TEACHER: T. Brooks CLASS: Integrated Science II WEEK: 02/23/15 to 02/27/15 Unit 2 Demonstrate an understanding of principles that explain the diversity of life and biological evolution. (MS Biology 2010 unit 6) b. Draw conclusions about how organisms are classified into a hierarchy of groups and subgroups based on similarities that reflect their evolutionary relationships. (DOK 2) Unit 3 a.) Research and summarize the contributions of scientists, (including Darwin, Malthus, Wallace, Lamarck, and Lyell) whose work led to the development of the theory of evolution. (DOK 2) b.) Analyze and explain the roles of natural selection, including the mechanisms of speciation (e.g., mutations, adaptations, geographic isolation) and applications of speciation (e.g., pesticide and antibiotic resistance). (DOK 3) c.) Differentiate among chemical evolution, organic evolution, and the evolutionary steps along the way to aerobic heterotrophs and photosynthetic autotrophs. (DOK 2) OBJECTIVE/ OUTCOME Monday 2b 3a 3b Tuesday 2b 3a 3b TEACHING STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS HOMEWORK I CAN STATEMENT/ESSENTIAL QUESTION BR: Read article about cladistics and cladograms One question, One commentstudent assessment Instructor will guide discussion of Bean hunter activity Students will collect data for Bean hunter activity . CL: Students will record any missing data from class board to answer questions from sheet. BW: What’s on your plate-storyboard activity Students will present data from the “Bean Hunter” natural selection activity. Instructor will discuss results of “Bean Hunter activity introduce concept of natural selection and selective pressure Students will create a storyboard of beak selection from “Bean Hunters”. Instructor will present information on Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. Students will perform Deployment Exercise 1 Storyboards of Natural Selection CL students will turn in completed “Bean Hunters”. One question, one comment Students will complete answers on Natural Selection lab activity I can discuss cladograms and how to read them. I can relate the ideas of natural selection to the activity. Bean Hunter will be assessed for completion . Socratic Questioning during presentations Complete Exercise 1 Storyboards of Natural Selection I can create a storyboard of the lab activity. I can understand the basics of Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. Wednesday 3a 3b Thursday 3a 3b Friday 3b Monday 3b BR: Cladogram Analysis WS Students will present whiteboards from Deployment 1. Students will answer questions on Biology Crash Course short video Students will create storyboards for Peppered Moths from video Pick up readings on Genetic Drift and perform questions CL: Tic tac toe competition BR: Show Darwin “Natural Selection’ Music video Students will record historical information on evolution and contributions made by earlier scientists Students will begin Whales in transition timeline activity. CL: Students will place the animals in the correct evolutionary order from the screen. BR: “How new species arrive” reading Students will complete Whale’s in transition activity Reading on speciation Darwin’s Finches Video Perform Deployment 2 CL: Students will answer questions on speciation Tic-tac toe competition Complete reading on genetic drift – complete questions I can present information to my classmates. I can explain Genetic drift and why it occurs. Observation of activity Students will complete questions from becoming whales I can discuss the research of scientists before Darwin. I can analyze whale fossils to create a timeline to determine what the intermediate between two fossils would have looked like. Instructor will evaluate understanding based on whiteboard presentations Complete deployment 2 BR – Students will perform 2nd speciation review DNA Basics Instructor will review Becoming Whales and explain DNA activity Four corners self assessment and reteaching CL: Exit Ticket-Explain why the whale is considered to be related to the hippopotamus. Student understanding will be assessed during presentation Students will prepare for a quiz on return I can analyze whale fossils to create a timeline to determine what the intermediate between two fossils would have looked like. Describe one process that creates a species. I can analyze DNA for allele similarities. I can explain why DNA determines relationships between organisms.