Integrated Mathematics 2 Syllabus Ms. Eatmon Course Objectives: Integrated Mathematics 2 (aka Math 2) continues students’ study of topics from algebra, geometry, and statistics in a problem-centered, connected approach. Functions and algebraic representations of geometric concepts are the principle topics of study. Students will be expected to describe and translate among graphic, algebraic, numeric, tabular, and verbal representations of relationships and use those representations to solve problems. Students will take a state-mandated assessment for Course 2 at the end of the school year. Prerequisites: Students should be able to: Create linear and exponential models for sets of data to solve problems. Use linear expressions to model and solve problems. Collect, organize, analyze, and display data to solve problems. Apply geometric properties and relationships to solve problems. Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems. Mathematical Practices from the Common Core Standards: The Mathematical Practices will be modeled and expected of students throughout the year to assist them as they become more mature Mathematicians. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with Mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Classroom Norms: We will be respectful of one another, our belongings, and the learning environment. We will keep our classroom clean and materials/supplies organized. We will give 100% effort as students and future college graduates. We will help one another in groups and as a class. We will value our time and use it wisely. We will follow BCEC rules including but not limited to dress code and cell phone use policy. Required Materials: Graph ruled composition notebook (one provided by school but may need a second one later in the year) Pencils (No Pens) Colored Pencils Graphing Calculator Ti-83 Plus/84 Plus (recommended) or 8 AAA Batteries 5 Rolls of Tape that Fit on a Dispenser for joint classroom use to organize items into journals Wish List: 1. Dry Erase Markers 2. Box of Tissues 3. Hand Sanitizer Course Requirements: Students are expected to participate in all classroom and homework activities and assignments. The 4 nineweek grades make up 75% of the grade and the Course 3 state mandated assessment will count as the remaining 25% of the final grade. College Readiness Outcome: Each nine weeks students will be accessed on the College Readiness Outcome along with their Mathematical content outcomes/targets. Targets include: I can complete all homework assignments in a timely manner. I can engage fully in all classroom activities. (Evidence will include Mathematics Journal) I can maintain proficiency on Integrated Math 3 targets and outcomes after showing proficiency. I can demonstrate the Mathematical Practices from the Common Core Standards. HP: I can demonstrate a high level of engagement and complete all assignments on time. Homework Assignment: Homework assignments are posted on the whiteboard daily for students to enter into their agenda book upon arrival to class. Students are encouraged to get the contact information of a reliable study buddy as a backup in case they get home and are uncertain about what was assigned. Make-Up Work: Important!!!! Make up work is YOUR responsibility!!! The student will have three school days from the day they return to complete their missed work. Students missing three or more consecutive Math class periods (one week of school) should request a meeting and meet with the teacher within three school days of their return to discuss and then implement a reasonable time frame to make up assignments and assessments. Extra Help: I am available on Tuesdays and Thursdays during Academic Support (same time as Math class) and at least once a week during House time. Students are highly encouraged to use these times to get additional assistance and earn learning targets back in a timely manner! Mathematics instructors will also be available during the afterschool time, Monday-Wednesday and Fridays. Both afterschool instructors this year are Math teachers and my planning is also during this time so I am available for extra help afterschool on the same days. Please visit my Course Two webpage on the Buncombe County Early College School website! In addition, Susan Eatmon can be contacted at school by calling 828-776-0561 or emailing Webpage will be updated during the first week of school. Monitoring Student’s Progress: The Home Base (Power School) parent/student account will allow parents and students to stay updated on the student’s academic progress in all their BCEC courses. By clicking on the grade for each course, you can view the entire grade book, itemized by assignment. Welcome, I am looking forward to a fantastic year! Sincerely, Susan Eatmon