Appendix 2. Un-translated and Unobtainable Articles Un-translated Articles The following articles were obtained at full text and identified as being relevant, but were not translated for inclusion in the review. Reference Amend et al 2003 Gandariasbeitia, I. E. (2009). "Rural development in Natural Protected Areas: The case of the Natural Park of Gorbeia (1994-2008)." Desarrollo rural en espacios naturales protegidos: EL caso del parque natural de gorbeia (1994-2008)1 32: 197-226. Machín Hernández, M. M. and A. Hernández Santoyo (2009). "Toward an approach of economic valuation in protected areas. Case study: Viñales National Park, Cuba." Revista Cientifica UDO Agricola 9(4): 873-884. M’bete, R A (2003); La GestionParticipative des Aires Protégées (faune et flore) en Afrique. Etude de Cas: La Gestion Participative du Sanctuaire de Gorilles de Lossi au Congo-Brazzaville, Wang et al (2004) Problems with Eco-tourism in nature reserves of china Aguirre, J. A. (2008). 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"Non-use value assessment of ecotourism resources in Wuyishan Nature Reserve." Shengtaixue Zazhi 29(8): 1639-1645. Piñar Álvarez, Á., M. E. Nava Tablada, et al. (2011). "Migration and ecotourism in the Biosphere Reserve of Los Tuxtlas (Mexico)." PASOS: Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural 9(2): 383-396. Riemann, H., R. V. Santes-Alvarez, et al. (2011). "The role of Natural Protected Areas in Local Development The Case of the Peninsula of Baja California." Gestion Y Politica Publica 20(1): 141-172. Wang, Y. T., W. H. Guo, et al. (2009). "Value of ecosystem services of Kunyu Mountain Natural Reserve." Shengtai Xuebao/ Acta Ecologica Sinica 29(1): 523-531. Caceres (2008) Sustainability of Rural Systems Analyzed from Two Approaches Dkamela 2001 The following articles were not translated following identification in the search update of May 2013 Reference Bettina, B., H. Gao, et al. (2013). "Perception and attitudes of local people concerning ecosystem services of culturally protected forests." Acta Ecologica Sinica 33(3): 756-763. Changhai, W., W. E. N. Yali, et al. (2011). "Measurement of Economic Benefits of the Qinling Nature Reserve Group Based on Connotation Analysis." Resources Science 33(5): 871-880. ChuanMing, C. (2011). "Ecological Compensation Mechanism in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve of Fujian Province,China." Scientia Geographica Sinica 31(5): 594-599. Wang, C., L. Cui, et al. (2012a). "Comparative studies on the farmers′ willingness to accept ecocompensation in wetlands nature reserve." Acta Ecologica Sinica 32(17): 5345-5354. Wang, P., J. Jia, et al. (2012b). "Evaluation of non-use value of ecotourism resources:a case study in Dalai Lake protected area of China." Acta Ecologica Sinica 32(3): 955-963. Unobtainable Articles The following articles were unobtainable within the timeframe and resources of the review. Reference (1978). "St. Lawrence Islands National Park economic impact study. Summary report." 24pp. (1981). "National Parks: a study of rural economies ( UK)." UK Countryside Commission Publication(CCP 144). (1981). "The economy of rural communities in the national parks of England and Wales." (47): 400pp. (1993). Parks and progress: protected areas and economic development in Latin America and the Caribbean, Cambridge, World Conservation Union (IUCN). (1993). The law of the mother: protecting indigenous peoples in protected areas, San Francisco, Sierra Club Books. (1997). "Protected area assessment and establishment in Vanuatu: a socioeconomic approach." x + 180 pp. (1999). The challenge of conservation in Kahuzi-Biega National Park. London, Zed Books: 151-159. (2004). Getting biodiversity projects to work : towards more effective conservation and development, AGRICOLA Books Database. Abbot, J. (2005). 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