Elementary Matrix 2013-14 - Montgomery County Schools

2013-2014 Elementary PLC Matrix
You can differentiate this matrix to include school-specific dates, activities, etc. You may want
to include dates for additional common assessments based on what school leadership expects.
However, the district expectation is the administration of at least 1 common assessment per
quarter. It is also expected that collaborative teams implement a PDSA cycle quarterly based on
writing assessment, common assessment, predictive assessment, or CWT data.
August 20 - September 6
August 26 - 30
August 28 – Sept. 18
September 11-13
September 16
September 16 – October 11
September 19-27
October 14 - 25
October 28 - November 1
October 28 – November 12
Collaborative Team’s Work
Establish PLC meeting schedules
Establish Roles & Responsibilities for PLC members
Establish PLC norms and missions
Review Curriculum Maps and standards for implications for
teaching & learning
Establish classroom ground rules/norms and mission with
Reading 3D – BOY window
Continual progress monitoring on critical skill and TRC
Red – every 10 days; Yellow – every 20 days; Green & Blue –
once a quarter
Sequence 1st quarter Common Core/Essential Standards using
Curriculum Maps
Visibly display learning targets, missions, and ground
rules/norms in classrooms
Beginning-of-Grade 3 ELA assessment
Begin ongoing, frequent classroom PDSA cycles and ongoing
authentic formative assessment
ď‚«Recommended PDSA cycle time: 5-7 days
Collaboratively develop common assessment
Administer common assessment
Use the data reflection form to analyze data and student work
samples from common assessment (PLC team and classroom)
to determine strengths and gaps
Discuss students who need remediation/acceleration and
create a plan to address needs
Display & discuss common assessment data with students
Share results and instructional plan with leadership team and
Document and share effective strategies
Analyze Reading 3D data; adjust instruction as needed
Administer Quarter 1 Predictive Assessment
Writing Formative Assessment (See IF for prompts/rubrics)
Sequence 2nd quarter Common Core/Essential Standards using
Curriculum Maps
Analyze Writing data (PLC team & classroom) to determine
strengths and gaps
Use the data reflection form to analyze Q1 predictive
assessment data (PLC team & classroom) to determine
strengths and gaps
October 28 – November 12
By November 8
November 9 - 20
November 18 – December 17
January 6-16
January 6-29
By January 16
January 16 – 31
January 27 - 31
January 30 - February 7
February 3 - 7
Display and discuss PA data with students; discuss writing data
Share results with Leadership Team & SIT
Discuss students who need remediation/acceleration and
create a plan to address needs
Review and analyze 1st quarter CWT data and report next steps
to SIT
Teachers submit feedback regarding curriculum maps and Q1
assessments using online forms
Implement PLC PDSA cycle based upon identified gap
Document & share effective strategies
Collaboratively develop common assessment
Administer common assessment
Use the data reflection form to analyze data and student work
samples from common assessment (PLC team and classroom)
to determine strengths and gaps
Discuss students who need remediation/acceleration and
create a plan to address needs
Display & discuss common assessment data with students
Share results with leadership team and SIT
Implement PLC PDSA cycle based upon identified gap
Document and share effective strategies
Administer Quarter 2 Predictive Assessment
Sequence 3rd quarter Common Core/Essential Standards using
Curriculum Maps
Reading 3D – MOY window
Continual progress monitoring on critical skill and TRC
Red – every 10 days; Yellow – every 20 days; Green & Blue –
once a quarter
Teachers submit feedback regarding curriculum maps and Q2
assessments using online forms
Review and analyze 2nd quarter CWT data and report next
steps to SIT
Use the data reflection form to analyze Q2 predictive
assessment data (PLC team & classroom) to determine
strengths and gaps
Display and discuss PA data with students
Share results with leadership team and SIT
Writing Formative Assessment (See IF for prompts/rubrics)
Analyze Reading 3D data; adjust instruction as needed
Analyze Writing data (PLC team & classroom) to determine
strengths and gaps
Discuss writing data with students
February 7 – March 7
March 17 - 27
March 28 - April 17
By April 11
April 28 – May 2
April 28-May 16
May 19 -30
May 19 – June 12
June 2-6
By June 16
Share results with Leadership Team & SIT
Implement PLC PDSA cycle based upon identified gap
Document and share effective strategies
Administer Quarter 3 Predictive Assessment
Sequence 4th quarter Common Core/Essential Standards using
Curriculum Maps
Use the data reflection form to analyze Q3 predictive
assessment data (PLC team & classroom) to determine
strengths and gaps
Display and discuss PA data with students; discuss writing data
Share results with leadership team and SIT
Teachers submit feedback regarding curriculum maps and Q3
assessments using online forms
Review and analyze 3rd quarter CWT data & report next steps
to SIT
Implement PLC PDSA cycle based upon identified gap
Document and share effective strategies
Reading 3D – EOY window
Continual progress monitoring on critical skill and TRC
Red – every 10 days; Yellow – every 20 days; Green & Blue –
once a quarter
Writing Formative Assessment (See IF for prompts/rubrics)
Analyze Writing data (PLC team & classroom) to determine
strengths and gaps
Analyze Reading 3D data; adjust instruction as needed
As needed:
Collaboratively develop common assessment
Administer common assessment
Use the data reflection form to analyze data and student work
samples from common assessment (PLC team and classroom)
to determine strengths and gaps
Display & discuss common assessment data with students
Implement PLC PDSA cycle based upon identified gap
Document and share effective strategies
Discuss writing data with students
Share results with leadership team and SIT
Teachers submit feedback regarding curriculum maps and
quarterly assessments using online forms
EOG assessments (Science, Math, and Reading)
Review and analyze 4th quarter CWT data & report next steps
to SIT