IDENTIFYING MARKET TAKEOFF IN HIGH TECH INDUSTRIES Dr. Yi-Nung Peng, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan Dr. Susan Sandrson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA ABSTRACT This research we collect US data from both the personal computer (PC) and portable digital music player (commonly referred as MP3 players) industries and used derivative approximation by finite differences method to identify market takeoff. In addition, we examined the relationship between market takeoff and product innovations in the PC and MP3 markets. The derivative approximation by finite differences method eatables researchers to identify the market takeoff at a timely fashion which is an important advantage over the traditional statistical methods which can only perform the task in a retrofitting manner. Keywords: Market takeoff, Method, PC industry, MP3 industry INTRODUCTION Although entry timing often depends on a firm’s resources and capabilities (Kerin, Varadarajan, 1992;Lambkin, 1988;Lieberman and Montgomery, 1988;Lieberman and Montgomery, 1998), firms are often confused about which stage of the product life cycle an industry is in and whether it is too early or too late to enter. The transition between the early commercialization and growth stages has been defined as market takeoff (Golder and Tellis, 1997). On the other hand, Agarwal and Bayus (2002) described market takeoff as “the first large increase in sales,” or “the hockey-stick pattern of sales growth also seems to be popular among industry pundits.” They used discriminant analysis to determine the timing of takeoff. Similar statistical methods have also been used by other scholars in distinguishing different stages of innovations (Agarwal and Gort, 1996;Gort and Klepper, 1982). Recognition of market takeoff (the period in which the entire product category has reached the growth stage) is important given the perceived advantage of entering a market just before or at the growth stage (Lilien and Yoon, 1990;Shankar, Carpenter, 1999). The stream of literature describing the dual market development of the early stage innovations (Moore, 2002;Muller and Yogev, 2006) also pointed out the importance of market take off from the aspect of characteristics of customers. Factors such as economic, and cultural factors (Tellis, Stremersh, 2003), firm promotional activities and timing (Delre, Jager, 2007), social network characteristics (Delre, Jager, 2010;Hohnisch, Pittnauer, 2008) and price drop (Hohnisch, Pittnauer, 2008) can impact the timing of takeoff. Product innovation may also trigger the market takeoff. A product innovation can provide relative advantages that can increase the adoption rate (Rogers, 2003;Tornatzky and Klein, 1982). Because this period of takeoff is so significant, it would be helpful for firms to understand the factors that trigger market takeoff. A better understanding of what triggers takeoff and how to recognize it would aid managers in becoming more proactive and effective in their product development efforts and in understanding how timing of product introduction may affect their success (Foster, Golder, 2004;Tellis, 2008). Employing statistical methods to identiy market takeoff is rigorous but it relies on 20/20 hindsight. One needs to have many data points to determine the market takeoff time. An industry participant during the early stage of an innovation might face difficulties in identifying market takeoff using their method. Addressing this issue, Golder and Tellis (1997) provided an alternative method to identify market takeoff. They developed a threshold for takeoff defining takeoff as the first year in which an individual category’s growth rate, relative to base sales, crosses this threshold. According to the authors, this method identifies 90% of the takeoffs correctly. Further, visual verification helps to ensure the correct identification of takeoff. Their method used a minimum of 50,000 unit sales as a threshold because they found that a relatively large percentage increase could occur without signaling real takeoff. Their method has the advantage in identifying takeoffs in real-time even during the early stages of an innovation. However, is there other method we can use to identify market takeoff in a proactive manner? The market takeoff, it is a “sudden” increase in sales. It is essentially a “big acceleration” in market sales. The industry sales of the PC innovation was increasing every year. Can we identify the “big acceleration” in the PC industry mathematically instead of statistically? We are proposing to use the derivative approximation of finite differences (Eberly, 2001) as an alternative method for the takeoff identification. To achieve this goal, we collected the US PC and MP3 player industry data to examine the possibility of using derivative approximation of finite differences as a market takeoff identification method. DATA US Personal Computer Data In searching for a consistent source for market information for US Personal Computer (PC) industry, I utilized the annual publication of Datamation, the “Datamation 50 and the Datamation 100.” Datamation magazine was the key professional magazine for “data processing” industry during the time frame of the study. It was widely subscribed by information technology professionals. I used the following sections of Datamation to construct the quantitative aspect of the industry. 1. The Datamation 50 (1979) conducted by Datamation magazine, is an annual systematic revenue summary of the top 50 Data Processing firms including computer hardware, software, peripherals, and etc. 2. Datamation 100 (1980-1989). The Datamation 100 is similar to Datamation 50 but includes top 100 firms. (timeframe) Datamation data helped in estimating annual sales for the PC industry which were hard to get from other sources. It was used by Chandler (2001) for his history of the electronics industry (citation). I obtained market share data of the companies through various secondary sources which will be discussed in detail in following sections. In calculating firm market share I used the following: Company Sales Company Market Share= Industry Sales I used this relationship to calculate “annual industry sales” by multiplying “annual company sales” (from Datamation) and “company market share (from other sources and books mentioned above). This is a reasonable method for estimating industry sales as it is difficult to get access to this data for the early stage of the industry in any other way. Datamation’s data helped to determine the progression of personal computer industry sales over time. US Portable Digital Music Players Data Due to the lack of well-organized texts, I performed two broad-term keyword searches on ABInform Database to promote an understanding of technology advances and market size data. The two keywords were 1) MP3, and 2) digital music. The market sales data is thus assembled. The publications on which I performed keyword search can be categorized as 4 types: 1. Business Magazines: 1) Business Week, and 2) Fortune 2. Newspapers: 1) New York Times, and 2) Wall Street Journal 3. Two Popular Technology Magazines: 1) PC Magazine and 2) PC world 4. One Popular Music Magazine: Rolling Stone Magazine ANALYSIS Before we presenting our analysis details, we must clarify what is the “big acceleration” in sales means. An analogy to concepts in physics is helpful. The annual sales number is actually the “speed of sales” because the annual sales of an innovation represents its sales per year (sales/year). Therefore, it is the “speed of sales” if we think of the annual industry sales as the displacement of an object. Following this analogy, the annual increase in sales is the “acceleration of sales”. This analogy helps in the identification of the “big acceleration” of sales. Following this line of thinking, the “big acceleration” of sales is actually “the maximum change” on the acceleration of sales. However, mathematically how can we identify “the maximum acceleration of sales”? The concept of derivative approximation of finite differences (Eberly, 2001) is helpful. The detail analysis and rationales are presented as follow: Derivative Approximation of Finite Differences S(t) is the unit sales of an innovation; where t represents time; The maximum change in the acceleration of sales is the maximum of S(t) ; that is the maximum rate of change in the speed of sales. To calculate the S(t) , we must fist understand the calculation of S(t) under the notion of derivative approximation of finite differences, the derivate of S(t) can be calculated by forward, backward, and centered difference approximations. Similarly, S(t) also can be found. To approximate the derivatives of a univariate function f k by finite difference, given a small value of h, where h>0, the f k and f k can be calculated as follow: Forward difference approximation f k f k h f k h Where h 1 f k f k 1 f k (1) f k f k 1 f k 1 f k f k 2 f k 1 f k 1 f k f k 2 2 f k 1 f k (2) Backward difference approximation f k f k f k h h Where h 1 f k f k f k 1 f k f k f k 1 1 f k f k f k 1 f k 1 f k 2 f k 2 f k 1 f k 2 (3) (4) Centered difference approximation f k f k h f k h 2h Where h 1 f k f k f k f k 1 f k 1 2 f k 1 f k 1 2 f k 2 f k 2 f k f k 2 2 2 f k 2 2 f k f k 2 4 To identify the market takeoff of the PC innovation we apply the equations 1 to 6. Where S(t) is the unit sales of an innovation; t represents year; h=1 (year) (5) (6) Forward difference approximation S t S t 1 St S t S t 2 2S t 1 St (7) Backward difference approximation S t S t St 1 S t S t 2S t 1 St 2 (8) Centered difference approximation S t 1 S t 1 2 S t 2 2S t S t 2 S t 4 S t (9) For the purposes of this analysis, market takeoff is defined as the year the maximum increase in sales rate. This point can be estimated from the discrete sales data using the centered difference approximation S t 1 St 1 2 S t 2 2S t St 2 St 4 St where S(t) is the unit sales in year t. Takeoff Identification for PC and MP3 Markets To identify the time of takeoff, given the method’s different approaches, we must discuss the advantages of approaches. By plotting the industry sales and maximum peak of three approximation approaches for the PC ( Figure 1) and MP3 innovations (Figure 2), we can see that the market takeoff of the PC innovation is identified to be in 1980, 1981, and 1982 respectively by the forward, centered and backward approximations. The year of takeoff for MP3 players were in 2003, 2003 and 2005 respectively. The Determination of the Proposed Approach—Backward Difference Approximation However, which of the 3 approximation approaches is correct? We believe that the backward difference approximation because its first order and second order derivatives are generated by the comparison of current and the previous periods. Therefore, the output is more concurrent which is the major purpose of this study—proactive takeoff identification. 8000 8000 7000 7000 6000 6000 5000 5000 4000 4000 Forward Centered Backward Diff. Diff. Diff. Max Peak Max Peak Max Peak 3000 3000 2000 2000 1000 1000 0 Chang or Rate of Change Sales in thousand Units Figure 1: PC Industry Unit Sales Evolution and Takeoff Identification. 0 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 -1000 -1000 Year S(t) Unit Sales S"(t) Centered Diff. S"(t) Backward Diff. S"(t) Forward Diff. Figure 2: US MP3 Player Sales Evolution and Takeoff Identification. 24000 Forward Diff. Max Peak Backward Diff. Max Peak 17000 15000 13000 Sales in thousand Units 19000 14000 11000 Centered Diff. Max Peak 9000 7000 9000 5000 3000 4000 1000 -10001998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007-1000 Year S(t) Unit Sales S"(t) Centered Diff. S"(t) Backward Diff. S"(t) Forward Diff. Chang or Rate of Change 29000 8000 8000 7000 7000 6000 6000 5000 5000 4000 Backward Diff. First Peak 3000 4000 Backward Diff. Max Peak 3000 2000 2000 1000 1000 0 Chang or Rate of Change Sales in thousand Units Figure 3: Multiple Takeoffs of the U.S. PC Industry under the Backward Difference Approximation. 0 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 -1000 85 -1000 Year S(t) Unit Sales S"(t) Backward Diff. Figure 4: Multiple Takeoffs of the U.S. MP3 Players Industry under the Backward Difference Approximation. 29000 24000 17000 15000 Sales in thousand Units 13000 19000 11000 9000 14000 7000 9000 Backward Diff. First Peak 5000 3000 4000 1000 -10001998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007-1000 Year S(t) Unit Sales S"(t) Backward Diff. Chang or Rate of Change Backward Diff. Max Peak Multiple Takeoffs Peng (2006) pointed out that , theoretically speaking, there maybe multiple take offs in the product life cycle of an innovation. Such pheromone has been confirmed by Muller and Yogve (2006) using the market takeoff identification tool developed by Golder and Tellis (1997). Muller and Yogve (2006) observed three takeoffs in various consumer electronic industries such as PC, printers, and remote controls. The multiple-takeoff characteristic of innovations impacts our analysis profoundly. Our identification of the peak of the rate of change on the acceleration of sales is only try to identify the “the maximum rate of change” on the acceleration of sales. The “the of change” on the acceleration of sales is naturally time-based. Therefore, the “the maximum change” on the acceleration of sales is contingent upon the period of time which one studies. Given this notion, to really identify the time of market takeoff, we must examine the first peak of the curve of the rate of acceleration of sales. Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the first peak and the maximum peak of the curve under the backward difference approximation approach. We can see that the first takeoff for the PC and the MP3 player innovations are actually in 1979 and 2002 respectively. CONCLUSTION AND DISCUSSION Market takeoff is an important phenomenon in the course of an innovation’s development. Scholars in the field of technology and innovation management had developed statistical tools (Agarwal and Bayus, 2002) and graphical tool (Golder and Tellis, 1997) to facilitate the identification of market takeoffs. The statistical method, though rigorous, can only identify the takeoffs in the retrospect. Researchers need to collect a more complete sales data for the takeoff identifications. That is why the graphical tool developed by Golder and Tellis (1997) is being used by practitioners in the real world setting (Foster, Golder, 2004). However, we still rely on human visual confirmation for the correct identification of market takeoffs and the method still can missidentify the market takeoffs (Golder and Tellis, 1997). Therefore, we proposed to use the derivative approximation of finite differences method as a new market takeoff identification method. This method can identify the takeoff earlier than the traditional statistical methods given its only demand sales data of the next period. Given its numeric nature, we can identify market takeoffs objectively. We identify 1979 as the year of market takeoff for the PC innovation. Although differ from the conclusion from Agarwal and Bayus (2002). However 1979 is one year after the introduction of the complete package of the Apple II (Peng, 2006) in the PC innovation. And 2002 is one year after the introduction of the iPod. This shows that takeoff may be closed related to the product innovation which is consist with existing diffusion literature. We still need to examine more innovations and compare the conclusions draw from the new method with existing methods to better evaluate the validity of identifying marketing using the derivative approximation of finite differences method. . REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 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