Journal of Biogeography SUPPORTING INFORMATION Unrivalled specialization in a pollination network from South Africa reveals that specialization increases with latitude only in the Southern Hemisphere Anton Pauw and Rosanne Stanway Appendix S1 Analysis of the plant–visitor network, including non-pollinating visits. In the main text we presented the analysis of the plant–pollinator network for a 1-ha plot (Sevilla) in Cederberg, Cape Floristic Region, South Africa, which excluded all visits where no contact was observed between the animal and the anthers or stigma. Non-pollinating visits are, nevertheless, important from the perspective of the animal because the visitor obtains floral resources. In this appendix the analyses are shown for the full plant–visitor network. The data were collected by observing 76 plant species. Ten plant species received no visits and were excluded from the analysis. Plants: 66 Animals: 272 Visits: 11,796 Connectance = 495 realized links/17,952 possible links = 0.028 Average plant degree (i.e. number of interaction partners) = 7.500 (Fig. S1) Average animal degree = 1.820 (Fig. S1) 12 plants species received visits from a single animal species 200 animal species were recorded on a single plant species Number of one-to-one interactions = 6 Sampling intensity = 0.81 We compared the Sevilla network with a global dataset of 58 networks collated by Schleuning et al. (2012). The analytical methods used for making these comparisons were identical to those described in the main body of the paper, where all metrics are defined. The current study (Sevilla) had the second highest number of animal species and third highest sampling intensity (0.81). The plants at Sevilla had more interaction partners than the sample of global values (one-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test of the hypothesis that the median = 7.51, V = 332, P = 5.14 × 10–5; Fig. S2). The average number of interaction partners per animal at Sevilla was smaller than expected from the sample of global values (one-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test of the hypothesis that the median = 1.82, V = 1562, P = 4.60 × 10–8; Fig. S2). The shape of the interaction matrix was strongly asymmetrical in favour of animals and it was very unlikely that the Sevilla datum (network asymmetry = 0.61) was the median of the sample of global network asymmetry values (one-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test, V = 71, P = 1.28 × 10–9; Fig. S3). Mean specialization of both plants (mean d′ = 0.762; d′ weighted = 0.822) and animals (mean d′ = 0.571; d′ weighted = 0.796) was high compared with the global dataset (Fig. S4). When the raw number of visits (rather than visits flower–1 h–1) was used as the input data, the results were very similar (mean d′ plants = 0.722; d′ weighted plants = 0.794; mean d′ animals = 0.506; d′ weighted animals = 0.679). Part of the variation in specialization across sites was accounted for by variation in web asymmetry, i.e. the ratio of animals to plants (see the Materials and Methods). Across the sites, animal specialization was negatively correlated (linear regression, adjusted R2 = 0.05, d.f. = 57, P = 0.04) and plant specialization was strongly positively correlated (linear regression, adjusted R2 = 0.34, d.f. = 57, P = 6.49 × 10–7) with network asymmetry. In an analysis of the residual of these regressions, Sevilla was still more specialized than expected from the distribution of global values (Fig. 4). For all four of the comparisons reported in Fig. 4, the global values followed a normal distribution (Shapiro–Wilk normality test, P > 0.05) and in every case it was highly unlikely that the South African datum was the mean of this sample (one-sample ttests, P < 0.005). Overall, the Sevilla network was significantly specialized relative to the benchmark set by a null model in which species strengths (i.e. marginal totals) were constrained (H2′ = 0.835, mean H2ran = 0.005, P < 0.001). In addition, standardized network-wide specialization was the highest reported (ΔH2′ = 0.830). The global collection of ΔH2′ values followed a normal distribution (Shapiro–Wilk normality test, W = 0.99, P = 0.91) and it was very improbable that the South African datum was the mean of this sample (one-sample t-test, t = –31.47, d.f. = 57, P < 2.2 × 10–16). Two alternative methods for calculating H2′ produced similar results: when an algorithm that was designed for continuous values was used, H2′continuous = 0.835; when the raw number of visits (rather than visits flower–1 h–1) was used as the input data, H2′ = 0.798 and ΔH2′ = 0.748. 10 12 10 20 30 40 50 40 50 150 200 0 Animals 0 50 100 Frequency 0 2 4 6 8 Plants 0 10 20 30 Number Number ofof partners partners Figure S1 Histogram of the number of species of interaction partners observed across 66 flowering plant species and 272 flower-visiting animal species in a 1-ha plot in South Africa. 10 5 10 15 20 15 0 10 Frequency 0 2 4 6 8 Plants 0 5 Animals 0 5 10 15 20 Average number of partners Figure S2 Histogram of the average number of species of interaction partner per plant or animal species observed at 58 sites from across the world. The vertical line is the South African datum. 15 10 0 5 Frequency −0.8 −0.4 0.0 0.4 0.8 Web asymmetry [(animals − plants)/(animals + plants)] Figure S3 Histogram of visitor network asymmetry, i.e. the ratio of flower visitor species to plant species present in the community, as observed at 58 sites from across the world. The vertical line is the South African datum. Positive values indicate more animal than plant species. Figure S4 Histograms of average species-level specialization in flower–visitor interaction networks from 58 sites from all over the world. The top two figures show average specialization (d′) weighted by the marginal totals of the quantitative interaction matrix. Because d′ is correlated with network asymmetry (Fig. S3), we compared the residuals of the regression of d′ (weighted) on network asymmetry in the bottom two figures. The vertical line is the South African datum. Appendix S2 Sampling accumulation analysis. We used interaction accumulation curves to assess the thoroughness of sampling for the Sevilla (Cederberg, Cape Floristic Region, South Africa) plant–visitor network (Gibson et al., 2011). We created a matrix with observation sessions as rows and unique pairwise interactions (e.g. Melianthus major–Pycnonotus capensis) as columns, and populated the matrix with the number of visits observed. To examine how unique interactions accumulated with sampling, we rarefied the data to a range of increasingly smaller samples using the VEGAN package in R (Fig. S5; Oksanen et al., 2013; R Core Team, 2013). Cubic spline interpolation of the data points showed that a doubling in sampling effort was predicted to increase the number of unique interactions detected from 495 to 610. Thus, additional sampling would yield greatly diminishing returns. Figure S5 Decline in the rate of discovery of new interactions with increasing sampling effort. The spread around the prediction is the confidence interval. REFERENCES Gibson, R.H., Knott, B., Eberlein, T. & Memmott, J. (2011) Sampling method influences the structure of plant–pollinator networks. Oikos, 120, 822–831. Oksanen, J., Blanchet, F.G., Kindt, R., Legendre, P., Minchin, P.R., O’Hara, R.B., Simpson, G.L., Solymos, P., Henry, M., Stevens, H. & Wagner, H. (2013) Vegan: community ecology package. R Core Team (2013) R: a language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna. Schleuning, M., Frund, J., Klein, A.M. et al. (2012) Specialization of mutualistic interaction networks decreases toward tropical latitudes. Current Biology, 22, 1925–1931.