Topics: - Chaya Malka Burn Foundation

Mrs. Chaya Malka Abramson Lecture Topics
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"Triumph of Spirit" the Who by Fire Speech
Appreciation of Life, Trust in the Almighty and Chesed
Chaya Malka first vividly relates the powerful story of a gas explosion and fire in her home in
the Old City of Jerusalem, the details of her escape and rescue of her three children and
We hear how she gradually becomes aware of the life threatening extent of her injuries over
the course of the months of her recovery. She recounts the seemingly insignificant acts of
kindness that had a deep emotional impact on her and helped her to heal. We also hear
about the sensitivity of her caregivers and self-sacrifice of those close to her who gave of
themselves without letting Chaya Malka know of burdens they assumed.
The force that drove her to recovery was the realization that the most important thing in her
world was her desire to return to her family, to be a wife to her husband and mother to her
children. To this end, her prayers were answered.
This speech is a story unto itself, yet Chaya Malka draws in comparable acts kindness, faith
and family that support and deepen the points she expresses so powerfully.
Chaya Malka Burn Foundation
14 Uxbridge St Staten Island NY 10314
Israel -9722 673 3196 Israeli cell- 0527 627 954 Tax ID#20-3550527
Mrs. Chaya Malka Abramson Lecture Topics
Contact to book your event
"The Miracle of Listening"
Showing love through the powerful tool of listening
Since the book's release, Chaya Malka has found that her story, once one family's personal
challenge, has become the inspiration for Jews in difficult situations around the world.
During the last 17 years, as she spoke publicly about her story, people cried to her and
sought her out to share their own tragic stories. Chaya Malka became an experienced
listener and has developed many insights and tools to hone her listening skills, which she
shares in this talk.
It was, and continues to be, in her own home that she found the greatest challenges in
developing and applying her skills. She learned how thoughtful, generous listening to her
husband and ten children reaped great rewards in those relationships. These are the stories
that will penetrate your heart and leave a lasting desire to connect to those closest to you.
Through giving time without agenda, listening and understanding beyond the words spoken
to the innermost feelings and worries of those precious to us, we create a two-way path to
Chaya Malka Burn Foundation
14 Uxbridge St Staten Island NY 10314
Israel -9722 673 3196 Israeli cell- 0527 627 954 Tax ID#20-3550527
Mrs. Chaya Malka Abramson Lecture Topics
Contact to book your event
"Let All Souls Praise Hashem"
Seeing past the physical and connecting to the spark of life in others
Chaya Malka had to learn to live with stares of fear and revulsion after she left the hospital
and gradually returned to normal living. As a former fashion designer with high regard for
style and beauty, she learned to value more what lies beneath the surface. Her appreciation
developed for the Jewish soul and the inner being more than external appearances.
No more did she have to practice this sensitivity than with her Downs-Syndrome child, who
was born 11 years later.
“Over the years there is much I have learned from Chassiya. She is always the first to go
over to children who are crying, for any reason. Resting a hand on their shoulder, she sits
there quietly, without words, just comforting them with her presence. Seeing her do this,
over and over again, has given me the ability to perform difficult acts of kindness: visiting
the sick or those in mourning. So often we are afraid to approach these people because we
fear we have nothing to offer. Chassiya taught me that sometimes just being there is
As Chaya Malka weaves stories of Chassiya throughout this talk, she brings the audience
along with her as they ride the bus with Chassiya, participate with the Abramsons as
Chassiya plays the “Come in” game, watch her joyfully interact with “normal” siblings.
Chaya Malka elevates Chassiya’s life into an instruction book for tapping into the greatness
within each of us.
Chaya Malka shows how we can all accept each soul as an image of the Divine and seek the
good in them. When we express our love, sincere praise and appreciation, we construct a
path for their very lives to be expressions of praise to Hashem.
Chaya Malka Burn Foundation
14 Uxbridge St Staten Island NY 10314
Israel -9722 673 3196 Israeli cell- 0527 627 954 Tax ID#20-3550527
Mrs. Chaya Malka Abramson Lecture Topics
Contact to book your event
“Making Compassion Your Passion”
Hear, through Chaya Malka’s personal stories the “how” to expand your comfort zone, and the “why
bother, I do enough” answered.
Sometimes it takes “Jewish Chutzpa” to move your compassion into an action! Chaya Malka
Abramson, author of Who by Fire and founder of the Chaya Malka Burn Foundation
shares with us how to motivate ourselves to act in ways that don't come naturally.
Cultivate the desire to connect with others in need; become more loving and do it with
alacrity & enthusiasm! Don’t miss out on the myriad opportunities to help Hashem’s
precious children. C
Chaya Malka Burn Foundation
14 Uxbridge St Staten Island NY 10314
Israel -9722 673 3196 Israeli cell- 0527 627 954 Tax ID#20-3550527
Mrs. Chaya Malka Abramson Lecture Topics
Contact to book your event
"How Chesed Can Save a Life"
Personal stories that heighten our awareness of the far reaching impact carried in each act of kindness we do
The Imrei Emes comments that through kindness, we can actually change the manner in
which Hashem relates to us. By acting mercifully ourselves, we can transform His Judgment
into acts of Mercy.
For months, as Chaya Malka hovered near death in excruciating pain in Hadassah Hospital,
her family and friends stormed the Gates of Heaven with fervent prayers and acts of
kindness in an effort to “annul the evil decree.” The loving community’s compassion and
chesed contributed immeasurably to Chaya Malka’s miraculous recovery.
One answer the prophet Micha gave to the question, “What does G-d want from us?” is to
“Love Chesed.” Through stories, Chaya Malka develops the concept of how loving chesed
means to pursue it. She discusses how, when we expand our world beyond our comfort
zone to undertake opportunities to do kind deeds, tremendous, promised benefits will flow
from the Source of all blessings as a result.
Chaya Malka’s thesis for this speech is the power that pursuing one act of kindness has: to
change Hashem’s judgment into an act of mercy-and actually save a life!
Chaya Malka Burn Foundation
14 Uxbridge St Staten Island NY 10314
Israel -9722 673 3196 Israeli cell- 0527 627 954 Tax ID#20-3550527
Mrs. Chaya Malka Abramson Lecture Topics
Contact to book your event
"Developing Sensitivity"
Be inspired by the profound effect Chaya Malka’s special daughter has on her:
“After examining Chassiya at 2 weeks old, the doctor said, ‘She will never amount to
anything.’ Yet this is the child that carries me through each day with a bigger heart and a
deepened level of sensitivity…and more! I am continuously awed. I watch her as she
demonstrates kindness to people suffering no matter who or what caused the pain. I watch
this again and again, and wonder how she knows!
She is like the sun that shines on the righteous and wicked alike.
Hashem is modeling, through my special child, the behavior I lack.
Chassiya is a gift, and when she was born I should have accepted the ‘Mazel Tovs and not be
confused. I could have remembered that Hashem is good…that means wherever I find
myself, I will find good.”
Chaya Malka Burn Foundation
14 Uxbridge St Staten Island NY 10314
Israel -9722 673 3196 Israeli cell- 0527 627 954 Tax ID#20-3550527