Collecting and Measuring Precipitation Using a Rain Gauge Anthony Joseph Marro 4/15/2010 Abstract The measuring of the amount of precipitation over an area has been important to society since ancient times where the amount of taxes for a land was determined by the rainfall on that area. In today’s age the amount of rainfall over an area is used to study the possible trends of the atmosphere. In this experiment I constructed a rain gauge using materials that can all be bought in a shopping store, and used the gauge to measure the amount of rain that fell in State College, PA. The rain gauge was placed on the roof of the Walker building on the Pennsylvania State University campus, along with a commercial gauge. The amount of precipitation that fell was recorded for 2 weeks using both of the gauges along with the amount that was recorded by the National Weather Service in State College, which was 6 miles from the site of the home-made gauge. The results of the experiment presented evidence that home-made rain gauges suffer from a systematic error when compared to the National Weather Service because of the spatial heterogeneity of the storms that produced the rain. Errors when comparing the home-made rain gauge to that of the National Weather Service readings, ranged from 2.87% to 220%, while comparing the commercial rain gauge to that of the National Weather Service the errors range from 8.96% to 350%. A systematic instrumental error was present in all of the measurements which had an average of 8.68. The importance of this entire experiment is to prove that a better method is needed to measure the amount of rainfall in an area, as although our readings had an acceptable error on some days, one of the days the error between the home-made gauge and the NWS site was unacceptable and not caused by systematic reasons. The spatial heterogeneity of storms was the cause of this error and proof that a better method of measure the amount of precipitation that falls in an area is needed to cover a larger area. Introduction The observation of rain fall dates back to 400 B.C. where the people of ancient India would measure rain fall on fields and predict growth and adjust taxes on growing land accordingly. In modern times we use precipitation amounts as a means of observing the condition of the atmosphere, aiding mostly with the long term observations of an area to better predict and observe trends. In this day and age we use rain gauges to properly measure the amount of precipitation that falls using a rain gauge. A rain gauge can be made using only a container and a funnel or can be easily bought in the store for a reasonable price. Although one might think that all rain gauges are fine tuned perfectly to measure the amount of precipitation, there is a small amount of systematic error associated with any rain gauge. Storms are not uniform by any stretch of the imagination, it could be raining heavily in an area, and only 5 miles away it could be sunny at the very same time. Because of this the amount of precipitation measured varies greatly with distance. A rain gauge can only really properly report the amount of precipitation for the immediate area around the rain gauge. Along with only being able to read the amount of precipitation over a small area, unless the rain gauge is electronic there will almost always be an error with the reading of the amount of precipitation that has fallen. The goal of this lab is to create a rain gauge that will produce the most accurate measure of precipitation amount. The accuracy and error of the rain gauge along with a commercial gauge will then be analyzed to better understand the inevitable errors that come along with measure precipitation amounts with any rain gauge. The gauges will be compared to the precipitation amounts measure by a professional site that is in the State College area. The hypotheses that this lab will tests are as follows. 1. The observed accuracy and precision of daily precipitation measurements using a home-made rain gauge is lower (that is, the errors are larger) than or similar to the level of accuracy and precision suggested by error propagation calculations. 2. Spatial heterogeneity of rainfall causes systematic and random differences in daily precipitation measurements that can be detected despite the observed instrumental systematic and random errors. Procedure The first thing that had to be done was the acquiring of the necessary tools to make the rain gauge. To do this, I went to the local Home Depot and bought a 10 inch by 10 inch piece of plywood and some duct tape and Gorilla Wood Glue. I then went to Wal-Mart and bought a hardened plastic water bottle and a car funnel. At home I attached the funnel to the water bottle and glued it down with the gorilla glue. After which I glued the funnel to the water bottle and then glued the water bottle with the funnel attached to it down to the piece of plywood. After the rain gauge was assembled it was set up on the roof of the Walker building on the campus of The Pennsylvania State University. Along with the home-made rain gauge a commercial rain gauge was also set up on the roof of the walker building, hanging from a ledge about three feet above the home-made rain gauge. The observations started on March 20th, 2010 and were taken every day around 1400, with some exceptions due to class and organizational obligations. Every day the amount of precipitation that fell was recorded using both the home-made and the commercial rain gauge. After recording the amount of precipitation that fell since the last observation, the precipitation was transferred to a separate water bottle to keep for a future lab that dealt with the acidity of State College’s rainwater. During the experiment, after a dry windy day and after discovering that my rain gauge has been blown over due to the high winds I duct taped the rain gauge and funnel securely to the plywood sheet and the water bottle respectively. The observations continued for two weeks until April 2nd, 2010 upon which time the experimental phase ended. Results Figure 1 collects all of our observations made using our home made rain gauge, the commercial rain gauge, and the National Weather service observed value. Included in the table are the percent errors comparing the home-made gauge to the commercial gauge, the commercial gauge to the observed NWS values, and the home-made gauge against the NWS values. Also included are the estimated random and systematic errors of each observation made using the home-made gauge, finally the date and time are included along with the precipitation type and condition of the weather at the time of observation. Date and Time of Observati on Type of Precipitati on HomeMade Gauge Precipitati on Value (cm) Commerci al Rain Gauge Precipitati on Value (cm) NWS Precipitati on Value (cm) %Error of homemade gauge against commerc ial % Differenc e between commerc ial gauge and NWS % Error of Homemade against NWS Estimat ed rando m error in homemade gauge Estimate d systemat ic error in homemade gauge Meteorologi cal observation 3/20 1300 3/21 1300 3/22 1300 3/23 1000 3/24 1730 3/25 1530 3/26 1500 3/27 1400 3/28 1400 3/29 1400 3/30 1400 3/31 1400 4/1 1400 4/2 1400 N/A 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Clear N/A 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Clear Rain Trace Trace 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rain Rain .271 .254 .279 74.0% 8.96% 0.06 0.31 Overcast Rain Trace Trace 0 N/A N/A 2.87 % N/A N/A N/A Sunny N/A 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Overcast Rain .814 1.14 .254 16.7% 350% 220% 0.06 0.88 Sunny N/A 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cloudy Rain Trace Trace 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rain 1.46 2.29 1.24 4.36% 84.4% 0.06 1.55 Rain Trace Trace 0 N/A N/A 17.7 % N/A Overcast /Drizzle Cloudy N/A N/A Overcast N/A 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sunny N/A 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sunny N/A 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sunny Fig. 1 Figure two details the error analyses of the experiment. Theoreti cal estimate of instrume ntal random error (cm) .061 Average theoretic al estimate of instrume ntal random error 10.7 Theoreti Average Observed cal theoretic instrume estimate al ntal of estimate systemati instrume of c error in ntal instrume daily systemati ntal precipita c error systemati tion (cm) c error depth .166 8.68 23.9 Observed instrume ntal random error in daily precipita tion depth 15.3 Observed spatial systemati c differenc e in daily precipita tion depth 148 Observed spatial random differenc e in daily precipita tion depth 179 .061 .061 .055 .039 Fig. 2 The following calculations were used in the analysis of this experiment. pi HM h1 r2 2 h2. r12 1 pr,iT M 2 2 f f x 2j j1 x j PrT 1 N pr,i 100 N i1 piCOM T ps,iT pi HM (max) pi HM (best) PsT 1 N ps,i 100 N i1 piCOM T HM COM 1 N pi pi P N i1 piCOM O s 100 1 2 2 N p HM p COM i i 1 O O Pr 100 Ps COM pi N 1 i1 COM WS pi 1 N pi P WS N i1 pi 100 1 2 2 N p COM p W S 1 i i P 100 P WS pi N 1 i1 Figure 3 depicts the amount of precipitation that fell from March 20th through April 2nd. 3 2.5 2 1.5 Home-Made 1 Commercial NWS 0.5 2-Apr 1-Apr 31-Mar 30-Mar 29-Mar 28-Mar 27-Mar 26-Mar 25-Mar 24-Mar 23-Mar 22-Mar 21-Mar 0 20-Mar Measured precipitation (cm) Precipitation amounts from March 20th to April 2nd Fig. 3 Figure 4 shows the location of the rain gauge with respect to nearby obstructions. The scale is located on the bottom right of the figure. Fig. 4 Figure 5 shows the location of the rain gauges with respect to each other. Fig. 5 Discussion Our rain gauge was more accurate than that of the commercial rain gauge when compared to the National Weather Service observations. Although the gauge was by no means completely accurate, with errors ranging from 2.87% to 220%, it was still more accurate than that of the commercial gauge which had errors ranging from 8.96% to 350%. The plastic gauge was good at collecting the precipitation as the mouth was wide and collected the precipitation well, but the measurement of it was obviously off. The major sources of error in both the gauges were the variation in observational times which affected the 24 hour period concept, along with that was the placement of the rain gauge. We placed the rain gauge on the roof of the Walker Building on the Pennsylvania State University, which has on top of it a communications tower and its own weather station, all making a 10 foot wall only about 8 feet to the west of our gauges. This wall created a source of error by creating swirling winds and the possibility of eddies on the roof, which would affect the accuracy of the readings of the rain gauge. The last error is the fact that the National Weather Service observations are taken 6 miles from the site of our rain gauge. These errors specifically affected our results by making them less accurate and therefore creating more error when our results were compared to the standard and accurate measurements of the National Weather Service. From this experience the elements that are essential to design of a rain gauge is robustness the ability to collect enough precipitation so it can be measured. The robustness is essential because the gauge will go through strong weather conditions such as gusting winds and depending on the season you are observing the possibility of flying debris. To ensure the robustness of the gauge make sure the gauge is made of sturdy material and weighted down securely to a strong heavy base. The other aspect of the rain gauge is the ability to collect enough rain to be able to measure the amount that fell. This can be achieved by placing a big enough funnel on the rain gauge to make sure rain is collected. The only drawback of this is that sometimes having a big funnel can increase your possibility for error. The home-made rain gauge was not accurate compared to the reading of the National Weather Service. The difference in the observations of the National Weather Service and our home-made rain gauge are due to both systematic errors in the design of the rain gauge, and the spatial variability of precipitation. This is evident because the rain gauge was not a cylindrical build and therefore required an equation which although converted the volume of water into a height amount, it also can create error through the calculation. Also the fact that we had to look at the volume which was only at increments of 50 mL so errors in interpretation could have occurred. The spatial variability of the precipitation is a key factor because the State College area is a very mountain heavy area, which can cause dispersion of storms where it could be raining at a site, but as little as 2 miles away it could not be raining. The location of the rain gauge affects its accuracy in collecting precipitation because if you place it near an obstructing object you will not get accurate results. For example, our rain gauge was placed on top of a roof with a 3 foot high wall only 7 feet to the east, and a 10 foot high wall 8 feet to west. Without a doubt these obstructions caused errors in our observations because on at least one occasion during the experiment, there was a blowing rain. And because of the wall, the blowing rain would not be able to be properly measured due to the wall blocking the rain. The aspect of good placement of a rain gauge is in a remote area away from anything that might disturb it, be they natural or human. The most ideal place for an official rain gauge would be in an empty field that is not near anything that might disturb it, and to keep both animals and humans away, a small fence placed around it would make it even more accurate. This experiment had two different hypotheses; the first hypothesis stated that home-made rain gauges are not accurate; this can be supported through this experiment because of the amount of error that is present when comparing the readings of the home-made rain gauge to that of the National Weather Service. The inaccuracy could be traced back to the fact that we had to measure the volume of the amount of precipitation that fell which could have caused a major source of error due to the inability to get a very precise volume reading. Also, the use of a funnel creates an instrumental error that leads to random and systematic errors throughout the entire experiment. Another reason why the hypothesis is supported is because the placement of a home-made rain gauge can be obstructed by nearby buildings and structures, while official rain gauges are strategically places to make sure that they get the most accurate readouts. The second hypothesis stated that the spatial heterogeneity of rainfall causes random and systematic differences in daily precipitation measurements that can be detected despite the observational systematic and random errors. Evidence towards this hypothesis is supported through the fact that on multiple occasions it was observed that we had a trace amount of precipitation that fell at our gauge site, while at the NWS site no rain fell at all. Also the fact that there was an error of 350% on March 26th from the home-made rain gauge site compared to that of the NWS site shows that there was obviously a difference in the amount of rain that fell on both areas. The large error was not just confined to our experiment but also seen in people doing the exact same experiment all received a massive error on the 26th of March. Conclusion After completing this experiment it is evident that in order to properly measure the amount of precipitation in an area it is not sufficient to have only one rain gauge in the area. Due to the effects of the spatial heterogeneity of storm systems, the amount of rain that falls at the site of a rain gauge could be completely different from that of the amount that falls in a town that is no more than 3 miles away. Due to this spatial heterogeneity a better method is needed to measure the amount of rainfall in an area. An idea that I think would work to properly measure the amount of precipitation in an area would be to have ordinary citizens take weather observations so that there could more of an abundance of observations over an area. That way there would be a more dense area of observations taking place, thus eliminating the error caused by the spatial heterogeneity of a storm. The National Weather Service utilizes citizens through their cooperative observer program, where normal citizens with a passion for weather can report daily observations to the National Weather Service. The NWS then uses the observations and reports the better detailed observation map to the rest of the country. An expansion on this program or the implementation of automatic rain gauges on top of commercial buildings in cities would help gather better regional data for the amount of precipitation that has fallen in that area.