Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific 2014 Scholarship


Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific

2014 Scholarship Application for the 2014-2015 Academic Year

Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific

2014 Scholarship Application for the 2014/15 Academic Year

Postmark application on or prior to February 15, 2014

Checklist for Applicants

The checklist below is intended to help you complete and submit your materials on time in order to be considered for the LEN Scholarship.

Prior to completing the application, you will need to:

_____ Take either the SAT and/or ACT Standardized Tests and obtain results for submission of scholarship packet.

_____ Provide reference forms and envelopes to 2 people (not family) who can attest to your character for submission of scholarship packet.

_____ Request that your official high school or college transcripts are sent to LEN to the same address you are to send this application.

_____ Verify your future college choice has been accredited by a regional or national accreditation agency recognized by the Secretary of Education.

On or prior to February 15, 2014, you need:

_____ Complete and sign the LEN scholarship application. All questions in the application must be fully completed by the applicant.

_____ Prepare a response to the essay question, typed and double-spaced. Essay response should be a minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 500 words in length.

_____ Mail the LEN scholarship application, essay, and two (2) reference forms, postmarked no later than February 15, 2014.

If you are notified by LEN that you are an award winner:

_____ Plan to attend the LEN Scholarship Reception (details will be provided to scholarship winners).

_____ In order to receive scholarship award, you will need to provide LEN a proof of enrollment from the college/university* you will be attending in 2014/15 and your Social Security

Number no later than August 1, 2014 or your scholarship will be revoked.

*College/University must be accredited by a regional or national accreditation agency recognized by the Secretary of Education.

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Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific

2014 Scholarship Application for the 2014/15 Academic Year

Postmark application on or prior to February 15, 2014

Scholarship Application Instructions

The Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific will be awarding at least ten $1,000 merit-based scholarships to Latino students that are enrolling in a college or university in the first four years of their undergraduate degree.

SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS: A selection committee will review applications and select the winning recipients. Scholarship winners will be notified and are invited to attend a Scholarship Reception. Prior to receiving scholarship funds, scholarship recipients are required to provide proof of enrollment from the college or university the student is to attend as well as their Social Security Number. Required documents for award recipients must be received by August 1, 2014.


Eligible students must:

Be of Latino/Hispanic heritage

Planning to attend a college/university accredited by a regional or national accreditation agency

 recognized by the Secretary of Education during the 2014-2015 academic year

 enrolling in the first four years of an undergraduate degree program

 have a GPA of 2.8 and higher on a 4.0 grade scale have a GPA of 3.8 and higher on a 5.0 grade scale

 have an ACT score of 20 or higher, or an SAT score of 1400 or higher

 be a resident of Omaha, Nebraska; Council Bluffs, Iowa; or the surrounding metropolitan area

 not be a child or dependent of a Union Pacific Employee

 have an individual Social Security Number

Students may receive the scholarship up to a maximum of four times while in the undergraduate program.

Do not include any additional paperwork such as a resume. Answer sections B through F in the space provided. Choose your best and/or most recent examples.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: All applications must be postmarked on or prior to February 15, 2014, to receive full consideration. This includes essay, transcript(s), and references. Applications received after the requested postmark date will NOT be considered. Scholarship winners’ enrollment documents and

Social Security Number must be received by August 1, 2014.

COMPLETED APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO: Union Pacific Latino Employee Network c/o Juan Padilla Mail Stop 1230

1400 Douglas Street

Omaha, NE 68179

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Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific

2014 Scholarship Application for the 2014/15 Academic Year

Postmark application on or prior to February 15, 2014

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) Do I need to provide an SSN or will a Tax ID Number do?

A) To receive the scholarship award check you must provide a valid Social

Security Number. No other information, such as a Tax ID Number, can be used in its place.

Q) Can I attend an out-of-state university?

A) Yes, as long as your permanent address is in the local Omaha area and the college/university has been accredited by a regional or national accreditation agency recognized by the Secretary of Education.

Q) Do I have to list both parents on my application form?

A) No, however at least one parent or guardian must be listed.

Q) If I have a relative working at Union Pacific Railroad, am I still eligible?

A) Yes, as long as you are not a child or legal dependent of a Union Pacific

Railroad employee.

Q) If I am selected as a scholarship recipient, is there anything else I have to do?

A) There will be documentation required before the scholarship process is finished, and an award ceremony that we encourage you to attend. More details about these will be addressed in your award notification letter.

Q) Will I have to be paid in full with my university/college to obtain a proof of enrollment?

A) No, you will not. If you are selected as a scholarship recipient and need to provide proof of enrollment, more specific directions will be provided to you at that time.

Q) Will you only award scholarships to students pursuing certain degree programs?

A) No, we will not. All degree programs will be considered equally. Also, we do not try to maintain any kind of ratio of degree programs among our recipients.

Q) If I am selected for the scholarship, how will I receive the scholarship?

A) UP-LEN will mail all checks to the scholarship winners upon completion of the process.

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Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific

2014 Scholarship Application for the 2014/15 Academic Year

Postmark application on or prior to February 15, 2014

Scholarship Application

To receive full consideration, read all information carefully prior to completing. Please type or print responses to all questions. Application must be postmarked on or prior to February 15, 2014.

A. Student Information






Apartment #



Contact Information

Home Phone

Personal Information

Mother’s Name

Alternate Phone


Father’s Name

Zip Code

Email Address

Name/Phone of Nearest Relative Not Living in Household

Check one: English is my

Primary Language Secondary Language

B. Student Status


Complete this box if you are a high school senior planning to enroll in a college or university for the 2014/15 academic year

What high school do you attend? _______________________________________________________________________________

Name City State

Dates Attended: FROM ___________________ TO ____________________ Cumulative GPA: _______________________

What college or university are you planning to attend? _______________________________________________________________

Chosen field of study: _______________________________________________________________________________________


Complete this box if you are already attending a college or university and will be a student for the 2014/15 academic year

What college or university do you attend? _____________________________________________________________________

Name City State

Dates Attended: FROM ___________________ TO ____________________ Cumulative GPA: _______________________

Major field of study? ______________________________________________________________________________________

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Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific

2014 Scholarship Application for the 2014/15 Academic Year

Postmark application on or prior to February 15, 2014

The Union Pacific Latino Employee Network emphasizes dedication to community service, personal development, and hard work. In this section you have the opportunity to identify how you portray these ideals. We encourage you to list your individual accomplishments and dedication to hard work. Utilize this opportunity to paint a picture of who you are and what is important to you.

C. Extra-Curricular Activities/ Employment History

List extra-curricular activities (e.g. clubs, sports and volunteer activities), including positions held.

Date Activity

List recent employment, dates, duties and average hours per week worked

Employer Date(s) Duties Avg. hours worked per week

D. Honors and Awards

Date(s) Description of Honor, Award or Recognition

E. References

List the two people who completed reference forms for you.

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

Name Relationship to you

2. __________________________________________________________________________________

Relationship to you Name

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Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific

2014 Scholarship Application for the 2014/15 Academic Year

Postmark application on or prior to February 15, 2014

F. Essay

The Union Pacific Latino Employee Network strives to provide quality leadership within the communities they call home as well as within the railroad they work for. The purpose of this scholarship is to advance and continue support of local communities by way of young leaders who want to make or influence a positive difference.

Your essay response to the following questions will give us a glimpse of how you contribute to your community:

Describe your leadership skills and demonstrate how you have used them to contribute to your community.

How will you use this scholarship to further advance yourself and the Hispanic/Latino


What life experience/situation has motivated you to further your education?

* Provide your typed answer on a separate sheet. Include your name and school in the top right of the sheet.

* Remember to limit the essay to 500 words.

G. Certification of Applicant

I, _____________________________________________________________________________

(Print) First Name Middle Name Last Name






Date Signature of Applicant

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Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific

2014 Scholarship Application for the 2014/15 Academic Year

Postmark application on or prior to February 15, 2014

Recruitment Consent Form

As an applicant for the Union Pacific Latino Employee Network Scholarship we would like you to consider future recruitment opportunities with Union Pacific. By applying for the Union Pacific Latino Employee Network Scholarship you consent to the following:

To be contacted for future recruiting opportunities

To allow UP LEN Scholarship Committee to release scholarship information to the UP Recruiting personnel

(Print) First Name Middle Name Last Name

Date Signature of Applicant

Recruiting Parental Consent for Nebraska Applicants 18 years of age and younger and Iowa Applicants 17 years of age and younger .

Please talk this over with your parents prior to deciding whether or not to apply. We will also ask that your parents provide consent for you to take part in any recruiting activity.

Parent Consent:

Student Name__________________________________________________________________________________________

Student School__________________________________________________________________________________________

Parent Consenting_______________________________________________________________________________________

(Print) Name Date


Phone Alternate Phone Email


Street Apt.# City State Zip

Parent Signature Date

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Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific

2014 Scholarship Application for the 2014/15 Academic Year

Postmark application on or prior to February 15, 2014

Scholarship Reference Form (#1)

Instructions for Applicant: Please provide this form to two individuals who can attest to your scholarship, leadership and character. Two completed references must be included with the application packet in order to receive full consideration. Individuals providing references must include one faculty member or administrator from the school last attended, and one from another source

(excluding family members).

Instructions for Individual Providing Referral: Please complete this form and return to the Applicant in a sealed envelope as soon as possible so that the student may complete and send in the application no later than February 15, 2014. Please answer all questions completely. Please avoid using student’s name in your written responses to assure anonymity in evaluating the applications. Additional pages may be attached.

Applicant Name________________________________________________________________________________________


’s School_______________________________________________________________________________________

Individual Providing Referral_______________________________________________________________________________

Name Employer Position Held


Phone Alternate Phone Email


Street Apt.# City State Zip

1. How many years have you known the applicant? In what capacity?

2. Why is this applicant deserving of the Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific scholarship?

3. Please discuss the applicant in terms of his/her scholarship, leadership and character?

4. Additional comments that you feel will allow the committee to better evaluate this candidate.

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Scholarship Reference Form (#2)

Instructions for Applicant: Please provide this form to two individuals who can attest to your scholarship, leadership, and character. Two completed references must be included with the application packet in order to receive full consideration. Individuals providing references must include one faculty member or administrator from the school last attended, and one from another source

(excluding family members).

Instructions for Individual Providing Referral: Please complete this form and return to the Applicant in a sealed envelope as soon as possible so that the student may complete and send in the application no later than February 15, 2014. Please answer all questions completely.

Please avoid using student’s name in your written responses to assure anonymity in evaluating the applications. Additional pages may be attached.

Applicant Name________________________________________________________________________________________


’s School_______________________________________________________________________________________

Individual Providing Referral_______________________________________________________________________________

Name Employer Position Held


Phone Alternate Phone Email


Street Apt.# City State Zip

1. How many years have you known the applicant? In what capacity?

2. Why is this applicant deserving of the Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific scholarship?

3. Please discuss the applicant in terms of his/her scholarship, leadership and character?

4. Additional comments that you feel will allow the committee to better evaluate this candidate.

Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific

2014 Scholarship Application for the 2014/15 Academic Year

Postmark application on or prior to February 15, 2014

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