Grade 12 Chemistry Research Project


Grade 12 Chemistry Research Project:Practical Applications of Redox Reactions

Due date: April 20-24 (You will sign up for an exact date. You may want to choose groups based on who is and who is not going on the Middle East tour, as there will be some time allotted for preparation while the tour is gone.)

In order for you to learn more about the redox reactions taking place around you, groups of no more than 3 students (note that this means that you can be a group of one) will be asked to prepare a written report and to make an oral presentation on one of the following topics: a) rocket fuels b) fireworks c) household bleach (i.e., stain removal and chlorination) d) photography (classic film, not digital) e) metal recovery from ores f) steel making g) aluminum recycling h) fuel cells i) batteries j) tarnish removal k) fruit clocks l) forensic blood detection using luminol m) corrosion i.e., rusting-the process and methods of prevention n) chemiluminescence/bioluminescence o) electrolytic cleaning p) electrodeposition q) photochemical etching r) antioxidants / preservatives in foods

There are four parts to the project:

1) Oral Presentation

The oral presentation should be approximately 10-20 min long and will be teacher evaluated. It will be followed by a brief question period (no longer than 5 min) in which the audience may ask clarifying questions and a quiz. Please refer to the attached rubrics for a more detailed list of requirements and the grading schemes for both the oral presentation and the written report.

2) Written Report

Your report should be between 250-500 words. Please refer to the attached rubric.

This report will serve as your hand-out during your presentation and should highlight the most important points from your presentation. You should have copies of this report to hand out to the class.

3) Quiz

You will have a quiz prepared to give the class after the presentation. Please refer to the attached rubric.

4) Bibliography

Make sure to submit a complete bibliography of your sources.

You will have two classes to work on this project in class (one early in the semester and one right before the presentations). You are expected to complete the rest on your own time.

Make wise choices on who you partner up with (e.g. live close to each other, have similar extracurricular commitments)

Available resources: a) school library b) internet – use EBSCO!!! c) old text books (see teacher) d) experts (perhaps a scientist can assist you) e) phone book (e.g., someone at the RCMP Forensics lab may have pamphlets to send you on information relevant to luminol tests) f) university libraries or public libraries

Grade 12 Chemistry Topic 1 Aqueous Reactions Research Project:

Practical Applications of Redox Reactions

Group Report Rubric





0 1 2 3 4 5

General Requirements

The report does not fulfill any of the requirements

The report fulfills one of the five requirements

The report fulfills two of the five requirements

The report fulfills three of the five requirements

The report fulfills four of the five requirements

1) The report includes a title page

2) The report is word processed

3) The report is double spaced

4) The report includes an alphabetized bibliography

5) At least 5 sources are correctly cited, according to MLA or

Chicago style requirements in the bibliography


The report does not fulfill any of the requirements

The report fulfills one of the five requirements

The report fulfills two of the five requirements

The report fulfills three of the five requirements

The report fulfills four of the five requirements

1) The information presented is clear, accurate, and concise

2) All relevant information is completely presented and easily understood

3) The report includes all redox reactions being utilized by the application

4) The report identifies all substances being oxidized and reduced, as well as any oxidizing and reducing agents.

5) The report describes how the relevant redox reactions are used by humans/nature.

Total Out of




0 1 2 3 4


The report does not fulfill any of the requirements

The report fulfills one of the four requirements

The report fulfills two of the four requirements

The report fulfills three of the four requirements

Visual Aids (pictures, charts, diagrams)

The visual aids do not fulfill the requirements

The visual aids fulfill one of the four requirements

The visual aids fulfill two of the four requirements

The visual aids fulfill three of the four requirements

1) A clear and concise introduction includes a description of the topic of interest

2) The body follow a logical pattern

3) There are smooth transitions between paragraphs

4) The conclusion includes a brief summary of the topic’s connection to redox chemistry

Mechanics (grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation)

Errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, usage, and grammar and/or paragraphing repeatedly distract the reader and make the text difficult to read.

Errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, usage, and grammar and/or paragraphing distract the reader and make the text difficult to read at times.

The writer shows reasonable control over a limited range of standard writing conventions.

At times, errors are distracting and impair readability.

The writer demonstrates a good grasp on standard writing conventions, but occasionally have an error that impairs readability

The writer demonstrates a good grasp of standard writing conventions (e.g., spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, usage, paragraphing) and uses conventions effectively. Errors tend to be so few that just minor touch-ups would get this piece ready to publish.

1) Aids used in the report are neat and organized

2) The aids help make the application more easily understood

3) Visual aids are either original, or the original source is cited below the visual aid

4) Some visual aids are original and obvious effort was put forth in their preparations


Quiz questions / answers do not fulfill any of the requirements, or are not included with the report

Quiz questions / answers fulfill one of the four requirements

Quiz questions / answers fulfill two of the four requirements

Quiz questions / answers fulfill three of the four requirements

-Five different questions about the topic are included as an appendix

-An answer key is included for instructor.

-Questions assess different

parts of the presentation /report.

- There is at least one question of each of the following types: true/false, multiple choice, short answer

Total Out of







Grade 12 Chemistry Topic 1 Aqueous Reactions Research Project:

Practical Applications of Redox Reactions

Group Presentation Rubric





0 1 2

Content / Information

The content does not include any of the four requirements

The content fulfills one of the four requirements

The content fulfills two of the four requirements


The presenters do not fulfill any of the requirements

The presenters fulfill one of the six requirements

The presenters fulfill two of the six requirements


The content fulfills three of the four requirements

The presenters fulfill three of the six requirements

4 5 6

1) The information presented is clear, accurate, and concise

2) All relevant information is completely presented

3) All redox reactions are included

4) An accurate description of the application is presented

The presenters fulfill four of the six requirements

The presenters fulfill five of the six requirements with only quick references to notes

5) All presenters demonstrate an interest in and an enthusiasm for the topic

6) The presentation involved the audience in an effective manner

1) All presenters make eye contact

2) All presenters contribute equally to the presentation

3) All presenters speak with clear, modulated voices

4) All presenters speak confidently

Total Out of




0 1 2 3


The presentation does not fulfill any of the requirements

The presentation fulfills one of the four requirements

The presentation fulfills two of the three requirements

1) An explicit introduction and conclusion are included

2) The presentation follows a logical pattern

3) There are smooth transitions between sections


The presentation is paced such that the audience cannot keep up with the information presented, or it is provided too slowly

-The presentation is neither too fast nor too slow.

Visual Aids (models, diagrams, Powerpoint presentations, video, demonstrations)

The visual aids do not fulfill the requirements.

The visual aids fulfill one of the three requirements.

The visual aids fulfill two of the three requirements.

1) Time and effort was obviously put forth in the preparation of the visual aid(s).

2) Aids used in the presentation are neat and organized

3) The aids help make the application more easily understood


The presentation fails to capture student interest at any time.

The presentation fails to capture and maintain the interest of most students

The presentation captures and maintains the interest of most students most of the time

The presentation captures and maintains the interest of all student all of the time

Understanding Of The Topic

The presenters have a poor

The presenters lack a complete understanding of the material. No audience questions could be answered. understanding of the material.

Very few audience questions can be answered.

The presenters convey a good understanding of the material, but cannot completely answer all audience questions.

The presenters convey an outstanding understanding of the material by answering audience questions clearly and appropriately.

The groups did not use the available time appropriately.

Group members did not contribute equally to the report.

The group misused some of the available time. Not all group members contributed to the report.

The groups used the available time responsibly most of the time. There was an equal contribution by almost all group members to the report

The group used and managed all of their time responsibly. There was an equal contribution by all group members to the report.



Out of








Grade 12 Chemistry Topic 1 Aqueous Reactions Research Project:

Practical Applications of Redox Reactions

Summary Grade





Report: _______/ 26

Presentation: _______/28

Group/Self Eval.: _______ /6

Total: _______/60 = _________%

(If there is a major concern about how the group worked together, then the group will meet and cooperatively determine each individual grade. The instructor has the final decision on any grade given.)


Grade 12 Chemistry Topic 1 Aqueous Reactions Research Project:

Practical Applications of Redox Reactions

Group and Self Evaluation Rubric





1 2 3 Total

Group Evaluation

The groups did not use the available time appropriately.

The group misused some of the available time. Not all

Groups members did not contribute equally to the report. groups members contributed to the report.

Self Evaluation

I did not contribute to the report or presentation

I did very little to contribute to the report or presentation

The groups used the available time responsibly most of the time. There was an equal contribution by almost all group members to the report

The group used and managed all of their time responsibly.

There was an equal contribution by all group members to the report.

I contributed my fair share to the report and presentation

I helped delegate and lead to ensure that everyone contributed their fair share to the group report and presentation

Out of




Total: _______/6

Did your groups work well together?

What went well?

What went poorly?

Do all group members deserve the same grade? Explain why or why not.
