How to Use: There are several sets of resources included in this Facilitator Guide. First and foremost, there are meeting agendas with recommended training resources and protocols that can be used to facilitate meetings from 30-minutes to 3 hours depending on how much time you have.

Members: A small team of experts from around the state participated in this project. A special thanks goes out to this team and to their organizations for their contributions to this project.

Level 2 Training Facilitator Guide Overview PAGE 1

Level 2 Training – Planning for Instructional Practices

English Language Arts – Barb Mick, COOR ISD and Cheryl Yokum, Wayne RESA

Mathematics – Kristin Frang, Muskegon Area ISD, Allison Camp, Kent ISD and Terri

Portice, Reeths-Puffer School District

Content Area – Molly Bruzewski, Bay-Arenac ISD and David Johnson, Wexford

Missaukee ISD

Project Managers – Judy Bonne, Wayne RESA, Molly Bruzewski, Bay-Arenac ISD, and

Terri Portice, Reeths-Puffer School District

Getting Started: Determine the amount of time you can dedicate to Understanding the


Below you will find the Mathematics Facilitator Agenda which can be customized to create training session of various lengths. All resources are included in the guide and linked to the http://miccss.org/ website where all resources and samples are located.

Timing Overview

**Please note that in the facilitator guides, the time suggested per unit is outlined on either 30 minute or/*40 minute meeting protocol. If possible, the *40 minute meeting protocol would be ideal to allow more time for exploration and small group conversations. When you see the timing on the slides below you will see timings listed as 15/*20. The first number represents the 30 minute meeting protocol where the second number /*20 represents how much time to spend on a specific activity based on the 40 minute meeting protocol.

Extended Learning Opportunities:

Many of the activities will need more time for exploration and deeper level readings. These items would be great for follow up conversations in grade level team meetings. These inbetween learning opportunities will provide teachers with more time to review materials and have additional conversations for deeper meaning. If extended learning opportunities are implemented, please make sure to open the next professional learning session with sharing time.

Level 2 Training Facilitator Guide Overview PAGE 2

FACTILITATOR Agenda Mathematics

Meeting Date/Time: ____________



30 + 30




Event – Level 2 Training

Session 1 A (30/*40 minutes each session)

(Session 1 A) (30/*40 minutes)

Using Focus to Plan Classroom Instruction

Resources Needed for first 30/*40 Minute Segment:

 Computer with access to the internet – with projection system

 Using Focus to Plan Classroom Instruction (Session 1A) Power Point

 Grade Level Critical Focus Area Documents (by grade level or link on line)**

 Mathematical Practices Poster and Bulleted list of Mathematical Practices Documents**

 Key Shifts Handout**

 Understanding the Shifts: Focus Activity** and Answer Guide

 Publishers Criteria Document K-8 and HS Documents**

 Publishers Criteria Discussion Questions**

 Table Discussion Sheet/Chart Paper

 Sign In sheet

 Reflection Journal**

**Ask Participants to bring back these items to upcoming sessions

Slides in



Power Point – Description for Facilitators




3 minutes

8/*10 minutes

2 minutes

Welcome – PowerPoint: Welcome and review of Learning Outcomes

Hunt Video – The Importance of Focus ( Link )

Handout: Key shifts

Show participants where to find the critical focus areas (Introduction Section under each grade level) ( Link )

**Have teams use the computer link or distribute copies to each staff member based (or team) based on specific grade level. Have teachers read the focus areas for their grade level and have each team highlight the critical areas for their grade level.

Handout 1 or Online review of critical focus area ( Link ) **INTRODUCTION


Handout 2: Practicing with the Shifts – Shift One Focus Table Activity

Remind staff that Mathematical Practices are an important part of all conversations and instructional planning. *Distribute the bulleted list of MP to each participant.

**Remind them to keep these materials and bring them back to the upcoming meetings.

Handout 1: Mathematical Practices Poster

Handout 2: Bulleted list of MP for instructional planning

Level 2 Training Facilitator Guide Overview PAGE 3






(*23) minutes

2 minutes

5 (*7) minutes

2 (*3) minutes

Jigsaw Reading – break teachers up into small groups to read a portion of the

Publishers Criteria Document and answer the assigned questions.

Handout 1: Discussion Questions for Publishers Criteria Document

Handout 2: Publishers Criteria Document K-8 or HS

**Teams will share out at the beginning of Session 1B.

Reflection Journal: 1) What is one thing you will do within the next week from the

information you learned today? 2) What question(s) surfaced based on today’s


**Remind staff to bring these materials back to the next session as the work will continue.

(Session 1 B) (30/*40 minutes)

Using Focus to Plan Classroom Instruction

Resources Needed for Session 1 Part B - 30/*40 Minute Segment:

 Computer with access to the internet – with projection system

 Using Focus to Plan Classroom Instruction (Session 1B) Power Point

 Handout 3 H5 (Making Thinking Visible)

 Grade Level Critical Focus Area Documents ** (Session A Materials)

 Mathematical Practices Poster and Bulleted list of MP Document **

 Understanding the Shifts: Focus Activity **

 Understanding the Shifts: Focus Activity Answer Guide**

 Publishers Criteria Document K-8 and HS Documents **

 Publishers Criteria Questions**

 Table Discussion Sheet/Chart Paper

 Sign-In Sheet

Slides in PPT




(*15) minutes

Power Point – Description for Facilitators

Instructional Shifts Level 2 Session 1 Shift 1B

Welcome – PowerPoint : Welcome and begin by have teams report out on understanding the shifts Focus Areas; Create one full chart for future display using answer key to record correct information for the item that was incorrect in the original table.

**Need Focus Activity Answer Guide Handout



(*15) minutes

Report out based on Jigsaw groups on the Publishers Criteria Q & A as a group so everyone has the information from the entire document.

Watch “Posters” video ( Link ) Distribute Handout: Video Note-taking Sheet

**Activity C Video ( only play 1 minute 35 seconds of the poster video ) Distribute

Handout 3 H5 (Making Thinking Visible)

Reflection Journal

 Explain what this quote means: “Teaching less, learning more.”

 Describe the importance of focus in planning and delivering instruction.

 Explain how the Publishers Criteria helps define focus?

**“During the writing of the Standards, the writing team often received feedback

Level 2 Training Facilitator Guide Overview PAGE 4

along these lines: “I love the focus of these standards! Now, if we could just add one or two more things….” But focus compromised is no longer focus at all. Faithfully implementing the standards requires moving some topics traditionally taught in earlier grades up to higher grades entirely, sometimes to much higher grades.

“Teaching less, learning more” can seem like hard medicine for an educational system addicted to coverage. But remember that the goal of focus is to make good on the ambitious promise the states have made to their students by adopting the

Standards: greater achievement at the college- and career-ready level, greater depth of understanding of mathematics, and a rich classroom environment in which reasoning, sense-making, applications, and a range of mathematical practices all thrive. None of this is realistic in a mile-wide, inch-deep world. “

Publishers criteria pg. 3

Session 2A (30/*40 minutes)

Using Coherence to Plan Classroom Instruction

Resources Needed for Session 2 Part A - 30/*40 Minute Segment:

 Computer with access to the internet – with projection system

 Using Coherence to Plan Classroom Instruction (Session 2A) Power Point

 Grade Level Zimba’s Big Monster Graph and Grade Level Graphs taken from the Monster Graph

 Progression Document samples (show on overhead the structure of the documents) o KG Counting and Cardinality and K-5 OA Thinking o Number Systems progressions 6-8 o 6-8 Expressions and Equations

 Discussion Questions for Progression Documents (Keep for later use)

 Mathematical Shifts Document**

 Meeting Sign-In Sheet

**Handouts from Previous Meetings

Slides in PPT

Minutes Power Point – Description for Facilitators






5 minutes

1 minute

1 minute

Welcome – Power Point : Review the items we have already seen and talk about additional tools that will help us with next step of understanding the COHERENCE of the standards. ( Video Link ) 4:35

Review the various items that can help us; noting that each item will help in a specific way. More information to come throughout the session.

K-12 Math Progressions Visual; share the progressions and talk about how the standards are built upon one another to help students be prepared for the next level of learning.

Introduce these progressions by going to ( Link ) to review the overview of the progressions of the standards. Once on the site scroll down and look for

“Standards by Domain”. This awareness activity will help teachers understand the importance of the progressions beyond their own grade level. ( Link )

(5/*8) minutes Stress the importance of understanding the progression of the standards and how they work together to ensure that teachers understand what learning experiences students have already had coming into their class, understand the focus they need to teach during the current year in order to have students ready and have success at the next grade level.

(8/*10) Jason Zimba’s Monster Graph – These documents provide a visual roadmap of

Level 2 Training Facilitator Guide Overview PAGE 5

7 minutes how the standards build upon one another within the grade level and across the grade levels.

Handout 1: PDF of Monster Chart

Handout 2: Grade Specific Charts (with ending standards from previous grade level) and (starting standards for next grade level)

This document can help teachers visually see the prerequisite standards that must be introduced and practiced before they can be built up when new standards are introduced This will also show teachers the importance of what they teach in their specific grade level will have a domino effect upon success at the next level.

( Link )

Conversation: How might these documents help you in planning for instruction as well as when helping plan remediation for students who are struggling in a concept?

Video on how the progression documents were written to help with coherence) 2 minutes ( Link )

(5/*10) minutes

Progression Documents is something that teams of teachers should use in the future to see the coherence of how the standards build upon one another. **These documents are pretty technical and may be difficult for some teachers to find value in without additional support. Elementary teachers especially, and those teachers who do not have a strong math background would get more out of the documents if discussed with a math coach or a math team leader. The documents contain good information, but are difficult to read due to the technical language used within them. ** Just Display on Document Camera highlight a couple pieces of information within the documents (organization). This is just a preview overview.

Should make people aware of these, and let them know they will be used in future grade band conversations or in K-5, 6-8. 9-12 math leadership conversations.

Handout 1: K Counting and Cardinality; and K-5 Operations and Algebraic


Handout 2: 6-8 Expressions and Equations

Handout 3: Number Systems progressions 6-8

Think about a Lesson you are teaching right now; “What concepts and skills do the


(2) minutes students need to have to be successful in the given lesson.

1) What are the prerequisite skills?

2) What does a solid understanding in the topics being taught or reviewed do for future grade level instruction?

3) What Mathematical Practice(s) are being addressed in this lesson?


(3) minutes

Reflection Journal: How would each of these documents be used to support the development of a scope and sequence of instruction for the year? How might they help with planning current instructional lessons?

Level 2 Training Facilitator Guide Overview PAGE 6

(Session 2B) How does coherence affect classroom instruction?

Resources Needed for Session 1 Part B - 30/*40 Minute Segment:

 Computer with access to the internet – with projection system

 Using Coherence to Plan Classroom Instruction (Session 2B) Power Point

 Progression Document samples ** o KG Counting and Cardinality and K-5 OA Thinking o Number Systems progressions 6-8 o 6-8 Expressions and Equations

 Discussion Questions for Progression Documents**

 Directions for Coherence Card Activity

 Directions for Making Coherence Cards

 Coherence Card Activity Board

 Coherence Card Answer Sheet

 Focus Coherence Rigor Recording Chart


 print master 2. DECOMPOSE YELLOW

 print master 3. EQUATIONS ORANGE

 print master 4. FLUENCY RED

 print master 5. PLACE VALUE HOT PINK

 print master 6. NUMBER LINE BLUE

 print master 7. OPERATIONS LIME GREEN

 Meeting Sign-In Sheet

 Reflection Journal**

**Documents in which teachers are bringing back with them from previous sessions.

Slides in PPT

Time Power Point – Description for Facilitators


2 minutes


25/*35 minutes

Welcome and Review Slide 2: Coherence: logical links across grade levels and links to major topics* within the grade(s).

Coherence Card Activity : For the coherence activity, we really want you to dig into multiple standards. There are so many examples of coherence in the standards, just looking deeply at one of them is not enough.

The key is to read the standards on the cards. This isn’t an activity to just see if you know the standards for each grade or can reason the order they should go in. Really read the standards. See the coherence of the writing. See how the topics progress from one grade to another. See why it is important for teachers to know the standards for their grade as well as for the grades before and after theirs.

This activity is most beneficial when not using the standards as a guide. We want you to have to mull over these standards and hash out tough decisions with your colleagues.

When you are finished and comfortable with your choices, use the Standards to check your work.

(Note: Read the complete directions for this activity under the coherence card activity folder in the module.)


*5 minutes

Reflection Journal:

How will what you have learned reflect in your decisions about:

Level 2 Training Facilitator Guide Overview PAGE 7

• Time

• Energy

• Resources

• Assessments

• Conversations with parents, students, colleagues

(Session 3A) How is Rigor planned for when designing classroom instruction?

(30/*40 Minute Segment)

Resources Needed for Session 3A:

 Computer with access to the internet – with projection system

 How is Rigor planned for when designing classroom instruction? Power Point (Session 3A)

 Observing a Lesson H-7 MAP Handout

 A Lesson Plan on Sharing Gas Cost Handout

 Five Principles for Effective Questioning Handout

 Reflection Journal**

 Meeting Sign-In Sheet

Slide # Time Description for Facilitators

1-3 5 minutes

Power Point – Description for Facilitators

Explain/Review Rigor

Video 1: The Balance Between Skills and Understanding – A shift between skills and understanding. ( Link ) (1:02)




5 minutes

15 minutes

5/*15 minutes

Video 2: Fluency: A Balanced Approach ( Link ) (1:58)

21 st Century Learners and Seeing it in Action “Model” Materials [Slide 4]

Seeing it in Action “Model” Materials - Mathematics Assessment Project ( Link )

Share website (Lessons, Tasks, and PD materials) We are using some of the videos from the PD portion of the website for this series of professional learning. [Slide 5]

FALs: “Problem Solving Lessons - Helping Teachers “See” Student Understanding -

Mathematics Assessment Project (MAP)

[slide 6]

What Should Teachers Do While Observing Students in Problem Solving Lessons?

[slide 7]

Student Reflection and Shared Learning leads to . . . Deeper Conceptual

Understanding. Sharing Gas Cost Activity – ( Link ) (12:45)

Handout 1: Observing a Lesson H-7 MAP

Handout 2: A Lesson Plan on Sharing Gas Costs

Handout 1: Five Principles for effective questioning

*Group Conversation about handout: Five Principles for effective questioning

Reflection Journal: How can effective questioning Improve student learning?

Level 2 Training Facilitator Guide Overview PAGE 8

(Session 3B) How is Rigor planned for when designing classroom instruction?

(30/*40 Minute Segment)

Resources Needed for Session 3B:

 Computer with access to the internet – with projection system

 How is Rigor planned for when designing classroom instruction? Power Point (Session 3B)

 Meeting Sign-In Sheet

 Journal Reflection

Slide # Time Description for Facilitators

Power Point – Instructional Shifts: Focusing on Rigor Power Point


3 minutes

Rigor, as defined here, does not mean hard problems. It doesn’t mean more difficult. [Slide 2]

Rigor, here, means something very specific. We are talking about the balance of these components of conceptual understanding, fluency, and application. [Slide 2]

What Does Rigor Really Look Like?

Rigor is about the depth of what is expected in the standards, and also about what one should expect to see happening in the classroom, what one would hear in student conversations, and what curricular materials one might presented to students.


2 minutes **For example: In practical terms, it is not enough to merely know your multiplication facts in third grade, but students must also understand the concept of multiplication and what it represents and be able to apply that understanding and fluency to solving real-world or unexpected application problems. (Achieve the Core)

Samples: Components of Rigor

Here are some of the key words to look for when determining if a standard should be assessed for conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, or through an application type problem.



3-4 minutes

15/*21 minutes

What are some other words that would highlight a “conceptual understanding” standard? (Interpret, recognize, describe, explain…)

Of course, these three aspects of rigor are not always addressed separately from each other, but what is clear is that the wording of each standard can help the teacher determine what the main goal of this standard is. [Slide 4]

As you review instructional materials, ask yourself:

What does it look and sound like when students are working on the following:

• Procedural skill and fluency?

• Conceptual understanding?

• Application? [Slide 5]

Level 2 Training Facilitator Guide Overview PAGE 9


7/*10 minutes

Explore Resources – find 1 or 2 items that can be tried in your classroom within the next week with your students.

 Illustrative Mathematics ( Link )

 Inside Mathematics ( Link )

 Math Solutions ( Link )

 MAPS ( Link )

 NCTM ( Link )

 Achieve the Core – Annotative Tasks ( Link ) [Slide 6]

Reflection Journal – Level 2 Training Session 3B Rigor

With a colleague, share one or two tasks that you found in these resources that you will use with your students in the upcoming week? [Slide 7]

Level 2 Training Facilitator Guide Overview PAGE 10
