Senior Exit Part 2 – College and Scholarships NAME : This portion of the senior exit will encourage you to research at least three schools and several scholarships to help pay for that school! By the completion of this installment, you should have a “portfolio” of work completed that you will turn in. Be sure to print and file the final drafts for a grade! There is a lot to consider when looking to enroll in a post-secondary institution. Requirements for every school vary - whether it is the cost, the required SAT score, or simply the meal plan. Know what is necessary in order to apply at the most likely matches for you. Give the options some thought… this is a big commitment and a lengthy process… be sure you are where you will be most comfortable! Follow this chart/step by step plan to succeed both in the process and in my class. Use the checklist as it is intended so as to be sure you are completing all parts in succession and on time!!! ASSIGNMENT College Inquiry (F) (Military or Professional) Scholarship Inquiry (F) (Military or Professional) Practice App (F) (College/Job) Review/Mark the Text College Essay Review/Mark the Text Scholarship Essay (F) College App Complete (Actual Job) Thesis Approval (F) College Essay Complete (Resume/Cover Letter) Scholarship Essay Complete (Personal Essay) FINAL PORTFOLIO (S) BRIEF OVERVIEW This will be assigned on Friday, January 17. You will have three days to complete it – it MUST be done at home. This will help you to determine which school is right for you! This will also be assigned on Friday, January 17 with three days to complete. Below is a link with sites to consider when applying for additional, debt free money for school! We will work on the universal application in class. Many schools not only accept this but are requesting it. You will find this portion to be incredibly useful, especially if you have never seen an application before! Sample essays will be provided for you to review. We will discuss the strengths embodied on those provided to understand what we need to do on our own. Scholarship essays are usually fairly short so you have limited space to say what you need to in order to sell yourself as a qualified candidate. We will read a few successful ones to demonstrate the skills. To be placed in final portfolio – should be finished by the end of class on Friday. Print before submitting. We will go in the media center on Monday, January 27 to complete a college app and type the essays. That being said, you should take the weekend to locate and begin work on these. I need to approve the thesis/intro for BOTH by the end of class on Tues. to cfp! To be placed in final portfolio – should be finished by the end of class on Friday. Save to flash drive and/or print in media. To be placed in final portfolio – should be finished by the end of class on Friday. Save to flash drive and/or print in media. ALL assignments should be placed in a three prong folder and turned in after you have had the weekend to finish! DUE DATE Tuesday, January 21 Tuesday, January 21 Tuesday, January 21 Wednesday, January 22 Thursday, January 23 Monday, January 27 Tuesday, January 28 Thursday, January 30 Friday, January 30 Monday, February 3 DONE? GRADE SOME RESOURCES: COLLEGE APPLICATION RESOURCES: SCHOLARSHIP RESOURCES: NOTE FOR STUDENTS ENLISTING… You may substitute a military inquiry for the college/scholarship one and you may write a personal essay in place of the scholarship essay. Your prompt is: In what branch of the military have you chosen to enlist? Why? Share some details that have led to this decision, whether personal or based on facts you know about that branch. (200-300 words) NOTE FOR STUDENTS PLANNING TO ENTER WORK FORCE… You may substitute a professional job inquiry for the college/scholarship one and rather than complete a college app/essay, you will create a resume and write a cover letter for a specific job. You will also be required to write a personal essay in place of the scholarship essay. Your prompt is: Why have you decided to hold off on attending college, or why have you chosen not to attend at all? What is your long term plan in place of a post-secondary education?